Authorised form of name | Colwall; Daniel (- 1690); merchant and philanthropist |
Dates | - 1690 |
Place of death | Liberty of the Tower of London |
Date of death | November 1690 |
Activity | Career: Governor and benefactor of Christ's Hospital; established the royal mathematical school within Christ's Hospital (1676); paid for the engravings in Nehemiah Grew's 'Musaeum regalis societatis' (1681);
Membership category | Original Fellow |
Date of election | 20/05/1663 |
Royal Society activity | Royal Society roles: Treasurer 1666-1679; VP 1682-1688 Committee and panels: Committee for examining and auditing the accounts of the Treasurer (1664) ; Committee for the Histories of Trades (1664) ; Committee for Correspondence (1664) ; Committee for taking care of the Royal Society (1676) ; Committee for Agriculture [Georgical Committee] (1669) |
Other Royal Society activity | As benefactor in 1665-66, presented £100 to pay for the collection of rarities, belonging to Mr Hubbard [Robert Hubert]. This formed the first part of the Society's museum; As Treasurer, he was instructed to collect members to pay their subscription, in particular in 1667 and 1673 |
Relationships | Possibly father of John Colwall (FRS 1668) |
General context | While little is known about Colwall's early life and his activities as a merchant, Colwall's amounted wealth at the time of his death provided for Christ's Hospital with an annual payment of £62 and a lump sum of £4,000. The committee in charge of distributing and investing the sum decided to support children displaced by the Great Fire of London as well as establish a new Writing school in the hospital. As a citizen living within the liberties of the Tower of London, Colwall was excused from jury duties - the neighbourhood having its separate adminsitrative unit, courthouse, quarter sessions, and gaol - and was also responsible for the liberty's poorer population. |
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Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB; ODNB References: Kathleen H Ochs, 'The Royal Society of London's History of Trades Programme: An Early Episode in Applied Science' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 129-158 Michael Hunter, 'The Social Bias and Changing Fortunes of an Early Scientific Institution: An Analysis of the Membership of the Royal Society, 1660-1685' in NR 1976-7 vol 31 pp 9-114 H G Lyons, 'The Society's Finances, part I: 1662-1830' in NR 1938 vol 1 pp 73-87 Notes: The election date is Colwall's re-election date into the Society after the grant of the second charter in April 1663. All Fellows admitted in a two-month window after this charter, until 22 June 1663, are considered Original Fellows. He was previously elected on 16 January 1661. |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA8178 |
Reference number | Title | Date |
MM/16/37 | Minutes of a committee 'for examining and auditing the accompts of the Treasurer of the Royal Society' | 28 November 1664 |
MM/5/52 | Letter from Daniel Colwall, Tower Hill, London | 18 April 1674 |
DM/5/113 | 'Benefactors. Daniell Colwall Esq. Anno 1665, founded the Museum' | 1665 |
MC/11/225 | Letter from E Loff Holden, School House, Ipswich, to the Royal Society | 14 June 1878 |
P/0025 | Portrait of Colwall, Daniel | |
DM/5/115 | List of benefactors to the Royal Society | 17th-18th century |
CLP/3i/27 | Papers, 'Several papers about dying [dyeing]' from The [Theodore] de Vaux | 1630-1666 |
MS/390/12 | Bond of Daniel Colwall to the Treasurer of the Royal Society | 23 November 1674 |
MM/11/24 | 'A Liste of the Engagements, made by Several Members of the Royal Society, for contributing to the building of a College upon the Ground near Arundel-house...' | 25 June 1669 |
DM/5/71 | Recommendation that seven persons (named) 'do take into their Custody all the Rarities, bookes and other goods and chattells belonging to the Royall Society' | 17th century |
IM/000927 | Colwall, Daniel | nd |
EL/B1/129 | Letter, from John Brook to Daniel Colwall | 2 December 1668 |
RBC/1/20 | 'A Relation concerning the making of Allum' by Daniel Colwall | 27 September 1661 |
RBO/1/8 | 'The Manner of Making Green Coperas' by Mr Daniel Colwall | 8 June 1661 |
MM/16/39 | Minutes of a committee 'for taking care of the repository of the Royal Society' | 3 February 1676 |
CLP/3i/12 | Paper, 'Fraudes committed about hides and leather expressed in the statutes' by [Daniel] Colwall | [1663] |
DM/5/64 | Minutes of meetings of the Committee for Agriculture (endorsed as 'Transactions of the Georgicall Committee') | October 1664-February 1665 |
CLP/6/14 | Paper, 'An account of the tides at St Helena [South Atlantic Ocean]' by the Governor [Robert Stringer] in a letter to Mr [Daniel] Colwall | 30 April 1663 |
CLP/9i/3 | Paper, an account of English alum works by Daniel Colwall | [1661] |
CLP/9i/2 | Paper, an account of the way of making English green copperas by Daniel Colwall | [1661] |
MC/11 | Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1877-1879 |
RBO/1/17 | 'A Relation Concerning the Making of Allum By Mr Daniel Colwall' | 27 September 1661 |
CLP/19/6 | Paper, 'An answer to some of the enquiries, formerly sent into the East Indies, brought in by Mr Colwall' by unknown author | 14 November 1662 |