
Authorised form of nameGoddard; Jonathan (c1617 - 1675); physician, chemist, and anatomist
Datesc1617 - 1675
Place of birthGreenwich, London, England, Europe
Date of birthc. 1617
Place of deathWood Street, Cheapside, London, England, Europe
Date of death24 March 1675
Dates and placesBaptism:
St Mary's church, Chatham, Kent, England, Europe (2 February 1617)
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London, England, Europe (27 March 1675)
Research fieldChemistry
Mr Chapman's and Mr Spencer's School at Chatham; Mr Dier's School in London; Magdalen Hall, Oxford (matriculated 1632; left without a degree in 1637); Christ's College, Cambridge; MB (1638); St Catharine's College, Cambridge; MD (1643); incorporated at Oxford (1651)
Qualified for a licence of the College of Physicians (1640); appointed Goulstonian lecturer for RCP (1641); physician to the Parliamentary Army (1649-1650); Physician to Oliver Cromwell; Warden of Merton College, Oxford (1651-1660); MP for Oxford University (1653); Professor of Physic, Gresham College, London (1655-1675); published 'Discourse on the Unhappy Condition of the Practice of Physic in London' (1665); published 'A proposal for making wine from sugar' in Sprat's 'History of the Royal Society' (1667); reportedly constructed the first telescope in England; works on his medical accounts published posthumously are 'Medicamenta Goddardiana' (1688) and 'Arcana Goddardiana' (1691)
FRCP (1646)
Membership categoryFounder Fellow
Date of election28/11/1660
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Served from first council (13/05/1663)
Committee and panels:
Report on the Statutes of the Society (1661); ; Committee to consider a way of determining the measure of a degree on earth (1669); ; Committee for account audits (1671)
RelationshipsParents: Henry Goddard, shipbuilder
Published worksRCN: 41149
General contextGoddard's appointment at Merton has been connected to his parliamentarian support and close association with Cromwell, whom he accompanied and treated for a number of years. After the Restoration, however, in July 1660 he was ejected from Merton by Charles II and subsequently removed to Gresham College, where he kept his position as professor of physic until his death. Prior to the foundation of and his involvement with the Royal Society, Goddard was a member of the Oxford Philosophical Club of the 1650s, regarded as aprecursor to the Royal Society.. Much of Goddard's work in medicine was influenced by the increase in apothecaries and a resulting lack of physicians' education in the preparation of medicines.
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Election date is given as 22 Apr 1663 in R and index to BR, but he was present at the foundation meeting, and the date of this meeting has therefore been adopted as his election date.
Venn gives birthplace as Chatham, Kent

Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Venn; Foster; Aubrey; Munk's roll; ODNB
A Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall, 'The Intellectual Origins of the Royal Society - London and Oxford' in NR 1968 vol 23 pp 157-168
W H G Armytage, 'The Royal Society and the Apothecaries' in NR 1954-55 vol 11 pp 22-37
W S C Copeman, 'Dr Jonathan Goddard, FRS (1617-1675)' in NR 1960 vol 15 pp 69-77
Sir Harold Hartley and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, 'Gresham College and the Royal Society' in NR 1961 vol 16 pp 125-135
George Watson, 'Dryden and the Scientific Image' in NR 1963 vol 18 pp 25-35
G H Turnbull, 'Samuel Hartlib's Influence on the Early History of the Royal Society' in NR 1953 vol 10 pp 101-130
Douglas McKie, 'The Origins and Foundation of the Royal Society of London' in NR 1960 vol 15 pp 1-37
H G Lyons, 'The Society's First Bequest' in NR 1939 vol 2 pp 43-46
A C S, 'Notes on the Foundation and History of the Royal Society' in NR 1938 vol 1 pp 32-36
J Gribbin, 'The Fellowship', 2005, p134
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8226
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
RBC/1/31'Observations of a Stone called Oculus Mundi Made by Dr Goddard'1661
RBC/1/27'Some Observations of a Cameleon by Dr Goddard'1661
RBO/1/43'Experiments of weighing glasses canes with the Cylinders of Quicksilver in them, according to the Torricellian Experiment' by Jonathan Goddard13 August 1662
RBC/2/59'Observations upon the Experiments of severall liquors in a Tube of about 36 foot in Length erected by Dr Goddard'17 August 1664
RBC/2/44'An Account of an Experiment of Spirit of wine in a Vessell exhausted of Air' by Jonathan Goddardnd
RBC/1/64'An Experiment of Exhalation raised from Water and returning to Water againe By Dr Goddard'17 December 1662
RBC/1/41'An Account of an Experiment made with Oile in the Long Tube By Mr Rooke and Mr Goddard'1662
RBO/1/28'Observations of a Stone called Ocullus Mundi' by Jonathan Goddardnd
RBO/1/24'Some Observations of a Cameleon' by Jonathan Goddard1661
IM/005404Goddard, Jonathan1992
MS/390/37Bond of Jonathan Goddard to the Treasurer of the Royal Society23 November 1674
CLP/2/25Paper, 'A brief experimentall accompt of the production of some colours, by mixture of severall liquors either having little or no colour, or being of different colours from those produced' by Jonathan Goddard[1661]
RBO/3/6'Of Spirit of Wine in a Vessel exhausted of Air' by Jonathan Goddard1663
CLP/6/6Paper, 'Experiments of weighing glasse canes with the cylinders of quicksylver in them according to the torricellian experiment' by Jonathan Goddard and 'William Brouncker's account of the third experiment made by Dr Goddard'6 August 1662
CLP/4i/5Paper, 'An experiment of a tube and quicksilver' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard1663
CLP/6/9Paper, 'An experiment of exhalation raised from water and returning to water again' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard17 December 1662
CLP/6/6/1Manuscript, 'Experiments of weighing glasse canes with the cylinders of quicksylver in them according to the torricellian experiment' by Jonathan Goddard and 'William Brouncker's account of the third experiment made by Dr Goddard'6 August 1662
CLP/10iii/21Copy of paper, 'Queries touching the preserving of timber now growing, and planting more in his Majesty's dominions of England and Wales' by unknown author[1670s]
RBC/2/40'Of Eggs by Dr Goddard'nd
DM/5/60Minute of a meeting of a Committee to be appointed 'to consider of Mr Buckland's proposition to plant potatoes through all the parts of England' 20 March 1662
DM/5/76'Experiments recommended to Dr Goddard'c.1660s
MS/366/2/1The Cameleon by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard1661
DM/5/70Resolution signed by Henry Oldenburg, appointing a Committee of the Royal Society to consider a way of determining the measure of a degree on the earth21 October 1669
CLP/9i/5Paper, experiments of refining gold with antimony by Jonathan Goddard[1662]
CLP/12i/22Paper, 'Experiment designed to shew whether the muscles of an animal, in their action are bigger or lesse in their totall sum of dimensions' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard[1669]
CLP/10i/1Paper, 'Some observations concerning the texture and similar parts of the body of tree, which may holde also in shrubs and other woody plants' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard[1660]
CLP/4i/11Paper, 'An experiment of spirit of wine in a vessell exhausted of air' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard1663
RBO/1/38'An Account of an Experiment made with Oyle in the Long Tube' by Lawrence Rooke and Jonathan Goddard17 April 1662
CLP/12i/22/2Plate, arm case used in muscle experiments by Jonathan Goddard[1669]
RBO/1/45'Mr Lord Brouncker's Account of the third Experiment made by Dr Goddard'1662
CLP/11i/5Paper, 'Aurum fulminans' by [Jonathan Goddard?]1 March 1663
CLP/12i/22/1Manuscript, 'Experiment designed to shew whether the muscles of an animal, in their action are bigger or lesse in their totall sum of dimensions' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard[1669]
CLP/15i/10Paper, 'Of egs [eggs]' by Dr [Jonathan] Goddard[1663]
CLP/10i/2Paper, 'Observations on the humble and sensible plants in Mr Chiffin's garden in St James his parke' by Dr Clarke9 August 1661
RBO/3/20'Observations upon the Experiments of Several Liquors in a Tube of about 36 foot in Length, erected perpendicularly' by Jonathan Goddard17 August 1664
CLP/6/16aPaper, 'Observations upon the experiments of severall liquors in a tube of about 36 feet in length erected perpendicularly' by [Jonathan] Goddard[1664]
RBC/1/42'Experiments of Refining Gold with Antimony. The first with severall parcells By Dr Goddard'1662
CLP/6/6/2Diagram, weighing of glass canes and cylinder of mercury by Jonathan Goddard6 August 1662
CLP/6/8/1Manuscript, 'Dr Wallis's account of Dr Goddard's expt [experiment] made at Gresham College [London], about weighing of glass-canes with the cylinders of quicksilver standing in them, according to the Torricellian Experiments' by [John] Wallis1662
CLP/6/8Paper, 'Dr Wallis's account of Dr Goddard's expt [experiment] made at Gresham College [London], about weighing of glass-canes with the cylinders of quicksilver standing in them, according to the Torricellian Experiments' by [John] Wallis1662
RBO/1/3'Some Observations Concerning the Texture and Similar part of the body of a tree, which may hold also in Shrubs and other woody Plants' by Jonathan Goddard1661
RBO/4/25'An Experiment designed to shew whether the Muscles of an Animal in their action, are bigger or lesse in their total summe of Dimensions' brought in by Jonathan Goddard1669
RBO/3/2'Of Eggs' by Jonathan Goddardnd
RBO/2ii/12'An experiment of Exhalation raised from Water and returning to Water againe' by Jonathan Goddard17 December 1662
RBO/2i/46'An Experiment of a Tube and Quicksilver' by Jonathan Goddard26 May 1663
RBO/1/2'A Brief Experimentall Accompt of the of the Production of Some Colours' by Dr Goddard18 January 1661
RBO/2i/13'An Experiment of Exhalation raised from Water and returning to Water again' by Jonathan Goddard17 December 1662
RBO/4/19'De Mercurio Quaestiones tres a Johanne Baptista Signi Medico Florentino per Johanne Baptista Gorniam propositae coram Societatis Regali, cum Responsionibus Medicorum Londinensium quorundum ex eadem Societate'1669
RBO/1/39'Experiments of Refining Gold with Antimony. The first with severall parcells' by Dr Jonathan Goddard[1678]
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