
Authorised form of nameTizard; Sir; Henry Thomas (1885 - 1959)
Dates1885 - 1959
Place of birthGillingham, Kent, England
Date of birth23 August 1885
Date of death09/10/1959
Principal Assistant Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; ex-Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford; Controller of Experiments and Research, 1918-1919, RAF; Chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 1924
AFC 1918; CB 1927; KCB 1937; GCB 1949
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/05/1926
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
For Sec 1940-1945; VP 1940-1941, 1944-1945
RelationshipsSon of Thomas Henry Tizard (FRS 1891)
Bulloch's Roll
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1961 vol 7 pp 313-348, plate, by W S Farren, with a note by R V Jones
R V Jones, 'Lindemann Beyond the Laboratory' in NR 1986-87 vol 41 pp 191-210
Russell Moseley, 'Government Science and the Royal Society: The Control of the National Physical Laboratory in the Inter-War Years' in NR 1980 vol 35 pp 167-193
William McGucken, 'The Royal Society and the Genesis of the Scientific Advisory Committee to Britain's War Cabinet, 1939-1940' in NR 1978-9 vol 33 pp 87-115
J S Rowlinson, 'The war time work of Hinshelwood and his colleagues' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 161-175
B Lovell, 'The cavity magnetron in World War II: was the secrecy justified?' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 283 - 294
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8290
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1926/22Tizard, Sir Henry Thomas: certificate of election to the Royal Society
PB/8/45/3/4Correspondence re Blackett's Tizard Memorial Lecture, 19601960
PB/8/45/2Circulation lists for reprints, requestes and thanks for copies of Blackett's Tizard Memorial Lecture.1960
PB/9/1/111Correspondence with Charles Susskind1966
PB/9/1/114Correspondence with AJP Taylor1954
PB/4/4/8'Estimation of bombing effect' by Tizard1942
PB/4/8/47Correspondence with HT Tizard1942
PB/4/8/40Correspondence with AP Rowe1942
PB/8/10/4Correspondence with scientific colleagues, with recollections and information on Evan James Williams's work and personality.1945-1946
MDA/A/23/108Acknowledgement slip from the Secretary of the Admiralty, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.14 September 1945
MDA/A/23/106Letter from A H B Schofield, to John David Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.5 September 1945
PB/7/2/4/1/1Previous correspondence with Sir Henry Tizard and Sir Edward Collingwood re possible scientific missions or conferences in Russia.1943, 1945
PB/8/45/1Blackett's notes for his Tizard Memorial Lecture, includ requests for information and copy of Tizard's autobiographical notes for his Royal Society record.1960
PB/1/33/1/9Nobel Prize1948
PB/4/2/1/2Letters from David Pye and HT Tizard on photo-electric bomb work at Farnborough and Metropolitan-Vickers.February-April 1938
PB/4/1/1/4Letter of comment on note by Blackett on air defence, offence and propaganda from HT TizardNovember 1939
PB/9/2/1/3Correspondence with editors and publishers1965
PB/9/1/113Correspondence with Philip Swinton (Lord Swinton)1936
PB/4/7/1/3'A Method of Analysing Operations of War'c.1943
MDA/A/23/150Letter from Patrick M S Blackett, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford19 October 1945
MDA/A/23/64Telegram from Martin Knudsen, to Henry Hallett Dale, Royal Society London20 June 1945
MDA/A/23/33Letter from Olaf Devik, to J G Crowther, 3 Hanover Street, London W.113 March 1945
MDA/A/23/49Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Jonkheer A P C van Karnebeek2 June 1945
MDA/A/23/88Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr L E Bayliss, Ministry of Supply, AORG, Ibstock Place, Clarence Lane, Roehampton, SW1524 July 1945
MDA/A/23/155Copy letter from Sir Edward Victor Appleton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford7 August 1945
MDA/A/23/160Letter from W B Brander, to the Professor Archibald Vivian Hill, Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.3 October 1945
MDA/A/23/94Copy letter from Brian W Downs, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, [Royal Society]3 August 1945
MDA/A/23/60Note from Archibald Vivian Hill, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society][July 1945]
NLB/72/802Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Thomas] Tizard Esq., CB, FRS2 May 1930
MDA/A/23/80Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock, Foreign Office, Whitehall, S.W.1.5 July 1945
MDA/A/23/29'List of Norwegian scientists present at the informal talk with Sir Henry Tizard...'13 March 1945
MDA/A/23/39Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to William J Robbins, Director, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park (Fordham Branch P.P), New York 58, N.Y.30 April 1945
MDA/A/23/100Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Patrick Ransome, British Broadcasting Corporation (European Service), Bush House, Aldwych, W.C.2.17 August 1945
MDA/A/23/35Letter from F Joliot, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London W.128 March 1945
MDA/A/23/11Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]29 October 1941
MDA/A/23/43Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Joyce Weiner, Office of War Information, American Embassy, London10 May 1945
MDA/A/23/9Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]12 August 1941
MDA/A/23/96Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]12 August 1945
MDA/A/23/82Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford5 July 1945
MDA/A/23/113Copy letter from Professor Frederick John Marrian Stratton, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, England5 September 1945
MDA/A/23/62Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard18 June 1945
MDA/A/23/110Copy letter from J M Burgers, to Frederick John Marrian Stratton5 September 1945
MDA/A/23/1Copy letter from Henry Thomas Tizard, to an unknown correspondent23 May 1940
MDA/A/23/123Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor Jan Belehradek, Rector, University Karlovy, Praha, Czechoslovakia12 October 1945
MDA/A/23/130Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor F Joliot, Director, National Centre of Scientific Research, 13 Quai d'Orsay, Paris2 November 1945
MDA/A/23/4Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, S.W.120 August 1941
MDA/A/23/104Letter from Guy B Gresford, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.29 August 1945
MDA/A/23/51Letter from the First Secretary, Royal Danish Legation, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.14 June 1945
MDA/A/23/50Note from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]2 June 1945
MDA/A/23/19Copy letter from Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor H L Riley, King's College, Newcastle Upon Tyne8 January 1945
MDA/A/23/95Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]12 August 1945
MDA/A/23/30Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard to Professor F Joliot, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 13 Quait d'Orsay, Paris8 March 1945
MDA/A/23/3Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Imperial College of Science, S.W.722 May 1941
MDA/A/23/44Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to the First Secretary, Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street, S.W.110 May 1945
MDA/A/23/14Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to an Arthur John Stanley White [British Council]13 October 1944
MDA/A/23/105Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr Walter B Cannon28 August 1945
MDA/A/23/15Letter from Arthur John Stanley White to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford27 October 1944
MDA/A/23/75Draft letter from John David Griffith Davies, to E Knuth, Royal Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street, London, S.W.1.22 June 1945
MDA/A/23/112Copy letter from Professor Frederick John Marrian Stratton, to Sir Henry Tizard [Royal Society]19 September 1945
MDA/A/23/102Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]24 August 1945
MDA/A/23/13Letter from Chu Chia-Luia, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, London18 May 1944
MDA/A/23/7Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, S.W.128 August 1941
MDA/A/23/59Letter from Henry Hallett Dale, to Sir Henry Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.30 May 1945
MDA/A/23/18Letter from Henry Thomas Tizard, to B Lockspeiser, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Thames House, Millbank, S.W.18 January 1945
MDA/A/23/10Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]13 October 1941
MDA/A/23/176Notes on the staff of the scientific academies of Holland, Denmark and Norway[1945]
MDA/A/23/61Telegram from Wilhelm Bjerknes, to Henry Hallett Dale, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W1[July 1945]
MDA/A/23/23Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to G B Gresford, Secretary, Australian Research Liaison Office, Australia House, Strand, W.C.28 February 1945
MDA/A/23/153Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock [Foreign Office]8 August 1945
MDA/A/23/58Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor F R Winton, University College, Pharmacology Department, Gower Street, W.C.1.31 July 1945
MDA/A/23/81Letter from Johannes Pedersen, to Henry Hallett Dale, President, The Royal Society, London28 June 1945
MDA/A/23/47Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to the First Secretary, Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street, S.W.12 June 1945
MDA/A/23/48Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to the First Secretary, Norwegian Embassy, 10 Palace Green, W.82 June 1945
MDA/A/23/90Note to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford9 July 1945
MDA/A/23/172Brief note by Professor Archibald Vivian Hill [1945]
MDA/A/23/73Letter from William Horace Montagu-Pollock, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.19 June 1945
MDA/A/23/140Letter from Professor L Brull, to Professor Finch, Imperial College, London, S.W.725 October 1945
MDA/A/23/63Letter from the E Knuth, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London W.1.15 June 1945
MDA/A/23/52Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to the First Secretary, Royal Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street, S.W.19 June 1945
MDA/A/23/76Draft letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Ingo Smith Kielland, Royal Norwegian Embassy, 10 Palace Green, W.8.22 June 1945
MDA/A/23/2Copy letter from William Henry Bragg, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, 4 Winchester Road, Oxford24 October 1940
MDA/A/23/31List of members of the French Scientific Mission8 March 1945
MDA/A/23/26Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]23 November 1945
MDA/A/23/21Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor Francois Antoine Lacroix, Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, Paris8 February 1945
MDA/A/23/32'Notes on meeting with foreign scientists' by [Sir Henry Thomas Tizard], Royal Society15 March 1945
MDA/A/23/5Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, S.W.114 July 1941
MDA/A/23/46Letter from Jonkheer A P C van Karnebeek, to John David Griffith Davies, the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.131 May 1945
MDA/A/23/6Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, S.W.120 August 1941
MDA/A/23/42Letter from Joyce Weiner, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.15 May 1945
MDA/A/23/34Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]15 March 1945
MDA/A/23/99Letter from Brian W Downs, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.13 August 1945
MDA/A/23/68Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock, Foreign Office, Whitehall, S.W.1.18 June 1945
MDA/A/23/16Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Commander Christopher Powell, Messrs Watney & Powell, Courtfield House, London, S.W.716 November 1944
MDA/A/23/93Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]27 July 1945
MDA/A/23/22Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor Francois Antoine Lacroix, Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, Paris8 February 1945
MDA/A/23/28Letter from C F A Panton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]26 March 1945
MDA/A/23/24'Election of Foreign Members', memorandum by Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society][23 February 1945]
MDA/A/23/41Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford4 May 1945
MDA/A/23/36Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to The Secretary to the Scientific Advisors to the Minister of Production, 2, Central Buildings, Matthew Parker Street, S.W.113 April 1945
MDA/A/23/40Copy letter from Professor Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard2 May 1945
MDA/A/23/38Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford27 April 1945
MDA/A/23/53Letter from Jonkheer A P C van Karnebeek, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.15 June 1945
MDA/A/23/25'Election of Foreign Members', memorandum by Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]23 February 1945
MDA/A/23/27Letter from A G Gaydon, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]26 November 1945
MDA/A/23/92Letter from Professor I M Heilbron, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford5 July 1945
MDA/A/23/78Letter from William Horace Montagu-Pollock, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.26 June 1945
MDA/A/23/79Copy letter from William Horace Montagu-Pollock, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.26 June 1945
MDA/A/23/55Letter from the First Secretary of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.15 June 1945
MDA/A/23/69Telegram from Martin Knudsen, to Henry Hallett Dale, President, The Royal Society, LondonJune 1945
MDA/A/23/138Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford16 November 1945
MDA/A/23/86Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor F G Donnan, Roseneath, Hartlip, near Sittingbourne, Kent20 July 1945
MDA/A/23/67Letter from William Horace Montagu-Pollock, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford11 June 1945
MDA/A/23/89Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr L J Davies, British Thomson-Houston Company Limited, Research Laboratory, Rugby24 July 1945
MDA/A/23/87Letter from Dr L E Bayliss, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford12 July 1945
MDA/A/23/83Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock12 July 1945
MDA/A/23/144Letter from A S C van Karnebeek, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.19 October 1945
MDA/A/23/97Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford14 August 1945
MDA/A/23/145Copy letter from V B Wrigglesworth, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society3 November 1945
MDA/A/23/169Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to the Secretary, the Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.1.12 September 1945
MDA/A/23/103Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Guy B Gresford, Secretary, Australian Research Liaison Office, Australia House, Strand, W.C.2.27 August 1945
MDA/A/23/98Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to B W Downs, care of The British Council, 3 Hanover Street, W.1.12 August 1945
MDA/A/23/137Letter from Ursula Branston, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.16 November 1945
MDA/A/23/115Letter from Sir Henry Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]30 September 1945
MDA/A/23/111Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor Pettersson, Oceanografiska Institution, Hogskola, Goteborg, Sweden12 September 1945
MDA/A/23/129Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard1 November 1945
MDA/A/23/125Letter from Hans Petterson, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]17 October 1945
MDA/A/23/116Letter from W H Kenerson, to Dr H J Muller, Department of Zoology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana1 October 1945
MDA/A/23/114Letter from Professor Frederick John Marrian Stratton, to Sir Henry Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London W.1.19 September 1945
MDA/A/23Correspondence of Henry Thomas Tizard1940-1946
MDA/A/23/117Preliminary draft synopsis, 'British Supply Council Committee on official history of British supply organisations in North America'20 June 1945
MDA/A/23/118Letter from Dr H J Muller, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]4 October 1945
MDA/A/23/120Copy letter from W Hume-Rothery, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society4 October 1945
MDA/A/23/107Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Vice-Admiral Sir John Edgell, 1 Glenalmond House, Manor Fields, Putney, S.W.15.12 September 1945
MDA/A/23/134Letter from Carl Panton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.12 November 1945
MDA/A/23/131Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford2 November 1945
MDA/A/23/146Copy letter from Donald M Hodson, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, [Royal Society]26 November 1945
MDA/A/23/154Copy letter from Passport Control Department, Foreign Office to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]21 September 1945
MDA/A/23/128Letter from Jaroslav Asar, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.23 October 1945
MDA/A/23/141Letter from Professor G I Finch, to 'The Secretaries', Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.19 November 1945
MDA/A/23/147Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Ursula Branston, British Broadcasting Corporation, European Division, Bush House, W.C.2.26 November 1945
MDA/A/23/121Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard8 October 1945
MDA/A/23/119Copy letter from W R Richardson, to the Secretaries [to the Royal Society]5 October 1945
MDA/A/23/122Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr O J R Howarth, British Association12 October 1945
MDA/A/23/132Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford29 October 1945
MDA/A/23/126Copy letter from Hans Petterson, to the Netherlands Ambassador19 October 1945
MDA/A/23/124Letter from Professor Dr M W Woerddeman, to 'the Secretary of the Royal Society', Burlington House, London, W.1.15 October 1945
MDA/A/23/127Letter from Jonkheer E M Storm van's Gravesande, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W.1.21 October 1945
MDA/A/23/158Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to the Director, Passport Control Department, Broadway Buildings, Westminster, S.W.1.26 October 1945
MDA/A/23/142Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to [Ernest Bevin, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs]20 November 1945
MDA/A/23/135Letter from Harold Spencer Jones, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House13 November 1945
MDA/A/23/170Letter from Cly H Cardo, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.30 November 1945
MDA/A/23/133Copy letter from Dr Richard M Field, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]9 November 1945
MDA/A/23/168Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor J Proudman, The University, Liverpool 3.12 September 1945
MDA/A/23/143Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock, Foreign Office, Whitehall, S.W.1.23 August 1945
MDA/A/23/159Letter from Jonkheer E M Storm van's Gravesande, to the Sir Hector Hetherington, Vice Chancellors Committee, Glasgow University17 September 1945
MDA/A/23/148Letter from J M Burgers, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary to the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W1.5 September 1945
MDA/A/23/161Copy letter from Jonkheer E M Storm van's Gravesande, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society21 October 1945
MDA/A/23/165Text of a 'Broadcast speech by Sir Henry Tizard'1945
MDA/A/23/152Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford26 October 1945
MDA/A/23/164Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford19 December 1945
MDA/A/23/156Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies, to William Horace Montagu-Pollock, Foreign Office, Whitehall, S.W.13 September 1945
MDA/A/23/157Letter from Passport Control Department, Foreign Office, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]21 September 1945
MDA/A/23/162Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Jonkheer E M Storm van's Gravesande, Nieuwe Gracht 65 bis, 158635 Utrecht, Holland1 November 1945
MDA/A/23/166Letter from Philip Noel Baker, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]7 December 1945
MDA/A/23/163Letter from Passport Control Department, to John David Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.1 November 1945
MDA/A/23/171Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr E C Bullard, Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, Downing Place, Cambridge11 January 1946
MDA/A/23/174Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Air Marshal Sir Robert Saundby, Oxleas, Burghclere, Newbury, Berkshire11 January 1946
MDA/A/23/175Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to H M Garner, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Millbank, S.W.111 January 1946
MDA/A/16/26Letter from Thomas Ralph Merton to David Christie Martin, Stubbings House, Maidenhead Thicket29 March 1954
RR/44/50Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The slow combustion of methane' by William Arthur Bone and R E AllumOctober 1931
RR/43/139Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The formation of methyl alcohol and formaldehyde in the slow combustion of methane at high pressures' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and A E HaffnerAugust 1931
RR/48/40Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide at pressures up to forty atmospheres' by E Hunter[December 1933]
RR/53/78Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of methyl alcohol' by C J M Fletcher[July 1934]
RR/52/114Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The mechanism of the formation of condensation products of methane by the pyrolysis of ethane, ethylene etc' by M O Travers and J J P Pearce 21 July 1934
RR/53/101Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by iron salts' by Fritz Haber and Joseph Weiss[July 1934]
RR/57/122Second referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'On the interaction of carbon monoxide with nickel at high temperatures' by G Bryce[May 1936]
NLB/71/26Copy letter from Sir Ernest Rutherford, President of the Royal Society; to [Henry Thomas] Tizard Esq., C.B., FRS8 December 1927
NLB/73/138Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Henry Thomas] Tizard Esq., C.B.,FRS20 December 1930
PB/8/61'Education and the Trade Gap'.1966
PB/8/45/3/2Correspondence re Blackett's Tizard Memorial Lecture, 19601960
PB/9/1/52Correspondence with AV Hill1940-1974
IM/GA/WS/3235Tizard, Sir Henry Thomasnd
MDA/A/23/173Copy letter from Sir Harold Spencer Jones, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]20 Aug 1945
PB/8/45/3/3Correspondence re Blackett's Tizard Memorial Lecture, 19601960
PB/8/45/3/1Correspondence re Blackett's Tizard Memorial Lecture, 19601960
MDA/A/23/109Copy letter from A Holvoet, to John David Griffith Davies [Royal Society]18 September 1945
MDA/A/23/70Letter from Ingo Smith-Kielland, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.16 June 1945
MDA/A/23/57Notes on the proposed programme for Sir Henry Thomas Tizard's visit to Scandinavian countries[June 1945]
MDA/A/23/72Copy memorandum from Dr A J Staverman, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.[June 1945]
MDA/A/23/139Letter from Professor Marcel Florkin, to Professor Finch [Imperial College, London, S.W.7]7 November 1945
MDA/A/23/17Letter from Commander Christopher Powell, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford13 November 1944
MDA/A/23/12Copy letter from Thomas Merton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, S.W.76 June 1942
MDA/A/23/101Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Professor Ashby, British Embassy, Moscow27 August 1945
MDA/A/23/8Letter from Alfred Charles Egerton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard [Royal Society]25 October 1941
MDA/A/23/151Letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to John David Griffith Davies24 October 1945
MDA/A/23/65Letter from E Knuth, to John David Griffith Davies, Royal Society, Burlington House, London W.1.30 May 1945
MDA/A/23/54Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Jonkheer A P C van Karnebeek, Royal Netherlands Embassy, 21a, Portman Square, W.19 June 1945
MDA/A/23/20Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford28 January-2 February 1945
MDA/A/23/77Letter from A King, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford University, England22 June 1945
MDA/A/23/85Letter from Professor F G Donnan, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, [Royal Society]11 July 1945
MDA/A/23/45Notes on the proposed visit of Sir Henry Thomas Tizard to Scandinavian countries[c. May 1945]
MDA/A/23/56Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to the First Secretary, Royal Norwegian Embassy, 10 Palace Green, W.8.13 June 1945
MDA/A/23/37Letter from William J Robbins, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W.14-23 April 1945
MDA/A/23/71Letter from Jonkheer A P C van Karnebeek, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.19 June 1945
MDA/A/23/84Copy letter from Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, to Dr Jean Willems, Director of the Belgian National Foundation of Scientific Research, Dorchester Hotel, W.1.12 July 1945
MDA/A/23/74Draft telegrams from Henry Hallett Dale, to the Presidents of Kongelige Videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen and Det Norske Videnskapsakademi, Oslo21 June 1945
MDA/A/23/66Memorandum from I M L, from John David Griffith Davies[1945]
MDA/A/23/91Memorandum from John David Griffith Davies, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Foreign Secretary, [Royal Society]1 August 1945
MDA/A/23/149Letter from Sir Edward Victor Appleton, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Magdalen College, Oxford5 September 1945
MDA/A/23/136Letter from Verena M. Horsfall, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society, Burlington House, W.1.13 November 1945
MDA/A/23/167Letter from Professor J Proudman, to Sir Henry Thomas Tizard, Royal Society30 August 1945
RR/57/123Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'On the interaction of carbon monoxide with nickel at high temperatures' by G Bryce[April 1936]
RR/57/110Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Some influences of dilution on the explosive combustion of hydrocarbons' by William Arthur Bone and Lionel E Outridge[June 1936]
RR/62/95Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of benzalazine vapour' by Gwyn Williams and Arthur Stuart Clark Lawrence[May 1936]
PB/8/18/6/3Blackett's correspondence with colleagues and friends re text or opinions of 'Military and political consequences of atomic energy'1948-1949
PB/4/7/2/13'Operational research and nuclear weapons'1961
PB/9/1/64Correspondence with Reginald Jones and others1960-1963
PB/9/1/121Correspondence with HT Tizard1943-1958
PB/9/1/4Correspondence with Clement Attlee1946-1947
PB/1/33/2Correspondence concerning the Copley Medal of the Royal Society1956
MDA/A/12/228Copy letter from Harold Warris Thompson to Robert Robinson, St John's College, Oxford19 December 1947
RR/38/155Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Ignition of gases' by W M ThorntonJanuary 1929
RR/46/40Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The slow combustion of ethane at high pressures' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and A M Bloch[December 1932]
RR/39/58Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The theory of flame motion' by P J Daniell[December 1929]
RR/48/53Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The mean effective pressure in reciprocating engines as influenced by considerations of the kinetic theory of gases' by Henry Homan Jeffcott[November 1933]
RR/53/52Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Estimation of the combustion products from the cylinder of the petrol engine and its relation to "knock"' by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, F Ll Smith and Alfred Rene Jean Paul Ubbelohde[June 1934]
RR/57/32Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The influence of pressure on the spontaneous ignition of inflammable gas-air mixtures - IV—methane-, ethane-, and propane-air mixtures' by Donald T A Townend and E A C Chamberlain[November 1935]
RR/43/121Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Ethyl alcohol, a product of high pressure syntheses' by Gilbert Thomas Morgan and Raymond TaylorMarch 1931
RR/43/140Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of gaseous diethyl ether at high pressures' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and M A Vernon7 August 1931
RR/56/117Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Catalysis and inhibition of a homogeneous gas reaction the influence of nitric oxide on the decomposition of diethyl ether' by L A K Staveley and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[January 1936]
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