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Collapse ASK - Papers of Brigitte Alice 'Ita' Askonas FRS, immunologistASK - Papers of Brigitte Alice 'Ita' Askonas FRS, immunologist
Collapse 1 - Research of Brigitte Askonas1 - Research of Brigitte Askonas
Collapse 1 - Research files of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas1 - Research files of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas
1 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Expts with Joan Rhuals '64 "Super AS"'
2 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'EMIL E.M photogr[aphs]'
3 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Preps in Jackie's Tin 2'
4 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Hybridoma History + Mice'
5 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Congenic Target Cells'
6 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas' containing graphs showing results on 'Priming'
7 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'FARR Assays'
8 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Cambridge Exps'
9 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas regarding spleen cells from mice
10 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'ITA - IL1, IL3, [-IFN], DTH, Transfers'
11 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Holland TK + Mauuson'
12 - Research File of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Lin 2 Division'
13 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas regarding assays
14 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Fernando's Stock, Protiens, Peptides, Virus etc'
15 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing data and graphs
16 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas regarding long term culture
17 - File of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing research and correspondence relating to 'Hybridoma R4-6A2'
18 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Hackett' containing reports by Charles J Hackett
19 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments with [Masayuki] Kitajima'
20 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments with Roelants'
21 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'J North, Ig Biosynthes, S Series'
22 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing a letter from Andrew McMichael and corresponding research
23 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Clem's Results to 14-9-79, [Osypesia], Trypanosoma'
24 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled '[Christine E Clayton] Trypanosomes'
25 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Rob Webster'
26 - Reseach file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled '[G J ]Fernando, [F] Esqivel, Influenza Th+CTL'
27 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments with [Alex] Matter, CTL cultures
28 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled '[Andrew] McMichael , Influenza CTZ'
29 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing summaries
30 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Martin'
31 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments (General)'
32 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Ig Synthesis, Experiments with Jackie Welstead'
33 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled '[Maurice] Zauderer Ig Biosynthesis'
34 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'CTL Influenza, Hans Zweerink'
35 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Martin Cannon, Cannon et al, CTL Respiratory Syncytial Virus'
36 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments done with Jackie [Welstead], Immune Tissues, Ig Sythesis'
37 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas' entitled 'Experiments - Trypanosomes'
38 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Farr Tests, Antibody Assays, Clones with Brian White'
39 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas' entitled 'Expts [University of] Wurzburg, Schunpe + Wecker'
40 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Wecker Basel [Institute for Immunology]'
41 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Sue Lightman'
42 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Greg Bancroft, Macrophage Line Expts'
43 - Paper by G [Greg] J Bancroft, A E Vessey, and Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'The effect of African Trypanosome on the production of Interleukin-1'
44 - NO DESC Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Stephen Beez, Summary of Expts'
45 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Roux, Estella'
46 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing research and correspondence with Michael Potter, Carcinogenesis Section, National Cancer Institute, USA
47 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'S13 - Andrew - Guy Bordenowe'
48 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Alex Final Draft'
49 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing graphs and a reprint of a paper
50 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Old Methods used to 1971'
51 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled '[George E] Roelants'
52 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing research notes and summaries
53 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Cell fusions, Kaow, Kemshead'
54 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Paul Liberty, Colozne Clones'
55 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Paul Liberty, H-2'
56 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Townsend Expts'
57 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Methods, Brian Wright, up to 1971'
58 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'David Wraith, Liposome Expts'
59 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Experiments with Zweerink'
60 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas regarding 'Kiefer Method'
61 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas regarding 'Spleen cell suspension'
62 - Research of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing 'Experiments to stimulate anti-influenza Tc responses using non-infectious virus of isolated viral components'
63 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'David Wraith'
64 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'B cell clonal transfers; Askonas, Williamson, Wright'
65 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled G [Guy] Bordenave'
66 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Pietro Pala, Experiments with vaccinia-influenza recombinants + other expts, methods + results'
67 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Rob Webster & Dianne [Millican]'
68 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Early anti-influenza CTL expts '77, earlier immunisn, Ic flu'
69 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Pat Taylor
70 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Margaret Stringfellow'
71 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas containing copies of graphs
72 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Results, Roy Pemberton'
73 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'P [Peter] Openshaw'
74 - Research file of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas entitled 'Greg Bancroft Methods'
Expand 2 - Scientific notebooks of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas2 - Scientific notebooks of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas
Expand 3 - Index cards of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas3 - Index cards of Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas
Expand 4 - Scientific notebooks of J Hunter, J [Jackie] Welstead, H [Hans] Zweerink and the 'Tissue Culture Room' kept by Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas4 - Scientific notebooks of J Hunter, J [Jackie] Welstead, H [Hans] Zweerink and the 'Tissue Culture Room' kept by Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas
5 - Brigitte 'Ita' Askonas' PHD Thesis
Expand 2 - Papers relating to the National Institute for Medical Research, Division of Immunology, Mill Hill2 - Papers relating to the National Institute for Medical Research, Division of Immunology, Mill Hill

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