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Collapse CH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemistCH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemist
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers
Expand 2 - War work2 - War work
Expand 3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited
Expand 4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited
Expand 5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications
Collapse 6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers
Collapse 1 - Scientific Reprints1 - Scientific Reprints
1 - 'The oxidation of phenol derivatives' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
2 - 'The rate of Chemical action in the crystalline strata' by C N Hinshelwood and E J Bowen
3 - 'The rate of decomposition of Malonic Acid' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
4 - 'The influence of Physical Conditions on the Velocity of Decomposition of certain Crystalline Solids'
5 - "Uber die Geschwindigkeit chemischer Umwaldlungen fester Stoffe" by C N Hinshelwood and E J Bowen
6 - 'Some physico-chemical problems connected with the stability of explosives' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
7 - 'On the Structure and Chemical Activity of Copper Films, and the Colour Changes accompanying their Oxidation' by C N Hinshelwood
8 - 'The probability of spontaneous crystallization of supercooled liquids' by C N Hinshelwood and Harold Hartley
9 - 'The Influence of Temperature on Two Alternative Modes of Decomposition of Formic Acid' by C N Hinshelwood, H Harley and B Topley
10 - 'The Influence of Temperature on Two Alternative Modes of Decomposition of Formic Acid' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Harold Hartley
11 - 'The Catalytic Decomposition of Formic Acid on surfaces of platinum and silver' by Harold Calvert Tingey and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
12 - 'The Energy of Activation in Heterogeneous gas reactions with relation to the thermal decomposition of formic acid vapour' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Bryan Topley
13 - 'The Unimolecular decomposition of phosphine' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Bryan Topley
14 - 'Two heterogeneous gas reactions: A homogeneous gas reaction. The Thermal Decomposition of Chlorine Monoxide. Part I' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Charles Ross Prichard
15 - 'The Thermal Decomposition of Chlorine Monoxide. Part II. Relation to the General Theory of Bimolecular Reactions' by Cyril Normam Hinshelwood and Joseph Hughes
16 - 'The Homogeneous Thermal Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide' by C N Hinshelwood and R E Burk
17 - 'The Kinetics of the Interaction of Nitrous Oxide and Hydrogen' by C N Hinshelwood
18 - 'A Comparison between the Honogeneous Thermal Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide and its Heterogeneous Catalytic Decomposition on the Surface of Platinum' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Charles Ross Prichard
19 - 'The Interaction of Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide on the Surface of Platinum' by Charles Ross Prichard and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
20 - 'The Thermal Decomposition of Ammonia upon Various Surfaces' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Robert Emmett Burk
21 - 'The Relation of Homogeneous to Catalysed Reactions. The Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Iodide on the Surface of Gold' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
22 - 'The Interaction of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen on the Surface of Tungsten' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Charles Ross Prichard
23 - 'The Formation and Growth of Silver Nuclei in the Decomposition of Silver Oxaltate' by James Younger Macdonald and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
24 - 'Note on Mr Garner's paper on the Critical Increment of Chemical Reactions' by C N Hinshelwood
25 - 'On the Energy Distribution Law appropriate to the Theory of Chemical Reaction Velocity' by C N Hinshelwood and C W Thornton
26 - 'The Catalytic Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide on the Surface of Gold: A Comparison with the Homogeneous Reaction' by C N Hinshelwood and C R Prichard
27 - 'The Relation of Homogeneous to Catalysed Reactions. The Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Iodide on the Surface of Platinum' By Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Robert Emmett Burk
28 - 'A Honogeneous Unimolecular Reaction - the Thermal Decomposition of Acetone in the Gaseous state' by C N Hinshelwood and W K Hutchison
29 - 'A Comparison between Unimolecular and Bimolecular Gaseous Reactions. Ther thermal decomposition of Gaseous Acetaldehyde' by C N Hinshelwood and W K Hutchison
30 - 'The Interaction of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen and the Molecular Statistics of Termolecular Gaseous Reactions'
31 - 'The Interaction of Hydrogen and Nitrous Oxide on the Surface of Gold' by William Kenneth Hutchison and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
32 - 'The Catalytic Decomposition of Nitric Oxide at the Surface of Platinum' by Thomas Edward Green and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
33 - 'An Apparently Unimolecular Reaction - The Homogeneous Decomposition of Gaseous Propionic Aldehyde' by C N Hinshelwood and H W Thompson 'On the Theory of Unimolecular Reactions'
34 - 'Homogeneous Reactions' by C N Hinshelwood
35 - 'Quasi-unimolecular Reactions. The Decomposition of Diethyl Ether in the Gaseous State' by C N Hinshelwood
36 - 'Catalysis' by C N Hinshelwood
37 - 'The partition of Hydrogen Chloride between Water and Benzene' by Richard Winton Knight and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
38 - 'Homogeneous reactions involving Complex Molecules - The Kinetics of the Decomposition of Gaseous Dimethyl Ether' by C N Hinshelwood and P J Askey
39 - 'The Influence of Hydrogen on Two Homogeneous Reactions' by C N Hinshelwood and P J Askey
40 - 'The Relative Stability of Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia in the Electric Discharge' by W K Hutchison and C N Hinshelwood
Expand 2 - Scientific Reprints2 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 3 - Scientific Reprints 3 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 4 - Scientific Reprints4 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 5 - Scientific Reprints 5 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 6 - Scientific Reprints6 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 7 - Scientific Reprints 7 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 8 - Scientific Reprints 8 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 9 - Scientific Reprints9 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 10 - Scientific Reprints 10 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 11 - Scientific Reprints 11 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 12 - Scientific Reprints 12 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 13 - Scientific Reprints 13 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 14 - Scientific and Classical Reprints14 - Scientific and Classical Reprints
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous reprints15 - Miscellaneous reprints
Expand 7 - Correspondence7 - Correspondence
Expand 8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees
Expand 9 - Programmes, invitations and menus9 - Programmes, invitations and menus
Expand 10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports
Expand 11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood
Expand 12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs
Expand 13 - Chemical Society13 - Chemical Society
Expand 14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs
Expand 15 - Visits abroad15 - Visits abroad
Expand 16 - Photographs16 - Photographs
Expand 17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents

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