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Collapse CH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemistCH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemist
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers
Expand 2 - War work2 - War work
Expand 3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited
Expand 4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited
Expand 5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications
Collapse 6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers
Expand 1 - Scientific Reprints1 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 2 - Scientific Reprints2 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 3 - Scientific Reprints 3 - Scientific Reprints
Collapse 4 - Scientific Reprints4 - Scientific Reprints
1 - 'The Homogeneous Catalysis of Gaseous Reactions. The Influence of Iodine on the Decomposition of Acids, Esters, Ketones, and Halides' by S Bairstow and C N Hinshelwood
2 - 'The Homogeneous Catalysis of Gaseous Reactions. The Influence of Iodine on the Decomposition of Simple Aliphatic Amines and of Hexane' by S Bairstow and C N Hinshelwood
3 - 'The Homogeneous Catalysis of Gaseous Reactions by Iodine. The Decomposition of Propionic Aldehyde, and a General Discussion' by S Bairstow and C N Hinshelwood
4 - 'The Catalysis of Gaseous Reactions by Chlorine' by S Bairstow
5 - 'Thermischer Zerfall von Acetaldehyd unter der Einwirkung verschiedener Katalysatoren' by Hans Fromherz
6 - 'The Interaction of Benzoyl Chloride and Aniline in Carbon Tetrachloride and in Hexane Solution'
7 - 'The Mechanism of Chemical Reactions' by C N Hinshelwood
8 - 'The Reaction between Oxygen and the heavier isotope of Hydrogen' by C N Hinshelwood and A T Williamson and J H Wolfenden
9 - 'Chemical kinetics' by C N Hinshelwood in 'General and Physical Chemistry'
10 - 'On the factors determining the velocity of reactions in solution. Molecular statistics of the benzoylation of amines' by E G Williams and C N Hinshelwood
11 - 'The Benzoylation of Nitranilines in Benzene Solution' by W B S Newling, L A K Stavely and C N Hinshelwood
12 - 'The Influence of hydrogen on the decomposition of acetaldehyde' by C J M Fletcher and C N Hinshelwood
13 - 'The modes of activation of aldehyde molecules in decomposition reactions' by C N Hinshelwood, C J M Fletcher, F H Verhoek and C A Winkler
14 - 'The Kinetics of the Decomposition of Chloral and its catalysis by iodine' by F H Verhoek and C N Hinshelwood
15 - 'The Thermal Decomposition of Propionic Aldehyde' by C A Winkler, C J M Fletcher and C N Hinshelwood
16 - 'The Thermal Decompostion of Formaldehyde' by C J M Fletcher
17 - 'Discussion on energy distribution in molecules in relation to chemical reactions' by Cyril Hinshelwood
18 - 'The Kinetics of Esterification. The Reaction between acetic acid and methyl alcohol' by A C Rolfe and C N Hinshelwood
19 - 'The Reaction between Oxygen and the Heavier Isotope of Hydrogen' by C N Hinshelwood , A T Williamson and J H Wolfenden
20 - 'The Kinetics of Esterification. The Reaction between Acetic Acid and Methyl Alcohol catalysed by Hydrions' by A T Williamson and C N Hinshelwood
21 - 'The Decomposition of chloral catalysed by nitric oxide' by F H Verhoek Communicated by C N Hinshelwood
22 - 'The Thermal Decomposition of Acetone Vapour The Thermal Decomposition of Acetaldehyde' by C A Winkler and C N Hinshelwood FRS
23 - 'The Factors Determining the Velocity of Reactions in Solution. Molecular Statistics of the Esterification of Carboxylic Acids' by C N Hinshelwood and A R Legard
24 - 'The Reaction of Hydrogen Chloride with Methyl Alcohol' by C N Hinshelwood
25 - The Kinetics of the Decomposition of Diphenyliodonium Iodide
26 - 'Considerations concerning the Mechanism of Chemical Reactions' by C N Hinshelwood
27 - 'The Factors Determining the Velocity of Reactions in Solution. The Formation of Quaternary Ammonium Salts in Benzene Solution' by C A Winkler and C N Hinshelwood
28 - 'Mecanique quantique et cineteique des reactions de la chimie organique: conference faite devant la Societe Chimique de France, le 25 Mai 1935' by C N Hinshelwood
29 - 'Polar and Non-polar Effects in Esterification' by C N Hinshelwood and A R Legard
30 - 'Esterification as a Gas Reaction' by C A Winkler and C N Hinshelwood
31 - 'The Reaction of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen and with Deuterium' by J W Mitchell and C N Hinshelwood
32 - 'The Oxidation of Cyclic Compounds by Potassium Permanganate' by C A Winkler and C N Hinshelwood
33 - 'On Bimolecular Reactions in Solution' by C N Hinshelwood and C A Winkler
34 - 'Inhibition of Homogeneous Reactions by Small Quantities of Nitrous Oxide'
35 - 'Catalysis and Inhibition of a Homogeneous Gas Reaction The Influence of Nitric Oxide on the Decomposition of Diethyl Ether' by L A K Staveley and C N Hinshelwood
36 - 'On a mode of action of solvents on chemical reaction velocity' by C N Hinshelwood
37 - 'The Detection of Reaction Chains by Small Amounts of Nitric Oxide. The Thermal Decomposition of Acetaldehyde and of Propaldehyde' by L A K Stavely and C N Hinshelwood
38 - 'The Influence of Hydrogen on Unimolecular Reactions involving Short Chains' by C N Hinshelwood and L A K Staveley
39 - 'Die Kinetik Explosiv Verlaufender Reaktionen' by C N Hinshelwood
40 - 'The Kinetics of the Acid and the Alkaline Hydrolysis of Esters' by W B S Newling and C N Hinshelwood
41 - 'The Influence of Solvents on Reaction Velocity. The Interaction of Pyridine and Methyl Iodide and the Benzoylation of m-Nitroaniline' by N J T Pickles and C N Hinshelwood
Expand 5 - Scientific Reprints 5 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 6 - Scientific Reprints6 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 7 - Scientific Reprints 7 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 8 - Scientific Reprints 8 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 9 - Scientific Reprints9 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 10 - Scientific Reprints 10 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 11 - Scientific Reprints 11 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 12 - Scientific Reprints 12 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 13 - Scientific Reprints 13 - Scientific Reprints
Expand 14 - Scientific and Classical Reprints14 - Scientific and Classical Reprints
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous reprints15 - Miscellaneous reprints
Expand 7 - Correspondence7 - Correspondence
Expand 8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees
Expand 9 - Programmes, invitations and menus9 - Programmes, invitations and menus
Expand 10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports
Expand 11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood
Expand 12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs
Expand 13 - Chemical Society13 - Chemical Society
Expand 14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs
Expand 15 - Visits abroad15 - Visits abroad
Expand 16 - Photographs16 - Photographs
Expand 17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents

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