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Collapse CH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemistCH - Papers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemist
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers1 - Laboratory notebooks and working papers
Expand 2 - War work2 - War work
Expand 3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited3 - Work for Arthur Guinness Son and Co (Park Royal) Limited
Expand 4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited4 - Work for Twyford Laboratories Limited
Expand 5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications5 - Notes made by Hinshelwood for lectures and publications
Expand 6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers6 - Hinshelwood's personal copies of published papers
Collapse 7 - Correspondence7 - Correspondence
1 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Accademia delle Scienze, Dell'Istituto di Bologna
2 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Colonel John B Ackerman, Assistant Military Air Attache, Foreign Service, USA
3 - Letter to Hinshelwood from M G Adiane, Buckingham Palace
4 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Alton, Baton Rouge
5 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor E N da C Andrade, London
6 - Letter to Hinshelwood from E V Appleton, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
7 - Letter to Hinshelwood from John Avery, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
8 - Letter to Hinshelwood from J K Batty, Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Alkali Division, Northwich, Cheshire
9 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Franz Bergel, Chester Beatty Research Institute, Fulham Road, London
10 - Draft of letter from Hinshelwood to Lord Birkenhead
11 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Madame Bogaert-Verhoogen, Secretary General, Societe Chimique de Belgique
12 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor G B Bonino, Istituto Chimico G Ciamician dell'universita di Bologna
13 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor G B Bonino, Istituto Chimico G Ciamician dell'universita di Bologna
14 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Philip Bowden, Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
15 - Letter to Hinshelwood from F G Bowman, Sittingbourne, Kent
16 - Letter to Hinshelwood from F H Carr, Petersfield, Hants
17 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Guido Castelnuovo, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
18 - Letter to Hinshelwood from G Champetier, General secretary of the Socieye Chimique de France
19 - Letter to Hinshelwood from President, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones cientiicas
20 - Letter to Hinshelwood from R Delaby, Secretary General, Societe Chimique de France
21 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Rene J Dubos, The Rockefeller Institute, New York
22 - Postcard to Hinshelwood from Carl Drucker, Leipzig
23 - Letter to Hinshelwood from W J E, Fyfield Road, Oxford
24 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Tseu Chung Fan, Balliol College
25 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to M Pierre Fauconnier, Comite pour l'Epee Maurice Letort, Paris
26 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Franco Grottanelli, Milan
27 - Letter to Hinshelwood from H?, Chairman, Airways House, Berkeley Square, London
28 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Alex Haddow, Chester Beatty Research Institute, Fulham Road, London
29 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Lord Hailsham, Whitehall
30 - Letter to Hinshelwood from L E Hallett, Secretary, The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, Kensington, London
31 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Sir Harold Hartley, Paddington, London
32 - Article sent to Hinshelwood by Sir Harold Hartley entitled "The Contribution of the College Laboratories"
33 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Sir Ian Heilbron
34 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Sir Ian Heilbron, President of The Chemical Society, Burlington House, London
35 - Letter to Hinshelwood from his mother
36 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor E L Hirst, Department of Chemistry, Edinburgh University
37 - Letter to Hinshelwood from the representative of the Italian Republic
38 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Sir Geoffrey Jefferson, Manchester
39 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Sir Geoffrey Jefferson, Manchester
40 - Letter to Hinshelwood from D Lindsay Keir, Master, Balliol College
41 - Letter to Sir Gerald Kelly, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London
42 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor V N Kondratiev, Institute of Chemical Physics
43 - Letter to Hinshelwood from J Lecomte, Paris
44 - Letter to Hinshelwood from L?, Chairman of the Medical Research Council
45 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor M Lora Tamayo, Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, Madrid
46 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor A C B Lovell, Jodrell Bank Experimental Station, University of Manchester
47 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor W H McCrea, Department of Mathematics, Royal Holloway College, University of London
48 - Letter to Hinshelwood from K G Malmquist, K Vetenskapssocieteten, Uppsala
49 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Domenico Marotta, Academic Secretary, Academia Nazionale Dei XL, Rome
50 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Domenico Marotta
51 - Letter to Hinshelwood from D C Martin, Executive Secretary, The Royal Society
52 - Letter from Hinshelwood to D C Martin, Executive Secretary, The Royal Society
53 - Letter to Hinshelwood from D C Martin, Executive Secretary, The Royal Society
54 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to D C Martin, Executive Secretary, The Royal Society
55 - Letter to Hinshelwood from H S W Massey, University College London
56 - Letter to Hinshelwood from W R Matthews, Dean of St Pauls
57 - Letter to Hinshelwood from S R Mikulinsky, Deputy Director, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Academy of Science of the USSR
58 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to Dr S R Mikulinsky, Deputy Director, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Academy of Science of the USSR
59 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Bruno Minoletti, Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, Genoa
60 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Academy of Science of the USSR
61 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Dr Kurt Mothes, President, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
62 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Dr Kurt Mothes, President, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
63 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Earl Mountbatten of Burma
64 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Lord Nathan, Isaac Wolfson Foundation
65 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Jim Orr, Buckingham Palace
66 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to The Editor, Oxford Magazine
67 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Julio Palacios?, Real Academia Espanola
68 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Nicola Parravano, X Congresso Internazionale di Chimica, Rome
69 - Letter to Hinshelwood from D Hughes Parry, Vice-Chancellor, University of London
70 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Lord Pender, Cadogan Gardens, London
71 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Th Posternak, President, Swiss Chemical Society
72 - Letter to Hinshelwood from the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Madrid
73 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor L J D Richardson, Honorary Secretary of the Classical Association
74 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to C H Roberts, Clarendon Press, Oxford
75 - Letter to Hinshelwood from H P Robertson, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, USA
76 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Robert Robinson, Bedford Square, London
77 - Letter to Hinshelwood from M E Sadler, Old Headington, Oxford
78 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Edward Salisbury, Felpham, Bognor Regis, Sussex
79 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Lord Samuel, Porchester Terrace
80 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Sir Owen Saunders, Acting Rector, Imperial College of Science and Technology
81 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to Professor Sir Owen Saunders
82 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Professor Sir Owen Saunders, Imperial College, London
83 - Letter to Hinshelwood from N V Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford
84 - Letter to Hinshelwood from N V Sidgwick, Lincoln College, Oxford
85 - Letter to Hinshelwood from T Swain, Cabinet Office, London
86 - Letter to Hinshelwood from J F A Thomas, Biology Secretary, Science Research Council
87 - Letter to Hinshelwood from J R H Weaver, President, Trinity College, Oxford
88 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Robert, Trinity College, Oxford
89 - Draft of a letter from Hinshelwood to A F Wells, University College, Oxford
90 - Letter to Hinshelwood from 10 Downing Street, Whitehall
91 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Registrar of the University of Oxford
92 - Letter to Hinshelwood from Winnington Scientific Society
Expand 8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees8 - Letters of recommendation for past students and employees
Expand 9 - Programmes, invitations and menus9 - Programmes, invitations and menus
Expand 10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports10 - Newspaper cuttings and reports
Expand 11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood11 - Presentations, certificates and emphemera belonging to Hinshelwood
Expand 12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs12 - Award of Nobel Prize with photographs
Expand 13 - Chemical Society13 - Chemical Society
Expand 14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs14 - Royal Society Tercentenary with photographs
Expand 15 - Visits abroad15 - Visits abroad
Expand 16 - Photographs16 - Photographs
Expand 17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents17 - Papers relating to deposit of collection and posthumous documents

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