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Collapse CLH - Papers of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins FRS, theoretical chemist and cognitive scientistCLH - Papers of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins FRS, theoretical chemist and cognitive scientist
Expand 1 - Research notebooks of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins1 - Research notebooks of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins
Expand 2 - L1 Some correspondence but predominantly research and papers of H C Longuet-Higgins 2 - L1 Some correspondence but predominantly research and papers of H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 3 - L2 Correspondence predominantly regarding lectures and talks given by H C Longuet-Higgins 3 - L2 Correspondence predominantly regarding lectures and talks given by H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 4 - L3 Predominantly manuscripts and copies of papers by H C Longuet-Higgins 4 - L3 Predominantly manuscripts and copies of papers by H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 5 - C1 Assorted correspondence predominantly S to Z5 - C1 Assorted correspondence predominantly S to Z
Collapse 6 - C2 Correspondence mainly concerning people who have worked with H C Longuet-Higgins 6 - C2 Correspondence mainly concerning people who have worked with H C Longuet-Higgins
1 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Richard J Zatorski
2 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with The Royal Society concerning Dr N G Zagoruiko
3 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Douglas Young
5 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Benson R Snyder of MIT concerning Dr Sylvia Weir
6 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Mr Eugene Switkes
7 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding Mr Christopher J K Stephenson
8 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Mark Steedman
9 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Professor Jeffrey R Sampson
10 - H C Longuet-Higgins tutor report form for Mr Neil A Rothwell
11 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Graeme D Ritchie
12 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr John Lawrence Paul
13 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr David T Miller
14 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mrs Anne Mill
15 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Dr Christof von der Malsberg
16 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr David C Jeffrey
17 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with The journal of the acoustical society of America regarding his paper with David C Jeffrey entitled "A real-time speech intonation spectrometer"
18 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Dr Geoffrey Everest Hinton
19 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Dr Paul Herzberg
20 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Professor Michael L Geiss
21 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Dr Leon Glass
22 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr William Edmondson
23 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and reagrding Dr Anthony C Davey
24 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Richard F Danielli
25 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Dr D Julian Meredith Davies
26 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Richard Anthony Crowther
27 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Max Clowes and his students concerning the computation of musical perception
28 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with and regarding Mr Max Clowes
29 - H Longuet Higgisn corespondence with and re Stephen D Izard
Expand 7 - C3 Assorted correspondence predominantly N to P7 - C3 Assorted correspondence predominantly N to P
Expand 8 - C4 Assorted correspondence predominantly B to E8 - C4 Assorted correspondence predominantly B to E
Expand 9 - C5 Assorted correspondence initially A to B9 - C5 Assorted correspondence initially A to B
Expand 10 - C6 Correspondence predominantly Q to S10 - C6 Correspondence predominantly Q to S
Expand 11 - C7 Correspondence predominantly A to M11 - C7 Correspondence predominantly A to M

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