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Collapse CLH - Papers of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins FRS, theoretical chemist and cognitive scientistCLH - Papers of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins FRS, theoretical chemist and cognitive scientist
Expand 1 - Research notebooks of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins1 - Research notebooks of Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins
Expand 2 - L1 Some correspondence but predominantly research and papers of H C Longuet-Higgins 2 - L1 Some correspondence but predominantly research and papers of H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 3 - L2 Correspondence predominantly regarding lectures and talks given by H C Longuet-Higgins 3 - L2 Correspondence predominantly regarding lectures and talks given by H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 4 - L3 Predominantly manuscripts and copies of papers by H C Longuet-Higgins 4 - L3 Predominantly manuscripts and copies of papers by H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 5 - C1 Assorted correspondence predominantly S to Z5 - C1 Assorted correspondence predominantly S to Z
Expand 6 - C2 Correspondence mainly concerning people who have worked with H C Longuet-Higgins 6 - C2 Correspondence mainly concerning people who have worked with H C Longuet-Higgins
Expand 7 - C3 Assorted correspondence predominantly N to P7 - C3 Assorted correspondence predominantly N to P
Expand 8 - C4 Assorted correspondence predominantly B to E8 - C4 Assorted correspondence predominantly B to E
Collapse 9 - C5 Assorted correspondence initially A to B9 - C5 Assorted correspondence initially A to B
1 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence, B (alphabetical order)
2 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Leslie Banks
3 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence, A (alphabetical order)
4 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Academic Press Inc (London) Ltd
5 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the A I S B (Artificial Intelligence and Simulatoion of behaviour1 committee
6 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Sir James Beament
7 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the obituary for Professor R P Bell
8 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence, B (1st file)
9 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the BBC Interview with Dr Chris Evans on 'Frontiers of science: The Brain'
10 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the Royal Society meeting on 'Scientific Information'
11 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his lecture 'Is biology a branch of physics?'
12 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning a talk for The Physical Society on 'Memorisation and recall'
13 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning a talk for 'Science and Personality' entitled 'The sets of values of the scientist in relation to human endeavour'
14 - H C Longuet-Higgins talk to the CIBA foundations on 'Understanding the memory'
15 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the talk to the Theoretical Biology Group on 'Understanding the memory'
16 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the Purvis oration to the West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society entitled "Men and computers"
17 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the University of Sterling public Lecture "Minds, Brains and Computers"
18 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the Aberdeen University lecture "Men and computers"
19 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning a lecture on computer programming given to Crossley Carpets Ltd
20 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning The Kekule Symposium on theoretical organic chemistry
21 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the committee on Molecular physics
22 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Symposium arranged by the Chemical Society entitled 'Orbital Symmetry Correlations in Organic Reactions'
23 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his visit to the Salk Institute, San Diego
24 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk at Uppingham School, Rutland entitled "Understanding the memory"
25 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk to the Physics Department, University of York entitled "Understanding the memory"
26 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk to the Edinburgh Humanist Group entitled "The human significance of the computer revolution"
27 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk entitled "Associative memory models" given to the Unit for Research on the Epidemiology of Psychiatric Illness, Edinburgh
28 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the symposium on computer science, Girton College, Cambridge, entitled "Computing science as an aid to psycho-linguistic studies"
29 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence and transcription of a discussion about 'Commitment and Science'
30 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding 'The new tyranny' paper presented to the sixth general assembly and congress of the international council of societies of industrial design, London
31 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the fifth international machine intelligence workshop (Edinburgh)
32 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Third Annual Machine Intelligence Workshop (Edinburgh)
33 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the symposium "Information processing in the nervous system", held at Buffalo
34 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Symposium on Neural Communications: Experiment and theory, University of Keele
35 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the teacher's symposium 'A modern approach to chemistry'
36 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk at the Biophysical Society 13th Annual meeting, LA
37 - H C Longuet-Higgins' set of telephone transcripts by General Division of "commitment" by Professor MacKinnon
38 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the University of St. Andrews Chemical Society
39 - H C Longuet-Higgins internal memorandum within the Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception, to inform of the visit of H R H Prince Phillip
40 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the talk 'A mathematical theory of temporal recall' given at Edinburgh and Warwick universities
41 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk to Glasgow University Maclaurin Society entitled 'Non-rigid molecules; A new application of group theory'
42 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the open weekend at St. Catherine's entitled 'In our Image? The computer revolution'
43 - H C Longuet-Higgins communication regarding the NRP Intensive study program in the neurosciences, Colarado
44 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the symposiums on Theoretical Biology, Italy
45 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Max-Planck-Institut fur Physikalische Chemie EMBO course at Elmau castle on 'H- bonds, weak interactions and hydrophobic binding'
46 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence and notes concerning the talk on 'Chemical bonds' for the International Symposium on contemporary physics
47 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his lecture entitled 'Non-local information storage' given to the National Physical Laboratory
48 - Information owned by H C Longuet-Higgins regarding the IEE/NPL Conference on Pattern Recognition and IFIP Congress 1968 Edinburgh
49 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the IEEE Pattern Recognition Workshop, Netherlands
50 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his paper given to the Agard Bionics Symposium, France, entitled 'The associative recall of temporal sequences'
51 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence and notes regarding the talk entitled 'The human significance of the computer revolution' given to the Rationalist Press Association
52 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk 'The Holophone' given at the Symposium on Associative Information Techniques, Michigan
53 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Professor H Barlow
54 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Dr Andrew Blake
55 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Bosendorfer Pianos Ltd
56 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Mike Brady
57 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding Careers conference: New and growing disciplines at Essex University
58 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the University of Keele
59 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the physics department of the universities of Birmingham, Imperial and Sheffield
60 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Brasenose College, Oxford
61 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the seminar on environmental quality, Edinburgh
62 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the British Medical Bulletin
63 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Glasgow University Biochemical Society
64 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Psychology Department of Edinburgh University
65 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Zoology Department of Edinburgh University
66 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Socratic Club of the University of Oxford
67 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Physics Society of the University of Cambridge
68 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Cambridge Open Lectures
69 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Times Literary supplement concerning the paper 'The language of music'
70 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Edinburgh University Chemical Society
71 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the Cambridge seminar on 'Mathematics for Control '
72 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the British Association for the Advancement of Science
73 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the National Physical Laboratory and the Institute of Electrical Engineers
74 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the Sixth International Machine Intelligence Workshop
75 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding the Brain Research Association summer school, Teddington
76 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning the IV Theoretical Biology Symposium at Serbelloni
77 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the University of Keele Department of Communication
78 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his talk 'Associative memory models' at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Berks
79 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his diploma lectures on information theory
80 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Oxford University Scientific Society
81 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Rockefeller University, NY concerning the meeting of the Neurosciences Research Associates
82 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concerning the Neuroscience research program
83 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, Cambridge University Press
84 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his lectures for the Chemistry Department at Edinburgh University
85 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Bath University concerning his talk for the Bath University Maths Association
86 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence concerning his lecture at the University of Newcastle Public lectures
87 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the University of York concerning the lecture series 'Computers and Civilisation'
88 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Newcastle University Philosophical Society
89 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk at the Glasgow University Alchemist's club
90 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence regarding his talk at the Cambridge Graduates Science Club
91 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Yorkshire
92 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women
93 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Dr Thomas Fontaine of the National Science Foundation, Washington D C concerning Dr Fontaine's visit to Edinburgh
94 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Manfred Eigen concerning his visit to Gottingen, West Germany to talk at the Molecular Biology Colloquium
95 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with the University of Cambridge regarding his talk on Associative Memory Systems
96 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Mr O J Braddick of the University of Cambridge
97 - H C Longuet-Higgins correspondence with Professor W D Ollis of the University of Sheffield concerning stereochemistry
Expand 10 - C6 Correspondence predominantly Q to S10 - C6 Correspondence predominantly Q to S
Expand 11 - C7 Correspondence predominantly A to M11 - C7 Correspondence predominantly A to M

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