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Collapse EL - 'Early letters': letters from correspondents in natural philosophy sent to the Royal Society and its FellowsEL - 'Early letters': letters from correspondents in natural philosophy sent to the Royal Society and its Fellows
Expand A - Early Letters: A, letters in natural philosophy from correspondents with surname starting 'A'A - Early Letters: A, letters in natural philosophy from correspondents with surname starting 'A'
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Collapse H3 - Early Letters H3H3 - Early Letters H3
1 - Letter, from Gustavus Helmfeld to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
2 - Letter, from Gustavus Helmfeld to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
3 - Letter, from Gustavus Helmfeld to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
4 - Letter, from Gustavus Helmfeld to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Madrid
5 - Letter, from Thomas Hill to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Lisbon
6 - Letter, from Thomas Hill to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Lisbon
7 - Letter, from Thomas Hill to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Lisbon
8 - Letter, from Thomas Hill to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Lisbon
9 - Letter, from Urban Hiarne to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
10 - Translated extract of a letter, from Urban Hiarne to Henry Oldenburg
11 - Letter, from Johann Ludwig Hannemann to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Buxtehude
12 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
13 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
14 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
15 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
16 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
17 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Copenhagen
18 - Letter, from Thomas Henshaw to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Kensington
19 - Letter, from Nicolaas Hoboken to Henry Oldenburg
20 - Letter, from Thomas Hobbes to Henry Oldenburg
21 - Letter, from Johannes Hecker to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Danzig (Gdansk)
22 - Letter, from Luke Hodgson to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Newcastle
23 - Letter, from Luke Hodgson to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Newcastle
24 - Letter, from Luke Hodgson to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Newcastle
25 - Letter, from Herbert to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Aix
26 - Letter, from Herbert to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Blois
27 - Letter, from Herbert to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Orleans
28 - Letter, from Christian Huygens to Constantin Huygens, dated at Paris
29 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
30 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
31 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
32 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
33 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
34 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
35 - Letter, from Constantin Huygens to Henry Oldenburg, dated at the Hague
36 - Letter, from unknown author [to the Royal Society]
37 - Letter, from Henry Hall to Henry Oldenburg
38 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford
39 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Queen's College Oxford
40 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Robert Hooke, dated at Saumeur
41 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to William Molyneux
42 - Letter, from Edmond Halley [to the Royal Society]
43 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to William Molyneux, dated at London
44 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Isaac Newton
45 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to [Salomon] Reisel
46 - Letter, from Edmond Halley [to the Royal Society]
47 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Johannes Weichard Valvasori [Valvasor]
48 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester Castle
49 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester mint
50 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester Mint
51 - Letter, from Edmond Halley [to the Royal Society]
52 - Letter, from Edmond Halley to Hans Sloane, dated at Chester
53 - Paper, 'Report of the committee of the Royall Society for inspecting the Books and papers of the Society in relation to the Dispute between Mr Leibniz and Mr Keile'
54 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
55 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Martin Lister, dated at Gresham College
56 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Francis Nazzarius
57 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, dated at Gresham College
58 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Henry Jacobs at Lisbon, dated at Gresham College
59 - Copy of a letter, from Robert Hooke to Henry Jacobs
60 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Monsieur Mallement, dated at Gresham College
61 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Pascall
62 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Edmond Halley
63 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
64 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
65 - Letter, from Robert Hooke [to the Royal Society]
66 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Henry Jacobs, dated at London
67 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Henry Jacobs
68 - Letter, from Robert Hooke [to the Royal Society]
69 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, dated at Gresham College
70 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to John Hoskins
71 - Letter, from Robert Hooke to Mr Young
72 - Letter, from Robert Huntington to Robert Plot, dated at Trinity College, Dublin
73 - Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek [to the Royal Society]
74 - Printed letter, from Monsieur [Philippe] de la Hire [to the Royal Society]
75 - Translation of a letter, from Philippe de la Hire [to the Royal Society]
76 - Letter, from J Hillyer to Ralph Bathurst, dated at Cape Corse
77 - Letter, from J Hillyer to Ralph Bathurst, dated at Cape Corse
78 - Letter, from George Handisyd to Hans Sloane, dated at Grand Canaria on board the 'Modena'
79 - Letter, from Thomas Hyde to Edmond Halley
80 - Letter, from Charles Holt to Dr [John] Shadwell
81 - Letter, from Dr W Holbrooke to W Cole
82 - Letter, from Christopher Hunter to Martin Lister, dated at Newcastle upon Tyne
83 - Letter, from Christopher Hunter to Martin Lister, dated at Stockton
84 - Letter, from Christopher Hunter to Martin Lister, dated at Stockton
85 - Letter, from Christopher Hunter to Martin Lister, dated at Stockton
86 - Letter, from Philip Jacob Hartman to Hans Sloane
87 - Letter, from Robert Haselfoot to Dr Beeston, dated at Harwich
88 - Letter, from Thomas Hearne to Ralph Thoresby, dated at Oxford
89 - Letter, from Thomas Hearne [to the Royal Society], dated at Oxford
90 - Letter, from Thomas Hearne to Hans Sloane, dated at Oxford
91 - Letter, from John Hare [to the Royal Society], dated at Docking
92 - Letter, from Richard Hopton to John Batchelor
93 - Letter, from John Hargreaves to Hans Sloane, dated at Colne in Lancashire
94 - Letter, from Mr [Benjamin] Holloway to Dr [John] Woodward
95 - Letter, from Dr Hayes [to the Royal Society], dated at Kingston
96 - Letter, from Thomas Hill to Edmond Halley
97 - Letter, from Alex Harrison to the Secretary of the Royal Society, dated at North Petherton near Bridgewater in Somerset
98 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth
99 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin
100 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington near Morpeth
101 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington
102 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington
103 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington
104 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin
105 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth
106 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth
107 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth
108 - Copy of a report on George Rand who voided two large stones and a copy of a letter from J[oseph] Atkinson, dated at North Shields
109 - Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth
110 - Letter, from John Hanneker to James Jurin, dated at Cambray
111 - Letter, from Benjamin Holloway to John Woodward, dated at Bedford
112 - Letter, from Johannes Hoogvliet to James Jurin, dated at Delft
113 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth
114 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin
115 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin
116 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth
117 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth
118 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin
119 - Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth
120 - Letter, from James Handley to James Jurin, dated at London
121 - Letter, from James Handley to James Jurin, dated at St Albans
122 - Letter, from P Hardisway to William Stukeley
123 - Letter, from P Hardisway to William Rutty
124 - Letter, from John Conrad Francis de Hatzfeld to the Royal Society, dated at London
125 - Letter, from John Conrad Francis de Hatzfeld to the Royal Society, dated at London
126 - Letter, from John Conrad Francis de Hatzfeld to the Royal Society
127 - Letter, from John Patrick to Royal Society, dated at London
128 - Letter, from Thomas Hildeyard to the Royal Society, dated at the English College at Liege
129 - Letter, from Friedric Hoffmann to the Royal Society
130 - Letter, from de Hautville to the Royal Society, dated at Wood Street Compter
131 - Letter, from John Matthias Hasius to the Royal Society, dated at Wittenberg
132 - Letter, from William Hallett to Henry Pemberton, dated at Exeter
133 - Letter, from Stephen Hales to Mr Millet, dated at Teddington
134 - Letter, from Stephen Hales to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Teddington
135 - Letter, from Thomas Haselden to John Machin, dated at Wapping
136 - Letter, from Ralph Hansard [to the Royal Society], dated at Dundalk
Expand H4 - Early Letters H4H4 - Early Letters H4
Expand I1 - Early Letters I /J1I1 - Early Letters I /J1
Expand I2 - Early Letters I /J2I2 - Early Letters I /J2
Expand K - Early Letters KK - Early Letters K
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Expand L2 - Early Letters L2 (Leeuwenhoek)L2 - Early Letters L2 (Leeuwenhoek)
Expand L3 - Early Letters L3 (Leeuwenhoek)L3 - Early Letters L3 (Leeuwenhoek)
Expand L4 - Early Letters L4 (Leeuwenhoek)L4 - Early Letters L4 (Leeuwenhoek)
Expand L5 - Early Letters L5L5 - Early Letters L5
Expand L6 - Early Letters L6L6 - Early Letters L6
Expand M1 - Early Letters M1M1 - Early Letters M1
Expand M2 - Early Letters M2M2 - Early Letters M2
Expand M3 - Early Letters M3M3 - Early Letters M3
Expand N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'
Expand N2 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N2'N2 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N2'
Expand O1 - Early Letters O1 (Oldenburg)O1 - Early Letters O1 (Oldenburg)
Expand O2 - Early Letters O2O2 - Early Letters O2
Expand OB - Early Letters OB (Oldenburg and Beale)OB - Early Letters OB (Oldenburg and Beale)
Expand P1 - Early Letters P1P1 - Early Letters P1
Expand P2 - Early Letters P2P2 - Early Letters P2
Expand Q - Early Letters QQ - Early Letters Q
Expand R1 - Early Letters R1R1 - Early Letters R1
Expand R2 - Early Letters R2R2 - Early Letters R2
Expand S1 - Early Letters S1S1 - Early Letters S1
Expand S2 - Early Letters S2S2 - Early Letters S2
Expand T - Early Letters TT - Early Letters T
Expand V - Early Letters VV - Early Letters V
Expand W1 - Early Letters W1 (Wallis)W1 - Early Letters W1 (Wallis)
Expand W2 - Early Letters W2 (Wallis)W2 - Early Letters W2 (Wallis)
Expand W3 - Early Letters W3W3 - Early Letters W3
Expand W4 - Early Letters W4W4 - Early Letters W4
Expand Y - Early Letters YY - Early Letters Y
Expand Z - Early Letters ZZ - Early Letters Z

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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