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Collapse FS - Papers of Sir Francis (Franz) Eugen SimonFS - Papers of Sir Francis (Franz) Eugen Simon
Expand 1 - Personal papers1 - Personal papers
Expand 2 - Academic Research: Berlin and Breslau2 - Academic Research: Berlin and Breslau
Expand 3 - Academic Research: Oxford3 - Academic Research: Oxford
Expand 4 - Publications and lectures4 - Publications and lectures
Expand 5 - Committee Membership5 - Committee Membership
Expand 6 - Conferences and Overseas visits6 - Conferences and Overseas visits
Collapse 7 - Correspondence 7 - Correspondence
Expand 1 - Pre-1939 correspondence1 - Pre-1939 correspondence
Collapse 2 - Post-1939 correspondence2 - Post-1939 correspondence
1 - Letter to Brigadier Agnew, concerning Agnew's daughter going to Oxford to study physics and chemistry
Expand 2 - Correspondence with Pierre Ailleret, Directeur des Etudes et Recherches, Electricite de France2 - Correspondence with Pierre Ailleret, Directeur des Etudes et Recherches, Electricite de France
Expand 3 - Correspondence with Prof. Kessar D Alexopoulus, Department of Physics, University of Athens3 - Correspondence with Prof. Kessar D Alexopoulus, Department of Physics, University of Athens
Expand 4 - Correspondence with CK Allen4 - Correspondence with CK Allen
Expand 5 - Correspondence with JF Allen5 - Correspondence with JF Allen
Expand 6 - Correspondence with TE Allibone, Associated Electrical Industries Limited Research Laboratory, Aldermaston6 - Correspondence with TE Allibone, Associated Electrical Industries Limited Research Laboratory, Aldermaston
Expand 7 - Correspondence with NL Alpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, re his application for research funding7 - Correspondence with NL Alpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, re his application for research funding
Expand 8 - Correspondence with Dr E Altenkirch8 - Correspondence with Dr E Altenkirch
Expand 9 - Correspondence with Dr E Amaldi, Marconi Institute, University of Rome9 - Correspondence with Dr E Amaldi, Marconi Institute, University of Rome
Expand 10 - Correspondence with Prof EN Da C Andrade, Department of Physics, University College, London10 - Correspondence with Prof EN Da C Andrade, Department of Physics, University College, London
Expand 11 - Correspondence with Prof Donald Andrews, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA11 - Correspondence with Prof Donald Andrews, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Expand 12 - Correspondence with Sir Edward Appleton FRS, Edinburgh University12 - Correspondence with Sir Edward Appleton FRS, Edinburgh University
Expand 13 - Correspondence with Dr Henry Shull Arms13 - Correspondence with Dr Henry Shull Arms
Expand 14 - Correspondence with J Ashmead, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge re dissertation examining14 - Correspondence with J Ashmead, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge re dissertation examining
Expand 15 - Correspondence with Dr SR Aspinall, United States of America Embassy, London15 - Correspondence with Dr SR Aspinall, United States of America Embassy, London
Expand 16 - Correspondence with Dr Allen V Astin, National Bureau of Standards, USA16 - Correspondence with Dr Allen V Astin, National Bureau of Standards, USA
Expand 17 - Correspondence with Dr JG Aston, Pennsylvania State College17 - Correspondence with Dr JG Aston, Pennsylvania State College
Expand 18 - Correspondence with Dr KR Atkins, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Toronto18 - Correspondence with Dr KR Atkins, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Toronto
Expand 19 - Correspondence with Dr Werner Auer, Physikalisch-Chemisches institut der Universitat, Hiedelberg19 - Correspondence with Dr Werner Auer, Physikalisch-Chemisches institut der Universitat, Hiedelberg
Expand 20 - Correspondence with Prof Pierre Auger, Natural Science Department, UNESCO20 - Correspondence with Prof Pierre Auger, Natural Science Department, UNESCO
Expand 21 - Correspondence with Eugene Ayres, Gulf Research and Development Co.21 - Correspondence with Eugene Ayres, Gulf Research and Development Co.
Expand 22 - Correspondence with Prof Robert F Bacher, Director, Norman bridge laboratory of Physics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)22 - Correspondence with Prof Robert F Bacher, Director, Norman bridge laboratory of Physics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Expand 23 - Correspondence with Dr FT Bacon, Department of Metallurgy, University of Cambridge23 - Correspondence with Dr FT Bacon, Department of Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Expand 24 - Correspondence with Edward J Badcock, on employment opportunities24 - Correspondence with Edward J Badcock, on employment opportunities
Expand 25 - Correspondence with Hans J Bar, Julius Bar Bank25 - Correspondence with Hans J Bar, Julius Bar Bank
Expand 26 - Correspondence with Dr John Bardeen, Bell Telephone Laboratories26 - Correspondence with Dr John Bardeen, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Expand 27 - Correspondence with Richard M Barrow, Midland Electricity Board, re fuel efficiency27 - Correspondence with Richard M Barrow, Midland Electricity Board, re fuel efficiency
Expand 28 - Correspondence with M S Bartlett, Cambridge Philosophical Society28 - Correspondence with M S Bartlett, Cambridge Philosophical Society
Expand 29 - Correspondence with Prof Leslie F Bates, Physics Department, Nottingham University29 - Correspondence with Prof Leslie F Bates, Physics Department, Nottingham University
Expand 30 - Correspondence with Prof E Bauer, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique30 - Correspondence with Prof E Bauer, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique
Expand 31 - Correspondence with R Becker, Gottingen University31 - Correspondence with R Becker, Gottingen University
32 - Letter from Simon to RP Bell, Balliol College, Oxford, on the possible dates Wohl could deliver a lecture in Oxford on 'Experiments on the burning velocity and structure of turbulent flames'
Expand 33 - Correspondence with Prof Manson Bennedict, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)33 - Correspondence with Prof Manson Bennedict, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
34 - Letter from Simon to Prof K Bennewitz, on the occasion of Bennewitz's 70th birthday
35 - Letter from G Berthet to Simon, enquiring if he can visit Simon in Oxford
36 - Letter from Robert E Betts, Librarian, Texas Engineers Library, to Simon requesting a meeting with Simon in Oxford
Expand 37 - Correspondence with Dr Dirk Bijl37 - Correspondence with Dr Dirk Bijl
Expand 38 - Correspondence with Prof Raymond T Birge, Department of Physics, Berkeley University38 - Correspondence with Prof Raymond T Birge, Department of Physics, Berkeley University
Expand 39 - Correspondence with Prof F Bitter, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology39 - Correspondence with Prof F Bitter, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Expand 40 - Correspondence with Prof Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Physics Department, Manchester University40 - Correspondence with Prof Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Physics Department, Manchester University
Expand 41 - Correspondence with Dr BS Blaisse41 - Correspondence with Dr BS Blaisse
Expand 42 - Correspondence with Prof Felix Bloch, Physics Department, Stanford University42 - Correspondence with Prof Felix Bloch, Physics Department, Stanford University
Expand 43 - Correspondence with Dr Otto Bluh43 - Correspondence with Dr Otto Bluh
Expand 44 - Correspondence with Prof J de Boer, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam University44 - Correspondence with Prof J de Boer, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam University
Expand 45 - Correspondence with Prof Niels Bohr, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen University45 - Correspondence with Prof Niels Bohr, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen University
Expand 46 - Correspondence with Prof Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer46 - Correspondence with Prof Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer
Expand 47 - Correspondence with Prof G Borelius47 - Correspondence with Prof G Borelius
Expand 48 - Correspondence with Professor Max Born48 - Correspondence with Professor Max Born
Expand 49 - Correspondence with Charles Bosanquet, Rector, King's College, Durham University, re Simon delivering the annual Earl Grey Lecture at the University49 - Correspondence with Charles Bosanquet, Rector, King's College, Durham University, re Simon delivering the annual Earl Grey Lecture at the University
Expand 50 - Correspondence with Akshayananda Bose, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, on Bose visiting Low Temperature laboratories in Europe50 - Correspondence with Akshayananda Bose, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, on Bose visiting Low Temperature laboratories in Europe
Expand 51 - Correspondence with Dr F Philip Bowden, Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge University51 - Correspondence with Dr F Philip Bowden, Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge University
Expand 52 - Correspondence with Raymond Bowers, Institute for the Study of Metals, Chicago University52 - Correspondence with Raymond Bowers, Institute for the Study of Metals, Chicago University
Expand 53 - Correspondence with Sir Lawrence Bragg, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge53 - Correspondence with Sir Lawrence Bragg, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 54 - Correspondence with Dr Walter H Brattain, Bell Telephone Laboratories54 - Correspondence with Dr Walter H Brattain, Bell Telephone Laboratories
Expand 55 - Correspondence with John CM Brettano55 - Correspondence with John CM Brettano
Expand 56 - Correspondence with Dr FG Brickwedde, Division of Heat and Power, US Department of Commerce56 - Correspondence with Dr FG Brickwedde, Division of Heat and Power, US Department of Commerce
Expand 57 - Correspondence with Prof PW Bridgman, Harvard University57 - Correspondence with Prof PW Bridgman, Harvard University
Expand 58 - Correspondence with Dr Lyman J Briggs58 - Correspondence with Dr Lyman J Briggs
Expand 59 - Correspondence with Wallace R Brode, Assistant Director, National Bureau of Standards59 - Correspondence with Wallace R Brode, Assistant Director, National Bureau of Standards
Expand 60 - Correspondence with Dr D Bronk, National Academy of Sciences, Washington60 - Correspondence with Dr D Bronk, National Academy of Sciences, Washington
Expand 61 - Correspondence with Dr Arthur F Brown, Department of Physics, Cambridge University,61 - Correspondence with Dr Arthur F Brown, Department of Physics, Cambridge University,
Expand 62 - Correspondence with Dr Edward C Bullard, Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, Cambridge University62 - Correspondence with Dr Edward C Bullard, Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, Cambridge University
Expand 63 - Correspondence with Dr FP Bundy63 - Correspondence with Dr FP Bundy
Expand 64 - Correspondence with Dr JW Burgers, Delft64 - Correspondence with Dr JW Burgers, Delft
Expand 65 - Correspondence with Prof G Busch, Physikalisches Institut der ETH, Zurich65 - Correspondence with Prof G Busch, Physikalisches Institut der ETH, Zurich
66 - Letter from Simon to Stanley S Carpenter, Visa Officer, United States Embassy, London
Expand 67 - Correspondence with Prof Antonio Carelli, Department of Physics, University of Naples67 - Correspondence with Prof Antonio Carelli, Department of Physics, University of Naples
Expand 68 - Correspondence with Prof HBG Casimir, Phillips Laboratories, Eindhoven, Holland68 - Correspondence with Prof HBG Casimir, Phillips Laboratories, Eindhoven, Holland
Expand 69 - Correspondence with Sir James Chadwick, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge69 - Correspondence with Sir James Chadwick, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Expand 70 - Correspondence with Professor Ernst Basil Chain 70 - Correspondence with Professor Ernst Basil Chain
Expand 71 - Correspondence with Prof Bruce Chalmers, Department of Metallic Engineering, University of Toronto71 - Correspondence with Prof Bruce Chalmers, Department of Metallic Engineering, University of Toronto
72 - Letter from FC Champion, Department of Physics, King's College, University of London, to Simon, thanking Simon for his hospitality when he visited the Clarendon laboratory
Expand 73 - Correspondence with Dr Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar73 - Correspondence with Dr Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
74 - Letter from Simon to Professor S Chapman, discussing the He3 isotope
Expand 75 - Correspondence with Prof Frederick Lindemann, Lord Cherwell75 - Correspondence with Prof Frederick Lindemann, Lord Cherwell
Expand 76 - Correspondence with Prof JA Christiansen76 - Correspondence with Prof JA Christiansen
Expand 77 - Correspondence with Prof K Clusius, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, der Universitat Zurich77 - Correspondence with Prof K Clusius, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, der Universitat Zurich
Expand 78 - Correspondence with Dr Josef Cohn, Zurich78 - Correspondence with Dr Josef Cohn, Zurich
Expand 79 - Correspondence with Prof SC Collins, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)79 - Correspondence with Prof SC Collins, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 80 - Correspondence with Dr Karl T Compton, Chairman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)80 - Correspondence with Dr Karl T Compton, Chairman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 81 - Correspondence with EU Condon81 - Correspondence with EU Condon
82 - Letter from AH Cooke to Simon, discussing his future research into helium temperatures
Expand 83 - Correspondence with Prof R Cotton, Laboratoire du Grand Electro-Aimant, Bellevuew (Seine-et-Oise)83 - Correspondence with Prof R Cotton, Laboratoire du Grand Electro-Aimant, Bellevuew (Seine-et-Oise)
Expand 84 - Correspondence with Prof CA Coulson, Theoretical Physics Department, King's College London84 - Correspondence with Prof CA Coulson, Theoretical Physics Department, King's College London
85 - Letter from Simon to the Assistant Naval Attache and Mrs Creaser, responding to the invitation to attend a cocktail party at Winfield House, Regent's Park
Expand 86 - Correspondence with Professor Erica Cremmer, Institute fur Physikalische Chemie, Universitat Innsbruck86 - Correspondence with Professor Erica Cremmer, Institute fur Physikalische Chemie, Universitat Innsbruck
Expand 87 - Correspondence with Prof CA Crommelin, Leiden87 - Correspondence with Prof CA Crommelin, Leiden
Expand 88 - Correspondence with BM Cwilong88 - Correspondence with BM Cwilong
Expand 89 - Correspondence with Prof M Czerny89 - Correspondence with Prof M Czerny
Expand 90 - Correspondence with Prof FS Dainton, Department of Chemistry, Leeds University90 - Correspondence with Prof FS Dainton, Department of Chemistry, Leeds University
Expand 91 - Correspondence with Dr Leo I Dana, Linde Air Products Company91 - Correspondence with Dr Leo I Dana, Linde Air Products Company
92 - Letter from Simon to Dr JM Daniels, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, on the application to research at the Clarendon of Mr Lemarche, a student of Daniels's
Expand 93 - Correspondence with Dr Karl K Darrow, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York93 - Correspondence with Dr Karl K Darrow, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York
Expand 94 - Correspondence with Sir Charles Darwin94 - Correspondence with Sir Charles Darwin
Expand 95 - Correspondence with Prof John G Daunt, Ohio State University95 - Correspondence with Prof John G Daunt, Ohio State University
96 - Letter from Simon to Dr RO Davies, giving comments on a paper by Davies on low temperatures
97 - Letter from Simon to Prof PI Dee, Physics Department, Glasgow University, enquiring if Dee could make use of an engineer of Simon's acquaintance, Peter Cahn
Expand 98 - Correspondence with Prof WJ de Haas98 - Correspondence with Prof WJ de Haas
Expand 99 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice Desirant99 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice Desirant
Expand 100 - Correspondence with RB Dingle, HH Wils Physical Laboratory, Royal Fort, Bristol100 - Correspondence with RB Dingle, HH Wils Physical Laboratory, Royal Fort, Bristol
Expand 101 - Correspondence with Dr GMB Dobson101 - Correspondence with Dr GMB Dobson
Expand 102 - Correspondence with Dr C Domb102 - Correspondence with Dr C Domb
Expand 103 - Correspondence with Prof FG Donnan103 - Correspondence with Prof FG Donnan
Expand 104 - Correspondence with Prof L D'or, Institut de Chemie, Universitie de Liege104 - Correspondence with Prof L D'or, Institut de Chemie, Universitie de Liege
Expand 105 - Correspondence with Dr JS Dugdale, National Research Council, Canada105 - Correspondence with Dr JS Dugdale, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 106 - Correspondence with G Dupony, Directeur, CNRS106 - Correspondence with G Dupony, Directeur, CNRS
Expand 107 - Correspondence with Dr G Duyckaerts, Liege107 - Correspondence with Dr G Duyckaerts, Liege
Expand 108 - Correspondence with Dr H Ebert 108 - Correspondence with Dr H Ebert
Expand 109 - Correspondence with Dr L Ebert 109 - Correspondence with Dr L Ebert
Expand 110 - Correspondence with Prof Franz Eder, Physikal Institut, Humboldt Universitat110 - Correspondence with Prof Franz Eder, Physikal Institut, Humboldt Universitat
Expand 111 - Correspondence with the Duke Of Edinburgh111 - Correspondence with the Duke Of Edinburgh
Expand 112 - Correspondence with Sir AC Egerton112 - Correspondence with Sir AC Egerton
Expand 113 - Correspondence with Prof J Eggert113 - Correspondence with Prof J Eggert
Expand 114 - Correspondence with Prof G Eichelberg, Maschine Laboratorium, der ETH, Zurich114 - Correspondence with Prof G Eichelberg, Maschine Laboratorium, der ETH, Zurich
Expand 115 - Correspondence with Miss Adrienne Eisner115 - Correspondence with Miss Adrienne Eisner
Expand 116 - Correspondence with Herbert S Eisner116 - Correspondence with Herbert S Eisner
Expand 117 - Correspondence with Prof WM Elsasser117 - Correspondence with Prof WM Elsasser
Expand 118 - Correspondence with Dr HJ Emeleus, University Chemistry Laboratory, Cambridge118 - Correspondence with Dr HJ Emeleus, University Chemistry Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 119 - Correspondence with Prof I Estermann119 - Correspondence with Prof I Estermann
Expand 120 - Correspondence with Prof MG Evans, Department of Chemistry, Manchester University120 - Correspondence with Prof MG Evans, Department of Chemistry, Manchester University
121 - Letter from Prof D Everett, Chemistry Department, University College, Dundee, enquiring if Simon knows a suitable researcher to aid Everett with precise calorimetric work
Expand 122 - Correspondence with Prof Paul Peter Ewald122 - Correspondence with Prof Paul Peter Ewald
123 - Letter from Simon to Prof H Eyring, Chemistry Department, Utah University
Expand 124 - Correspondence with Prof Henry A Fairbank, Physics Laboratory, Yale University124 - Correspondence with Prof Henry A Fairbank, Physics Laboratory, Yale University
Expand 125 - Correspondence with Dr Adalbert Farkas125 - Correspondence with Dr Adalbert Farkas
Expand 126 - Correspondence with Prof N Feather, Department of Natural Philosophy, Edinburgh University126 - Correspondence with Prof N Feather, Department of Natural Philosophy, Edinburgh University
Expand 127 - Correspondence with HM Finniston, Ministry of Supply, Department of Atomic Energy127 - Correspondence with HM Finniston, Ministry of Supply, Department of Atomic Energy
Expand 128 - Correspondence with Prof P Fleury, Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Appliquee128 - Correspondence with Prof P Fleury, Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Appliquee
Expand 129 - Correspondence with Prof AD Fokker129 - Correspondence with Prof AD Fokker
Expand 130 - Correspondence with Dr E Fraenkel, University of Toronto130 - Correspondence with Dr E Fraenkel, University of Toronto
Expand 131 - Correspondence with Prof S Franchetti, Universita di Firenze131 - Correspondence with Prof S Franchetti, Universita di Firenze
Expand 132 - Correspondence with Prof James Franck, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago132 - Correspondence with Prof James Franck, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago
Expand 133 - Correspondence with Dr Stephen GF Frank, Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, Liverpool University 133 - Correspondence with Dr Stephen GF Frank, Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, Liverpool University
Expand 134 - Correspondence with Prof SH Frankel134 - Correspondence with Prof SH Frankel
Expand 135 - Correspondence with Sir Oliver Franks135 - Correspondence with Sir Oliver Franks
Expand 136 - Correspondence with Major FA Freeth, ICI136 - Correspondence with Major FA Freeth, ICI
Expand 137 - Correspondence with Prof Otto R Frisch137 - Correspondence with Prof Otto R Frisch
Expand 138 - Correspondence with Dr R Furth138 - Correspondence with Dr R Furth
139 - Letter from Dr KC Macdonald, to Dr D Gabor, Depertment of Electrical Engineering, Imperial Colege, on an article Gabor has sent him to check for errors
140 - Letter from Simon to Dr JW Gardner, Theoretical Physics Division, National Research Council, Canada
141 - Letter from WE Gardner to Simon, on an appointment to see Simon in the Clarendon laborator
142 - Letter from GRH Geoghan to Simon, thanking Simon for arranging the IPDC dinner
143 - Letter from Dr EP George, Birkbeck College, to Simon, enclosing a proposal to investigate whether penetrating cosmic ray showers are produced in hydrogen
Expand 144 - Correspondence with Dr WH George, Chelsea Polytechnic144 - Correspondence with Dr WH George, Chelsea Polytechnic
145 - Letter from Heinz Gerische, to Simon, on attending a Conference in Oxford
Expand 146 - Correspondence with Prof WF Giauque, Department of Chemistry, University of California146 - Correspondence with Prof WF Giauque, Department of Chemistry, University of California
Expand 147 - Correspondence with Sir Claude Gibb147 - Correspondence with Sir Claude Gibb
Expand 148 - Correspondence with Ralph Giles148 - Correspondence with Ralph Giles
Expand 149 - Correspondence with EWB Gill149 - Correspondence with EWB Gill
Expand 150 - Correspondence with Dr ER Gilliand, Massachusetts Institute of Technology150 - Correspondence with Dr ER Gilliand, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Expand 151 - Correspondence with John J Gilvarry, RAND Corporation151 - Correspondence with John J Gilvarry, RAND Corporation
152 - Letter from Prof SF Gimkey, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, to Simon, introducing Simon to EA Bunt, who is visiting the UK
153 - Letter from Simon to Giulotto, Director, International School of Physics, Varenna, recommending DT Edwards, who wishes to attend the Internatioanl course on magnetism
Expand 154 - Correspondence with Dr H Glaser, Max-Planck-Institut, Gottingen154 - Correspondence with Dr H Glaser, Max-Planck-Institut, Gottingen
Expand 155 - Correspondence with Dr E Gluckhauf, Durham University155 - Correspondence with Dr E Gluckhauf, Durham University
Expand 156 - Correspondence with BB Goalby156 - Correspondence with BB Goalby
Expand 157 - Correspondence with T Gold157 - Correspondence with T Gold
158 - Letter from Simon to Dr ARH Goldie, Air Ministry, Meteorological Office, on the experiments on the composition of the higher atmosphere, funded by the Gassiot Committee
Expand 159 - Correspondence between W Goldsmith, Royal Aircraft Establishment, and AF Brown, Clarendon Laboratory159 - Correspondence between W Goldsmith, Royal Aircraft Establishment, and AF Brown, Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 160 - Correspondence with Sir Charles Goodeve, British Iron and Steel Research Association160 - Correspondence with Sir Charles Goodeve, British Iron and Steel Research Association
161 - Letter from K Gordon, Trinidad House, to Simon, on an engineer at Trinidad House wishing to contact Simon re thermodynamics
Expand 162 - Correspondence with Prof CJ Gorter, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden162 - Correspondence with Prof CJ Gorter, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden
163 - Letter from Simom to SN Grant-Bailey, enclosing an article by Simon on the popular press
Expand 164 - Correspondence with Prof P Grassman, Institut fur kalorische Apparate und Kaltetechnik, Zurich164 - Correspondence with Prof P Grassman, Institut fur kalorische Apparate und Kaltetechnik, Zurich
Expand 165 - Correspondence between Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon laboratory, and Dr Peter Gray, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, on the suitability of a vessel to be used for specific heat measurements165 - Correspondence between Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon laboratory, and Dr Peter Gray, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, on the suitability of a vessel to be used for specific heat measurements
Expand 166 - Letters from Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, to FS Green, City of Oxford Education Committee, on arranging details for Dr FV Price, Clarendon Laboratory, to take part in the Oxford Atomic Energy Week 166 - Letters from Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, to FS Green, City of Oxford Education Committee, on arranging details for Dr FV Price, Clarendon Laboratory, to take part in the Oxford Atomic Energy Week
Expand 167 - Correspondence with JHS Green, Chemical and Physical Society, University College, London167 - Correspondence with JHS Green, Chemical and Physical Society, University College, London
Expand 168 - Correspondence with Prof FG Gregory168 - Correspondence with Prof FG Gregory
Expand 169 - Correspondence with J Grenville-Wells169 - Correspondence with J Grenville-Wells
Expand 170 - Correspondence with Dr KE Grew, University College of the South West of England170 - Correspondence with Dr KE Grew, University College of the South West of England
Expand 171 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice Griffel,  Iowa State College171 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice Griffel, Iowa State College
172 - Letter from AW Grffiths, Ministry of Supply, Division of Atomic Energy, to Simon, on the French patent application of ME Nahmias, covering the irradiation of diamonds in a nuclear reactor to effect modifications in their colour
Expand 173 - Correspondence with Dr Ezer Griffiths, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington173 - Correspondence with Dr Ezer Griffiths, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington
Expand 174 - Correspondence with Dr JHE Griffiths, Magdalen College, Oxford174 - Correspondence with Dr JHE Griffiths, Magdalen College, Oxford
Expand 175 - Correspondence with FH Grimbleby, Reading University175 - Correspondence with FH Grimbleby, Reading University
176 - Letter from Dr Nicholas Kurti, to P Grivet, Radio Electric Laboratory, enquiring if Dr DKC MacDonald would be able to visit Grivet's laboratory
Expand 177 - Correspondence with Prof CA Grob, Organic Chemistry Department, Basel University177 - Correspondence with Prof CA Grob, Organic Chemistry Department, Basel University
Expand 178 - Correspondence with Paul Grodzinski, Industrial Distributors Ltd178 - Correspondence with Paul Grodzinski, Industrial Distributors Ltd
Expand 179 - Correspondence with Prof SR de Groot, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht179 - Correspondence with Prof SR de Groot, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht
Expand 180 - Correspondence with P Gross180 - Correspondence with P Gross
Expand 181 - Correspondence with Dr WP Grove181 - Correspondence with Dr WP Grove
Expand 182 - Correspondence with Geoffrey C Groves182 - Correspondence with Geoffrey C Groves
Expand 183 - Correspondence with Dr Paul Gunther, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Karlsruhe183 - Correspondence with Dr Paul Gunther, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Karlsruhe
Expand 184 - Correspondence with Prof EA Guggenheim, Physics Department, Reading University184 - Correspondence with Prof EA Guggenheim, Physics Department, Reading University
Expand 185 - Correspondence with Dr KM Guggenheimer185 - Correspondence with Dr KM Guggenheimer
186 - Letter from Prof PL Gunther, Siemens & Halske Corporation, on not continuing his research on diamond synthesis
Expand 187 - Correspondence with Prof B Gutenberg, Seismological Laboratory, Pasadena187 - Correspondence with Prof B Gutenberg, Seismological Laboratory, Pasadena
Expand 188 - Correspondence with Dr H Gutsche188 - Correspondence with Dr H Gutsche
Expand 189 - Correspondence with HL Guy 189 - Correspondence with HL Guy
Expand 190 - Correspondence with Dr D Ter Haar, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of St Andrews190 - Correspondence with Dr D Ter Haar, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of St Andrews
191 - Letter to Mr and Mrs De Haas, thanking them on the books they gave to Simon on his recent trip abroad
Expand 192 - Correspondence with R Haase192 - Correspondence with R Haase
193 - Letter from Simon to Sir John Hacking, on the cancellation of a vist to the UK by Ailleret
Expand 194 - Correspondence with G Nelson Haden, G N Haden Engineers Ltd194 - Correspondence with G Nelson Haden, G N Haden Engineers Ltd
195 - Letter from Simon to Prof Otto Hahn, Max Planck Institute, Gottingen, offering his congratulations on Hahn's 75th birthday
Expand 196 - Correspondence with Prof H Halban196 - Correspondence with Prof H Halban
Expand 197 - Correspondence with TG Haldane, President of the Institute of Electrical Engineers197 - Correspondence with TG Haldane, President of the Institute of Electrical Engineers
198 - Letter from Noel F Hall, Administrative Staff College, Henley, to Simon, on Simon's recent visit to the College
Expand 199 - Correspondence with Phillip Hall199 - Correspondence with Phillip Hall
Expand 200 - Correspondence with JW Halpern200 - Correspondence with JW Halpern
Expand 201 - Correspondence with Lord Halsbury201 - Correspondence with Lord Halsbury
Expand 202 - Correspondence with Dr EF Hammel, Chemical and Metallurgical Division, University of California202 - Correspondence with Dr EF Hammel, Chemical and Metallurgical Division, University of California
Expand 203 - Correspondence with J van den Handel, Kamerlingh onnes Laboratorium der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden203 - Correspondence with J van den Handel, Kamerlingh onnes Laboratorium der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden
Expand 204 - Correspondence with Lord Hankey, Ministry of Labour204 - Correspondence with Lord Hankey, Ministry of Labour
Expand 205 - Correspondence with Robert Harben, on the writing of an article on Low Temperature research at the Clarendon laboratory205 - Correspondence with Robert Harben, on the writing of an article on Low Temperature research at the Clarendon laboratory
206 - Letter from S Harper, Australian Scientific Liason Office, to Simon, on visiting the Clarendon laboratory
Expand 207 - Correspondence with Dr HRF Harrod, Christ Church, Oxford207 - Correspondence with Dr HRF Harrod, Christ Church, Oxford
Expand 208 - Correspondence with P Harteck, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie der Hansischen Universitat, Hamburg208 - Correspondence with P Harteck, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie der Hansischen Universitat, Hamburg
Expand 209 - Correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley, Institute of Steel209 - Correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley, Institute of Steel
Expand 210 - Correspondence with DR Hartree, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge210 - Correspondence with DR Hartree, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 211 - Correspondence with Dr U S Haslam-Jones, Queen's College, Oxford211 - Correspondence with Dr U S Haslam-Jones, Queen's College, Oxford
Expand 212 - Correspondence with AA Hassan, Farouk University, Egypt212 - Correspondence with AA Hassan, Farouk University, Egypt
Expand 213 - Correspondence with IH Hausen213 - Correspondence with IH Hausen
Expand 214 - Correspondence with Dr R Havens, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC214 - Correspondence with Dr R Havens, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC
Expand 215 - Correspondence with Christine M Hawkins215 - Correspondence with Christine M Hawkins
216 - Letter from GA Hawkins, Dean of Engineering, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, sending Simon copies of work by Hawkins on the corrosion of steel in contact with high-temperature steam
Expand 217 - Correspondence with Prof Norman Haworth, Birmingham University217 - Correspondence with Prof Norman Haworth, Birmingham University
Expand 218 - Correspondence with Prof WR Hawthorne, University Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge218 - Correspondence with Prof WR Hawthorne, University Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge
219 - Letter from HGY Hayman to Dr Nichoals Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, on enquiries regarding a thermometer
Expand 220 - Correspondence concerning A Hazel220 - Correspondence concerning A Hazel
Expand 221 - Correspondence with Dr FT Hedgcock, University of Western Ontario221 - Correspondence with Dr FT Hedgcock, University of Western Ontario
222 - Letter from ES Hedges, Director of Research, Tin Research Institute, to Simon, on Hedges's recent visit to the Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 223 - Correspondence with W Heffer223 - Correspondence with W Heffer
Expand 224 - Correspondence with Prof Werner Heisenberg, Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik, Gottingen224 - Correspondence with Prof Werner Heisenberg, Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik, Gottingen
Expand 225 - Correspondence with Prof W Heitler, Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin225 - Correspondence with Prof W Heitler, Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin
226 - Letter from Simon to Dr KH Hellwege, Institut fur Technische Physik der Technischen Hochschule, on reprints requested by Hellwege
227 - Letter from R Berman, Clarendon Laboratory to Dr HK Henisch, requesting details on soldering on crystals
Expand 228 - Correspondence with Rex Henry228 - Correspondence with Rex Henry
Expand 229 - Correspondence with DG Henshaw, National Research Council, Canada229 - Correspondence with DG Henshaw, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 230 - Correspondence with A Herczog230 - Correspondence with A Herczog
Expand 231 - Correspondence with Dr JW Herivel, Queen's University, Belfast231 - Correspondence with Dr JW Herivel, Queen's University, Belfast
Expand 232 - Correspondence with Letter from Melvin G Herlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 232 - Correspondence with Letter from Melvin G Herlin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Expand 233 - Correspondence with Mrs Erma Herrey233 - Correspondence with Mrs Erma Herrey
Expand 234 - Correspondence with Dr G Herzberg, National Research Council, Canada234 - Correspondence with Dr G Herzberg, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 235 - Correspondence with Karl F Herzfeld235 - Correspondence with Karl F Herzfeld
Expand 236 - Correspondence with Prof GH de Hevesy236 - Correspondence with Prof GH de Hevesy
Expand 237 - Correspondence with Paul de Hevesy237 - Correspondence with Paul de Hevesy
Expand 238 - Correspondence with RT Hewitt238 - Correspondence with RT Hewitt
239 - Letter from Ursula K Hicks to Simon, on receipt of articles sent to her by Simon
Expand 240 - Correspondence with Thomas Higham, Public Orator, Trinity College, Oxford240 - Correspondence with Thomas Higham, Public Orator, Trinity College, Oxford
Expand 241 - Correspondence with A Highfield, Armament Research Establishment241 - Correspondence with A Highfield, Armament Research Establishment
Expand 242 - Correspondence with Prof Joel Hildebrand, Department of Chemistry, University of California242 - Correspondence with Prof Joel Hildebrand, Department of Chemistry, University of California
Expand 243 - Correspondence with Prof AV Hill, University College, London243 - Correspondence with Prof AV Hill, University College, London
Expand 244 - Correspondence with Prof Richard S Hilpert244 - Correspondence with Prof Richard S Hilpert
Expand 245 - Correspondence with Prof R Hilsch, Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Erlangen245 - Correspondence with Prof R Hilsch, Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Erlangen
Expand 246 - Correspondence with Sir Cyril Hinshelwood246 - Correspondence with Sir Cyril Hinshelwood
Expand 247 - Correspondence with Heinrich Hirzel247 - Correspondence with Heinrich Hirzel
248 - Letter from Dirk Bijl, Clarendon laboratory, to Messrs Hivac Ltd, requesting information on hearing aid valves
Expand 249 - Correspondence with PC Hobbins, Chemistry Department, University College, London249 - Correspondence with PC Hobbins, Chemistry Department, University College, London
250 - Letter from Simon to Dr KH Hocker, on the ethics of quoting from another author's work
Expand 251 - Correspondence with Mrs D Hodgkin251 - Correspondence with Mrs D Hodgkin
252 - Letter from Thomas Hodgkin to Simon, arranging a meeting with Dr Nicholas Kurti
Expand 253 - Correspondence with JS Hodgkinson253 - Correspondence with JS Hodgkinson
Expand 254 - Correspondence with Messrs Andreras Hofer Ltd254 - Correspondence with Messrs Andreras Hofer Ltd
Expand 255 - Correspondence with Dr CF Holmboe255 - Correspondence with Dr CF Holmboe
256 - Letter from Simon to Barbara Holmes, enclosing a cheque for One Guinea as his contribution towards the Louis Rapkine Memorial Fund Appeal
257 - Letter from Simon to W Honegger, on Honegger's advert in the 'Neue Zuricher Zeitung' for liquefiers
Expand 258 - Correspondence with Dr DJ Hooton, Max Planck Institut fur Physik, Gottingen258 - Correspondence with Dr DJ Hooton, Max Planck Institut fur Physik, Gottingen
Expand 259 - Correspondence between JR Hopper and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory259 - Correspondence between JR Hopper and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 260 - Correspondence with J Hornstein260 - Correspondence with J Hornstein
Expand 261 - Correspondence with ACL Houlton261 - Correspondence with ACL Houlton
Expand 262 - Correspondence with WV Houston, President, Rice Institute262 - Correspondence with WV Houston, President, Rice Institute
Expand 263 - Correspondence with Prof Vaino Hovi263 - Correspondence with Prof Vaino Hovi
Expand 264 - Correspondence with E Howarth264 - Correspondence with E Howarth
265 - Letter from EE Huber Jr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to Simon, enquiring on the possibilities of visiting the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford
Expand 266 - Correspondence with Prof P Huber, Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Basel266 - Correspondence with Prof P Huber, Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Basel
Expand 267 - Correspondence with Dr JD Huffington267 - Correspondence with Dr JD Huffington
268 - Letter from JAW Huggill, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, to Simon, returning a paper to Simon from Professor Gorter
Expand 269 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice L Huggins, Eastman Kodak Company269 - Correspondence with Dr Maurice L Huggins, Eastman Kodak Company
270 - Letter from Simon to Dr DJ Hughes, inviting him to a dinner party
Expand 271 - Correspondence with Dr Ray C Hughes, Philips Laboratories271 - Correspondence with Dr Ray C Hughes, Philips Laboratories
272 - Letter from R Berman, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford to Dr John K Hulm, University of Chicago, enclosing a reprint
Expand 273 - Correspondence with W Hume-Rothery, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford273 - Correspondence with W Hume-Rothery, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford
Expand 274 - Correspondence with OW Humphreys274 - Correspondence with OW Humphreys
Expand 275 - Correspondence with Anthony Hunt, Editor, 'House and Garden'275 - Correspondence with Anthony Hunt, Editor, 'House and Garden'
Expand 276 - Correspondence between G Hutchinson and Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford276 - Correspondence between G Hutchinson and Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford
277 - Letter from Simon to SP Hutton, Imperial College, London, on bellows manometers
Expand 278 - Correspondence with Prof RS Hutton278 - Correspondence with Prof RS Hutton
Expand 279 - Correspondence with RS Ingarden279 - Correspondence with RS Ingarden
280 - Letter from Simon to CC Inglis, British Transport Commission, on the consumption of coal by locomotive trains
Expand 281 - Correspondence with Prof CK Ingold, University College, London281 - Correspondence with Prof CK Ingold, University College, London
Expand 282 - Correspondence with Prof DA Jackson282 - Correspondence with Prof DA Jackson
Expand 283 - Correspondence with JF Jackson283 - Correspondence with JF Jackson
Expand 284 - Correspondence with Dr LC Jackson, Bristol University284 - Correspondence with Dr LC Jackson, Bristol University
Expand 285 - Correspondence with Prof Willis Jackson, Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, London285 - Correspondence with Prof Willis Jackson, Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, London
Expand 286 - Correspondence with Prof JA Jacobs286 - Correspondence with Prof JA Jacobs
Expand 287 - Correspondence with Prof Max Jakob, Illinois Institute of Technology287 - Correspondence with Prof Max Jakob, Illinois Institute of Technology
288 - Letter from Walter James, 'The Times Educational Supplement', to Simon on the draft report 'The Future Development of Higher Technological Education', by the National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce
Expand 289 - Correspondence with Prof NS Japolsky289 - Correspondence with Prof NS Japolsky
Expand 290 - Correspondence with Prof Harold Jeffreys290 - Correspondence with Prof Harold Jeffreys
Expand 291 - Correspondence with Prof John Jewkes, Merton College, Oxford291 - Correspondence with Prof John Jewkes, Merton College, Oxford
Expand 292 - Correspondence with Shacheenatha Jha292 - Correspondence with Shacheenatha Jha
293 - Letter from AA Johnson to Simon, thanking him for letting him work at the Clarendon Laboratory
294 - Letter from AF Johnson, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, to Simon, requesting a copy of an article by Simon on magnetism
Expand 295 - Correspondence with CE Johnson295 - Correspondence with CE Johnson
Expand 296 - Correspondence with JA Johnson296 - Correspondence with JA Johnson
Expand 297 - Correspondence with WEP Johnson297 - Correspondence with WEP Johnson
298 - Letter from WJ Johnson, to Simon, offering periodicals for sale
Expand 299 - Correspondence with HL Johnston299 - Correspondence with HL Johnston
300 - Letter from DM Johnstone to Simon, on a forthcoming meeting between the two men
301 - Letter from Dr FE Jones, Royal Air Establishment, on using hydrogen gas to "lubricate" the wings of aircraft at supersonic velocity
302 - Letter from Simon to GA Jones, on his application to work as a mechanic at the Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 303 - Correspondence with GO Jones303 - Correspondence with GO Jones
Expand 304 - Correspondence with RV Jones304 - Correspondence with RV Jones
305 - Letter from Simon to Prof G Joos, on the late arrival of an a letter asking Simon to contribute an essay on Max Planck
Expand 306 - Correspondence with Prof W Jost306 - Correspondence with Prof W Jost
307 - Letter from Catherine Judson, Secretarial Training, to Simon, on the filling of a secretarial post at the Clarendon Laboratory
308 - Letter from with Prof E Kanda, Cryogenic Laboratory, Tohoku University, on receipt of reprints
Expand 309 - Correspondence with CF Kearton309 - Correspondence with CF Kearton
Expand 310 - Correspondence with PH Keesom310 - Correspondence with PH Keesom
Expand 311 - Correspondence with PC Keith, Hydrocarbon Research Ltd311 - Correspondence with PC Keith, Hydrocarbon Research Ltd
Expand 312 - Correspondence with Dr Arnold Keller, on low temperature research312 - Correspondence with Dr Arnold Keller, on low temperature research
313 - Letter from Dr C Keller to Simon, on modern evaporating Chemical plants
Expand 314 - Correspondence with Dr K Kellner, Physics Department, University of Southampton314 - Correspondence with Dr K Kellner, Physics Department, University of Southampton
Expand 315 - Correspondence with Dr Marvin J Kelly, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 315 - Correspondence with Dr Marvin J Kelly, Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Expand 316 - Correspondence with Prof N Kemmer, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of Edinburgh316 - Correspondence with Prof N Kemmer, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
Expand 317 - Correspondence with FG Kent317 - Correspondence with FG Kent
Expand 318 - Correspondence with Dr Franz Kind, Manchester Oil Refinery318 - Correspondence with Dr Franz Kind, Manchester Oil Refinery
319 - Letter from with A King, Office of the Lord President of the Council, to Simon, on articles by Simon on Technical Education in the 'Financial Times'
320 - Letter from JE King, Nottingham University, to Simon, thanking Simon for his letter of congratulation
Expand 321 - Correspondence between BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory, and TH Kinman, British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd.321 - Correspondence between BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory, and TH Kinman, British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd.
Expand 322 - Correspondence with FB Kipping, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge322 - Correspondence with FB Kipping, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 323 - Correspondence with Dr J Kistemaker323 - Correspondence with Dr J Kistemaker
Expand 324 - Correspondence with Prof Charles Kittel, Department of Physics, University of California324 - Correspondence with Prof Charles Kittel, Department of Physics, University of California
Expand 325 - Correspondence with Paul G Klemens325 - Correspondence with Paul G Klemens
Expand 326 - Correspondence with B Koch326 - Correspondence with B Koch
327 - Letter from Dr A Kochendorfer, to Simon, sending to Simon articles by him
Expand 328 - Correspondence with Dr Jorgen Koeford, Universtetets Fysik-Kemiske Institut, Copenhagen328 - Correspondence with Dr Jorgen Koeford, Universtetets Fysik-Kemiske Institut, Copenhagen
Expand 329 - Correspondence with JWL Kohler, Philips Research Laboratories329 - Correspondence with JWL Kohler, Philips Research Laboratories
Expand 330 - Correspondence with H Kopfermann330 - Correspondence with H Kopfermann
Expand 331 - Correspondence with Dr R Kompfner331 - Correspondence with Dr R Kompfner
Expand 332 - Correspondence with Dr DS Kothari332 - Correspondence with Dr DS Kothari
333 - Letter from L Kowarski to Simon, on the forthcoming Engineering Congress in Paris
Expand 334 - Correspondence with Prof HA Kramers, Kammerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden334 - Correspondence with Prof HA Kramers, Kammerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
Expand 335 - Correspondence with Dr WJ Kramers335 - Correspondence with Dr WJ Kramers
Expand 336 - Correspondence with Prof Hans Krebs, Department of Biochemistry, Sheffield University336 - Correspondence with Prof Hans Krebs, Department of Biochemistry, Sheffield University
337 - Letter from Dr Heinz Krekeler to Simon, on his trip to the UK
338 - Letter from Simon to Prof RS Krishnan, Indian Institute of Science, on the Impag resistance ribbon
Expand 339 - Correspondence with Prof R Kronig339 - Correspondence with Prof R Kronig
Expand 340 - Correspondence with Prof HR Kruyt, Department of Chemistry, Utrecht University340 - Correspondence with Prof HR Kruyt, Department of Chemistry, Utrecht University
Expand 341 - Correspondence with Prof Werner Kuhn, Department of Physical Chemistry, Basle University341 - Correspondence with Prof Werner Kuhn, Department of Physical Chemistry, Basle University
342 - Letter from Dr Nicholas Kurti to Simon, on news of Kuhn
Expand 343 - Correspondence with GJ Kynch343 - Correspondence with GJ Kynch
Expand 344 - Correspondence with R Ladenburg344 - Correspondence with R Ladenburg
345 - Letter from Simon to ME Laffon, enclosing a copy of a recent lecture by Simon
Expand 346 - Correspondence with Dr Willis E Lamb Jr346 - Correspondence with Dr Willis E Lamb Jr
Expand 347 - Correspondence with M Landolt347 - Correspondence with M Landolt
Expand 348 - Correspondence with Dr Peter T Landsberg, 348 - Correspondence with Dr Peter T Landsberg,
Expand 349 - Correspondence with Dr CT Lane, Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University349 - Correspondence with Dr CT Lane, Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University
350 - Letter from Col Paul Langguth, Signal Corps, to Simon, on Simon's forthcoming visit to the USA
351 - Letter from Simon to Dr I Langmuir, General Electric Company, USA, on the specific heat of Germanium
Expand 352 - Correspondence with Prof Karl Lark-Horowitz, Physics Department, Purdue University, USA352 - Correspondence with Prof Karl Lark-Horowitz, Physics Department, Purdue University, USA
Expand 353 - Correspondence with AH Larsen353 - Correspondence with AH Larsen
Expand 354 - Correspondence with Egon Larsen354 - Correspondence with Egon Larsen
355 - Letter from VA Lasareef, to Simon requesting reprints of his recent papers on the thermodynamic properties of glass and water
Expand 356 - Correspondence with MA Lasheen, Farouk 1 University, Egypt356 - Correspondence with MA Lasheen, Farouk 1 University, Egypt
Expand 357 - Correspondence with Prof Max von Laue357 - Correspondence with Prof Max von Laue
Expand 358 - Correspondence with Prof Ernest O Lawrence358 - Correspondence with Prof Ernest O Lawrence
359 - Letter from Simon to the Lebanon Steel Foundry, Pennsylvania, on low temperature alloy steel
Expand 360 - Correspondence with EW Lee, Notingham University360 - Correspondence with EW Lee, Notingham University
Expand 361 - Correspondence with PA Lee361 - Correspondence with PA Lee
Expand 362 - Correspondence with WH Lee, Chemical and Physical Society, University College, London362 - Correspondence with WH Lee, Chemical and Physical Society, University College, London
Expand 363 - Correspondence with A Leemans363 - Correspondence with A Leemans
Expand 364 - Correspondence with Egon Lehrburger364 - Correspondence with Egon Lehrburger
Expand 365 - Correspondence with R Lengrand, L'Air Liquide365 - Correspondence with R Lengrand, L'Air Liquide
Expand 366 - Correspondence with Dr D Lenzi366 - Correspondence with Dr D Lenzi
367 - Letter from S Leslie, to TC Keeley, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, on a letter from Gott to Simon going astray
368 - Letter from R Lessing to Simon, thanking Simon for forwarding his articles for the 'Financial Times' on fuel policy
369 - Letter fron RBN Levick, forwarding letters on to Simon
Expand 370 - Correspondence with S Levine, Department of Mathematics, Manchester University370 - Correspondence with S Levine, Department of Mathematics, Manchester University
Expand 371 - Correspondence with John Lewis, ICI371 - Correspondence with John Lewis, ICI
Expand 372 - Correspondence with Dr WB Lewis, National Research Council, Canada372 - Correspondence with Dr WB Lewis, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 373 - Correspondence with NH Leyland373 - Correspondence with NH Leyland
Expand 374 - Correspondence with Dr R Liljebad, ASEA374 - Correspondence with Dr R Liljebad, ASEA
Expand 375 - Correspondence with Lord Lindsay of Birker, Principal, University College of North Staffordshire375 - Correspondence with Lord Lindsay of Birker, Principal, University College of North Staffordshire
376 - Letter from Simon to NLG Lingwood, requesting some liquid nitrogen
Expand 377 - Correspondence with Prof RP Linstead, Department of Organic Chemistry, Imperial College377 - Correspondence with Prof RP Linstead, Department of Organic Chemistry, Imperial College
Expand 378 - Correspondence with F Le Lionnais378 - Correspondence with F Le Lionnais
Expand 379 - Correspondence with Frederick Lipsett, University of British Columbia379 - Correspondence with Frederick Lipsett, University of British Columbia
380 - Letter from M Litmanowitsch to Simon, on his current research at Cambridge
Expand 381 - Correspondence with Dr IMD Little381 - Correspondence with Dr IMD Little
Expand 382 - Correspondence with DR Llewellyn382 - Correspondence with DR Llewellyn
383 - Letter from BB Lloyd, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, to Simon, on AV Hill's paper on the active state of muscle
Expand 384 - Correspondence with Maj Gen C Lloyd384 - Correspondence with Maj Gen C Lloyd
385 - Letter from Simon to Rt Hon Geoffrey Lloyd, offering his views on the fuel position
Expand 386 - Correspondence with K Lloyd, Williams, Standring, Sandeman and Heatley, Wine Sellers, and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory386 - Correspondence with K Lloyd, Williams, Standring, Sandeman and Heatley, Wine Sellers, and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 387 - Correspondence with WO Lock, Association of Scientific Workers387 - Correspondence with WO Lock, Association of Scientific Workers
388 - Correspondence with John K Logan, to Simon, on a forthcoming visit to Oxford
Expand 389 - Correspondence with Prof Fritz London, Duke University, North Carolina389 - Correspondence with Prof Fritz London, Duke University, North Carolina
Expand 390 - Correspondence with Prof Earl A Long, Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago390 - Correspondence with Prof Earl A Long, Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago
Expand 391 - Correspondence with Hugh M Long391 - Correspondence with Hugh M Long
Expand 392 - Correspondence with AK Longair392 - Correspondence with AK Longair
393 - Letter from William Lonnqvist to Simon, offering for sale his patent for apparatus for receiving solar energy
Expand 394 - Correspondence with Kathleen Lonsdale, University College, London,394 - Correspondence with Kathleen Lonsdale, University College, London,
395 - Letter from Simon to Prof Richard C Lord, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, artificial sapphires
Expand 396 - Correspondence with Dr W Low, Hebrew University, Jerusalem396 - Correspondence with Dr W Low, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Expand 397 - Correspondence with DN Lowe, Secretary, British Association for the Advancement of Science397 - Correspondence with DN Lowe, Secretary, British Association for the Advancement of Science
398 - Letter from Simon to Dr H Lowery, South-West Essex Technical College, Walthamstow, on technical education
Expand 399 - Correspondence with Erik Lundblad, ASEA399 - Correspondence with Erik Lundblad, ASEA
Expand 400 - Correspondence with Oliver Lyle400 - Correspondence with Oliver Lyle
Expand 401 - Correspondence with Dr DKC MacDonald, Physics, Division, National Research Council, Canada401 - Correspondence with Dr DKC MacDonald, Physics, Division, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 402 - Correspondence with Dr Angus MacFarlane, United Kingdom Scientific Mission402 - Correspondence with Dr Angus MacFarlane, United Kingdom Scientific Mission
Expand 403 - Correspondence with Dr CJ Mackenzie, President, National Research Council, Canada403 - Correspondence with Dr CJ Mackenzie, President, National Research Council, Canada
404 - Letter from Dr LM Mackenzie, American Embassy, London to Simon, sending him 5 grams of germane from Dr Karl Lark-Horowitz, Purdue University, Indiana
Expand 405 - Correspondence with Dr DB Macleod, Canterbury University College, New Zealand405 - Correspondence with Dr DB Macleod, Canterbury University College, New Zealand
Expand 406 - Correspondence with TS Macneish406 - Correspondence with TS Macneish
407 - Letter from Simon to the Regsitrar, Madras University, on acting as an examiner for a candidate
Expand 408 - Correspondence with M Magat408 - Correspondence with M Magat
Expand 409 - Correspondence with Leon Maissel 409 - Correspondence with Leon Maissel
Expand 410 - Correspondence with Sir Roger Makins, Foreign Office410 - Correspondence with Sir Roger Makins, Foreign Office
Expand 411 - Correspondence with Stephen Malaker, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee411 - Correspondence with Stephen Malaker, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
Expand 412 - Correspondence between GO Jones, Clarendon Laboratory and JO Maloney, University of Kansas, Research Foundation412 - Correspondence between GO Jones, Clarendon Laboratory and JO Maloney, University of Kansas, Research Foundation
413 - Letter from N Malterre, Scientific Relations Service, Institut International de Cooperation Intellectuelle, to Simon, on sending Simon copies of the report "Les possibilities et limites de la methode de refroidissement magnetique"
414 - Letter from the Secretary to the Faculty of Science, University of Manchester, on Simon acting as an External Referee on the thesis of WK Donaldson
Expand 415 - Correspondence with Dr Arthur Mandl415 - Correspondence with Dr Arthur Mandl
416 - Letter from Dr KA Mann, Nuffield Laboratory of Opthalmology, Oxford, on the eyesight of Simon's daughter Dorothy
Expand 417 - Correspondence with WRD Manning, ICI Plastics417 - Correspondence with WRD Manning, ICI Plastics
418 - Letter from BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory, to Marconi Instrument Ltd, requesting a catalogue of Radio and Electrical Measuring Equipment
419 - Letter from Simon to Dr P Marcus, Carnegie Institute of Technology, forwarding reprints
420 - Letter from Prof P Mariens, Centre D'Etudes Scientifiques et Techniques du Froid, to Simon, sending him paper presented at the meeting at Louvain
Expand 421 - Correspondence with Leo Marion, National Research Council, Canada421 - Correspondence with Leo Marion, National Research Council, Canada
422 - Letter from H Mark, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, to Simon, on receipt of reprints sent by Simon
Expand 423 - Correspondence with Jordan J Markham, Johns Hopkins University423 - Correspondence with Jordan J Markham, Johns Hopkins University
424 - Letter from with WG Marley, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, to Simon, thanking Simon for writing to him to congratulate him on his engagement
425 - Letter from Simon to Prof J Marschak, Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, University of Chicago, sending him a copy of a talk Simon gave to the Royal Institution
Expand 426 - Correspondence with Dr E Marsden, New Zealand Scientific Office426 - Correspondence with Dr E Marsden, New Zealand Scientific Office
Expand 427 - Correspondence with Dr JK Marsh427 - Correspondence with Dr JK Marsh
Expand 428 - Correspondence with J Marshak428 - Correspondence with J Marshak
Expand 429 - Correspondence with Ursula Martius429 - Correspondence with Ursula Martius
Expand 430 - Correspondence with Daniel Mason430 - Correspondence with Daniel Mason
Expand 431 - Correspondence with NH Mason, Inter-Service Metallurgical Research Council, Ministry of Supply431 - Correspondence with NH Mason, Inter-Service Metallurgical Research Council, Ministry of Supply
Expand 432 - Correspondence with Prof HSW Massey, Department of Physics, University College432 - Correspondence with Prof HSW Massey, Department of Physics, University College
Expand 433 - Correspondence with Dr Daniel Massignon433 - Correspondence with Dr Daniel Massignon
434 - Letter from KB Mather, Washington University, to Simon, enquiring about the possibility of obtaining temporary employment at the Clarendon Laboratory
435 - Letter from Simon to K Matthews, Balliol College, Oxford, on a lecture by Professor Andrade
Expand 436 - Correspondence with Sir John Maud, Ministry of Fuel and Power436 - Correspondence with Sir John Maud, Ministry of Fuel and Power
Expand 437 - Correspondence between RAV Mavrodineanu and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory437 - Correspondence between RAV Mavrodineanu and Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory
438 - Letter from E Maxwell, Cryogenics Section, US Department of Commerce, to Simon, on Maxwell's paper on the two fluid model for superconductors
439 - Letter from BJ Mayne, ICI, to Dr Nicholas Kurti, Clarendon Laboratory, on finding accommodation in Oxford for a young researcher from ICI
440 - Letter from WV Mayneord, Royal Cancer Hospital, to Simon, discussing calorimetry
Expand 441 - Correspondence with Dr A Mazzoni441 - Correspondence with Dr A Mazzoni
Expand 442 - Correspondence with Hugh W Handsfield, McGraw-Hill Book Company442 - Correspondence with Hugh W Handsfield, McGraw-Hill Book Company
Expand 443 - Correspondence with Albert J McIntosh, Socony-Vacuum Oil Company443 - Correspondence with Albert J McIntosh, Socony-Vacuum Oil Company
444 - Letter from FE McKenna, Air Reduction, Sales Company, to Simon, requesting copies of Simon's paper "Some remarkd on the expansion method for the liquefaction of He"
Expand 445 - Correspondence with John McMichael, Edinburgh Academy445 - Correspondence with John McMichael, Edinburgh Academy
Expand 446 - Correspondence with Dr CEK Mees, Eastman Kodak Company446 - Correspondence with Dr CEK Mees, Eastman Kodak Company
Expand 447 - Correspondence with Prof Walther Meissner447 - Correspondence with Prof Walther Meissner
448 - Letter from Leise Meitner to Simon, on her forthcoming visit to London
449 - Letter from Simon to Lord Melchett, on arranging a meeting
Expand 450 - Correspondence with CA Melchior450 - Correspondence with CA Melchior
451 - Letter from Simon to Prof B Mendel, on arranging a meeting with Mendel whilst on holiday in Switzerland
452 - Letter from Simon to Dr Gerald Mendell, arranging to meet Mendell on Simon's forthcoming trip to Ottawa
Expand 453 - Correspondence with Dr Kurt Mendelssohn, Physics Department, Rice Institute, Texas453 - Correspondence with Dr Kurt Mendelssohn, Physics Department, Rice Institute, Texas
Expand 454 - Correspondence with E Mendoza, Bristol University 454 - Correspondence with E Mendoza, Bristol University
Expand 455 - Correspondence with AC Menzies, Adam Hilger Ltd455 - Correspondence with AC Menzies, Adam Hilger Ltd
Expand 456 - Correspondence with Dr AD Merriman456 - Correspondence with Dr AD Merriman
Expand 457 - Correspondence with Sir Thomas Merton457 - Correspondence with Sir Thomas Merton
Expand 458 - Correspondence with Dr M Merz, Editor, 'Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung'458 - Correspondence with Dr M Merz, Editor, 'Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung'
459 - Letter from MB Hedges, Metal and Produce Recovery Depot, Oxford, to Simon, on supplying Simon with Framed Armourplate Glass
Expand 460 - Correspondence with Prof Edgar Meyer, Department of Physics, Zurich University460 - Correspondence with Prof Edgar Meyer, Department of Physics, Zurich University
Expand 461 - Correspondence with Lothar Meyer, Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago461 - Correspondence with Lothar Meyer, Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago
462 - Letter from Prof Walter E Meyerhof, Department of Physics, University of Illinois, to Simon, on visiting Simon in Oxford
Expand 463 - Correspondence with Adolf Michaelis, Bundespress und Informationsamt463 - Correspondence with Adolf Michaelis, Bundespress und Informationsamt
464 - Letter from Simon to Hedwig Michaelis, on arragements for his forthcoming visit to New York
Expand 465 - Correspondence with Prof A Michels, Van der Waals Laboratory, Amsterdam465 - Correspondence with Prof A Michels, Van der Waals Laboratory, Amsterdam
Expand 466 - Correspondence with Dr AR Miller, Royal Society Mond Laboratory, Cambridge466 - Correspondence with Dr AR Miller, Royal Society Mond Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 467 - Correspondence with EG Milne467 - Correspondence with EG Milne
Expand 468 - Correspondence with Dr Robert M Milton, Johns Hopkins University468 - Correspondence with Dr Robert M Milton, Johns Hopkins University
469 - Letter from Simon to Naomi Mitchison, thanking her for her favourable review for his book 'The Neglect of Science'
470 - Letter from Simon to Prof SK Mitra, College of Science, India, on receipt of Mitra's book 'The Upper Atmosphere'
Expand 471 - Correspondence with AJ Moakes471 - Correspondence with AJ Moakes
Expand 472 - Correspondence with HA Moe472 - Correspondence with HA Moe
473 - Letter from Simon's Secretary to Moffitt, forwarding on proofs of Moffitts paper which was submitted to the Royal Society
Expand 474 - Correspondence with BW Montague474 - Correspondence with BW Montague
Expand 475 - Correspondence with D Montgomery475 - Correspondence with D Montgomery
Expand 476 - Correspondence with Prof PB Moon, Physics Department, Birmingham University476 - Correspondence with Prof PB Moon, Physics Department, Birmingham University
Expand 477 - Correspondence with LP Moore, Cyanamid Products477 - Correspondence with LP Moore, Cyanamid Products
478 - Letter from Simon to Viscount Moore, 'Financial Times', inviting him to a meal at Christ Church College, Oxford
Expand 479 - Correspondence with MJ Moore, Liverpool University479 - Correspondence with MJ Moore, Liverpool University
Expand 480 - Correspondence with L Van Moppes480 - Correspondence with L Van Moppes
481 - Letter from Simon to FW Morgan, Academic Books Ltd, on contacting the members of the Physical Society
Expand 482 - Correspondence with Dr E Moritz482 - Correspondence with Dr E Moritz
483 - Note by Simon on the address and employment history of TH Morris
Expand 484 - Correspondence with JA Morrison, National Research Council, Canada484 - Correspondence with JA Morrison, National Research Council, Canada
Expand 485 - Correspondence with RL Mortlock485 - Correspondence with RL Mortlock
486 - Letter from Simon to Dr AG Morton, on Morton's letter to the 'Manchester Guardian' in support of a recent article by Simon
Expand 487 - Correspondence with HG Mosle, Technische Universitat, Berlin-Charlottenburg,487 - Correspondence with HG Mosle, Technische Universitat, Berlin-Charlottenburg,
Expand 488 - Correspondence with Prof NF Mott488 - Correspondence with Prof NF Mott
489 - Letter from Simon to AR Muhlberg, Secretary, Emergency Society for German Scholars in Exile, on correspondence concering Prof St Loris
490 - Letter from Simon to Dr Joseph F Mullaney, Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, querying points made in an article by Mullaney on the electronic structure of solid silicon in the 'Physical Review'
Expand 491 - Letters from the Misses Mulliken491 - Letters from the Misses Mulliken
492 - Letter from Simon to Prof RS Mulliken, inviting him to dine with Simon at Christ Church College, Oxford
493 - Letter from Dr Alfred Munster to Simon, thanking Simon for the use of the Clarendon Laboratory to carry out low temperature measurements for his research
Expand 494 - Correspondence with Dr Robert Munz494 - Correspondence with Dr Robert Munz
Expand 495 - Correspondence with Dr Friedrich Munzinger495 - Correspondence with Dr Friedrich Munzinger
Expand 496 - Correspondence between Dr BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory and Dr MP Murgai, EP University, India 496 - Correspondence between Dr BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory and Dr MP Murgai, EP University, India
Expand 497 - Correspondence with Dr EV Murphree, Esso Development Company497 - Correspondence with Dr EV Murphree, Esso Development Company
498 - Letter from Prof Keith Murray, Rector, Lincoln College, Oxford, to Simon, requesting Simon pass on a message to Sir Wallace Akers
Expand 499 - Correspondence with C Rangachar, Registrar, University of Mysore499 - Correspondence with C Rangachar, Registrar, University of Mysore
Expand 500 - Correspondence with Gerald Nabarro MP500 - Correspondence with Gerald Nabarro MP
Expand 501 - Correspondence with FRN Nabarro501 - Correspondence with FRN Nabarro
Expand 502 - Correspondence with Richard Neville502 - Correspondence with Richard Neville
Expand 503 - Correspondence with R Newburgh503 - Correspondence with R Newburgh
Expand 504 - Correspondence with Col SF Newcombe504 - Correspondence with Col SF Newcombe
Expand 505 - Correspondence with Prof DM Newitt, Imperial College, London505 - Correspondence with Prof DM Newitt, Imperial College, London
506 - Letter from Simon to Prof FH Newman, University College of the South West, Exeter, discussing Dr Bluh
Expand 507 - Correspondence with Prof Alfred Nier, Physics Department, University of Minnesota507 - Correspondence with Prof Alfred Nier, Physics Department, University of Minnesota
Expand 508 - Correspondence with Martinus Nijhoff, Publishers508 - Correspondence with Martinus Nijhoff, Publishers
Expand 509 - Correspondence with Prof Foster Nix, Physics Department, University of Pennsylvania509 - Correspondence with Prof Foster Nix, Physics Department, University of Pennsylvania
Expand 510 - Correspondence with Dr Vladimir Njegovan, University of Zagreb510 - Correspondence with Dr Vladimir Njegovan, University of Zagreb
Expand 511 - Correspondence with Prof RGW Norrish, Cambridge University511 - Correspondence with Prof RGW Norrish, Cambridge University
Expand 512 - Correspondence with B del Nunzio, University of Padua512 - Correspondence with B del Nunzio, University of Padua
Expand 513 - Correspondence with Prof O Oldenberg, Harvard University513 - Correspondence with Prof O Oldenberg, Harvard University
Expand 514 - Correspondence of Francis Simon with Marcus [Mark] Laurence Oliphant, Physics Department, Birmingham University514 - Correspondence of Francis Simon with Marcus [Mark] Laurence Oliphant, Physics Department, Birmingham University
Expand 515 - Correspondence with DA Oliver, William Jessop & Sons Ltd515 - Correspondence with DA Oliver, William Jessop & Sons Ltd
Expand 516 - Correspondence with Dr JR Oppenheimer516 - Correspondence with Dr JR Oppenheimer
Expand 517 - Correspondence with Dr E Orowan, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge517 - Correspondence with Dr E Orowan, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Expand 518 - Correspondence with Mrs M Owen518 - Correspondence with Mrs M Owen
Expand 519 - Correspondence with Prof FA Paneth, Durham University519 - Correspondence with Prof FA Paneth, Durham University
Expand 520 - Correspondence with Dr A Parker, Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)520 - Correspondence with Dr A Parker, Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)
Expand 521 - Correspondence with Prof Linus Pauling, California Institute of Technology521 - Correspondence with Prof Linus Pauling, California Institute of Technology
522 - Letter from Simon to Prof GP Pegram, Columbia University, New York, on the difficulties of European scientists in obtaining copies of American scientific publications
Expand 523 - Correspondence with Prof Rudolph E Peierls, Department of Mathematical Physics, Birmingham University523 - Correspondence with Prof Rudolph E Peierls, Department of Mathematical Physics, Birmingham University
Expand 524 - Correspondence with Dr JR Pellam, National Bureau of Standards, US Department of Commerce524 - Correspondence with Dr JR Pellam, National Bureau of Standards, US Department of Commerce
525 - Letter from Simon to Dr Pekeris, Department of Applied Mathematics, Weismann Institute, requesting a reprint of Pekeris's article on the zero point energy of helium
Expand 526 - Correspondence with Michael Perrin526 - Correspondence with Michael Perrin
Expand 527 - Correspondence with Dr Max Perutz, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University527 - Correspondence with Dr Max Perutz, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University
Expand 528 - Correspondence with Dr LB Pfeil, Mond Nickel Company528 - Correspondence with Dr LB Pfeil, Mond Nickel Company
Expand 529 - Correspondence with Lewis Phillips, Diadust Ltd529 - Correspondence with Lewis Phillips, Diadust Ltd
Expand 530 - Correspondence with Prof George Pickard, University of British Columbia530 - Correspondence with Prof George Pickard, University of British Columbia
Expand 531 - Correspondence with Dr TG Pickavance, Liverpool University531 - Correspondence with Dr TG Pickavance, Liverpool University
Expand 532 - Correspondence with Dr AB Pippard, Department of Physics, Cambridge University532 - Correspondence with Dr AB Pippard, Department of Physics, Cambridge University
Expand 533 - Correspondence with Dr NW Pirie, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden533 - Correspondence with Dr NW Pirie, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden
Expand 534 - Correspondence with Prof KS Pitzer534 - Correspondence with Prof KS Pitzer
535 - Letter from Friedrich Planck to Simon
Expand 536 - Correspondence with Prof Rudolf Plank, Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe536 - Correspondence with Prof Rudolf Plank, Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe
Expand 537 - Correspondence with Prof HH Plaskett, University Observatory, Oxford537 - Correspondence with Prof HH Plaskett, University Observatory, Oxford
Expand 538 - Correspondence with Prof Robert L Platzman, Department of Physics, Purdue University, Indiana538 - Correspondence with Prof Robert L Platzman, Department of Physics, Purdue University, Indiana
Expand 539 - Correspondence with Prof Michael Polanyi, Manchester University539 - Correspondence with Prof Michael Polanyi, Manchester University
Expand 540 - Correspondence with Prof RW Pohl, Erstes Physikalisches Institut der Universitat540 - Correspondence with Prof RW Pohl, Erstes Physikalisches Institut der Universitat
Expand 541 - Correspondence with Lord Portal541 - Correspondence with Lord Portal
Expand 542 - Correspondence with Prof RV Pound, Harvard University542 - Correspondence with Prof RV Pound, Harvard University
Expand 543 - Correspondence with Prof CF Powell, HS Wills Laboratory, Bristol University543 - Correspondence with Prof CF Powell, HS Wills Laboratory, Bristol University
Expand 544 - Correspondence with Dr PJ Price, Royal Society Mond Laboratory, Cambridge University544 - Correspondence with Dr PJ Price, Royal Society Mond Laboratory, Cambridge University
Expand 545 - Correspondence with Prof I Prigogine, Brussells University545 - Correspondence with Prof I Prigogine, Brussells University
Expand 546 - Correspondence with Dr EG Pringsheim546 - Correspondence with Dr EG Pringsheim
Expand 547 - Correspondence with Dr Peter Pringsheim, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois547 - Correspondence with Dr Peter Pringsheim, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois
Expand 548 - Correspondence with Prof JA Prins548 - Correspondence with Prof JA Prins
Expand 549 - Correspondence with Dr ES Proskauer, Interscience Publishers Inc549 - Correspondence with Dr ES Proskauer, Interscience Publishers Inc
Expand 550 - Correspondence with Prof Maurice Pryce550 - Correspondence with Prof Maurice Pryce
Expand 551 - Correspondence with Prof EM Purcell, Department of Physics, Harvard University551 - Correspondence with Prof EM Purcell, Department of Physics, Harvard University
Expand 552 - Correspondence with RC Quittenton, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto552 - Correspondence with RC Quittenton, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto
Expand 553 - Correspondence with Prof II Rabi, Columbia University, New York553 - Correspondence with Prof II Rabi, Columbia University, New York
Expand 554 - Correspondence with Eugene Rabinovitch, Editor, 'Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' 554 - Correspondence with Eugene Rabinovitch, Editor, 'Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists'
555 - Letter from Simon to Colonel Raby, Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE), Christchurch Hants
556 - Letter from Simon to RS Radcliffe, EI Du Pont de Nemours and Company
557 - Letter from Atma Ram, Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Calcutta, to Simon, on receipt of a copy of Simon's article "What is Glass?"
558 - Letter from Simon to Dr HC Raine
559 - Letter from Simon to WH Ramsey, Manchester University
Expand 560 - Correspondence with Prof A O Rankine560 - Correspondence with Prof A O Rankine
Expand 561 - Correspondence with Dr FIG Rawlins, Scientific Advisor, National Gallery561 - Correspondence with Dr FIG Rawlins, Scientific Advisor, National Gallery
Expand 562 - Correspondence with Dr John A Rayne, Low Temperature Laboratory, Chicago University562 - Correspondence with Dr John A Rayne, Low Temperature Laboratory, Chicago University
Expand 563 - Correspondence with Prof J Reekie563 - Correspondence with Prof J Reekie
Expand 564 - Correspondence with Prof Fritz Reiche564 - Correspondence with Prof Fritz Reiche
565 - Letter from Simon to Dr F Reif, Institute for the Stufy of Metals, University of Chicago, on Dr Hill's experiments on the specific heats of solid hydrogen
Expand 566 - Correspondence with Patrick Reilly, British Embassy, Paris566 - Correspondence with Patrick Reilly, British Embassy, Paris
Expand 567 - Correspondence with Lord Reith, Colonial Development Corporation567 - Correspondence with Lord Reith, Colonial Development Corporation
Expand 568 - Correspondence with 'Revue Pratique du Froid'568 - Correspondence with 'Revue Pratique du Froid'
Expand 569 - Correspondence with Giaconda Ricci569 - Correspondence with Giaconda Ricci
Expand 570 - Correspondence with Dennis Rickett, Prime Minister's Office570 - Correspondence with Dennis Rickett, Prime Minister's Office
571 - Letter from Simon to Admiral Rickover, forwarding a book and some reprints
Expand 572 - Correspondence with Prof Sir Eric Rideal572 - Correspondence with Prof Sir Eric Rideal
Expand 573 - Correspondence with Dr DP Riley573 - Correspondence with Dr DP Riley
574 - Letter from Simon to Prof D Rittenberg, Columbia University, on meeting during Simon's forthcoming tour of the USA
575 - Letter from Louis D Roberts, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, to Simon, requesting a reprint of Simon's jointly written article, "The Atomic Heats of the Rare-Earth Elements", 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, Vol 207, 1951
576 - Letter from PH Roberts, Oxford International Committee, to Simon, forwarding a draft of the programme for a conference called 'The Purpose of a University'
Expand 577 - Correspondence with Prof Sir Robert Robinson, President, Royal Society577 - Correspondence with Prof Sir Robert Robinson, President, Royal Society
Expand 578 - Correspondence with Dr Bernard Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory578 - Correspondence with Dr Bernard Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 579 - Correspondence with Dr W Roman579 - Correspondence with Dr W Roman
580 - Letter from Dr Rosbaud, Butterworth Publishers Ltd, to Simon, requesting Simon pass on a letter to Prof Jost
Expand 581 - Correspondence with Prof L Rosenfeld, Manchester University581 - Correspondence with Prof L Rosenfeld, Manchester University
Expand 582 - Correspondence with Frederick D Rossini, Section on Thermochemistry and Hydrocardbons, US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards582 - Correspondence with Frederick D Rossini, Section on Thermochemistry and Hydrocardbons, US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards
Expand 583 - Correspondence with Prof J Rotblat, Physics Department, Medical College, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London583 - Correspondence with Prof J Rotblat, Physics Department, Medical College, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
Expand 584 - Correspondence with Lord Rothschild, Department of Botany, Cambridge University,584 - Correspondence with Lord Rothschild, Department of Botany, Cambridge University,
Expand 585 - Correspondence with Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd585 - Correspondence with Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
Expand 586 - Correspondence with AP Rowe, Vice Chancellor, University of Adelaide586 - Correspondence with AP Rowe, Vice Chancellor, University of Adelaide
587 - Letter from Simon to Dr SW Rowell, ICI Ltd, requesting bars of calcium
Expand 588 - Correspondence with Air Commodore HV Rowley588 - Correspondence with Air Commodore HV Rowley
Expand 589 - Correspondence with Sir Harold Roxbee-Cox589 - Correspondence with Sir Harold Roxbee-Cox
Expand 590 - Correspondence with Dr S Rozental, Universitetets Institut for Teoretisk Fysik590 - Correspondence with Dr S Rozental, Universitetets Institut for Teoretisk Fysik
591 - Letter from Simon to Prof R Rudenberg, Division of Engineering Sciences, Harvard University, on Simon's recent trip to the USA and on receipt of Rudenberg's article 'The Economics of Very High Power Transmission over Long Distances"
Expand 592 - Correspondence with Dr Martin Ruhemann592 - Correspondence with Dr Martin Ruhemann
593 - Letter from Simon to Dr GS Rushbrooke, Department of Physics, King's College, Newcastle, on Rushbrooke's recent appointment at Newcastle
Expand 594 - Correspondence with Dr AS Russell, Christ Church College, Oxford594 - Correspondence with Dr AS Russell, Christ Church College, Oxford
595 - Letter from Simon to Lord Russell, forwarding to Russell a copy of his recent Royal Institution 'Friday Evening Lecture'
Expand 596 - Correspondence with Dr Martin Ryle, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University596 - Correspondence with Dr Martin Ryle, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University
Expand 597 - Correspondence with Prof MN Saha, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta597 - Correspondence with Prof MN Saha, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta
Expand 598 - Correspondence with LS Salter, Department of Physics, Wabash College, Indiana, USA598 - Correspondence with LS Salter, Department of Physics, Wabash College, Indiana, USA
Expand 599 - Correspondence with Prof JA Sauer, Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University599 - Correspondence with Prof JA Sauer, Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University
Expand 600 - Correspondence with Prof Clemens Schaeffer600 - Correspondence with Prof Clemens Schaeffer
Expand 601 - Correspondence with Prof P Scherrer, Physikalisches Institut, Zurich601 - Correspondence with Prof P Scherrer, Physikalisches Institut, Zurich
Expand 602 - Correspondence with LI Schiff, Executive Head, Stanford University, USA602 - Correspondence with LI Schiff, Executive Head, Stanford University, USA
Expand 603 - Correspondence with Prof Ernst Schmidt603 - Correspondence with Prof Ernst Schmidt
604 - Letter from R Schnurmann to Simon, enquiring if Simon would deliver a series of lectures on Thermodynamics for the Post Advanced Applied Physics Advisory Committee of the Manchester and District Advisory Council for Further Education
Expand 605 - Correspondence with Prof Walter Schottky605 - Correspondence with Prof Walter Schottky
Expand 606 - Correspondence with Prof Erwin Schroedinger, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies606 - Correspondence with Prof Erwin Schroedinger, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
607 - Letter from Erich Schroer to Simon
Expand 608 - Correspondence with Prof H Schuler, Forschungsstelle fur Spektroskopie, Hechingen-Hohenzollern608 - Correspondence with Prof H Schuler, Forschungsstelle fur Spektroskopie, Hechingen-Hohenzollern
Expand 609 - Correspondence with RB Scott, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC609 - Correspondence with RB Scott, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC
Expand 610 - Correspondence with Michael Scriven, Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota610 - Correspondence with Michael Scriven, Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota
Expand 611 - Correspondence with Raymond J Seeger, National Science Foundation, USA,611 - Correspondence with Raymond J Seeger, National Science Foundation, USA,
612 - Letter from Simon to Prof F Seitz, Physics Department, University of Illinois, giving a reference for BS Chandrasekhar
613 - Message from Sir Henry Self to Simon, on organising a dinner party to suit the diaries of Self, Simon, Lord Cherwell and Sir John Hacking
Expand 614 - Correspondence with Prof Bernard Serin, Department of Physics, Rutgers University, USA614 - Correspondence with Prof Bernard Serin, Department of Physics, Rutgers University, USA
Expand 615 - Correspondence with Prof Harlow Shapley, Harvard College Observatory, USA615 - Correspondence with Prof Harlow Shapley, Harvard College Observatory, USA
Expand 616 - Correspondence with Prof AG Shenstone, Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University616 - Correspondence with Prof AG Shenstone, Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University
Expand 617 - Correspondence with Dr W Shockley, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey617 - Correspondence with Dr W Shockley, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey
Expand 618 - Correspondence with Dr D Shoenberg, Department of Physics, Cambridge University618 - Correspondence with Dr D Shoenberg, Department of Physics, Cambridge University
Expand 619 - Correspondence with Dr GH Shrum, University of British Columbia, Canada619 - Correspondence with Dr GH Shrum, University of British Columbia, Canada
Expand 620 - Correspondence with Prof Kai Siegbahn620 - Correspondence with Prof Kai Siegbahn
Expand 621 - Correspondence with James Silberman, Productivity and Technological Development, US Department of Labour621 - Correspondence with James Silberman, Productivity and Technological Development, US Department of Labour
Expand 622 - Correspondence with Lord Silkin622 - Correspondence with Lord Silkin
Expand 623 - Correspondence with Lord Simon of Wythensawe623 - Correspondence with Lord Simon of Wythensawe
Expand 624 - Correspondence with Prof HWB Skinner, Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, Liverpool University624 - Correspondence with Prof HWB Skinner, Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, Liverpool University
Expand 625 - Correspondence with Prof JC Slater, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)625 - Correspondence with Prof JC Slater, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 626 - Correspondence with Prof Cyril Smith, Institute for the Study of Metals, Chicago University626 - Correspondence with Prof Cyril Smith, Institute for the Study of Metals, Chicago University
Expand 627 - Correspondence with Prof R Smoluchowski, Carnegie Institute of Technology627 - Correspondence with Prof R Smoluchowski, Carnegie Institute of Technology
628 - Letter from Simon to CP Snow, requesting help in the search for a private assistance
629 - Letter from Simon to Prof FG Soper, Department of Chemistry, Otago University, new Zealand, giving a job reference for KDB Johnson
Expand 630 - Correspondence with Prof FH Spedding, Atomic Research Institute, Iowa State College630 - Correspondence with Prof FH Spedding, Atomic Research Institute, Iowa State College
Expand 631 - Correspondence with Dr Walter Speigelberg631 - Correspondence with Dr Walter Speigelberg
Expand 632 - Correspondence with R Spondlin, Laboratoire du Grand Electroaimant et des Basses Temperatures632 - Correspondence with R Spondlin, Laboratoire du Grand Electroaimant et des Basses Temperatures
Expand 633 - Correspondence with Philip Sporn, American Gas and Electric Services Corp.633 - Correspondence with Philip Sporn, American Gas and Electric Services Corp.
Expand 634 - Correspondence with Prof CF Squire, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)634 - Correspondence with Prof CF Squire, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 635 - Correspondence with Dr BN Srivastava635 - Correspondence with Dr BN Srivastava
Expand 636 - Correspondence with Dr M Stacey, Chemistry Department, Birmingham University636 - Correspondence with Dr M Stacey, Chemistry Department, Birmingham University
Expand 637 - Correspondence with Prof WM Stanley, Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley637 - Correspondence with Prof WM Stanley, Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley
Expand 638 - Correspondence with Sir Louis Sterling638 - Correspondence with Sir Louis Sterling
Expand 639 - Correspondence with Prof IN Stranski, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Technischen Universitat Berlin639 - Correspondence with Prof IN Stranski, Institut fur Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Technischen Universitat Berlin
Expand 640 - Correspondence with Prof JA Stratton, Office of the Provost, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)640 - Correspondence with Prof JA Stratton, Office of the Provost, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 641 - Correspondence with Dr Frederick M Stern641 - Correspondence with Dr Frederick M Stern
Expand 642 - Correspondence with Prof Otto Stern642 - Correspondence with Prof Otto Stern
Expand 643 - Correspondence with Dr CG Suits, General Electric Company643 - Correspondence with Dr CG Suits, General Electric Company
Expand 644 - Correspondence with JA Summer, Norfolk Sub-Area, Eastern Electricity Board644 - Correspondence with JA Summer, Norfolk Sub-Area, Eastern Electricity Board
Expand 645 - Correspondence with CE Sunderlin, Deputy Director, National Science Foundation, Washington DC645 - Correspondence with CE Sunderlin, Deputy Director, National Science Foundation, Washington DC
Expand 646 - Correspondence with Prof GBBM Sutherland, Michigan University646 - Correspondence with Prof GBBM Sutherland, Michigan University
647 - Letter from Simon to Prof The Svedberg, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Sweden, on Prof Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer being invited to Manchester
Expand 648 - Correspondence with Dr Robert Swain, American Cyanamid Company648 - Correspondence with Dr Robert Swain, American Cyanamid Company
Expand 649 - Correspondence with WFG Swann, Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute649 - Correspondence with WFG Swann, Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute
Expand 650 - Correspondence with Dr GJ Szasz, Office of Naval Research, Embassy of the United States of America, London650 - Correspondence with Dr GJ Szasz, Office of Naval Research, Embassy of the United States of America, London
Expand 651 - Correspondence with Prof Leo Szilard, Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics, University of Chicago651 - Correspondence with Prof Leo Szilard, Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics, University of Chicago
Expand 652 - Correspondence with Prof KW Taconis, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden652 - Correspondence with Prof KW Taconis, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
Expand 653 - Correspondence with PAI Tahourdin653 - Correspondence with PAI Tahourdin
654 - Letter from Simon to DM Taub, on Taub's PhD thesis
Expand 655 - Correspondence with Prof AM Taylor, Department of Physics, Southampton University655 - Correspondence with Prof AM Taylor, Department of Physics, Southampton University
Expand 656 - Correspondence with Prof Hugh Taylor, Princeton University, USA656 - Correspondence with Prof Hugh Taylor, Princeton University, USA
657 - Letter from WH Taylor, Crystallographic Laboratory, Cambridge University, to Simon, on transporting an X-Ray Tube and a Vacumn Spectrograph to the Royal Society, for exhibition during a Soiree
Expand 658 - Correspondence with Dr HNV Temperley, Department of Physics, Cambridge University658 - Correspondence with Dr HNV Temperley, Department of Physics, Cambridge University
Expand 659 - Correspondence with Prof G Temple659 - Correspondence with Prof G Temple
Expand 660 - Correspondence with Prof A Thom, Engineering Laboratory, Oxford660 - Correspondence with Prof A Thom, Engineering Laboratory, Oxford
Expand 661 - Correspondence with WE Thomas661 - Correspondence with WE Thomas
Expand 662 - Correspondence with A Beeby Thompson 662 - Correspondence with A Beeby Thompson
Expand 663 - Correspondence with Dr N Thompson, HH Wills Physical Laboratory, Bristol University663 - Correspondence with Dr N Thompson, HH Wills Physical Laboratory, Bristol University
Expand 664 - Correspondence with Sir George Thompson, Imperial College, London664 - Correspondence with Sir George Thompson, Imperial College, London
Expand 665 - Correspondence with Horace Thorogood665 - Correspondence with Horace Thorogood
Expand 666 - Correspondence with Prof L Tisza, Massachusetts Institute of Technology666 - Correspondence with Prof L Tisza, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
667 - Letter from Simon to Prof EC Titchmarsh, quoting the review of Titchmarsh's 'Mathematics for the General Reader' from a recent issue of 'Scientific American'
Expand 668 - Correspondence with Sir Henry Tizard668 - Correspondence with Sir Henry Tizard
Expand 669 - Correspondence with Prof S Tolansky, Royal Holloway College, Surrey669 - Correspondence with Prof S Tolansky, Royal Holloway College, Surrey
Expand 670 - Correspondence between Prof Kazuhisa Tomita, Physics Department, University of Tokyo and Prof BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory670 - Correspondence between Prof Kazuhisa Tomita, Physics Department, University of Tokyo and Prof BV Rollin, Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 671 - Correspondence with Dr Henry J Tomlinson671 - Correspondence with Dr Henry J Tomlinson
Expand 672 - Correspondence with H Tongue672 - Correspondence with H Tongue
Expand 673 - Correspondence with Dr L Tordai, University of Durham673 - Correspondence with Dr L Tordai, University of Durham
Expand 674 - Correspondence with Prof Morris W Travers674 - Correspondence with Prof Morris W Travers
Expand 675 - Correspondence with B Trend, HM Treasury675 - Correspondence with B Trend, HM Treasury
676 - Letter from Simon to F Trombe, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, on Trombe's article in 'Research' on attempting to prepare ammonia by direct synthesis at very high temperatures
Expand 677 - Correspondence with Prof EE Turner, Bedford College, University of London677 - Correspondence with Prof EE Turner, Bedford College, University of London
678 - Letter from MA Tuve, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carneige Institution of Washington, to Simon, forwarding a copy of the Institute's Annual Report
Expand 679 - Correspondence with Dr W Tuyn, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium der Rijks-Universiteit, Leiden679 - Correspondence with Dr W Tuyn, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium der Rijks-Universiteit, Leiden
Expand 680 - Correspondence with F Twyman680 - Correspondence with F Twyman
Expand 681 - Correspondence with WW Tyler, Metallurgy Division, General Electric Company681 - Correspondence with WW Tyler, Metallurgy Division, General Electric Company
Expand 682 - Correspondence with Prof AM Tyndall, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University682 - Correspondence with Prof AM Tyndall, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University
Expand 683 - Correspondence with Prof AR Ubbelohde683 - Correspondence with Prof AR Ubbelohde
684 - Letter from Prof K Ueberreiter, to Simon, on Simon's paper on the glassy state
Expand 685 - Correspondence with Dr RJ Uffen, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario, Canada685 - Correspondence with Dr RJ Uffen, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Expand 686 - Correspondence with Prof Harold Urey, Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago686 - Correspondence with Prof Harold Urey, Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago
Expand 687 - Correspondence with Dr A Urmanczy687 - Correspondence with Dr A Urmanczy
Expand 688 - Correspondence with Dr EJW Verey, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands688 - Correspondence with Dr EJW Verey, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands
689 - Letter from VV Vesselovsky, Ohio State University, to Simon, requesting a copy of the programme for the Low Temperature Conference, to be held in August 1951
Expand 690 - Correspondence with JH Van Vleck690 - Correspondence with JH Van Vleck
691 - Letter from Dr J Volger, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands, to Simon, on visiting the Clarendon Laboratory
Expand 692 - Correspondence with Prof H Waffler, Physikalisches Institut, University of Zurich692 - Correspondence with Prof H Waffler, Physikalisches Institut, University of Zurich
693 - Letter from Simon to Dr WA Waggaman, Bureau of Mines, Washington DC, on Waggaman's article on Titanium and Zirconium in the 'Chemical Engineering News' and requesting samples of those elements in order to measure their electrical properties and specific heats near absolute zero
Expand 694 - Correspondence with Prof WE Wallace, University of Pittsburgh694 - Correspondence with Prof WE Wallace, University of Pittsburgh
695 - Letter from GW Walters on the efficiency of closed stoves
Expand 696 - Correspondence with Dr John Ward, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey, USA696 - Correspondence with Dr John Ward, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey, USA
Expand 697 - Correspondence with Alan Waterman, Director, National Science Foundation, Washington DC697 - Correspondence with Alan Waterman, Director, National Science Foundation, Washington DC
Expand 698 - Correspondence with Prof WH Watson, Department of Physics, University of Toronto698 - Correspondence with Prof WH Watson, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
699 - Letter from Lord Waverley to Simon, on receipt of an article by Simon for the 'Financial Times'
700 - Letter from Robet T Webber, Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University, to Simon, on low temperature research at Yale
Expand 701 - Correspondence with Dr S Weintroub, Physics Department, University College, Southampton701 - Correspondence with Dr S Weintroub, Physics Department, University College, Southampton
Expand 702 - Correspondence with Prof Alvin Weinberg, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA702 - Correspondence with Prof Alvin Weinberg, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Expand 703 - Correspondence with Dr Arnold Weissberger, Eastman Kodak Company703 - Correspondence with Dr Arnold Weissberger, Eastman Kodak Company
704 - Letter from K Weissenberg, British Cotton Indsutry Research Association, to Simon, on visiting the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford
Expand 705 - Correspondence with W Weissenberg705 - Correspondence with W Weissenberg
Expand 706 - Correspondence with Prof Victor Weisskopf, Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)706 - Correspondence with Prof Victor Weisskopf, Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Expand 707 - Correspondence with Lt Cdr Eric Welsh, Ministry of Supply, Division of Atomic Energy707 - Correspondence with Lt Cdr Eric Welsh, Ministry of Supply, Division of Atomic Energy
Expand 708 - Correspondence with Aaron Wexler, Physics Department, Westinghouse Electric Corporation708 - Correspondence with Aaron Wexler, Physics Department, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Expand 709 - Correspondence with John Wheatley, Department of Physics, University of Illinois709 - Correspondence with John Wheatley, Department of Physics, University of Illinois
Expand 710 - Correspondence with AE White710 - Correspondence with AE White
Expand 711 - Correspondence with Walton A Wickett711 - Correspondence with Walton A Wickett
Expand 712 - Correspondence with Dr K Wieland, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut der Universitat Zurich712 - Correspondence with Dr K Wieland, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut der Universitat Zurich
Expand 713 - Correspondence with Prof Eugene P Wigner, Princeton University713 - Correspondence with Prof Eugene P Wigner, Princeton University
Expand 714 - Correspondence with Dr Rupert Wildt, Yale University Observatory714 - Correspondence with Dr Rupert Wildt, Yale University Observatory
715 - Letter from Prof Gwyn Williams, Royal Holloway College, Surrey, to Francis Simon
Expand 716 - Correspondence with Dr AH Wilson716 - Correspondence with Dr AH Wilson
Expand 717 - Correspondence with Prof Kurt Wohl717 - Correspondence with Prof Kurt Wohl
Expand 718 - Correspondence with Prof HC Wolfe, Department of Physics, The Copper Union for the Advancement of Science, New York718 - Correspondence with Prof HC Wolfe, Department of Physics, The Copper Union for the Advancement of Science, New York
Expand 719 - Correspondence with Prof John Wolfenden, Department of Chemistry, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire719 - Correspondence with Prof John Wolfenden, Department of Chemistry, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Expand 720 - Correspondence with Dr JL Wood, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State College720 - Correspondence with Dr JL Wood, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State College
721 - Letter from Simon to Lord Wythensawe, arranging to meet
722 - Letter from Simon to Dr Hatton S Yoder Jr, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Instituton of Washington, on the melting temperature of iron
Expand 723 - Correspondence with Prof JZ Young, Department of Anatomy, University College London723 - Correspondence with Prof JZ Young, Department of Anatomy, University College London
724 - Letter from Stewart Young, Paymaster General's Office, to Simon, forwarding papers on a design by Maedler for an engine
Expand 725 - Correspondence with Heinz Zeise725 - Correspondence with Heinz Zeise
Expand 726 - Correspondence with Prof Mark Zemansky, City College of New York726 - Correspondence with Prof Mark Zemansky, City College of New York
Expand 727 - Correspondence with Prof FE Zeuner, Institute of Archaeology, University of London727 - Correspondence with Prof FE Zeuner, Institute of Archaeology, University of London
Expand 728 - Correspondence with Dr John Ziman, Department of Physics, Cambridge University728 - Correspondence with Dr John Ziman, Department of Physics, Cambridge University
Expand 3 - Personal correspondence3 - Personal correspondence
Expand 4 - Correspondence with Institutions, Groups and Organisations 4 - Correspondence with Institutions, Groups and Organisations
Expand 5 - Correspondence on 'Ideas'5 - Correspondence on 'Ideas'

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