Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse GLB - Papers of Sir George Lindor Brown FRS, physiologistGLB - Papers of Sir George Lindor Brown FRS, physiologist
1 - List of reprints of papers by George Lindor Brown, 1925 - 1967
Expand 2 - Papers and publications correspondence2 - Papers and publications correspondence
3 - Speech to Gaudy dinner, Hertford College
Expand 4 - Correspondence relating to lecture visit to Oslo and proposed visit to Vienna4 - Correspondence relating to lecture visit to Oslo and proposed visit to Vienna
5 - Crabtree Oration by R V Jones
Expand 6 - Keynote address at  the International Conference on Scientific Information, Washington DC, 16-21 November 19586 - Keynote address at the International Conference on Scientific Information, Washington DC, 16-21 November 1958
Expand 7 - Royal Institution Discourse on Physiological Problems of War at Sea7 - Royal Institution Discourse on Physiological Problems of War at Sea
Expand 8 - Special Lectures8 - Special Lectures
Expand 9 - Special Lecture on Otto Loewi9 - Special Lecture on Otto Loewi
Expand 10 - Speeches10 - Speeches
Expand 11 - Speeches11 - Speeches
Expand 12 - Magdalen College12 - Magdalen College
Expand 13 - London University - Veterinary Physiology Board of Advisors13 - London University - Veterinary Physiology Board of Advisors
Expand 14 - London University - Physiology Board of Advisors14 - London University - Physiology Board of Advisors
Expand 15 - London University - Physiology Chair, St Mary's15 - London University - Physiology Chair, St Mary's
Expand 16 - London University - Reader in Neurophysiology16 - London University - Reader in Neurophysiology
Expand 17 - Reviews17 - Reviews
Expand 18 - Royal Society Club18 - Royal Society Club
Expand 19 - Personal papers concerning Waynflete Chair of Physiology, Oxford and Hertford College, Oxford19 - Personal papers concerning Waynflete Chair of Physiology, Oxford and Hertford College, Oxford
Expand 20 - Natural Science Club20 - Natural Science Club
Expand 21 - Luncheon Club21 - Luncheon Club
Expand 22 - Brazil22 - Brazil
Expand 23 - Ashmolean Club23 - Ashmolean Club
Expand 24 - Verse and Worse24 - Verse and Worse
Expand 25 - Offprints, memorabilia, photographs25 - Offprints, memorabilia, photographs
Expand 26 - Memorable Experiences in Research26 - Memorable Experiences in Research
27 - Poem entitled 'Hiawatha's Lipid'
28 - Method cards for work at National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, Hampstead
29 - Cartoons
Expand 30 - Curriculum Vitae and publications list for George Lindor Brown30 - Curriculum Vitae and publications list for George Lindor Brown
Expand 31 - Alberta University31 - Alberta University
Expand 32 - Andhra University32 - Andhra University
Expand 33 - Animal Technicians' Association33 - Animal Technicians' Association
Expand 34 - Agricultural Research Council:  Scientific Promotions Panel34 - Agricultural Research Council: Scientific Promotions Panel
Expand 35 - Beit Memorial Fellowships35 - Beit Memorial Fellowships
Expand 36 - British Council36 - British Council
Expand 37 - Fleming Memorial Fund37 - Fleming Memorial Fund
Expand 38 - Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium)38 - Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium)
39 - Secretary of the University Court, University of Glasgow to Brown
Expand 40 - Lister Institute40 - Lister Institute
Expand 41 - Liege University41 - Liege University
Expand 42 - International Union of Physiological Sciences:  Correspondence42 - International Union of Physiological Sciences: Correspondence
Expand 43 - New Year cards from Harvard Medical School of Neurophysiology43 - New Year cards from Harvard Medical School of Neurophysiology
Expand 44 - Medical Research Council, Sir Harold Himsworth44 - Medical Research Council, Sir Harold Himsworth
Expand 45 - Monash University45 - Monash University
Expand 46 - Malaya University46 - Malaya University
Expand 47 - Manchester University47 - Manchester University
Expand 48 - Loose miscellaneous papers48 - Loose miscellaneous papers
Expand 49 - Medical Research Council49 - Medical Research Council
Expand 50 - Polio Fund - Scientific Advisory Panel50 - Polio Fund - Scientific Advisory Panel
Expand 51 - Mental Health Research Fund51 - Mental Health Research Fund
Expand 52 - Dinner for Oxford Fellows of Royal Society, hosted by Hertford College52 - Dinner for Oxford Fellows of Royal Society, hosted by Hertford College
Expand 53 - Royal Society Scientific Relief Committee53 - Royal Society Scientific Relief Committee
Expand 54 - Royal Society Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee54 - Royal Society Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursaries Committee
Expand 55 - International Biological Programme New Guinea Project Correspondence55 - International Biological Programme New Guinea Project Correspondence
Expand 56 - Wellcome Trust56 - Wellcome Trust
Expand 57 - Hertford College: Correspondence as Principal57 - Hertford College: Correspondence as Principal
Expand 58 - Prague visit58 - Prague visit
Expand 59 - Reading University:  Health Service59 - Reading University: Health Service
Expand 60 - Research Defence Society60 - Research Defence Society
Expand 61 - Royal Society of Medicine61 - Royal Society of Medicine
Expand 62 - Shell Research Fellowship62 - Shell Research Fellowship
Expand 63 - Smith Kline and French Foundation63 - Smith Kline and French Foundation
Expand 64 - International Biological Programme64 - International Biological Programme
Collapse 65 - Correspondence65 - Correspondence
Expand 1 - Doreen Abrams1 - Doreen Abrams
Expand 2 - David Millar Armstrong2 - David Millar Armstrong
Expand 3 - General correspondence A3 - General correspondence A
Expand 4 - Z M Bacq4 - Z M Bacq
Expand 5 - S Jane Baker5 - S Jane Baker
Expand 6 - Carys M Bannister6 - Carys M Bannister
Expand 7 - Asa G H Blakeley7 - Asa G H Blakeley
Expand 8 - Bryan Broome8 - Bryan Broome
Expand 9 - Lucy M Brown9 - Lucy M Brown
Expand 10 - A S V Burgen10 - A S V Burgen
Expand 11 - William Burke11 - William Burke
Expand 12 - Geoffrey Burnstock12 - Geoffrey Burnstock
Expand 13 - General correspondence Ba-Bl13 - General correspondence Ba-Bl
Expand 14 - General correspondence BM-BZ14 - General correspondence BM-BZ
Expand 15 - Raul Cabrera15 - Raul Cabrera
Expand 16 - Carlos Chagas16 - Carlos Chagas
Expand 17 - John W Cole17 - John W Cole
Expand 18 - Stuart L Cowan18 - Stuart L Cowan
Expand 19 - Alan Crowe19 - Alan Crowe
Expand 20 - General correspondence C20 - General correspondence C
Expand 21 - B N Davies21 - B N Davies
Expand 22 - Sir Henry Dale22 - Sir Henry Dale
Expand 23 - D P Dearnaley23 - D P Dearnaley
Expand 24 - Dr Jack Diamond24 - Dr Jack Diamond
Expand 25 - Dr J V G A Durnin25 - Dr J V G A Durnin
Expand 26 - Jan W Duyff (obituary)26 - Jan W Duyff (obituary)
Expand 27 - General Correspondence - D27 - General Correspondence - D
Expand 28 - Sir John Eccles28 - Sir John Eccles
Expand 29 - General Correspondence - E29 - General Correspondence - E
Expand 30 - C B Ferry30 - C B Ferry
Expand 31 - Lord Florey31 - Lord Florey
Expand 32 - General correspondence - F32 - General correspondence - F
Expand 33 - Dr L B Geffen33 - Dr L B Geffen
Expand 34 - Miss U Giertsen34 - Miss U Giertsen
Expand 35 - J S Gillespie35 - J S Gillespie
Expand 36 - M Goffart36 - M Goffart
Expand 37 - Ragnar Granit37 - Ragnar Granit
Expand 38 - J A B Gray38 - J A B Gray
Expand 39 - H S M Green39 - H S M Green
Expand 40 - J N Green40 - J N Green
Expand 41 - General correspondence - G41 - General correspondence - G
Expand 42 - Mrs A V Harrison42 - Mrs A V Harrison
Expand 43 - Oliver Holmes43 - Oliver Holmes
Expand 44 - David Horrobin44 - David Horrobin
Expand 45 - A R Hudson45 - A R Hudson
Expand 46 - Dr O F Hutter46 - Dr O F Hutter
Expand 47 - General correspondence - H47 - General correspondence - H
Expand 48 - D R Inman48 - D R Inman
Expand 49 - J T Irving49 - J T Irving
Expand 50 - Dr L L Iversen50 - Dr L L Iversen
Expand 51 - General correspondence - I51 - General correspondence - I
Expand 52 - R E Jenner52 - R E Jenner
Expand 53 - D Jewett53 - D Jewett
Expand 54 - Ralph Johnson54 - Ralph Johnson
Expand 55 - M G M Jukes55 - M G M Jukes
Expand 56 - General correspondence - J56 - General correspondence - J
Expand 57 - Bernard Katz57 - Bernard Katz
Expand 58 - Ali Khogali58 - Ali Khogali
Expand 59 - I J Kopin59 - I J Kopin
Expand 60 - S W Kuffler60 - S W Kuffler
Expand 61 - General correspondence - K61 - General correspondence - K
Expand 62 - K D Lee62 - K D Lee
Expand 63 - B B Lloyd63 - B B Lloyd
Expand 64 - Sir Charles Lovatt Evans64 - Sir Charles Lovatt Evans
Expand 65 - C P Luck65 - C P Luck
Expand 66 - General correspondence - L66 - General correspondence - L
Expand 67 - Professor F C MacIntosh67 - Professor F C MacIntosh
Expand 68 - B McKenna68 - B McKenna
Expand 69 - B S MacLean69 - B S MacLean
Expand 70 - D I McCloskey70 - D I McCloskey
Expand 71 - Dr Hugh McLennan71 - Dr Hugh McLennan
Expand 72 - General correspondence - Mc72 - General correspondence - Mc
Expand 73 - Dr F H C Marriott73 - Dr F H C Marriott
Expand 74 - D C Martin74 - D C Martin
Expand 75 - Miss U A Maunsell75 - Miss U A Maunsell
Expand 76 - Dr J P Miller76 - Dr J P Miller
Expand 77 - Simon Miller77 - Simon Miller
Expand 78 - General correspondence - M78 - General correspondence - M
Expand 79 - M A Nassim79 - M A Nassim
Expand 80 - J G Nicholls80 - J G Nicholls
Expand 81 - General correspondence - N81 - General correspondence - N
Expand 82 - M L Oliphant82 - M L Oliphant
Expand 83 - H Parsons83 - H Parsons
Expand 84 - W D M Paton84 - W D M Paton
Expand 85 - H G Percival85 - H G Percival
Expand 86 - George Pickering86 - George Pickering
Expand 87 - Pochin - Radiation in CNS87 - Pochin - Radiation in CNS
Expand 88 - Dr R Porter88 - Dr R Porter
Expand 89 - G Powis89 - G Powis
Expand 90 - Professor J W S Pringle90 - Professor J W S Pringle
Expand 91 - General correspondence -  P91 - General correspondence - P
Expand 92 - General correspondence - Q92 - General correspondence - Q
Expand 93 - A J Rampone93 - A J Rampone
Expand 94 - P S Richardson94 - P S Richardson
Expand 95 - General correspondence - R95 - General correspondence - R
Expand 96 - Dr G Sant'Ambrogio96 - Dr G Sant'Ambrogio
Expand 97 - Gordon Murray Shepherd97 - Gordon Murray Shepherd
Expand 98 - A D Short98 - A D Short
Expand 99 - D Spurr99 - D Spurr
Expand 100 - General correspondence - S100 - General correspondence - S
Expand 101 - General correspondence - T101 - General correspondence - T
Expand 102 - General correspondence - U102 - General correspondence - U
Expand 103 - Robert Ian Vanhegan103 - Robert Ian Vanhegan
Expand 104 - General correspondence - V104 - General correspondence - V
Expand 105 - M R Williams105 - M R Williams
Expand 106 - C P Wright106 - C P Wright
Expand 107 - P Wright107 - P Wright
Expand 108 - Dr Wu108 - Dr Wu
Expand 109 - Professor C H Wyndham109 - Professor C H Wyndham
Collapse 110 - General correspondence - W110 - General correspondence - W
1 - Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo to Brown
2 - Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo to Brown
3 - Brown to Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo
4 - Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo to Brown
5 - Brown to Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo
6 - Bjarne A Waaler, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo to Brown
7 - G R Wadsworth, Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool to Brown
8 - Brown to G R Wadsworth, Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool
9 - R C Mowat, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, Bedford Place, London to Brown
10 - Brown to G R Wadsworth, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
11 - G M H Waites, Department of Physiology, University of Sydney to Brown
12 - Secretary of Faculties, University Registry, Oxford to Brown
13 - Brown to Secretary of Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
14 - Secretary of Faculties, University Registry, Oxford to Brown
15 - Contact details for Patrick D Wall, Massachisetts Institute of Technology
16 - George Gordon, Kidlington, Oxford to Brown
17 - E G Walsh, Department of Physiology, University of Edinburgh to Brown
18 - Brown to E G Walsh, Department of Physiology, University of Edinburgh
19 - E G Walsh, Edinburgh to Brown
20 - Brown to E G Walsh, Edinburgh
21 - R J Walsh, School of Human Genetics, University of New South Wales, Australia to Brown
22 - R J Walsh, School of Human Genetics, University of New South Wales, Australia to Brown
23 - Brown to R J Walsh, School of Human Genetics, University of New South Wales, Australia
24 - R J Walsh, School of Human Genetics, University of New South Wales, Australia to Brown
25 - Brown to R J Walsh, School of Human Genetics, University of New South Wales, Australia
26 - Brown to Sir Francis Walshe, Brampton, Huntingdon
27 - Sir Francis Walshe, Brampton, Huntingdon to Brown
28 - Sir Francis Walshe, Brampton, Huntingdon to Brown
29 - M A Baatz, Academic Registrar, University of London to Brown
30 - Brown to M A Baatz, Academic Registrar, University of London
31 - A Collis Jones, Seaview, Isle of Wight to Brown
32 - Brown to A Collis Jones, Seaview, Isle of Wight
33 - A Collis Jones, Seaview, Isle of Wight to Brown
34 - J S Weiner, Medical Research Council Environmental Physiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London to Brown
35 - Brown to J S Weiner, Medical Research Council Environmental Physiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
36 - Note by Brown that citation sent to A E Mourant
37 - Brown to A E Mourant, Serological Population Genetics Laboratory, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
38 - Ranyard West, Glenelim, Chruch Stretton, Shropshire to Brown
39 - Brown to Ranyard West, Glenelim, Church Stretton, Shropshire
40 - Geoffrey Rushworth, University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford to Brown
41 - Brown to G Rushworth, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
42 - G Rushworth, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford to Brown
43 - Note of fees for David Westbury
44 - Application to MRC on behalf of David Westbury
45 - Copy of a letter from E MacKenzie, Medical Research Council to D R Westbury
46 - Copy of a letter from E MacKenzie, Medical Research Council to D R Westbury
47 - R C B Gray, Assistant Registrar, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
48 - Brown to R C B Gray, Assistant Registrar, Medical School, Birmingham
49 - R C B Gray, Assistant Registrar, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
50 - E MacKenzie, Medical Research Council to Brown
51 - Report on D R Westbury for Medical Research Council
52 - D R Westbury, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
53 - Brown to T Bottomley, Assistant Registrar, Medical School Birmingham
54 - Brown to D R Westbury, Medical School, Birmingham
55 - A Spalding, Director of Education, City of Bradford Education Committee, Town Hall, Bradford to Brown
56 - Brown to Director of Education, City of Bradford Education Committee, Town Hall, Bradford to Brown
57 - Brown to G B West, British Industrial Biological Research Association, Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, Surrey
58 - Christmas card from Eric and Barbara Whelpton to Brown
59 - George Lindor Brown to Eric Whelpton, Rye, Sussex
60 - Brown to Lady Wheare, Chairman, Oxford Barge Preservation Trust, Exeter College, Oxford
61 - F C White, Buckingham Street, Grandport, Oxford to Brown
62 - Brown to F C White, Buckingham Street, Grandport, Oxford
63 - Geoffrey Templeman, Registrar, University of Birmingham to Brown
64 - Brown to Geoffrey Templeman, Registrar, University of Birmingham
65 - Ian Whitfield, Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington to Brown
66 - Extract of letter from I C Whitfield to G L Brown, 21 January 1959
67 - Brown to Ian Whitfield, Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington
68 - Note by B[ernard] K[atz] on Whitfield's proposals for establishment of unit for research on neuro communication.
69 - Ian Whitfield, Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington to Brown
70 - Ian Whitfield, Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington to Brown
71 - Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
72 - Brown to Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham
73 - Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
74 - Brown to Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham
75 - Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
76 - Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
77 - Brown to Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham
78 - Ian Whitfield, Medical School, Birmingham to Brown
79 - J W Whitfield, Department of Psychology, University College London to Brown
80 - Brown to J W Whitfield, Department of Psychology, University College London
81 - Brown to J W Whitfield, Department of Psychology, University College London
82 - J W Whitfield, Department of Psychology, University College London to Brown
83 - V P Whattaker, Department of Physiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine to Brown
84 - Brown to V P Whattaker, Department of Physiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
85 - H B Martin, Registrar, University of Leicester to Brown
86 - Brown to Registrar, University of Leicester
87 - Registrar, University of Leicester to Brown
88 - D Whitteridge, Physiology Department, University of Edinburgh to Brown
89 - Brown to D Whitteridge, Physiology Department, University of Edinburgh
90 - D Whitteridge, Physiology Department, University of Edinburgh to Brown
91 - Copy of a letter from D Whitteridge to Joseph Needham, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
92 - D Whitteridge, Physiology Department, University of Edinburgh to Brown
93 - Brown to D Whitteridge, Physiology Department, University of Edinburgh
94 - G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey to Brown
95 - Brown to G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey
96 - G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey to Brown
97 - G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey to Brown
98 - Brown to G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey
99 - Brown to Harold Himsworth, Medical Research Council
100 - Harold Himsworth, Medical Research Council to Brown
101 - G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey to Brown
102 - Brown to Harold Himsworth, Medical Research Council
103 - Brown to G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey
104 - G C Whittow, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey to Brown
105 - Brown to S Goldsmith, Mental Health Research Fund, London
106 - Neal E Miller, Yale University Department of Psychology to Brown
107 - Brown to Neal E Miller, Yale University Department of Psychology
108 - J G L Williams, Psychology Department, Indiana University to Brown
109 - J G L Williams, Sydenham Road, London to Brown
110 - Max M Levin, Foundations' Fund for Research in Psychiatry, New Haven, Connecticut to Brown
111 - Brown to Max M Levin, Foundations' Fund for Research in Psychiatry, New Haven, Connecticut
112 - Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund to Brown
113 - Brown to Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
114 - Brown to Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
115 - Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund to Brown
116 - Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund to Brown
117 - Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund to Brown
118 - Brown to Peter C Williams, Division of Physiology and Endocrinology, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
119 - E N Willmer, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge to Brown
120 - Brown to E N Willmer, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge
121 - E N Willmer, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge to Brown
122 - Brown to E N Willmer, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge
123 - E N Willmer, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge to Brown
124 - Derek A Willoughby, University College Hospital Medical School to Brown
125 - Brown to Secretary, Board of Research Studies, Old School, Cambridge
126 - Secretary, Board of Research Studies, Old School, Cambridge to Brown
127 - Derek A Willoughby, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge to Brown
128 - Derek A Willoughby, University College Hospital Medical School to Brown
129 - Brown to Derek A Willoughby, University College Hospital Medical School
130 - Conrad E Robert Winer, Twickenham to Brown
131 - Brown to Conrad E Robert Winer, Twickenham
132 - F R Winton, Marlborough Place, London to Brown
133 - Brown to F R Winton, Marlborough Place, London
134 - DPhil examiners' report on R I Woods, Trinity Term
135 - Executive Secretary, Royal Society to Brown
136 - Roderick Woods, Department of Physiology, University of Edinburgh to Brown
137 - Roderick Woods, Department of Physiology, University of Edinburgh to Brown
138 - Brown to Roderick Woods, Department of Physiology, University of Edinburgh
139 - Minutes of MRC Royal Naval Personnel Research Committee Operation Efficiency Subcommittee
Expand 111 - Surgeon Commander J M Young 111 - Surgeon Commander J M Young
Expand 112 - General correspondence - X, Y Z112 - General correspondence - X, Y Z
Expand 66 - Royal Society visit to China66 - Royal Society visit to China
Expand 67 - Royal Society:  IBP Human Adaptability Subcommittee Correspondence67 - Royal Society: IBP Human Adaptability Subcommittee Correspondence
68 - Notebook entitled "British Journal of Pharmacology"
69 - Experimental notes on respiration (under water breathing)
70 - Black and white photographs
71 - Pencil drawing of Otto Loewi by P Carvallo
Expand 72 - Glass slides of experimental work72 - Glass slides of experimental work
Expand 73 - Workbooks73 - Workbooks

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