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Collapse HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.
Expand 1 - Personal papers1 - Personal papers
Expand 2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards
Expand 3 - Photographs and slides3 - Photographs and slides
Expand 4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts
Expand 5 - Publications5 - Publications
Expand 6 - Royal Society6 - Royal Society
Expand 7 - Royal Society of Medicine7 - Royal Society of Medicine
Expand 8 - British Council8 - British Council
Expand 9 - Wellcome Trust9 - Wellcome Trust
Expand 10 - Medical Research Council10 - Medical Research Council
Expand 11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories
Expand 12 - National Institute for Medical Research12 - National Institute for Medical Research
Collapse 13 - Royal Institution13 - Royal Institution
1 - Copy Dale to Dr Joseph Needham, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
2 - Copy Dale to Lieut Gen Robert K Lim, Chinese Army Medical Service, Chungking
3 - Raymond Greene, Whitchurch, Bucks, to Dale
4 - Copy Dale to Dr Raymond Greene, Whitchurch, Bucks
5 - Raymond Greene, Whitchurch, Bucks, to Dale
6 - P J Hartog, London, to Dale
7 - Copy Dale to Sir Philip Hartog, London
8 - Ralph Cory, Deputy General Secretary, Royal Institution, to Dale
9 - Francis Dodd to Dale
10 - Charles Wilcocks, Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases, London, to Dale
11 - Copy secretary to Dale to Walter Stoneman, J Russell & Sons, London
12 - Francis Dodd to Dale
13 - Francis Dodd to Dale
14 - Mervyn Griffiths, Ottawa, Canada, to Dale
15 - Angela Latham, London, to Dale
16 - Francis Dodd to Dale
17 - B Mukerji, Biochemical Standardisation Laboratory, to Dale
18 - Frank H Davey to Dale
19 - Copy Dale to Frank H Davey
20 - Francis Dodd to Dale
21 - Copy secretary to Dale to Francis Dodd
22 - Gas Light & Coke Company to Dale
23 - Copy Dale to Gas Light & Coke Company
24 - Gas Light & Coke Company to Dale
25 - Invitation to Dale from the Corporation of London to attend the presentation of the Freedom of the City to the Rt Hon Winston Spencer-Churchill MP on 30 June 1943
26 - F W Lanchester to Dale
27 - Copy letter, Henry Hallett Dale to F W Lanchester
28 - Copy Dale to Mrs Latham, London
29 - Copy Dale to Sir Stanley Marchant, Royal Academy of Music
30 - Draft announcement of the memorial service for Benjamin James Dale
31 - Dr Henry Cohen, Liverpool, to Dale
32 - John Beattie, Bernhard Baron Research Laboratories, to Dale
33 - P Ellinger to Dale
34 - E C Dodds, Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, to Dale
35 - I E Balaban to Dale
36 - A P Moore-Anderson, Cape Town, to Dale
37 - Professor S Wright, Department of Physiology, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, to Dale
38 - Francis Dodd to Dale
39 - List of signatures of guests at a dinner for the Inter-Allied Conference on War Medicine (no 4 series 2) held on 3 January 1944
40 - Copy secretary to Dale to the manager, University Arms Hotel, Cambridge
41 - Manager, University Arms Hotel, Cambridge, to W M Cutts
42 - Copy secretary to Dale to the manager, University Arms Hotel, Cambridge
43 - Copy secretary to Dale to Lost Property Office, Scotland Yard
44 - P Daw, New Scotland Yard, to Dale
45 - Copy secretary to Dale to the superintendent, Police Station, Cambridge
46 - Chief Constable, Cambridge Borough Police, to W M Cutts
47 - Memorandum of the number on Dale's new identity card
48 - Copy secretary to Dale to the secretary, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd, Manchester
49 - Copy Dale to Miss Rees, Women War Workers' Bureau
50 - Copy Dale to Miss Rees, Women War Workers' Bureau
51 - T C Wyatt, Christ's College, Cambridge, to Dale
52 - Copy Dale to T C Wyatt, Christ's College, Cambridge
53 - Copy Dale to Sir Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council
54 - Copy Professor August Krogh, Stockholm, to Sir Edward and Lady Mellanby
55 - Copy Dale to Professor August Krogh, Stockholm
56 - Walter Miles, National Research Council, Washington, to Dale
57 - Leonard Woolf, editor, The Political Quarterly, Monk's House, Rodmell, to Dale
58 - Copy Dale to Leonard Woolf, Monk's House, Rodmell
59 - Copy [Dale] to the editor, Who's Who
60 - Copy revised proof of Dale's entry in Who's Who
61 - Wm Cullen, Society of Chemical Industry, to Dale
62 - Programme and agenda of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry on 13-14 July 1944
63 - Copy Dale to Dr Wm Cullen, Society of Chemical Industry
64 - Copy Wm Cullen, Society of Chemical Industry, to Dale
65 - Copy secretary to Dale to Messrs Zaehnsdorf
66 - A Lascelles, Buckingham Palace, to Dale
67 - A Lascelles, Buckingham Palace, to Dale
68 - Copy Dale to Dr Wm Cullen, Society of Chemical Industry
69 - Copy Dale to Dr Wallace P Cohoe, New York
70 - Note on the background to the formation of the American Chemical Society
71 - Joseph F Sadusk jr, United States of America Typhus Commission, to Dale
72 - Copy Joseph Barcroft to Dale
73 - Professor M Tiffeneau, Paris, to Dale
74 - Herbert S Gasser to Dale
75 - E A Doisy, St Louis University School of Medicine, to Dale
76 - Notes for a speech by Dale at the Royal Society on the occasion of the presentation to the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal of letters written by Sir Joseph Banks and relating to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Sibbur, Calcutta
77 - Draft of explanatory note accompanying papers by Sir Joseph Banks concerning the Royal Botanic Gardens at Sibbur, Calcutta, presented to the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal
78 - Leslie Hayman, W Williams & Son (Bread Street) Ltd, to Dale
79 - Advertisement for W Williams & Son (Bread Street) Ltd
80 - Copy Dale to Leslie Hayman
81 - I Lincoln, Royal Society, to Mrs Cutts
82 - E T Whittaker, Mathematical Institute, University of Edinburgh, to Dale
83 - E B Bailey, Geological Survey and Museum, to Dale
84 - Lionel Whitby, Army Blood Supply Deport, to Dale
85 - R E Stradling, Ministry of Works, to Dale
86 - N Hamilton Fairley to Charles [-]
87 - List of GPs recommended by N Hamilton Fairley
88 - District Postmaster, London NW1, to Dale
89 - Marthe Vogt, College of the Pharmaceutical Society, to Dale
90 - John D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, to Mrs Cutts
91 - Copy secretary to Dale to H Lacey Hawkins, Ministry of Information
92 - Note of a package for collection from the hall porter, Royal Institution
93 - Copy letter, H H Dale to Miss Marjory Stephenson, Biochemical Laboratory, Cambridge
94 - Copy Dale to Professor H D Kay, National Institute for Research in Dairying
95 - Copy Dale to Professor J H Gaddum, Pharmacological Laboratory, University of Edinburgh
96 - Leonard Colebrook, Birmingham Accident Hospital, to Dale
97 - John Young, Magdalen College, Oxford, to Dale
98 - H D Kay to Dale
99 - Letter, Marjory Stephenson, University of Cambridge School of Biochemistry, to H H Dale
100 - J H Gaddum, Pharmacological Laboratory, Edinburgh, to Dale
101 - A L Hetherington, Oxford and Cambridge University Club, to Dale
102 - Copy Dale to A L Hetherington, Oxford and Cambridge University Club
103 - A L Hetherington to Dale
104 - Copy Dale to A L Hetherington
105 - Steffi Axenfeld-Brucke, Salzburg, to Dale
106 - Envelope addressed to Sir Henry Dale at Cambridge University
107 - W E Carnegie Dickson to Dale
108 - Copy Dale to Dr W E Carnegie Dickson
109 - P Ellinger to Dale
110 - Copy Dale to P Ellinger
111 - Invitation to Dale from the Corporation of London to attend the presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the City to General Dwight D Eisenhower GCB on 12 June 1945
112 - A Vartiainen, Helsinki, to Dale
113 - Copy Dale to Sir Percival Hartley, National Institute for Medical Research
114 - B Berry, Postal & Telegraph Censorship Department, to Dale
115 - Note of various musical works
116 - Birthday card
117 - J Chuter Ede, Home Secretary, to Dale
118 - Copy Dale to J Chuter Ede, Secretary of State for Home Affairs
119 - G S W Marlow, Faraday Society, to Dale
120 - Copy Dale to G S W Marlow, Faraday Society
121 - Copy Dale to G S W Marlow, Faraday Society
122 - Lord Addison, Dominions Office, to Dale
123 - Thomas R Merton to Dale
124 - S Wright, Department of Physiology, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, to Dale
125 - Copy secretary to Dale to Professor Samson Wright, Department of Physiology, Middlesex Hospital Medical School
126 - Dr J M le Goff, Paris to Dale
127 - Copy Dale to Dr J M le Goff, Paris
128 - H A Kramers, Oegstgeest, to Dale
129 - A T French, Nambour, Queensland, to Dale
130 - Draft Dale to A T French
131 - John Anderson to Dale
132 - Major Greenwood to Dale
133 - Dora Russell to Dale
134 - 'Intellectuals' International?' by Dora Russell
135 - Copy Dale to Mrs D Russell
136 - Dora Russell to Dale
137 - Lord Brabazon of Tara to Dale
138 - D [-], Faculte des Sciences, University of Lyon, to Dale
139 - Programme of music
140 - Programme of music
141 - Programme of music
142 - W H Thorpe, Jesus College, Cambridge, to Dale
143 - Proof copy of draft appeal for contributions towards the establishment of an Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lectureship
144 - Draft appeal concerning the establishment of an Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lectureship for distribution to the press
145 - Copy Dale to Dr W H Thorpe, Jesus College, Cambridge
146 - Myron R Kirsch, Nelson's Encyclopedia, Chicago, to Dale
147 - Copy Dale to Myron R Kirsch, Nelson's Encyclopedia, Chicago
148 - Myron R Kirsch, Nelson's Encyclopedia, Chicago, to Dale
149 - Copy Dale to Myron R Kirsch, Nelson's Encyclopedia, Chicago
150 - William de B MacNider, Chapel Hill, NC, to Dale
151 - Myron R Kirsch, Nelson's Encyclopedia, Chicago, to Dale
152 - J E Pryde-Hughes, Richmond, Surrey, to Dale
153 - Copy secretary to Dale to J E Pryde-Hughes, Richmond, Surrey
154 - Copy Dale to Bassano Ltd, London
155 - G Lewis, Bassano Ltd, to Dale
156 - D R Pye, University College London, to Dale
157 - Copy Dale to D R Pye, University College London
158 - W H Pocock to Dale
159 - Postcard from Samson Wright and two others, Paris, to Dale
160 - Invitation to Dale to attend a screening of 'Atomic Physics' by G-B Instructional Ltd on 9 December [1947]
161 - Lord Greene to Dale
162 - Copy Dale to Lord Greene
163 - Lord Greene to Dale
164 - Notes concerning 'Prince Rupert's Drops'
165 - J W Crowfoot to Dale
166 - J W Crowfoot, Palestine Exploration Fund, to Dale
167 - Copy Dale to J W Crowfoot, Palestine Exploration Fund
Expand 14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations
Expand 15 - International scientific societies and organisations 15 - International scientific societies and organisations
Expand 16 - Non-scientific societies16 - Non-scientific societies
Expand 17 - Research institutes17 - Research institutes
Expand 18 - Universities18 - Universities
Expand 19 - Pharmaceutical companies19 - Pharmaceutical companies
Expand 20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees
Expand 21 - Trusts21 - Trusts
Expand 22 - Commissions22 - Commissions
Expand 23 - Clubs23 - Clubs
Expand 24 - Other correspondence 24 - Other correspondence
Expand 25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers

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