Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.
Expand 1 - Personal papers1 - Personal papers
Expand 2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards
Expand 3 - Photographs and slides3 - Photographs and slides
Expand 4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts
Expand 5 - Publications5 - Publications
Expand 6 - Royal Society6 - Royal Society
Expand 7 - Royal Society of Medicine7 - Royal Society of Medicine
Expand 8 - British Council8 - British Council
Expand 9 - Wellcome Trust9 - Wellcome Trust
Expand 10 - Medical Research Council10 - Medical Research Council
Expand 11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories
Expand 12 - National Institute for Medical Research12 - National Institute for Medical Research
Expand 13 - Royal Institution13 - Royal Institution
Expand 14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations
Expand 15 - International scientific societies and organisations 15 - International scientific societies and organisations
Expand 16 - Non-scientific societies16 - Non-scientific societies
Expand 17 - Research institutes17 - Research institutes
Expand 18 - Universities18 - Universities
Expand 19 - Pharmaceutical companies19 - Pharmaceutical companies
Expand 20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees
Expand 21 - Trusts21 - Trusts
Expand 22 - Commissions22 - Commissions
Expand 23 - Clubs23 - Clubs
Collapse 24 - Other correspondence 24 - Other correspondence
Collapse 1 - Correspondence with individuals1 - Correspondence with individuals
1 - N O Abdon
2 - W S Adams
3 - E D Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
4 - N Ambache
5 - J Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley of Westdean
6 - E N de C Andrade
7 - E C Andrus
8 - S Anitchkov
9 - R Azuma
10 - Z M Bacq
11 - W A Bain
12 - E Baldwin
13 - H Barcroft
14 - E H Barger
15 - W Bauer
16 - L E Bayliss
17 - W W Benn, 1st Viscount Stansgate of Stansgate
18 - F Bergel
19 - C H Best
20 - W R Bett
21 - A B L Beznak
22 - S S Bhatnagar
23 - B K Blount
24 - N H D Bohr
25 - D Bovet
26 - W L Bragg
27 - J Bronowski
28 - L R Broster
29 - G L Brown
30 - D J Browne
31 - C H Browning
32 - G J G Bruce, 7th Baron Balfour of Burleigh
33 - F von Brucke
34 - F Buchthal
35 - Baroness Budberg
36 - E Bulbring
Expand 37 - J H Burn37 - J H Burn
38 - F M Burnet
39 - V Bush
40 - H Butterfield
41 - P A Buxton
42 - F R Callaghan
43 - H C Cameron
44 - G B Chisholm
45 - Dr M Ciuca
46 - H T Clarke
47 - E Clayton Jones
48 - G H A Clowes
49 - A F Coca
50 - C F Code
51 - L Colebrook
52 - H O J Collier
53 - J B Collip
54 - E M Cowell
55 - R H Dale
56 - W C Dalrymple
57 - C G Darwin and C R Darwin
58 - H R Dean
59 - C R de Duve
60 - G Domagk
61 - M Donaldson
62 - A N Drury
63 - V du Vigneaud
64 - J C Eccles
65 - G R Edwards
66 - P Ehrlich
67 - F Eichholtz
68 - T R Elliott
69 - C W Emmens
70 - M van den Ende
71 - E S von Euler
72 - B I Evans and I B N Evans
73 - H M Evans
74 - A J Ewins
75 - W S Feldberg
76 - H W Florey
77 - W F Forbes-Sempill, 19th Baron Sempill
78 - K J Franklin
79 - H Fredericq
80 - J Freeman
81 - F A Freeth
82 - J H Gaddum
83 - H S Gasser
84 - R G C Glyn
85 - K Gollwitzer Meier
86 - M G Good
87 - M M Gowing
88 - J D P Graham
89 - R T Grant
90 - J Gray
91 - O Gray
92 - F H K Green
93 - I Greenwald
94 - H Gremels
95 - A Grevenstuk
96 - M Guggenheim
97 - A Haddow
98 - K Hahn
99 - O Hahn
100 - C Haldane
101 - B N Halpern
102 - J B Hance
103 - M P A Hankey, Ist Baron Hankey of The Chart
104 - P Hartley
105 - H Hartridge
106 - A M Harvey
107 - H Hausler
108 - C B Heald
109 - H F Hellauer
110 - K Hellmann
111 - M Heseltine
112 - H J W Hetherington
113 - W Heubner
114 - J H Hildebrand
115 - A V Hill
116 - S M Hilton
117 - F Himmelweit
118 - J P Hoet
119 - P Holtz
120 - T M Horder, 2nd Baron Horder of Ashford
121 - E S Horning
122 - W G Humphrey
123 - J S Huxley
124 - N Jansco
125 - G Jefferson
126 - E Jokl
127 - G S Kahlson
128 - R Kapeller-Adler
129 - B Katz
130 - D L Keir
131 - C W Kellaway
132 - G Keynes
133 - S King-Hall
134 - E von Knaffl-Lenz
135 - G B Koelle
136 - H F Kotthoff
137 - F W Lanchester
138 - J Langdon-Davies
139 - C D Leake
140 - E Lehnartz
141 - A Loeser
142 - G Loewi
Expand 143 - O Loewi143 - O Loewi
144 - K Lonsdale
145 - R Lorente de No
146 - R J S McDowall
147 - R G Macfarlane
148 - F C MacIntosh
149 - C J Mackenzie
150 - A S MacNalty
151 - T Madsen
152 - B G Maegraith
153 - A Marble
154 - J Marchant
155 - B H C Matthews
156 - E Mellanby
157 - K Mellanby
158 - B Mendel
159 - G Merck
160 - A Moir
161 - J C Moir
Collapse 162 - A von Muralt162 - A von Muralt
163 - M Nickerson
164 - D P O'Brien
165 - A G Ogston
166 - S G Ong
167 - W A Osbourne
168 - S Oshinsky
169 - R A S Paget
170 - E M Papper
171 - A S Parkes
172 - W D M Paton
173 - W G Penfield
174 - W L M Perry
175 - G F Petrie
176 - G W Pickering
177 - M H Pirenne
178 - N W Pirie
179 - N Polunin
180 - R Prigge
181 - L Rajchman
182 - A N Richards
183 - D W Richards
184 - O Riesser
185 - J F Riley
186 - R Robinson
Expand 187 - M Rocha e Silva187 - M Rocha e Silva
188 - E Rock Carling
189 - J Roskam
190 - C S Russell
191 - E J Russell
192 - N A Salaman
193 - G B Sansom
194 - Y Satake
195 - H O Schild
196 - H Schlossberger
197 - H Shriever
198 - H Selye
199 - C S Sherrington
200 - S L Sherwood
201 - A Sims
202 - C J Singer
203 - E Singer
204 - D H Smyth
205 - F Soddy
206 - W K Spencer
207 - F L M Steenwinkel
208 - H W Straub and P Straub
209 - A von Szent-Gyorgyi
210 - D B Taylor
211 - J L W Thudicum
212 - H T Tizard
213 - A R Todd, Baron Todd of Trumpington
214 - J W Trevan
215 - H W Turnbull
216 - K B Turner
217 - W H Tytler
218 - P Uhlenhuth
219 - M L Vogt
220 - W Wada
221 - C F von Weizsacker
222 - R West
223 - R Whiddington
224 - E Wigmore
225 - J H H Williams
226 - C M Wilson, 1st Baron Moran of Manton
227 - H E Wimperis
228 - H R Wolfe
229 - P O Wolff
230 - D R Wood
231 - R L Worrall
232 - S Wright
233 - R Wyburn-Mason
234 - E H Young, 1st Baron Kennet of the Dene
235 - F G Young
236 - W Zander
237 - S von Zwanenberg
238 - Miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues
Expand 2 - Correspondence by subject2 - Correspondence by subject
Expand 3 - Correspondence concerning other countries3 - Correspondence concerning other countries
Expand 4 - Miscellaneous correspondence4 - Miscellaneous correspondence
Expand 5 - Indexes of correspondents5 - Indexes of correspondents
Expand 25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers

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