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Collapse HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.
Expand 1 - Personal papers1 - Personal papers
Expand 2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards
Expand 3 - Photographs and slides3 - Photographs and slides
Collapse 4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts
Collapse 1 - Lectures 1 - Lectures
Expand 1 - General correspondence re lectures1 - General correspondence re lectures
2 - Cameron Prize Lecture, 1927
3 - St Mary's Hospital lectures, 1932-1944
4 - 'Some therapeutic problems of the future', 1932
5 - 'Ultramicroscopic organisms and the troubles which they cause', 1933
6 - 'Progress in autopharmacology', 1933
7 - 'Chemical transmission of nerve impulses', 1934
8 - 'Chemical transmission of the effects of nerve impulses', 1934
9 - 'Chemical ideas in medicine and biology', 1934
10 - 'Reizubertragung von peripheren nerven und den ganglienzellen', 1934
11 - 'Pharmacology and nerve endings', 1934
12 - 'Viruses and heterogenesis: an old problem in a new form', 1935
13 - 'Some epochs in medical research', 1935
14 - 'Recent developments in the pharmacology of ergot especially of ergometrine', 1936
15 - 'The pharmacology of ergot with special reference to ergometrine' and 'Histamine and its functional significance', 1936
16 - 'The training of chemists for work in the fields of biochemistry and medicine', 1936
17 - 'Some recent extensions of the chemical transmission of the effects of nerve impulses', 1936
18 - 'Nerves, muscles and glands - the postal and telegraphic services of the body', 1937
19 - 'Vasodepressorische stoffe', 1937
20 - 'Acetylcholine as a chemical transmitter of the effects of nerve impulses', 1937
21 - 'Transmission of nervous effects by acetylcholine', 1937
22 - 'Natural chemical stimulators', 1937
23 - 'Chemical transmission of the effects of nerve impulses', 1938
24 - 'Chemical agents transmitting nervous excitations', 1938
25 - 'The impact of chemistry on biological science', 1938
26 - 'Chemical transmission of nerve impulses', 1938
27 - 'The preservation of knowledge and academic freedom', 1939
28 - 'Biological standardisation', 1939
29 - 'Chemical transmitters of nervous effects', 1940
30 - 'Transmission of excitation from nerve endings', 1940
31 - 'A new era in medicinal treatment', 1941
Expand 32 - Royal Institution Lectures, 1943-194632 - Royal Institution Lectures, 1943-1946
33 - 'Science and education', 1943
34 - 'A prospect in therapeutics', 1943
35 - 'The natural history and chemistry of drugs', 1944
36 - 'Accident as a factor in research and discovery', 1944
37 - 'The methods and aims of scientific research', 1945
38 - 'The nature of chemotherapy', 1946
39 - 'Experiment in medicine', 1946
40 - 'Electric fishes', 1946
41 - 'Banting and insulin commemoration', 1946
42 - 'The chemical transmission of nervous effects. The present position', 1946
43 - 'The freedom of science', 1946
44 - 'Chemical transmission and central synapses', 1946
45 - 'Electric fishes', 1947
46 - 'Surgery and physiology', 1947
47 - 'Chemistry and medicinal treatment', 1947
48 - 'The aims of scientific research', 1947
49 - 'Accident and opportunity in scientific research', 1948
50 - 'Science in education', 1948
51 - Untitled lecture on freedom in science, 1948
52 - 'The relations between physiology and surgery', 1949
53 - 'The relation of surgery to physiology', 1949
54 - 'Medical research as an aim in life', 1949
55 - 'Some recent developments of evidence on transmission of effects from nerve endings', 1949
56 - 'Recent developments concerning transmission of the effects of nerve impulses', 1949
57 - 'Thomas Addison: pioneer of endocrinology', 1949
58 - 'Recent developments concerning transmission of the effects of nerve impulses' and 'Histamine, allergy and antihistamines', 1949
59 - 'Histamine, allergy and antihistamines', 1950
60 - 'Scientific method in medical research' and 'The significance of acetylcholine as a chemical transmitter of nerve impulses', 1950-1951
61 - 'Medical treatment at the beginning of the present century', 1950
62 - 'The eye as a physiological reagent', 1951
63 - 'Medicine, yesterday and tomorrow', 1951
64 - 'Transmission of effects from nerve endings: a survey of the significance of present knowledge', 1952
65 - 'The future of phamacy and pharmacology', 1953
66 - 'Histamine and its antagonists', 1953
67 - 'Scientific method in medical research', 1953
68 - 'Changes and prospects in medicinal treatment', 1953
69 - 'Paul Ehrlich and modern therapeutics', 1954
70 - 'Junctional transmission of nervous effects by chemical agents', 1954
71 - 'Hormones of the pituitary posterior lobe', 1954
72 - Untitled lecture on evidence for a chemical phase in the transmission of the effects of nerve impulses, 1955
73 - 'Some recent developments concerning the chemical transmission of nervous effects', 1955
74 - 'Medical aids and ideals', 1956
75 - 'History of knowledge of the function of the pituitary posterior lobe', 1957
76 - 'How we move and control our muscles', 1957
77 - 'The Royal Society and medical research: a record of 300 years', 1961
78 - 'The relation of experimental research to medical knowledge and practice', 1961
Expand 2 - Overseas Lecture Tours2 - Overseas Lecture Tours
Expand 3 - Other speaking engagements3 - Other speaking engagements
Expand 4 - Collected speeches4 - Collected speeches
Expand 5 - Conferences5 - Conferences
Expand 6 - Broadcasts6 - Broadcasts
Expand 5 - Publications5 - Publications
Expand 6 - Royal Society6 - Royal Society
Expand 7 - Royal Society of Medicine7 - Royal Society of Medicine
Expand 8 - British Council8 - British Council
Expand 9 - Wellcome Trust9 - Wellcome Trust
Expand 10 - Medical Research Council10 - Medical Research Council
Expand 11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories
Expand 12 - National Institute for Medical Research12 - National Institute for Medical Research
Expand 13 - Royal Institution13 - Royal Institution
Expand 14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations
Expand 15 - International scientific societies and organisations 15 - International scientific societies and organisations
Expand 16 - Non-scientific societies16 - Non-scientific societies
Expand 17 - Research institutes17 - Research institutes
Expand 18 - Universities18 - Universities
Expand 19 - Pharmaceutical companies19 - Pharmaceutical companies
Expand 20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees
Expand 21 - Trusts21 - Trusts
Expand 22 - Commissions22 - Commissions
Expand 23 - Clubs23 - Clubs
Expand 24 - Other correspondence 24 - Other correspondence
Expand 25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers

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