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Collapse HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.HD - Papers of Sir Henry Hallett Dale PRS, physiologist and pharmacologist.
Expand 1 - Personal papers1 - Personal papers
Expand 2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards2 - Honorary degrees, diplomas, medals and other awards
Expand 3 - Photographs and slides3 - Photographs and slides
Expand 4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts4 - Lectures, conferences and broadcasts
Expand 5 - Publications5 - Publications
Expand 6 - Royal Society6 - Royal Society
Expand 7 - Royal Society of Medicine7 - Royal Society of Medicine
Expand 8 - British Council8 - British Council
Collapse 9 - Wellcome Trust9 - Wellcome Trust
Collapse 1 - Private correspondence 1939-19591 - Private correspondence 1939-1959
1 - A S Parkes, London, to Dale
2 - Margaret Hubicki, Horsham, to Dale
3 - Margaret Hubicki, Horsham, to Dale
4 - Statement by Margaret Hubicki with regard to her career and her experience in the Bachelor of Music degree examination
5 - Margaret Hubicki, Horsham, to Dale
6 - Copy Dale to Mrs M Hubicki, Horsham
7 - Margaret Hubicki, Horsham, to secretary to Dale
8 - Copy secretary to Dale to Mrs M Hubicki, Horsham
9 - Margaret Hubicki, Horsham, to secretary to Dale
10 - Margaret Hubicki, Henley on Thames, to Dale
11 - Copy Dale to Mrs M Hubicki, Henley on Thames
12 - George Oldroyd, Croydon, to Dale
13 - Copy Dale to Dr G Oldroyd, Croydon
14 - George Oldroyd, Croydon, to Dale
15 - George Oldroyd, Croydon, to Dale
16 - H E Sier, London, to Dale
17 - Loris Rey, Chelsea Arts Club, London, to Dale
18 - Copy Dale to Loris Rey, Chelsea Arts Club, London
19 - [-], Clerk to the Merchant Taylors' Company, London, to Dale
20 - Copy Dale to Clerk to the Merchant Taylors' Company, London
21 - Copy secretary to Dale to Clerk to the Merchant Taylors' Company, London
22 - Evan James, Clerk to the Merchant Taylors' Company, London, to Dale
23 - Copy Dale to Clerk to the Merchant Taylors' Company, London
24 - D Wright Wilson, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, to Dale
25 - Copy Dale to Dr D Wright Wilson, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
26 - D Wright Wilson, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, to Dale
27 - H R Robinson, Queen Mary College, University of London, to Dale
28 - Copy Dale to Professor H R Robinson, Queen Mary College, London
29 - Circular letter from the Medical Research Council concerning the Sir Henry Dale Portrait Fund
30 - Letter of invitation to Sir Henry and Lady Dale to attend a dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons on 4 March 1949
31 - Copy Sir Henry and Lady Dale to [Myles L Formby FRCS]
32 - Myles L Formby, London, to Dale
33 - Myles L Formby, London, to Dale
34 - Copy Dale to [Sir Alfred] Munnings
35 - Copy Dale to Professor Wilson Smith
36 - Professor Wilson Smith, University College Hospital Medical School, to Dale
37 - Walter T J Morgan, Lister Institute, to Dale
38 - B Lockspeiser, Farnborough, to Dale
39 - F G Young, University College London, to Dale
40 - Allan Ferguson, Bishop's Stortford, to Dale
41 - Copy Dale to Professor Allan Ferguson, Bishop's Stortford
42 - Copy Dale to Dr E A Carmichael, National Hospital, London
43 - Copy Dale to Professor Allan Ferguson, Bishop's Stortford
44 - [-] Brown, National Institute for Medical Research, to Dale
45 - Copy compliments slip from Dale to Dr Mario Vianna Diaz, Laboratorio d. Fisiologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
46 - Copy Dale to Lord Inman, Haywards Heath
47 - Roger J Williams, Biochemical Institute, University of Texas, to Dale
48 - Copy Dale to Professor Roger J Williams, Biochemical Institute, University of Texas
49 - W R M Lamb, secretary, Royal Academy of Arts, to Dale
50 - Invitation to Dale to attend the Annual Dinner of the Royal Academy of Arts on 27 April 1950
51 - Copy secretary to Dale to Secretary, Royal Academy of Arts
52 - Copy [secretary to Dale] to Dr R H Dale, Queen Victoria Hospital
53 - Leslie G D Smith, National Peace Council, London, to Dale
54 - Copy Dale to Leslie G D Smith, National Peace Council, London
55 - Copy Dale to Brigadier Ivan de la Bere, Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, London
56 - I de La Bere, Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, to Dale
57 - E Ashworth Underwood, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, to Dale
58 - Philip S Hench, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, to Dale
59 - Gerald Kelly, President of the Royal Academy of Arts, to Dale
60 - Alex Todd, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, to Dale
61 - Copy Dale to Sir Daniel Davies, London
62 - Copy Dale to Professor A R Todd, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge
63 - Daniel Davies, London, to Dale
64 - P C Mahalanobis, Calcutta, to Dale
65 - Professor David Smithers, Royal Cancer Hospital, to Dale
66 - Copy secretary to Dale to Professor D W Smithers, Royal Cancer Hospital
67 - Copy Dale to Dr M Guggenheim, Basel, Switzerland
68 - Circular letter from G R de Beer and others, Department of Zoology, University College London
69 - Message to be contained in the volume to be presented to David Meredith Seares Watson
70 - Copy secretary to Dale to Miss J Townend, Department of Zoology, University College London
71 - Roger St Aubyn, London, to Dale
72 - Copy Dale to Dr R St Aubyn, London
73 - Jury summons addressed to Dale
74 - E Elath, Embassy of Israel, London, to Dale
75 - Copy Dale to the Ambassador of Israel, London
76 - Christopher Warner, British Embassy, Brussels, to Dale
77 - A W Glanville, Home Office, to Dale
78 - Telephone message for Dale
79 - Wilkinson & Son, London, to Dale
80 - Copy Dale to Wilkinson & Sons, London
81 - Copy secretary to Dale to the secretary, Earl Marshal's Office, London
82 - Copy Dale to the secretary, Earl Marshal's Office, London
83 - Supplies Division, Ministry of Works, to Dale
84 - Copy secretary to Dale to Supplies Division, Ministry of Works
85 - Authorisation by Dale for the bearer to collect two stools used in the coronation
86 - Receipt by the Supplies Division, Ministry of Works, for cheque received from Dale in payment for two stools used at the coronation
87 - Copy authorisation by Dale for the bearer to collect two stools used in the coronation
88 - E James Johnson, Johnson Brothers (Hanley) Ltd, Stoke on Trent, to Dale
89 - Medical card issued to Dale by the Health Control Unit at London Airport
90 - Copy Dale to G C Hollowell, John Craggs & Co, London
91 - Mitchells, Ashworth, Stansfield & Co Ltd, London, to Dale
92 - Copy Dale to Mitchells, Ashworth, Stansfield & Co Ltd, London
93 - Article from Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung, 18 October 1954, on English recipients of the 'Order of Merit'
94 - Daniel Davies, London, to Dale
95 - Copy Dale to M W Perrin, Wellcome Foundation Ltd, London
96 - Copy Dale to Sir Daniel Davies, London
97 - Michael Perrin, Wellcome Foundation, London, to Dale
98 - Copy Dale to M W Perrin, Wellcome Foundation Ltd, London
99 - Telegram from Lord Beaverbrook to Dale
100 - Edgar Schuster, Oxford, to Dale
101 - Newspaper cutting about the work of Dr Edgar Schuster
102 - Copy Dale to Dr Edgar Schuster, Oxford
103 - Newspaper cutting re a dispute as to whether the first heart-lung pump was a British or Russian invention
104 - Newspaper cutting re a dispute as to whether the first heart-lung pump was a British or Russian invention
105 - Statement by Dale concerning the invention of the double perfusion pump, known as the 'Dale-Schuster Pump'
106 - Telephone message for Dale
107 - Denis Melrose, Postgraduate Medical School, London, to Dale
108 - Review of the published work of Sergei Sergeivich Brukhonenko
109 - Copy Dale to D G Melrose, Postgraduate Medical School, London
110 - E Clark, secretary, Postgraduate Medical School, London, to Dale
Expand 2 - Scientific correspondence 1947-19652 - Scientific correspondence 1947-1965
Expand 10 - Medical Research Council10 - Medical Research Council
Expand 11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories11 - Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories
Expand 12 - National Institute for Medical Research12 - National Institute for Medical Research
Expand 13 - Royal Institution13 - Royal Institution
Expand 14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations14 - Other UK scientific societies and organisations
Expand 15 - International scientific societies and organisations 15 - International scientific societies and organisations
Expand 16 - Non-scientific societies16 - Non-scientific societies
Expand 17 - Research institutes17 - Research institutes
Expand 18 - Universities18 - Universities
Expand 19 - Pharmaceutical companies19 - Pharmaceutical companies
Expand 20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees20 - Government departments, agencies and advisory committees
Expand 21 - Trusts21 - Trusts
Expand 22 - Commissions22 - Commissions
Expand 23 - Clubs23 - Clubs
Expand 24 - Other correspondence 24 - Other correspondence
Expand 25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers25 - Additional collection of Henry Dale papers

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