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Collapse HF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologistHF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologist
Collapse 1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks1 - Laboratory notebooks
Expand 2 - Collected published papers 2 - Collected published papers
Expand 3 - Papers relating to penicillin3 - Papers relating to penicillin
Expand 4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin
Expand 5 - Research into shock5 - Research into shock
Expand 6 - Research notes and papers6 - Research notes and papers
Expand 7 - Work carried out with other scientists7 - Work carried out with other scientists
Expand 8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'
Expand 9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'
Expand 10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature
Expand 11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death
Expand 12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers
Expand 13 - Lectures13 - Lectures
Collapse 14 - Oxford University14 - Oxford University
Expand 1 - Lectures1 - Lectures
Collapse 2 - Correspondence and notes concerning members of staff at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford2 - Correspondence and notes concerning members of staff at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford
Expand 1 - E P Abraham1 - E P Abraham
Expand 2 - John E French2 - John E French
Expand 3 - G P Gladstone3 - G P Gladstone
Expand 4 - N G Heatley4 - N G Heatley
Collapse 5 - James L Gowans5 - James L Gowans
2 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
3 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, King's College, Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
4 - Letter from J L Gowans, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London to Howard Walter Florey
5 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
8 - Letter from J L Gowans, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London to Howard Walter Florey
9 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, King's College, Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
10 - Letter from J L Gowans, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London to Howard Walter Florey
11 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, King's College, Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
12 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Rector, Lincoln College, Oxford
16 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
18 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
19 - Letter from J L Gowans, Churchill Hospital to Howard Walter Florey
20 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
21 - J L Gowans, Churchill Hospital to Miss Poynton
23 - Letter from E M Buzzard, Churchill Hospital, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
24 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to E M Buzzard, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
26 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to E M Buzzard, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
27 - Letter from E M Buzzard, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
28 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
29 - J L Gowans, Slade Hospital, Oxford to Miss Poynton
30 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
31 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to K C Turpin, Secretary of the Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
33 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to (K A H Murray), The Rector, Lincoln College, Oxford
35 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to K C Turpin, Secretary of the Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
38 - Letter from E M Buzzard, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
39 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to E M Buzzard, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
40 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
42 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
44 - Letter from J L Gowans, St Ives to Howard Walter Florey
46 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
48 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
49 - Letter from E M Buzzard, Churchill Hospital, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
50 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to E M Buzzard, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford
51 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to K C Turpin, Secretary of the Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
54 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to K C Turpin, Secretary of the Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
56 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J C R Hudson, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
58 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J C R Hudson, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
59 - Brief report on J L Gowans' work on nisin and micrococcin done since he returned to the laboratory in May
61 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J C R Hudson, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
65 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
66 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J Trefouel, Institut Pasteur, Paris
67 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J C R Hudson, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
70 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J Trefouel, Institut Pasteur, Paris
72 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Mrs Turner
73 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
74 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans
75 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
76 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
77 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
78 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
79 - J L Gowans, Thornton Health to J Kent
80 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
81 - Letter from J L Gowans, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
82 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
83 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
84 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
85 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to L P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
86 - J L Gowans, 'The action of penicillin and terramycin on pneumococcal infection in normal and leucopaenic rabbits'
88 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
89 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
90 - Letter from L P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London to Howard Walter Florey
91 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
92 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches
93 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to L P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
94 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
95 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
96 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
97 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to L P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
98 - Letter from Lawrence P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London to Howard Walter Florey
99 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
101 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to K C Turpin, Secretary of Faculties, University Registry, Oxford
102 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to P L C Carrier, Home Office, Whitehall, London
103 - Letter from J L Gowans, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
104 - Lawrence P Garrod, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
105 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
106 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
108 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Mr Tite, Clerk, Magdalen College, Oxford
110 - J L Gowans, 'The effect of some antibiotics on coccal infection in mice"
111 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Mr Tite, Clerk to the College, Magdalen College, Oxford
112 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Mr Tite, Clerk to the College, Magdalen College, Oxford
113 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
114 - J L Gowans, Notes of experiments on tuberculous guinea pigs
115 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Garches to Howard Walter Florey
116 - Letter from J L Gowans, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
117 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
118 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
119 - Telegram from J L Gowans, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
120 - Letter from J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris to Howard Walter Florey
122 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
123 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans, Institut Pasteur, Paris
126 - Secretary to Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London
128 - Secretary to Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London
131 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London
133 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Mrs Turner
134 - Letter from J L Gowans, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
135 - Curriculum vitae and list of publications for J L Gowans
136 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to E A Barber, Rector, Exeter College, Oxford
138 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Miss M Gorrill, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
139 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Harold Himsworth, Secretary, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
141 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F J C Herrald, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
145 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to P O Williams, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
147 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans
148 - Letter from J L Gowans, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
149 - Letter from J L Gowans, New York to Howard Walter Florey
150 - Letter from Paul Fildes, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
157 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Alan Bullock, Censor, St Catherine's Society, Oxford
160 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Alan Bullock, Censor, St Catherine's College, Oxford
162 - Letter from A L d'Abreu, Medical School, Birmingham to Howard Walter Florey
163 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to A K d'Abreu, Medical School, Birmingham
164 - Letter from A L d'Abreu, Medical School, Birmingham to Howard Walter Florey
166 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Alan Bullock, Censor, St Catherine's College, Oxford
168 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Miss Munro, Medical Research Council, Old Queen Street, London
169 - Curriculum vitae and list of publications for J L Gowans
170 - Draft curriculum vitae and list of publications for J L Gowans
171 - Draft curriculum vitae and list of publications for J L Gowans
177 - Copy of a letter from J L Gowans to Lindor Brown, Royal Society
179 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Alan Bullock, Censor, St Catherine's College, Oxford
181 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to A L P Norrington, Vice Chancellor, Trinity College, Oxford
187 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to P B Medawar, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London
188 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to Nobel Committee of the Royal Caroline Institute, Stockholm
189 - Statement of grounds for nomination of J L Gowans as candidate for the 1965 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
191 - Letter from J L Gowans, School of Pathology, Oxford to Howard Walter Florey
192 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to J L Gowans
Expand 6 - W E von Heyningen6 - W E von Heyningen
Expand 7 - M A Jennings7 - M A Jennings
Expand 8 - Desmond Kay8 - Desmond Kay
Expand 9 - G G F Newton9 - G G F Newton
Expand 10 - J C F Poole10 - J C F Poole
Expand 11 - A G Sanders11 - A G Sanders
Expand 12 - R L Vollum12 - R L Vollum
Expand 13 - R A Webb13 - R A Webb
Expand 14 - A M Woodin14 - A M Woodin
Expand 15 - Demonstrators' salaries15 - Demonstrators' salaries
Expand 16 - Technicians16 - Technicians
Expand 3 - Correspondence about past members of staff at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford3 - Correspondence about past members of staff at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford
Expand 4 - Correspondence about Oxford teaching4 - Correspondence about Oxford teaching
Expand 5 - Committee of Heads of Science Departments5 - Committee of Heads of Science Departments
Expand 6 - Correspondence and memoranda relating to the Nuffield scheme for Clinical School6 - Correspondence and memoranda relating to the Nuffield scheme for Clinical School
Expand 7 - Nuffield benefaction reports7 - Nuffield benefaction reports
Expand 8 - Lincoln college memoranda and booklets8 - Lincoln college memoranda and booklets
Expand 9 - Wolfson college trust9 - Wolfson college trust
Expand 15 - Cambridge University15 - Cambridge University
Expand 16 - Sheffield University16 - Sheffield University
Expand 17 - The Royal Society17 - The Royal Society
Expand 18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)
Expand 19 - Correspondence19 - Correspondence
Expand 20 - Travels20 - Travels
Expand 21 - Diplomas21 - Diplomas
Expand 22 - Invitations22 - Invitations
Expand 23 - Personal papers23 - Personal papers
Expand 24 - Diaries24 - Diaries
Expand 25 - Posthumous papers25 - Posthumous papers
Expand 26 - Institutional reports26 - Institutional reports
Expand 27 - Journals and magazines27 - Journals and magazines
Expand 28 - Books about and collected by Florey28 - Books about and collected by Florey
Expand 29 - Collected reprints29 - Collected reprints
Expand 30 - Australian National University30 - Australian National University
Expand 31 - Index cards to reprints31 - Index cards to reprints
Expand 2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers
Expand 3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material

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