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Collapse HF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologistHF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologist
Collapse 1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks1 - Laboratory notebooks
Collapse 2 - Collected published papers 2 - Collected published papers
Expand 1 - Collected published papers volume 11 - Collected published papers volume 1
Expand 2 - Collected published papers volume 22 - Collected published papers volume 2
Expand 3 - Collected published papers volume 33 - Collected published papers volume 3
Collapse 4 - Collected published papers volume 44 - Collected published papers volume 4
1 - 'Mycophenolic acid an antibiotic from Penicillium brevi-compactum Dierckx'
2 - 'Penicillin progress'
3 - 'Penicillin'
4 - 'El uso de los microorganisms con fines terapeuticos'
5 - L'utilisation des microorganisms en therapeutiques'
6 - 'Steps leading to the therapeutic application of microbial antagonisms'
7 - 'The use of micro-organisms for therapeutic purposes'
8 - 'El empleo de la penicilina en la clinica'
9 - 'An antibiotic from Bacterium coli'
10 - 'An antiobiotic from Penicillium tardum'
11 - 'Antibiotics from stereum hirsutum'
12 - 'Antibiotics produced by bacteria'
13 - 'Nobel lecture on penicillin'
14 - 'Penicillin in Perspective'
15 - 'Some observations on bacterial antagonism'
16 - 'New antibiotic agents'
17 - 'Penicillin and other antibiotics'
18 - 'L'intoduction de la penicilline dans la medecine'
19 - 'Antibiotics'
20 - 'The antibacterial and pharmacological properties of proactinomycins A,B and C'
21 - 'Biological observations on ayfavin'
22 - 'The effect of animal passage on the production of antibiotics by aerobic spore forming organisms'
23 - 'Induced bacterial antagonism'
24 - 'Algunos antibioticos recientemente investigados en Oxford'
25 - 'The effect on experimental tuberculosis of the intravenous injection of insoluble substances: experiments with carbon'
26 - 'The behaviour in vivo of particulate micrococcin'
27 - 'Some observations on the biological properties of bacitracins A, B and C'
28 - 'Some biological properties of cephalosporin P1'
29 - 'The effect on experimental tuberculosis of the intravenous injection of micrococcin'
30 - 'The behaviour of intravenously injected particles of carbon and micrococcin in normal and tuberculosis tissue'
31 - 'The work on penicillin at Oxford'
32 - 'Some problems in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis'
33 - 'The effect on experimental tuberculosis and other infections of a micrococcin-triton solution'
34 - 'The influence of cortisone on cell division'
35 - 'The advance of chemotherapy by animal experiment'
36 - 'The effect of intravenous injection of heparin on the interaction of chyle and plasma in the rat'
37 - 'A comparison of the biological properties of cephalosporin N and penicillin'
38 - 'Some properties of nisin'
Expand 5 - Collected published papers volume 55 - Collected published papers volume 5
Expand 6 - Collected published papers volume 66 - Collected published papers volume 6
Expand 3 - Papers relating to penicillin3 - Papers relating to penicillin
Expand 4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin
Expand 5 - Research into shock5 - Research into shock
Expand 6 - Research notes and papers6 - Research notes and papers
Expand 7 - Work carried out with other scientists7 - Work carried out with other scientists
Expand 8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'
Expand 9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'
Expand 10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature
Expand 11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death
Expand 12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers
Expand 13 - Lectures13 - Lectures
Expand 14 - Oxford University14 - Oxford University
Expand 15 - Cambridge University15 - Cambridge University
Expand 16 - Sheffield University16 - Sheffield University
Expand 17 - The Royal Society17 - The Royal Society
Expand 18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)
Expand 19 - Correspondence19 - Correspondence
Expand 20 - Travels20 - Travels
Expand 21 - Diplomas21 - Diplomas
Expand 22 - Invitations22 - Invitations
Expand 23 - Personal papers23 - Personal papers
Expand 24 - Diaries24 - Diaries
Expand 25 - Posthumous papers25 - Posthumous papers
Expand 26 - Institutional reports26 - Institutional reports
Expand 27 - Journals and magazines27 - Journals and magazines
Expand 28 - Books about and collected by Florey28 - Books about and collected by Florey
Expand 29 - Collected reprints29 - Collected reprints
Expand 30 - Australian National University30 - Australian National University
Expand 31 - Index cards to reprints31 - Index cards to reprints
Expand 2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers
Expand 3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material

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