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Collapse HF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologistHF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologist
Collapse 1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks1 - Laboratory notebooks
Expand 2 - Collected published papers 2 - Collected published papers
Expand 3 - Papers relating to penicillin3 - Papers relating to penicillin
Expand 4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin
Expand 5 - Research into shock5 - Research into shock
Expand 6 - Research notes and papers6 - Research notes and papers
Expand 7 - Work carried out with other scientists7 - Work carried out with other scientists
Expand 8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'
Expand 9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'
Expand 10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature
Expand 11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death
Expand 12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers
Expand 13 - Lectures13 - Lectures
Expand 14 - Oxford University14 - Oxford University
Expand 15 - Cambridge University15 - Cambridge University
Expand 16 - Sheffield University16 - Sheffield University
Expand 17 - The Royal Society17 - The Royal Society
Expand 18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)
Expand 19 - Correspondence19 - Correspondence
Expand 20 - Travels20 - Travels
Collapse 21 - Diplomas21 - Diplomas
Collapse 1 - Volume of diplomas and certificates1 - Volume of diplomas and certificates
1a - Certificate of degree of Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Oxford
1b - Certificate of degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Cambridge University
2a - Certificate of degree of Master of Arts, University of Cambridge
2b - Certificate of election as Fellow of the Royal Society
3 - Certificate of award of the Charles Mickle Fellowship from Toronto University, Canada
4 - Certificate of election to fellowship of Royal Physiographical Society of Lund, Sweden (Kungliga Fysiografiska Sallskapet i Lund)
5 - Certificate of honorary fellowship from Royal Australasian College of Physicians
6a - Certificate for Cameron Prize in Practical Therapeutics
6b - Certificate for honorary membership of Societas Medicorum Finlandiae (Finska Lakaresallskapet - Medical Society of Finland)
7 - Certificate for honorary membership of Duodecim Societas medicorum fennica, Finland (Suomalainen Laakariseuva Duodecim - Finnish Medical Society Duodecim)
8 - Certificate of Ordre national de la Legion d'Honneur: Commander of the Order, France
9 - Certificate of fellowship of Societas Regia Scientiarum Hauniensis, Denmark (Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab - Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)
10a - Certificate of honorary doctorate from Universite de Lyon, France
10b - Certificate of honorary doctorate from Brazil University
11a - Certificate of honorary membership of Colecio Brasiliero de Cirurcioes, Brazil (Brazilian College of Surgeons)
11b - Certificate of honorary membership of Centro de Estudos of Policlinica Geral de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
12 - Certificate of honorary membership of Instituto Brasiliero de Historia de Medicina, Brazil
13 - Certificate of an honorary doctorate from Sao Paulo University, Brazil
14a - Certificate of honorary membership of Centro Academico Oswaldo Cruz, Faculty of Medicine, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
14b - Certificate of honorary membership of Escola Paulista de Medicina, Departamento de Cultura cientifica de Centro Academico "Pereira Barretto", Sao Paulo, Brazil
15 - Certificate of honorary professorship of Uruguay University, Faculty of Medicine
16 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Buenos Aires University, Argentina
17a - Certificate of honorary foreign membership of Sociedad de Medicina interna, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17b - Certificate as a foreign corresponding member of Asociacion Medica Argentina
18 - Certificate for honorary membership of Sociedad Medica, Santiago, Chile
19 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Catholica Universitas Chilensis studiorum (Universita Catolica de Chile)
20a - Certificate of honorary membership of Faculty of Biology and Medical Sciences, Chile University
20b - Certificate as a Gran Official of Chile
21 - Certificate for honorary membership of Cruz Roya Peruana, Peru (Peruvian Red Cross)
22 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from the National University, Peru
23 - Certificate of Huesped de Honor de la Ciudad (guest of honour of the City), Lima, Peru
24 - Certificate for honorary membership of the National Academy of Medicine, Colombia
25 - Certificate for honorary professorship of the National University, Colombia
26a - Certificate for honorary professorship of Escuela nacional de ciencias biologicas del Instituto Politecnico Nactional, Mexico
26b - Certificate for honorary membership of National Academy of Medicine, Mexico
27 - Certificate for Huesped de Honor (guest of honour), Mexico City
28 - Certificate for Huesped de Honor (guest of honour), City of Oaxaca de Juares, Mexico
29 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Liege University, Belgium
30 - Certificate for honorary doctorate, Geneva University, Switzerland
31 - Citation for honorary doctorate from Athinisin Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistimion, Greece (National Capodistrian University of Athens)
32 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Athens University Medical School, Greece
33a - Certificate of election to the Board of Directors of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor School Medical Society, USA
33b - Certificate for honorary fellowship
34 - Certificate for USA Medal of Merit
35 - Certificate for honorary foreign membership of Asociacion Medica Argentina
36 - Certificate for medal from Asociacion Medica Argentina
37a - Certificate for foreign membership of Societas Medicorum Soecana, Sweden (Svenska Lakaresallskapet - Swedish Medical Society)
37b - Certificate for the Order of the Phoenix, Greece
38 - Certificate for honorary membership of La Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, Madrid, Spain
39 - Certificate for honorary membership of La Sociedad de Microbiologos Espanoles, Madrid, Spain
40 - Certificate for fellowship of Royal College of Physicians, London
41 - Certificate for honorary membership of Medico-Surgical Society of Athens, Greece
42 - Certificate for honorary fellowship of Royal Society of Medicine, London
43 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Toronto University, Canada
44 - Citation for honorary doctorate from Toronto University, Canada
45a - Certificate for honorary membership of American Gastroenterological Association
45b - Certificate for membership of Kogelike Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Norway (Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences)
46 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from University of Wales
47 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Louvain Catholic University, Belgium
48 - Certificate for honorary doctorate from Georgetown College, USA
49 - Certificate for foreign associateship of USA National Academy of Sciences
50 - Certificate of membership of American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
51 - Certificate of foreign honorary membership of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
52 - List of contents of volume
Expand 2 - American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association award of distinction to Alexander Fleming and Howard Walter Florey2 - American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association award of distinction to Alexander Fleming and Howard Walter Florey
Expand 3 - Honorary degree, Harvard University3 - Honorary degree, Harvard University
4 - Honorary Doctor of Laws, Edinburgh University
5 - Diploma of Honorary Doctor of Science, Laval University
6 - Diploma for Honorary Doctor of Science of the University of London
7 - Honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
8 - Honorary Fellowship of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
9 - Honorary Doctor of Science,, Hull University
10 - Diploma of Honorary Doctor of Laws, Melbourne University
Expand 11 - Honorary degree, Glasgow University11 - Honorary degree, Glasgow University
12 - Honorary Fellowship of the College of Pathologists
13 - Honorary fellowship of the Royal Institute of Chemistry
14 - Foreign membership of USSR Academy of Sciences
15 - Diploma, Honorary Doctor of Science, Warwick University
16 - Honorary fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Expand 22 - Invitations22 - Invitations
Expand 23 - Personal papers23 - Personal papers
Expand 24 - Diaries24 - Diaries
Expand 25 - Posthumous papers25 - Posthumous papers
Expand 26 - Institutional reports26 - Institutional reports
Expand 27 - Journals and magazines27 - Journals and magazines
Expand 28 - Books about and collected by Florey28 - Books about and collected by Florey
Expand 29 - Collected reprints29 - Collected reprints
Expand 30 - Australian National University30 - Australian National University
Expand 31 - Index cards to reprints31 - Index cards to reprints
Expand 2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers
Expand 3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material

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