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Collapse HF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologistHF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologist
Collapse 1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks1 - Laboratory notebooks
Expand 2 - Collected published papers 2 - Collected published papers
Expand 3 - Papers relating to penicillin3 - Papers relating to penicillin
Expand 4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin
Expand 5 - Research into shock5 - Research into shock
Expand 6 - Research notes and papers6 - Research notes and papers
Expand 7 - Work carried out with other scientists7 - Work carried out with other scientists
Expand 8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'
Expand 9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'
Expand 10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature
Expand 11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death
Expand 12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers
Expand 13 - Lectures13 - Lectures
Expand 14 - Oxford University14 - Oxford University
Expand 15 - Cambridge University15 - Cambridge University
Expand 16 - Sheffield University16 - Sheffield University
Expand 17 - The Royal Society17 - The Royal Society
Expand 18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)
Expand 19 - Correspondence19 - Correspondence
Expand 20 - Travels20 - Travels
Expand 21 - Diplomas21 - Diplomas
Expand 22 - Invitations22 - Invitations
Expand 23 - Personal papers23 - Personal papers
Expand 24 - Diaries24 - Diaries
Expand 25 - Posthumous papers25 - Posthumous papers
Expand 26 - Institutional reports26 - Institutional reports
Expand 27 - Journals and magazines27 - Journals and magazines
Collapse 28 - Books about and collected by Florey28 - Books about and collected by Florey
1 - Antibiotics Annual 1953 - 1954
2 - Antibiotics Annual 1954 - 1955
3 - Antibiotics Annual 1955 - 1956
4 - Antibiotics Annual 1956 - 1957
5 - Antibiotics Annual 1957 - 1958
6 - Antibiotics Annual 1959 - 1960
7 - Primer Congreso Internacional de Antibioticos y Quimioterapicos (Buenos Aires 1952)
8 - Penicilina. Estudo geral e aplicacao em terapeutica'
9 - Antibiotic and chemotherapy
10 - Pharmacological Basis of Penicillin Therapy
11 - British Medical Bulletin, volume 1
12 - British Medical Bulletin, volume 2
13 - De Koch a Waksman. La estreptomicina y la lucha contra el mycobacterium tuberculosis
14 - Diez anos de amistad con Sir Alexander Fleming
15 - De Pasteur a Fleming. Los anibioticos antimicrobianos y la penicilina
16 - A penicilina em terapeutica
17 - 'Terapia antibiotica corrente'
18 - 'Pathologische Anatomi und Chemotherapie der Infektionskrankheiten'
19 - Recent advances in chemotherapy
20 - Penicillin: its practical application
21 - Penicillin: its practical application
22 - Antibiotics
23 - Lectures on General Pathology delivered at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford
24 - General Pathology, based on lectures delivered at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford
25 - General Pathology, based on Lectures delivered at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford
26 - General Pathology
27 - The clinical applications of antibiotics: Penicillin
28 - Therapeutique par la penicilline
29 - A penicillin es gyakorlati alkalmazasa
30 - Tuberkulose-Forschunginstitut Borstel: Institut fur experimentelle Biologi und Medizin. Jahresbericht 1950/51
31 - Tuberkulose-Forschunginstitut Borstel: Institut fur experimentelle Biologi und Medizin. Jahresbericht 1952/53
32 - Tuberculosis incipiens. A clinical Roentgenological investigation on the earliest forms of the pulmonary tuberculosis, with a special view to its relation to the primary infection
33 - Deuxieme Journee de Therapeutique Clinique, 25 Octobre 1945
34 - Primo Symposium Europeo sulla Biochimica degli antibiotici, Symposium on Biochemistry of Antibiotics, Milan, Giornale di Microbiologia, 1956 volume 2
35 - Les antibiotiques autre que la penicilline
36 - Penicillin in general practice
37 - Bacilles tuberculeux et paratuberculeux. Bacteriologie. Chimie antibiotiques. Chimotherapie.
38 - Modern development of chemotherapy
39 - Penicillin and other antibiotic agents
40 - Antibiotics. Their production, utilization and mode of action
41 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Therapy with the New Penicillins, London 2-4 June 1964
42 - First International Symposium on Fleming's Lysozyme, Milan, 3-5 April 1959: Abstracts of Relations and Communications
43 - The Therapeutic Value of Streptomycin. A study of 3 000 cases.
44 - Penicillin Therapy: Including Thyrothricin and Other Antibiotic Therapy
45 - Penicillin Therapy: including streptomycin, tyrothricin and other antibiotic therapy
46 - La penicilline et ses applications therapeutiques
47 - Mammalian Physiology: a course of practical exercises. A new edition
48 - A-B-C's of sulfonamide and antibiotic therapy
49 - The Institute for Medical Research Kuala Lumpur 1900 - 1950: Fifty years of Medical Research in Malaya
50 - Men, molds, and history'
51 - La penicilline et ses applications cliniques
52 - Miracle Drug: The Inner History of Penicillin
53 - Penicillin: Die Geschichte eines Heilmittels
54 - The life of Sir Alexander Fleming discoverer of penicillin
55 - Medical Research
56 - Medical Research in War: Report of the Medical Research Council for the years 1939 - 1945
57 - Penicillin in syphilis
58 - Historia de la penicilina
59 - Sulfanilamidoterapia local
60 - Sulfanilamidoterapia local
61 - Chloromycetin
62 - Bacitracin: a review and digest of the literature up to and including January 1952
63 - Antibiotics: a survey of their properties and uses
64 - Antibiotics
65 - Surgical infections. Prophylaxis, treatment and antibiotic therapy
66 - Yellow magic: the story of penicillin
67 - La penicilina
68 - Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin in Tuberculosis.
69 - Tuberculosis in Young Adults: Report on the Prophit Tuberculosis Survey 1935 - 1944
70 - The Story of Penicillin
71 - Penicillin og andre antibiotika. Histoire, fremstilling og anvendelse i medisinen
72 - 'Minutes of the seventh streptomycin conference 1949, Denver, Colorado'
73 - 'Transactions of the ninth streptomycin conference (Conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis), St Louis, Missouri, 18-21 April 1950
74 - Transactions of the eleventh conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, St Louis, Missouri, 17-20 January 1952
75 - Transactions of the twelfth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, Atlanta, Georgia, 9-12 February 1953
76 - Transactions of the thirteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, St Louis, Missouri, 8 - 11 February 1954
77 - Transactions of the fourteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, Atlanta, Georgia, 7 - 10 February 1955
78 - Index to the transactions of the 1st to 13th Veterans Administration conferences on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, 1946 - 1954
79 - Transactions of the fifteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, St Louis, Missouri, 6-9 February 1956
80 - ,i>Transactions of the sixteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, St Louis, Missouri, 11-14 February 1957
81 - Transactions of the seventeenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, Memphis, Tennessee, 3-6 February 1958
82 - Transactions of the eighteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, St Louis, Missouri, 2 - 5 February 1959
83 - Transactions of the nineteenth conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8-11 February 1960
84 - Index to the transactions of the 1st to 19th Veterans Administration conferences on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, 1946 - 1960
85 - Transactions of the 21st Research conference on Pulmonary diseases (formerly the conference on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis), St Louis, Missouri, 22-25 January 1962
86 - Findlay's recent advances in chemotherapy: volume 3: Antibiotics
87 - Microbial Antagonisms and Antibiotic Substances
88 - Microbial Antagonisms and Antibiotic Substances
89 - Les antibiotiques: Trois Conferences
90 - The literature on streptomycin, 1944 - 1948
91 - Streptomycin: Nature and Practical Applications
92 - The Actinomycetes: their nature, occurence, activities and importance
93 - Guide to the classification and identification of the Actinomycetes and their Antibiotics
94 - Antibiotika-Fibel: Indikation und Anwendung der Chemotherapeutika und Antibiotika
95 - Penicillin therapy and control in 21st Army Group
96 - Principles and Practice of Antibiotic Therapy
97 - Antibiotic therapy
98 - The antibiotic saga
99 - Phenomenes d'antibiose chez les Actinomycetes
100 - Antibiotics in agriculture
101 - The Chemistry of Penicillin
102 - Pathologia General
103 - Patologia generale
104 - Howard Florey The Making of a Great Scientist
Expand 29 - Collected reprints29 - Collected reprints
Expand 30 - Australian National University30 - Australian National University
Expand 31 - Index cards to reprints31 - Index cards to reprints
Expand 2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers
Expand 3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material

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