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Collapse HF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologistHF - Papers of Howard Walter Florey PRS, pathologist
Collapse 1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers1 - Howard Walter Florey's papers
Expand 1 - Laboratory notebooks1 - Laboratory notebooks
Expand 2 - Collected published papers 2 - Collected published papers
Collapse 3 - Papers relating to penicillin3 - Papers relating to penicillin
Expand 1 - Reports, notes and correspondence relating to penicillin1 - Reports, notes and correspondence relating to penicillin
Expand 2 - Correspondence and reports2 - Correspondence and reports
Expand 3 - Bulletins, reports, correspondence3 - Bulletins, reports, correspondence
Expand 4 - Broadcasts, talks, fellowships (Oxford University), correspondence4 - Broadcasts, talks, fellowships (Oxford University), correspondence
Expand 5 - Reports from producers, research workers and clinicians in USA5 - Reports from producers, research workers and clinicians in USA
Expand 6 - Reports from producers and research workers in UK, USA, Canada and Australia6 - Reports from producers and research workers in UK, USA, Canada and Australia
Expand 7 - Minutes and reports of the Penicillin Producers' Research Conference7 - Minutes and reports of the Penicillin Producers' Research Conference
Expand 8 - Summaries of reports received by the Committee on Medical Research (USA)8 - Summaries of reports received by the Committee on Medical Research (USA)
Expand 9 - Reports of the American Office of Scientific Research and Development9 - Reports of the American Office of Scientific Research and Development
Expand 10 - Reports on penicillin production in America and the United Kingdom10 - Reports on penicillin production in America and the United Kingdom
Collapse 11 - Reports on clinical trials11 - Reports on clinical trials
Expand 1 - Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee1 - Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee
2 - Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee Anaerobes Subcommittee
Expand 3 - Reports from the Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee 3 - Reports from the Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee
Expand 4 - Programmes and reports relating to war wounds research 4 - Programmes and reports relating to war wounds research
Expand 5 - Reports and minutes of the Medical Research Council Burns Unit Burns Sub-committee 5 - Reports and minutes of the Medical Research Council Burns Unit Burns Sub-committee
Expand 6 - Reports and minutes of the Medical Research Council Burns Unit Burns Sub-committee 6 - Reports and minutes of the Medical Research Council Burns Unit Burns Sub-committee
7 - Minutes of the Scottish and Northern Ireland War Wounds Committee
Expand 8 - Reports from the War Office on War Wounds 8 - Reports from the War Office on War Wounds
9 - Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee Sub-committee on Pathological Specimens
Expand 10 - Reports from the Office of Scientific Research Development National Research Council (USA)10 - Reports from the Office of Scientific Research Development National Research Council (USA)
11 - Medical Research Council War Memorandum 13 on Arterial Injuries
Expand 12 - Reports and correspondence on war wounds 12 - Reports and correspondence on war wounds
Collapse 13 - Reports of the Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee 13 - Reports of the Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee
1 - Minutes of the Sub Committee on Chest Injuries
2 - Report on The Anaerobic Flora in Cases of Gas Gangrene on the Middle Eastern Front
3 - Anaerobes Sub committee: Stability of Anti-Toxins - Overseas Forces
4 - Anaerobes Sub Committee: Recommendations of the Clinical and Bacteriology Team on the Use and Supply of Gas Gangrene Antitoxin
5 - Minutes of the Sub Committee on Burns
6 - Anaerobes Sub Committee: Analysis of Cases of Gas Gangrene
7 - Anaerobes Sub Committee: Draft for Memorandum on the Need for Further Investigations
8 - Minutes of the Anaerobes Sub Committee
9 - Sub committee on pathological specimens minutes
10 - Surgical gloves: Draft for dicussion on War Wounds Committee
11 - Agenda for War Wounds Committee
12 - Anaerobes sub committee Report On Local Action of Zinc Peroxide on CL Welchii Infection
13 - Anaerobes sub committee Report on the Production of Gas Gangrene Toxoids
14 - Anaerobes sub committee: local action of proflavins on CL Welchii Infection in Mice
15 - Tetanus in the Middle East with special reference to the Effects of Active Immunization
16 - Letter from Dr F H K Green of the War Wounds Committee to Howard Walter Florey
17 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F H K Green, Medical Research Council, London School of Hygiene
18 - Notification for a meeting of the War Wounds Committee
19 - Minutes of the War Wound Committee
20 - Conference on Formulae for Sulphonamide Creams
21 - Conference on Methods for the Sterilisation of Sulphonamide Powders
22 - Memorandum on Pathological Specimens Illustrating the Injuries and Diseases of War
23 - Memoranda on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gas Gangrene: MRC War Memorandum Number 2
24 - Memoranda accompanying report on the condition of men wounded at El Alamein with special reference to shock and its treatment
25 - War Wounds Committee and Committee on Traumatic Shock Report on the Condition of Men Wounded in the Battle of El Alamein, with special reference to wound shock and its treatment
26 - Agenda for War Wounds Committee
27 - Letter to Howard Walter Florey from Dr Green of the War Wounds Committee
28 - Letter from Howard Walter Florey to F H K Green, Medical Research Council
29 - Minutes of the War Wounds Committee
30 - Report to the War Office on trials of Sulphathiazole - Proflavine powder... control of sepsis in a general hospital
31 - Conference on War Injuries to Blood Vessels
32 - Dangers of Using Talcum Powder in Surgical Gloves
33 - Sub Committee on Vascular Injuries meeting of Surgical Group
34 - Reports on the bacterial flora of skin and wounds and the relative sterility of the hands of certain metalworkers
35 - Anaerobes sub committee Report on Gas Gangrene in the Eighth Army
36 - Agenda for War Wounds Committee
37 - Anaerobes sub-committee: Report on the USe of Proflavine-Sulphathiazole Powder for the Prevention and Treatment of Wound Infection in the Middle East and in Civilian Hospitals
38 - Anaerobes Sub Committee Report on the Action of Merfanil, Sulphone V 187 and Nitracrine on Aerobic Infections in Mice
39 - Review of Publications From the Surgical Research unit of the OKH
40 - Committee on Traumatic Shock Traumatic Oedema Sub Committee Interim report
41 - Notes for Medical Officers
42 - Blood and Plasma in Forward Areas
43 - Treatment of Casualties
44 - The Trend of Forward Surgery in Italy
45 - Notes for Surgeons in Forward Areas
46 - Note from Allied Force Headquarters Office of the Surgeon on Chronic Sepsis An Interim Report
47 - War wounds committee report onThe Effects of Heart Extract Powder on the Rate of Healing of Experimental Wounds in the Rabbit
48 - War wounds committee report onThe Effects of Heart Extract Powder on the Rate of Healing of Experimental Wounds in the Rabbit
49 - Agenda for War Wounds Committee
50 - Notes on recent and current work done by or on behalf of the sub committees and by related committees of the Medical Research Council
51 - War Wounds Committee Minutes
52 - Letter accompanying report on Wounds Due to Phosphorus Bullets
53 - Burns Sub Committee: Phosphorus Experiments by Cameron and Blount
54 - Letter accompanying report on V 187
55 - Progress report on the chemotherapeutic properties of V187 with particular reference to experimental gas gangrene produced in guines pigs by CL Welchi Cl Oedematiens and Vibrion Septique
56 - Notes for Field Ambulances and RegimentalMedical Officers
57 - Investigation of War Wounds: Penicillin Report
58 - Investigation of War Wounds Gas Gangrene in the Invasion of Europe
59 - Investigation of War Wounds Report to the War Office on An Investigation of the Sterility of the Finger Tips of Rubber Gloves
60 - Investigation of War Wounds Further Observations on the Clinical Value of a Growth Promoting Substance in Wound Treatment
61 - Letter from War Wounds Committee accompanying reports
62 - Letter accompanying two reports from the War Wounds Committee on penicillin
63 - Investigation of War Wounds Penicillin Report for July 1944
64 - Investigation of War Wounds Penicillin Extracts from Report for July 1944
65 - The Trend of Field Surgery in Italy extracts
66 - Letter from War Wounds Committee accompanying two reports
67 - Investigation of War Wounds Penicillin Extracts from Report for August 1944
68 - Investigation of War Wounds Traumatic Shock Interim report on the work of the British Traumatic Shock Research Team
69 - Medical Research Council War Wounds Committee Minutes
70 - Report to the Associate Committee on Army Medical Research National Research Council of Canada from No 1 Research Unit RCAMC Canadian Army Overseas
71 - A note on 50 severe compund fractures of the tibia wounded in BLA - with particular reference to their state on admission consecutively to a static hospital in UK
72 - Statistical Report on 640 Battle Casualties operated on in the forward area CMF for abdominal and abdomino-thoracic wounds
73 - Investigation of War Wounds Penicillin Extracts from Monthly report for November 1944
74 - Progress report on the treatment of experimental gas gangrene with antitoxin
75 - Memoranda from the Allied Force Headquarters Office of the Surgeon on Chronic Sepsis Complicating Battle Casualties
76 - Investigation of War Wounds Penicillin Report for December 1944
77 - Letter from War Wounds Committee accompanying reports
78 - Letter from the War Wounds Committee accompanying reports
79 - Letter announcing a meeting of the War Wounds Committee
80 - Agenda for the War Wounds Committee
81 - A survey of the work of the War Wounds Committee and its sub committees, 1940 - 1945
82 - Minutes of the War Wounds COmmittee
83 - Closure of wounds definitions
Expand 12 - N G Heatley's notes on a visit to America and C M Fletcher's notes on first clinical trial of penicillin12 - N G Heatley's notes on a visit to America and C M Fletcher's notes on first clinical trial of penicillin
Expand 13 - Florey's visit to USSR13 - Florey's visit to USSR
Expand 14 - A G Sanders' diary of visit to USSR with Florey14 - A G Sanders' diary of visit to USSR with Florey
Expand 15 - Press cuttings15 - Press cuttings
Expand 16 - Brochures and drafts of brochures relating to penicillin16 - Brochures and drafts of brochures relating to penicillin
Expand 17 - Press pictures of early production of penicillin17 - Press pictures of early production of penicillin
Expand 18 - Drawings for slides18 - Drawings for slides
Expand 4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin4 - Papers resulting from research on antibiotics other than penicillin
Expand 5 - Research into shock5 - Research into shock
Expand 6 - Research notes and papers6 - Research notes and papers
Expand 7 - Work carried out with other scientists7 - Work carried out with other scientists
Expand 8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'8 - Papers relating to publication of 'Antibiotics'
Expand 9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'9 - Papers relating to publication of 'General Pathology'
Expand 10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature10 - Abstracts and indexes of literature
Expand 11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death11 - Printed research material in use at the time of Florey's death
Expand 12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers12 - Blocks and glass plates of illustrations for papers
Expand 13 - Lectures13 - Lectures
Expand 14 - Oxford University14 - Oxford University
Expand 15 - Cambridge University15 - Cambridge University
Expand 16 - Sheffield University16 - Sheffield University
Expand 17 - The Royal Society17 - The Royal Society
Expand 18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)18 - Other organisations with which Florey was involved (excluding The Royal Society)
Expand 19 - Correspondence19 - Correspondence
Expand 20 - Travels20 - Travels
Expand 21 - Diplomas21 - Diplomas
Expand 22 - Invitations22 - Invitations
Expand 23 - Personal papers23 - Personal papers
Expand 24 - Diaries24 - Diaries
Expand 25 - Posthumous papers25 - Posthumous papers
Expand 26 - Institutional reports26 - Institutional reports
Expand 27 - Journals and magazines27 - Journals and magazines
Expand 28 - Books about and collected by Florey28 - Books about and collected by Florey
Expand 29 - Collected reprints29 - Collected reprints
Expand 30 - Australian National University30 - Australian National University
Expand 31 - Index cards to reprints31 - Index cards to reprints
Expand 2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers2 - Lady M Ethel Florey's papers
Expand 3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material3 - Documents relating to deposit of Florey archive and related material

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