Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse HWT - Professional papers of Harold Warris Thompson FRS, chemistHWT - Professional papers of Harold Warris Thompson FRS, chemist
Expand 1 - Wartime research work on hydrocarbons by Harold Warris Thompson1 - Wartime research work on hydrocarbons by Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 2 - Work on penicillin by Harold Warris Thompson2 - Work on penicillin by Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous research papers3 - Miscellaneous research papers
Expand 4 - Teaching material belonhing to Harold Warris Thompson4 - Teaching material belonhing to Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 5 - Royal Society International Relations Committee5 - Royal Society International Relations Committee
Expand 6 - Royal Society UNESCO Committee6 - Royal Society UNESCO Committee
Expand 7 - British National Committee for International Council of Scientific Unions7 - British National Committee for International Council of Scientific Unions
Expand 8 - British National Committee for Chemistry8 - British National Committee for Chemistry
Expand 9 - Department of Education and Science9 - Department of Education and Science
Expand 10 - Foreign and Commonwealth Office10 - Foreign and Commonwealth Office
11 - European Antarctic Programme
12 - European Institute of Science and Technology
13 - Federation of European Chemical Societies
Expand 14 - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (ICTP)14 - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (ICTP)
Expand 15 - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)15 - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
Expand 16 - International Foundation for Science16 - International Foundation for Science
17 - International Organisation for Biological Control
18 - Jungfraujoch Scientific Station
19 - Naples Zoological Station
Expand 20 - Western Europe and Israel20 - Western Europe and Israel
Expand 21 - Australia, New Zealand and Canada21 - Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Expand 22 - USA22 - USA
Expand 23 - Japan23 - Japan
Collapse 24 - Eastern Europe and USSR24 - Eastern Europe and USSR
Expand 1 - Bulgaria1 - Bulgaria
Expand 2 - Czechoslovakia2 - Czechoslovakia
3 - Hungary
Expand 4 - Poland4 - Poland
Expand 5 - Romania5 - Romania
Collapse 6 - USSR6 - USSR
1 - Papers regarding visit of delegation from Academy of Sciences to Britain
2 - Papers regarding meeting of certain members of Royal Society delegation to USSR (October 1965)
3 - Information for members of the Royal Society delegation to the Soviet Academy
4 - Programmes of visit by Royal Society delegation to Soviet Academy, 1-15 October 1965
5 - Report on visit of Royal Society delegation to the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1-15 October 1965
6 - Programme of exchange visitor, M F Nagiev, 22 March - 5 May 1966
7 - Summary of the Royal Society's relations with the USSR, Eastern Europe and China
8 - Correspondence and papers regarding Great Britain - USSR Association conference, Oxford
9 - Minutes of ad hoc meeting on scientific exchange visits with the USSR held on 19 December 1966
10 - Agreement between British and Soviet governments on relations in the scientific, technological, educational and cultural fields for 1967-1969, London, 24 February 1967
11 - Correspondence and papers regarding Russian exchange scientist V I Tkachenko and diplomatic incident between Russia and Britain
12 - Papers regarding visit of Soviet scientific editors to Royal Society
13 - 'The cost of implementing Royal Society agreements with the Soviet and East European academies'
14 - Papers regarding visit to Royal Society of V A Kirillin, Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, 17 January 1968
15 - Correspondence and papers regarding agreement on exchanges between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences for 1969-1971
16 - Updated draft of costs of East European exhanges
17 - Drafts of new agreement on cooperation between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences.
18 - List of exchange visits with East European Academies which have taken place since 1 January 1969
19 - Agreement on exchanges between USA and USSR
20 - Agreement on cooperation between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences, 23 March 1970
21 - Correspondence between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences regarding administration of exchanges, joint research projects and correspondence between Royal Society and British Academy regarding joint projects with Russia, especially in archaeology
22 - Correspondence with USSR Academy of Sciences, British Academy and others regarding exchanges
23 - Continuing correspondence regarding exchanges, joint research projects, including British proposal for space research collaboration, copy of agreement between Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and USSR Academy of Sciences
24 - Papers regarding visit to Royal Society of Soviet Technological and Trade Delegation, January 1971
25 - Correspondence regarding exchanges and joint research projects including British proposal for collaboration in computer application to fluid flow
26 - Correspondence and papers regarding exchanges and non observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions
27 - Correspondence and papers regarding exchanges, cooperation between British Academy and USSR Institute of Archaeology and non observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions
28 - Correspondence and papers regarding exchanges, joint projects and non observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions
29 - Correspondence and papers regarding exchanges, non observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions and death of J D Bernal
Expand 25 - China25 - China
Expand 26 - India26 - India
Expand 27 - Pakistan27 - Pakistan
Expand 28 - Latin America28 - Latin America
Expand 29 - Other countries29 - Other countries
Expand 30 - Royal Society Education Committee30 - Royal Society Education Committee
Expand 31 - Royal Society Scientific Information Committee31 - Royal Society Scientific Information Committee
Expand 32 - Royal Society Ad hoc Committee on Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee)32 - Royal Society Ad hoc Committee on Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee)
Expand 33 - H W Thompson's personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary33 - H W Thompson's personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary
Expand 34 - Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee on Bilateral Relations (Kosygin Committee)34 - Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee on Bilateral Relations (Kosygin Committee)
Expand 35 - British Council35 - British Council
Expand 36 - Council for Scientific Policy36 - Council for Scientific Policy
Expand 37 - Council of Europe37 - Council of Europe
Expand 38 - Foreign Office38 - Foreign Office
Expand 39 - Great Britain-China Committee (later Great Britain-China Centre)39 - Great Britain-China Committee (later Great Britain-China Centre)
Expand 40 - International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)40 - International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
Expand 41 - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)41 - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Expand 42 - Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine42 - Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine
Expand 43 - Maison Francaise d'Oxford43 - Maison Francaise d'Oxford
44 - Photoelectric Spectrometry Group
Expand 45 - Shrewsbury School45 - Shrewsbury School
46 - Umschau - correspondence and papers
Expand 47 - Visits and conferences47 - Visits and conferences
Expand 48 - Football Association48 - Football Association
Expand 49 - British Olympic Association49 - British Olympic Association
50 - British Sportsman's Club
Expand 51 - Disabled Sports Foundation51 - Disabled Sports Foundation
Expand 52 - English Schools' Football Association52 - English Schools' Football Association
53 - Football League Secretaries', Managers' and Coaches' Association
Expand 54 - Football Trust / Football Grounds Improvement Trust (FGIT)54 - Football Trust / Football Grounds Improvement Trust (FGIT)
55 - Professional Footballers' Association
56 - Referees' Association
57 - Sports Turf Research Institute
Expand 58 - Havre Athletic Club58 - Havre Athletic Club
Expand 59 - Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)59 - Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
Expand 60 - Union des Associations Europeenes de Football (UEFA)60 - Union des Associations Europeenes de Football (UEFA)

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