Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse HWT - Professional papers of Harold Warris Thompson FRS, chemistHWT - Professional papers of Harold Warris Thompson FRS, chemist
Expand 1 - Wartime research work on hydrocarbons by Harold Warris Thompson1 - Wartime research work on hydrocarbons by Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 2 - Work on penicillin by Harold Warris Thompson2 - Work on penicillin by Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous research papers3 - Miscellaneous research papers
Expand 4 - Teaching material belonhing to Harold Warris Thompson4 - Teaching material belonhing to Harold Warris Thompson
Expand 5 - Royal Society International Relations Committee5 - Royal Society International Relations Committee
Expand 6 - Royal Society UNESCO Committee6 - Royal Society UNESCO Committee
Expand 7 - British National Committee for International Council of Scientific Unions7 - British National Committee for International Council of Scientific Unions
Expand 8 - British National Committee for Chemistry8 - British National Committee for Chemistry
Expand 9 - Department of Education and Science9 - Department of Education and Science
Expand 10 - Foreign and Commonwealth Office10 - Foreign and Commonwealth Office
11 - European Antarctic Programme
12 - European Institute of Science and Technology
13 - Federation of European Chemical Societies
Expand 14 - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (ICTP)14 - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (ICTP)
Expand 15 - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)15 - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
Expand 16 - International Foundation for Science16 - International Foundation for Science
17 - International Organisation for Biological Control
18 - Jungfraujoch Scientific Station
19 - Naples Zoological Station
Expand 20 - Western Europe and Israel20 - Western Europe and Israel
Expand 21 - Australia, New Zealand and Canada21 - Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Expand 22 - USA22 - USA
Expand 23 - Japan23 - Japan
Expand 24 - Eastern Europe and USSR24 - Eastern Europe and USSR
Expand 25 - China25 - China
Expand 26 - India26 - India
Expand 27 - Pakistan27 - Pakistan
Expand 28 - Latin America28 - Latin America
Expand 29 - Other countries29 - Other countries
Expand 30 - Royal Society Education Committee30 - Royal Society Education Committee
Expand 31 - Royal Society Scientific Information Committee31 - Royal Society Scientific Information Committee
Expand 32 - Royal Society Ad hoc Committee on Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee)32 - Royal Society Ad hoc Committee on Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee)
Expand 33 - H W Thompson's personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary33 - H W Thompson's personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary
Expand 34 - Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee on Bilateral Relations (Kosygin Committee)34 - Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee on Bilateral Relations (Kosygin Committee)
Expand 35 - British Council35 - British Council
Expand 36 - Council for Scientific Policy36 - Council for Scientific Policy
Expand 37 - Council of Europe37 - Council of Europe
Expand 38 - Foreign Office38 - Foreign Office
Expand 39 - Great Britain-China Committee (later Great Britain-China Centre)39 - Great Britain-China Committee (later Great Britain-China Centre)
Collapse 40 - International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)40 - International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
1 - Letter from A V Hill to Marcel Florkin regarding reorganisation of ICSU
Expand 2 - Correspondence and papers regarding ninth General Assembly, London, 25-28 September 19612 - Correspondence and papers regarding ninth General Assembly, London, 25-28 September 1961
Expand 3 - Correspondence and papers regarding Committee on Future Structure of ICSU3 - Correspondence and papers regarding Committee on Future Structure of ICSU
4 - Correspondence and papers arising from work of Committee on Future Structure
5 - Correspondence and papers arising from work of Committee on Future Structure
6 - Committee papers for meeting of Royal Society officers to discuss final report of Committee on Future Structure
7 - Correspondence and papers regarding new statutes (including copy of third draft), and Thompson's nomination as President of ICSU
8 - Correspondence and papers regarding Thompson's nomination as President, nominations for Secretary Generalship, relations between ICSU and UNESCO
9 - Correspondence and papers regarding future structure, nominations for Secretary Generalship
10 - Correspondence and papers regarding ICSU meetings, Vienna
11 - Correspondence regarding representation of IUPAP on ICSU Executive Committee and ICSU Progress Report
12 - Correspondence regarding ICSU staff and efficiency of Secretariat, arrangements for Executive Committee meeting
13 - Correspondence and papers regarding miscellaneous ICSU business
Expand 14 - Correspondence and papers regarding Executive Committee meeting, London14 - Correspondence and papers regarding Executive Committee meeting, London
15 - Correspondence regards arrangements for visit to Spain
16 - Correspondence and papers regarding Executive Committee meeting, Munich
17 - Minutes of the 11th ICSU General Assembly, Bombay, 6-10 January 1966
18 - Correspondence and papers regarding ICSU Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries (COSTED)
19 - 'Comments on Some Functional Aspects of the ICSU Executive Committee' 17 July 1967 by Harrison Scott Brown
20 - Correspondence and papers regarding ICSU Secretariat
Collapse 21 - Correspondence and papers regarding organisation of ICSU21 - Correspondence and papers regarding organisation of ICSU
22 - Agenda and papers for 13th General Assembly, Madrid
23 - Papers on role and structure of ICSU presented to the Royal Society British National Committee for ICSU
24 - Correspondence and papers regarding ICSU Executive Committee meeting, Helsinki
25 - Recommendations of 2nd meeting of the General Committee of ICSU, Leningrad
26 - Papers regarding General Assembly, Istanbul
27 - Correspondence and papers regarding scientific priorities, political pressures on international organisations
28 - Continuing correspondence on scientific priorities, political pressures on international organisations
29 - 'A layman's view of the International Council of Scientific Unions' by A E Decae
Expand 41 - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)41 - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Expand 42 - Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine42 - Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine
Expand 43 - Maison Francaise d'Oxford43 - Maison Francaise d'Oxford
44 - Photoelectric Spectrometry Group
Expand 45 - Shrewsbury School45 - Shrewsbury School
46 - Umschau - correspondence and papers
Expand 47 - Visits and conferences47 - Visits and conferences
Expand 48 - Football Association48 - Football Association
Expand 49 - British Olympic Association49 - British Olympic Association
50 - British Sportsman's Club
Expand 51 - Disabled Sports Foundation51 - Disabled Sports Foundation
Expand 52 - English Schools' Football Association52 - English Schools' Football Association
53 - Football League Secretaries', Managers' and Coaches' Association
Expand 54 - Football Trust / Football Grounds Improvement Trust (FGIT)54 - Football Trust / Football Grounds Improvement Trust (FGIT)
55 - Professional Footballers' Association
56 - Referees' Association
57 - Sports Turf Research Institute
Expand 58 - Havre Athletic Club58 - Havre Athletic Club
Expand 59 - Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)59 - Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
Expand 60 - Union des Associations Europeenes de Football (UEFA)60 - Union des Associations Europeenes de Football (UEFA)

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