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Collapse JHG - Sir John Henry Gaddum PapersJHG - Sir John Henry Gaddum Papers
Expand 1 - Diaries, Visit to America1 - Diaries, Visit to America
Expand 2 - Laboratory notebooks kept by John Henry Gaddum2 - Laboratory notebooks kept by John Henry Gaddum
Expand 3 - Working Papers 3 - Working Papers
Expand 4 - Reviews and Theses Reports4 - Reviews and Theses Reports
Expand 5 - Lecture Scripts5 - Lecture Scripts
Expand 6 - Course Lecture Notes6 - Course Lecture Notes
Expand 7 - Slides and Photographs7 - Slides and Photographs
Expand 8 - Reviews and Publications8 - Reviews and Publications
Collapse 9 - Correspondence9 - Correspondence
Expand 1 - Publications Correspondence1 - Publications Correspondence
Collapse 2 - Correspondence from Colleagues2 - Correspondence from Colleagues
1 - Letter from Ulf von Euler to J H Gaddum
2 - Letter from R A Fisher to J H Gaddum
3 - Letter from A J Clark to J H Gaddum
4 - Letter from A J Clark to J H Gaddum
5 - Letter from [D H Bangham] to J H Gaddum
6 - Letter from Sir Henry Dale [Nobel] to J H Gaddum
7 - Letter from C H Kellaway to J H Gaddum
8 - Letter from E V Anrep to J H Gaddum
9 - Letter from E V Anrep to J H Gaddum
10 - Letter from D O'Brien to J H Gaddum
11 - Telegram, Kahlson Appointment
12 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
13 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
14 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to [C I?] Bliss
15 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
16 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
17 - Photos from Chauncy Leake
18 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
19 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
20 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
21 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
22 - Letter from Chauncey Leake
23 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
24 - Letter from Chauncey Leake to J H Gaddum
25 - Letter from J Mellanby to J H Gaddum
26 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Gilding
27 - Letter from Derrick [Wensloff] to J H Gaddum
28 - Letter from Wilhelm Feldberg to J H Gaddum
29 - Letter to J H Gaddum from a director of a school in Aisholt, Spain
30 - Letter from A C Aitkens to J H Gaddum
31 - Letter from A C Aitkens to J H Gaddum
32 - Letter from A C Aitkens
33 - Letter from A V Hill to J H Gaddum
34 - Letter from A V Hill to J H Gaddum
35 - Letter from Adrian Albert to J H Gaddum
36 - Letter from Brown to J H Gaddum
37 - Letter from Marthe Vogt to J H Gaddum
38 - Letter from Marthe Vogt to J H Gaddum
39 - Letter from Marthe Vogt to J H Gaddum
40 - Letter from Marthe Vogt to J H Gaddum
41 - Letter from E D Adrian to J H Gaddum
42 - Letter from Hans Molitor of the Merk Institute to J H Gaddum
43 - Letter from Georg Kahlson to J H Gaddum
44 - Letter from Otto Loewi to J H Gaddum
45 - Letter from Otto Loewi to J H Gaddum
46 - Letter to J H Gaddum
47 - Itinerary of Chester I Bliss
48 - Letter from Zinevich to J H Gaddum
49 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Zinevich
50 - Letter from [WR]
51 - Letter to Stephenson from J H Gaddum
52 - Letter from Stephenson to J H Gaddum
53 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Stephenson
54 - Letter from A D Welch
55 - Letter to A D Welch
56 - Letter from Nick Giarman to J H Gaddum
57 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Nick Giarman
58 - Letter from Nick Giarman
59 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Nick Giarman
60 - Letter from Nick Giarman to J H Gaddum
61 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Nick Giarman
62 - Letter from Nick Giarman to J H Gaddum
63 - Letter from A D Welch
64 - Letter from A D Welch to J H Gaddum
65 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Nick Giarman
66 - Letter from J H Gaddum to A Welch
67 - Letter from Nick Giarman
68 - Letter from Nick Giarman
69 - Letter from Nick Giarman to J H Gaddum
70 - Letter from J H Gaddum to N Giarman
71 - Letter from N Giarman to J H Gaddum
72 - Letter to N Giarman
73 - Letter from N Giarman to J H Gaddum
74 - Letter from J H Gaddum to N Giarman
75 - Letter from N Giarman to J H Gaddum
76 - Letter to N Giarman
77 - Letter from Katsuichi Matsuda to J H Gaddum
78 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Katsuichi Matsuda
79 - Letter from Katsuichi Matsuda to J H Gaddum
80 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Katsuichi Matsuda
81 - Letter from R A McConnell to J H Gaddum
82 - Letter from R A McConnell to J H Gaddum
83 - Letter from J H Gaddum to R A McConnell
84 - Letter from R A McConnell to J H Gaddum
85 - Letter from J H Gaddum to R A McConnell
86 - Letter from R A McConnell
87 - Letter from J H Gaddum to R A McConnell
88 - Letter from T J O Hickey to J H Gaddum
89 - Letter from J H Gaddum to T J O Hickey
90 - Letter from Colin Watson
91 - Letter from Colin Watson to J H Gaddum
92 - Letter to Colin Watson
93 - Letter from Colin Watson to J H Gaddum
94 - Letter from F N L Poynter to J H Gaddum
95 - Comment on Sir Henry Dale
96 - Letter to Sir Henry Dale
97 - Letter from Martin Ware to J H Gaddum
98 - Letter to Martin Ware
99 - Letter from Albert Shulman
100 - Letter from J H Gaddum to Albert Shulman
101 - Letter from Martin Ware to J H Gaddum
102 - Letter from Albert Shulman to J H Gaddum
103 - Letter from P A Brunt to J H Gaddum
104 - Letter from J H Gaddum to P A Brunt
105 - Note from P A Brunt
106 - Letter to P A Brunt
107 - Letter from P A Brunt to J H Gaddum
108 - Letter from J H Gaddum to P A Brunt
109 - Letter from J H Gaddum to P A Brunt
110 - Postcard from P A Blunt
111 - Letter from David Greenfield
112 - Letter from J H Gaddum to David Greenfield
113 - Letter from Theodore Gillman
114 - Letter from David Greenfield
115 - Note from C I [Duncan]
116 - Letter from Fred Fastie to J H Gaddum
117 - Letter from F V Smith
118 - Letter to F V Smith
119 - Letter from J H Gaddum to F V Smith
120 - Letter from J B S Haldane
121 - Letter from J H Gaddum to J B S Haldane
122 - Letter from W H Thorpe to J H Gaddum
123 - Letter from J H Gaddum to W H Thorpe
124 - Letter from H Herken
125 - Letter to H Herken
126 - Letter from C I [Duncan] to J H Gaddum
127 - Letter from J F Mitchell to J H Gaddum
128 - Letter to J F Mitchell
129 - Letter from J F Mitchell
130 - Letter to J F Mitchell
131 - Letter to Haddow
Expand 3 - Heads of Staff Appointments3 - Heads of Staff Appointments
Expand 4 - Acetylcholine, Paper with Khayyal4 - Acetylcholine, Paper with Khayyal
Expand 5 - 'Gefasserweiternde' with Dale5 - 'Gefasserweiternde' with Dale
Expand 6 - 'Pharmacology', Text and Translation6 - 'Pharmacology', Text and Translation
Expand 7 - 'Mode of Action of Drugs on Cells,' notes and correspondence7 - 'Mode of Action of Drugs on Cells,' notes and correspondence
Expand 8 - Letters, Military Service8 - Letters, Military Service
Expand 9 - Physiological Society9 - Physiological Society
Expand 10 - Appointment of JH Stothert10 - Appointment of JH Stothert
Expand 11 - [Committee] Medical Research Council11 - [Committee] Medical Research Council
Expand 12 - [Committee] Physiological Society Congress12 - [Committee] Physiological Society Congress
Expand 13 - [Committee] Royal Society Papers, Various13 - [Committee] Royal Society Papers, Various
Expand 14 - [Committee] Gas Warfare Notes14 - [Committee] Gas Warfare Notes
Expand 15 - [Committee] Fisher Memorial Fund15 - [Committee] Fisher Memorial Fund
16 - Sheep Breeding Records
Expand 17 - Substance P17 - Substance P
Expand 18 - Sex Determination Research18 - Sex Determination Research
Expand 19 - Obituary Notices, GV Anrep19 - Obituary Notices, GV Anrep
Expand 20 - Obituary Notices, Loewi20 - Obituary Notices, Loewi
Expand 21 - Psychopharmacology, H Steinberg21 - Psychopharmacology, H Steinberg
Expand 22 - Drug Regulations, US and UK22 - Drug Regulations, US and UK
Expand 23 - Comments by J H Gaddum on various papers23 - Comments by J H Gaddum on various papers
Expand 24 - Drug Supply to Capture Rhinoceros24 - Drug Supply to Capture Rhinoceros
Expand 25 - Pesticides and Wildlife Debate25 - Pesticides and Wildlife Debate
Expand 26 - Congratulations on Becoming FRS26 - Congratulations on Becoming FRS
Expand 10 - Conferences10 - Conferences
Expand 11 - Juvenilia and Souvenirs11 - Juvenilia and Souvenirs
Expand 12 - Additional manuscripts associated with John Henry Gaddum12 - Additional manuscripts associated with John Henry Gaddum

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