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Collapse JV - Collected papers of Sir John Robert VaneJV - Collected papers of Sir John Robert Vane
Expand 1 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, A. 1 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, A.
Expand 2 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, B.2 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, B.
Expand 3 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, C.3 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, C.
Expand 4 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, D.4 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, D.
Expand 5 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, E.5 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, E.
Expand 6 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, F.6 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, F.
Expand 7 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, G.7 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, G.
Expand 8 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, H.8 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, H.
Expand 9 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, I.9 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, I.
Expand 10 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, J.10 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, J.
Expand 11 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, K.11 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, K.
Collapse 12 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, L.12 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, L.
1 - Correspondence between Professor Laszlo J Lajtha and Sir John Vane
Collapse 6 - Correspondence and published information concerning the Lasker Award 6 - Correspondence and published information concerning the Lasker Award
Collapse 1 - Correspondence concerning Sir John Vane's receipt of the 1977 Lasker Award1 - Correspondence concerning Sir John Vane's receipt of the 1977 Lasker Award
1 - Letter from Clealand F Baker to Sir John Vane
2 - Letter from Robert M Berne, MD (School of Medicine, University of Virginia) to Sir John Vane
3 - Telex from Alan Bloc (Astrapharm) to Sir John Vane
4 - Letter from Professor Agrege Jacques Caen (Service Central d'Immuno-Hematologie, Hopital Lariboisiere, Paris) to Sir John Vane
5 - Letter from J Chayen (The Mathilda and Terence Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Hammersmith, London) to Sir John Vane
6 - Letter from Dr Peter B Curtis-Prios (Laboratoires d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques, Paris) to Sir John Vane
7 - Letter from Dr David W Cushman (The Squibb Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, New Jersey) to Sir John Vane
8 - Letter from U S von Euler to Sir John Vane
9 - Letter from Iris B Evans (Executive Director, The Burroughs Wellcome Fund, North Carolina) to Sir John Vane
10 - Telex from Dr Sergio Ferreira and colleagues (Departamento de Farmacologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo) to Sir John Vane, with copy of Sir John Vane's letter of response
11 - Letter from Dr Solomon Langer (Director of Biology, Synthelabo, Paris) to Sir John Vane
12 - Letter from J Garcia Leme (Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo) to Sir John Vane
13 - Letter from Dr M S Habib (Wellcome Pakistan Ltd) to Sir John Vane
14 - Letter from T E Haigler, Jr (Burroughs Wellcome Co) to Sir John Vane
15 - Letter from Kenneth C Hunter to Sir John Vane
16 - Letter from Dr Gabor Kaley (Professor and Chairman, Department of Pschology, New York Medical College) to Sir John Vane
17 - Letter from Professor Sultan M M Karim (Research Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Univeristy of Singapore) to Sir John Vane
18 - Letter from John [Jack] C McGiff (Department of Pharmacology, The University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences, Memphis) to Sir John Vane
19 - Letter from J Mackie (General Manager, International Division, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd, London) to Sir John Vane
20 - Telex from Dr Salvador Moncada and colleagues to Sir John Vane
21 - Letter from Professor Rodolfo Paoletti (Director, Universita di Milano, Istituto de Farmacologia e di Farmacognosia) to Sir John Vane
22 - Letter from Professor Lina Puglisisi (incaricata di Farmacognosia, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Facolta di Farmacia) to Sir John Vane
23 - Letter from Garth H Quinn to Sir John Vane
24 - Letter from Dr Bernard Rubin (Department of Pharmacology, The Squibb Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, New Jersey) to Sir John Vane
25 - Letter from Sami I Said (Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Health Center at Dallas) to Sir John Vane
26 - Letter from Professor Charles J Sih (School of Pharmacy, Center for Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin) to Sir John Vane
27 - Letter from C E Gordon Smith (Dean, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) to Sir John Vane
28 - Letter from Professor Sir Charles Stuart-Harris (Department of Virology, University of Sheffield Medical School) to Sir John Vane
29 - Letter from William [Bill] M Sullivan (Vice President and General Counsel, Burroughs Wellcome Co, North Carolina) to Sir John Vane
30 - Letter from Dr Andrew Szczeklik (Instytut Medycyny Wewnetrznej AM, Klinika Alergii i Immunologii, Krakow) to Sir John Vane
31 - Letter from L S Wolfe (Director, Donner Laboratory of Experimental Neurochemistry, Monteral Neurological Institute and Montreal Neurological Hospital) to Sir John Vane
32 - Letter from David I Williams (Dean, King's College Hospital Medical School, University of London) to Sir John Vane
33 - Letter from J Vanhemelryck (General Manager, Benelux, n v Wellcome s a, Belgium) to Sir John Vane
34 - Letters and cards from friends, colleagues and acquaintances to Sir John Vane
35 - Copy of a group memorandum sent by Sir John Vane to his Wellcome colleagues
7 - Correspondence between Professor Desmond R Laurence, Sir John Vane and others
10 - Correspondence between Professor Graham P Lewis and Sir John Vane
Expand 14 - 'L miscellaneous' (miscellaneous correspondence)14 - 'L miscellaneous' (miscellaneous correspondence)
Expand 13 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, M.13 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, M.
Expand 14 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, N.14 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, N.
Expand 15 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, O.15 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, O.
Expand 16 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, P.16 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, P.
Expand 17 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Q.17 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Q.
Expand 18 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, R.18 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, R.
Expand 19 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, S.19 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, S.
Expand 20 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, T.20 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, T.
Expand 21 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, U.21 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, U.
Expand 22 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, V.22 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, V.
Expand 23 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, W.23 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, W.
Expand 24 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Y.24 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Y.
Expand 25 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Z.25 - Correspondence with John Vane organised by name of individual correspondent or organisation, Z.
Expand 26 - Medals and awards received by John Vane26 - Medals and awards received by John Vane

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