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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Paper, 'On attraction and repulsion' by Edward Peart
Expand 2 - Paper, 'Account of the measurement of a base line upon the sea beach near Porto Novo on the coast of Coromandel' by Michael Topping 2 - Paper, 'Account of the measurement of a base line upon the sea beach near Porto Novo on the coast of Coromandel' by Michael Topping
3 - Paper, 'Analysis of the Kilburn mineral water and descriptions of the wells' by Johann Gottfried Schmeisser
4 - Paper, 'A previous notice of some astronomical news' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
5 - Paper, 'Observations on bees' by John Hunter
6 - Paper, 'Corrections to his paper on the chronology of the Hindoos' by William Marsden
6a - Note, 'Corrections to his paper on the chronology of the Hindoos' by William Marsden
7 - Letter, 'On the conversion of the substance of a bird into a hard fatty matter' from Thomas Sneyd to Joseph Banks
8 - Paper, 'Account of the remarkable effects of a shipwreck on the mariners' by James Currie
9 - Letter, 'On the effects of a hail storm' from Philip Rashleigh to unknown recipient
Expand 10 - Paper, 'Meteorological journal principally relating to atmospheric electricity kept at Knightbridge' by John Read10 - Paper, 'Meteorological journal principally relating to atmospheric electricity kept at Knightbridge' by John Read
11 - Letter, 'Further observations on the process for converting cast into malleable iron' from Thomas Beddoes to Joseph Banks
12 - Letter, 'Observations on the comet discovered by Miss [Caroline] Herschel and its elements' from the Royal Astronomer of Gottingen to Joseph Banks with note by Johann Elert Bode
Expand 13 - Paper, 'Continuation of the paper on the production of light and heat from different bodies' by Thomas Wedgwood13 - Paper, 'Continuation of the paper on the production of light and heat from different bodies' by Thomas Wedgwood
14 - Letter, 'Description of an earthquake near Grantham on 25 February 1792' from Edmund Turnor to Joseph Banks
15 - Letter, 'Remarkable failure of haddocks on the coasts of Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire' from Reverend Cooper Abbs to Charles Blagden
16 - Paper, 'Experiments made with the view of decompounding fixed air or carbonic acid' by George Pearson
17 - Register, 'Authors and titles of papers in Volume ninety one' by The Royal Society
18 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1791' by Thomas Barker
Expand 19 - Paper, 'Observations on the atmosphere of Venus and the moon, their densities, perpendicular heights and the twilight occasioned by them' by Johann Jerome Schroester19 - Paper, 'Observations on the atmosphere of Venus and the moon, their densities, perpendicular heights and the twilight occasioned by them' by Johann Jerome Schroester
Expand 20 - Paper, 'On the cause of the additional weight which metals acquire by being calcined' by George Fordyce20 - Paper, 'On the cause of the additional weight which metals acquire by being calcined' by George Fordyce
21 - Paper, 'On the civil year of the Hindoos [sic]' by Henry Cavendish
22 - Letter, 'On evaporation' from Jean Andre De Luc to Joseph Banks
23 - Paper, 'Supplementary report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors' by Charles Blagden
24 - Paper, 'Appendix to the report given by Charles Blagden' by George Gilpin
25 - Paper, 'An account of the discoveries concerning muscular motion' [Bakerian Lecture] by Tiberius Cavallo
Expand 26 - Paper, 'Of a new rain gage, of a weather register, and of rainy climates' by John Anderson 26 - Paper, 'Of a new rain gage, of a weather register, and of rainy climates' by John Anderson
Expand 27 - Paper, 'Account of the external appearances of the double horned rhinoceros of Sumatra' by William Bell27 - Paper, 'Account of the external appearances of the double horned rhinoceros of Sumatra' by William Bell
28 - Paper, 'Account for two rainbows, seen at the same time at Alverstoke, Hants on 9 July 1792' by Doctor Struges
29 - Letters, 'Accounts of a new comet' from Stephen Lees, Daniel Moore and Edward Pigott to Joseph Banks
Collapse 30 - Paper, 'Description of a new species of Chaetodon, called by the Malays ecanbonna' by William Bell30 - Paper, 'Description of a new species of Chaetodon, called by the Malays ecanbonna' by William Bell
31 - Letter, 'Of the new comet' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks
32 - Letters, 'Account of some discoveries made by Galvani of Bologna; with experiments and observation on them' from Alessandro Volta to Tiberius Cavallo
33 - Letter, 'Further particulars respecting the observatory at Benares [Jantar Mantar, Varanasi, India] ' from John Lloyd Williams to William Marsden
34 - List, 'Authors and titles contrained in volume ninety-two' by The Royal Society
35 - Letter, 'Account of a comet' from Edward Gregory to Nevil Maskelyne
36 - Paper, 'Account of a comet: extracts from two letters to Nevil Maskelyne' by Edward Gregory
37 - Paper, 'Comments on the two letters of Edward Gregory concerning the comet' by Nevil Maskelyne
38 - Letter, 'Account of the method of making ice at Benares [Varanasi, India]' from John Lloyd William to William Marsden
Expand 39 - Paper, 'Account of two instances of uncommon formation in the viscera of the human body' by John Abernethy39 - Paper, 'Account of two instances of uncommon formation in the viscera of the human body' by John Abernethy
40 - Letter, 'Account of a meteor' from John Hobart, Earl of Buckinghamshire to William Musgrave
41 - Paper, 'Description of a meridian dial which gives mean solar time every day at noon' by Francis Wollaston
42 - Paper, 'Description of a compound species of calcareous sulphurated spar' by Charles Hatchett
Expand 43 - Paper, 'Account of the equatorial instrument' by George Augustus William Shuckburgh43 - Paper, 'Account of the equatorial instrument' by George Augustus William Shuckburgh
Expand 44 - Paper, 'Discovery concerning artificial cold' by Lowitz44 - Paper, 'Discovery concerning artificial cold' by Lowitz
Expand 45 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by Alexander Philip Wilson 45 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by Alexander Philip Wilson
46 - Letter, 'Additional observations on the making of ice at Benares [Varanasi, India]' from John Lloyd Williams to William Marsden
Expand 47 - Paper, 'Description of a transit circle' by Francis Wollaston47 - Paper, 'Description of a transit circle' by Francis Wollaston
48 - Letter, 'Account of the tides at Naples' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks
49 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument for ascertaining the specific gravities of fluids' by Johann Gottfried Schmeisser
Expand 50 - Paper, 'Description of an extraordinary production of human generation, with observations' by John Clarke50 - Paper, 'Description of an extraordinary production of human generation, with observations' by John Clarke
Expand 51 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by Thomas Young51 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by Thomas Young
52 - Letter, 'Claiming priority in discovering the crystalline humor as muscular' from John Hunter to unknown recipient
53 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Lyndon, 1792' by Thomas Barker
Expand 54 - Paper, 'Observations on a current that often prevails to the westward of Scilly' by James Rennell54 - Paper, 'Observations on a current that often prevails to the westward of Scilly' by James Rennell
Expand 55 - Paper, 'Observations of the planet Venus' by William Herschel55 - Paper, 'Observations of the planet Venus' by William Herschel
Expand 56 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument to measure the force of the wind' by Benjamin Wiseman56 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument to measure the force of the wind' by Benjamin Wiseman
57 - Letter, 'Observations on the proper mode of forming tables for computing the value of Life Annuities' from William Fairmain to Adair Crawford
Expand 58 - Paper, 'Specimen of a meteorological chart' by G Smith, sent to Sir Charles Blagden58 - Paper, 'Specimen of a meteorological chart' by G Smith, sent to Sir Charles Blagden
59 - List, 'Authors and titles of papers in volume ninety-three' by The Royal Society
60 - Letter, 'Concerning the discovery of a comet' from Caroline Herschel to Joseph Planta
Expand 61 - Paper, 'Account of a new pendulum (Bakerian Lecture 1793)' by George Fordyce61 - Paper, 'Account of a new pendulum (Bakerian Lecture 1793)' by George Fordyce
Expand 62 - Paper, 'Account of the muscular nature of the crystalline humour of the eye - based on the late John Hunter's notes (Croonian Lecture, 1793)' by Everard Home62 - Paper, 'Account of the muscular nature of the crystalline humour of the eye - based on the late John Hunter's notes (Croonian Lecture, 1793)' by Everard Home
63 - Paper, 'Sur ls principes de la decomposition de l'eau [On the principles of water decomposition]' by Adam Guillaume de Hauch
64 - Paper, 'On the origin of basaltes' by Richard Kirwan
Expand 65 - Paper, 'Observations of a quintuple belt on Saturn' by William Herschel65 - Paper, 'Observations of a quintuple belt on Saturn' by William Herschel
66 - Paper, 'Observations on the fundamental property of the lever, with a proof of the principle assumed by Archimedes in his demonstration' by Samuel Vince
Expand 67 - Paper, 'Account of some particulars observed during the late eclipse of the Sun' by William Herschel67 - Paper, 'Account of some particulars observed during the late eclipse of the Sun' by William Herschel
Expand 68 - Paper, 'Latitudes and longitudes of several places in Denmark, calculated from the trigonometrical operations' by Thomas Bugge68 - Paper, 'Latitudes and longitudes of several places in Denmark, calculated from the trigonometrical operations' by Thomas Bugge
69 - Paper, 'Chemical actions shown by simple contact to two metals' by Giovanni Fabroni
70 - Paper, 'Some further remarks on the influence discovered by Mr Galvani' by Alessandro Volta
Expand 71 - Paper, 'On the rotation of Saturn upon its axis' by William Herschel71 - Paper, 'On the rotation of Saturn upon its axis' by William Herschel
Expand 72 - Paper, 'Account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies' by Benjamin Thompson72 - Paper, 'Account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies' by Benjamin Thompson
73 - Letter, 'Account of some experiments on coloured shadows' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks
Expand 74 - Paper, 'Investigations, founded on the theory of motion, for determining the times of vibration of watch balances' by George Atwood74 - Paper, 'Investigations, founded on the theory of motion, for determining the times of vibration of watch balances' by George Atwood
75 - List, 'Authors and titles of papers in volume ninety four' by The Royal Society
76 - Paper, 'On the conversion of animal muscle into a substance much resembling Spermaceti' by George Smith Gibbes
77 - Paper, 'On vision' by John Crisp
78 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1793' by Thomas Barker
79 - Paper, 'On the effects of the variolous infection on pregnant women; and on the foetus in the womb' by George Pearson
80 - Letter, 'Evidence of the uses of ganglions of nerves as proved by late experiments in animal electricity' from James Johnstone to Joseph Banks
81 - Paper, 'Observations on some Egyptian mummies opened in London' by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
Expand 82 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by David Hosack82 - Paper, 'Observations on vision' by David Hosack
83 - Paper, 'Dr Halley's quadature of the circle improved' by John Hellins
84 - Paper, 'Method of determining the value on contingent reversions on three lives' by William Morgan
85 - Paper, 'Observations of the great eclipse of the sun, September 1793' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
86 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations made with the doubler of electricity, with a view to determine its real utility, in the investigation of the electricity of atmospheric air in different degrees of purity' by John Read
87 - Letter, 'Account of some remarkable caves in the principality of Bayreuth and of the fossil bones found therin' from Thomas Wildman, on behalf of the Margrave of Ansbach to the Royal Society
Expand 88 - Papers; 'Observations on the fossil bones presented to the Royal Society by HSH the Margrave of Ansbach', 'Account of incrusted bones foudn in caves in Germany', 'Account of some remarkable caves and fossil bones found therein' by John Hunter88 - Papers; 'Observations on the fossil bones presented to the Royal Society by HSH the Margrave of Ansbach', 'Account of incrusted bones foudn in caves in Germany', 'Account of some remarkable caves and fossil bones found therein' by John Hunter
89 - Paper, 'Observations and experiments on a wax-life substance resembling the pe-la of the Chinese, collected at Madras [Chennai] by Dr Anderson and called by him white lac' by George Pearson
90 - Paper, 'Account of a mineral substance called strontianite' by Johan Gottfried Schmeisser [Missing]
Expand 91 - Paper, 'Account of an uncommonly large tumour of the scrotum' by Charles Kite91 - Paper, 'Account of an uncommonly large tumour of the scrotum' by Charles Kite
92 - Paper, 'Observations on the matter of heat or fire' by John Latham
93 - List, 'Authors and titles of papers in volume ninety-five' by The Royal Society
94 - Paper, 'Tables for reducing the quantities by weight, in any mixture of pure spirit add water, to those by measure' by George Gilpin
95 - Paper, 'On aether used as a clyster in violent pains in the intestines' by John Wilkinson
96 - Paper, 'Method of verifying the position of a transit instrument' by Gavin Lowe
97 - Letters, 'An appearance of light like a star, seen in the dark part of the moon, 7 March 1794' from William Wilkins to Nevil Maskelyne
98 - Paper, 'Remarks on the subject of an appearance of light like a star, seen in the dark part of the moon, 7 March 1794' by Thomas Stretton
99 - Letter, 'Account of spontaneous inflammation' from Thomas B Woodman to George Atwood
Expand 100 - Paper, 'Of muscular motion' (Croonian Lecture 1794) by Everard Home100 - Paper, 'Of muscular motion' (Croonian Lecture 1794) by Everard Home
101 - Paper, 'On the theory of the motion and resistance of fluids' (Bakerian Lecture) by Samuel Vince
102 - Paper, 'On the nature and construction of the sun and fixed stars' by William Herschel
Expand 103 - Paper, 'Account of the late eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1794' by William Hamilton103 - Paper, 'Account of the late eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1794' by William Hamilton
Expand 104 - Paper, 'New observations in further proof of the mountainous inequalities, rotation, atmosphere and twilight, of Venus' by Johann Jerome Schroeter104 - Paper, 'New observations in further proof of the mountainous inequalities, rotation, atmosphere and twilight, of Venus' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
Expand 105 - Paper, 'On the law of electric attractions' by William Morgan105 - Paper, 'On the law of electric attractions' by William Morgan
Expand 106 - Paper, 'Some obervations on the mode of generation of the kangaroo' by Everard Home106 - Paper, 'Some obervations on the mode of generation of the kangaroo' by Everard Home
107 - Paper, 'On the conversion of animal substances into a fatty matter much resembling Spermacet' by George Smith Gibbes
108 - Paper, 'Observations on the influence which causes the muscles of animals to contract in Galvani's experiments' by William Charles Wells
Expand 109 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure of the eyes of birds' by Pierce Smith109 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure of the eyes of birds' by Pierce Smith
Expand 110 - Paper, 'Remarks on the perpendicular height of some luminous mountains observed on Venus' by Johann Jerome Schroeter110 - Paper, 'Remarks on the perpendicular height of some luminous mountains observed on Venus' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
111 - Paper, 'Experiments on the nerves of living animals' by William Cumberland Cruikshank
Expand 112 - Paper, 'Experimental inquiry concerning the reproduction of nerves' by John Haighton112 - Paper, 'Experimental inquiry concerning the reproduction of nerves' by John Haighton
113 - Paper, 'On muscular motion' (Croonian Lecture, 1790) by Everard Home
114 - Letter, 'Observations on the grafting of trees' from Thomas Andrew Knight to Joseph Banks
Expand 115 - Paper, 'Observations on the best method of producing artificial cold' by Richard Walker115 - Paper, 'Observations on the best method of producing artificial cold' by Richard Walker
116 - Letter, 'Covering letter to 'An account of experiments to ascertain the specific gravity, thickness of strata of coal in the Whitehaven district'' from Richard Watson Leandaff to the Royal Society
117 - Letter, 'Concerning 'An account of experiments to ascertain the specific gravity, thickness of strata of coal in the Whitehaven district'' from Joseph Dixon to Richard Watson Leandaff
118 - Paper, 'An account of experiments to ascertain the specific gravity, thickness of strata of coal in the Whitehaven district' by John Bateman
119 - Letter, 'On welding cast steel' from Thomas Frankland to Joseph Banks
120 - Letter, 'New volcano on the island of Taman, in the Cimmerian Bosphorus' from Mathew Guthrie to unknown recipient
121 - Letter, 'The binomial theorum demonstrated by the principles of multiplication' from Abraham Robertson to Nevil Maskelyne
122 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations to investigate the nature of a kind of steel manufactured at Bombay, and there called Wootz; with remarks on the properties and composition of the sidderent states of iron' by George Paarson
Expand 123 - Paper, 'Description of a forty feet reflecting telescope' by William Herschel123 - Paper, 'Description of a forty feet reflecting telescope' by William Herschel
124 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Lyndon, 1794' by Thomas Barker
125 - Paper, 'Description of a new hygrometer' by John Leslie
126 - Paper, 'Account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in the years 1791-4 by order of the Duke of Richmond' by Edward Williams, Isaac Dalby and William Mudge [Pages 1-59]
127 - List, 'Authors and titles of papers in volume ninety-eight' by The Royal Society
128 - Paper, 'Account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in the years 1791-4 by order of the Duke of Richmond' by Edward Williams, Isaac Dalby and William Mudge [Pages 59-161]
Expand 129 - Paper, 'On the adjustment of the eye' (Croonian Lecture, 1795) by Everard Home129 - Paper, 'On the adjustment of the eye' (Croonian Lecture, 1795) by Everard Home
130 - Letter, 'Account of the discovery of native gold in Ireland' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks
Expand 131 - Paper, 'Some particulars in the anatomy of a whale' by John Abernethy131 - Paper, 'Some particulars in the anatomy of a whale' by John Abernethy
132 - Paper, 'On the conversion of animal substance into a fatty matter' by George Smith Gibbes
133 - Letter, 'Mineralogical account of the native gold discovered in Ireland' from Abraham Mills to Joseph Banks
134 - Letter, 'Account of the discovery of a comet' from Caroline Herschel to Joseph Banks
135 - Letter, 'Additional observations on the comet' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks
136 - Letter, 'Account of the same comet' from Johann Elery Bode to Count de Bruhl
Expand 137 - Paper, 'Construction and analyisis of geometrical propositions...also determining the stability of ships' by George Atwood137 - Paper, 'Construction and analyisis of geometrical propositions...also determining the stability of ships' by George Atwood
138 - Paper, 'An elementary manner of obtaining the series of circular arches' by Simon Antoine Jean L'Huilier
139 - Paper, 'Hyperbolic logarithm of 10' by John Hellins
Expand 140 - Paper, 'Account of the late Reuben Burrow's measurement of a degree of longitude and a degree of latitiude in Bengal in 1790 and 1791' by Isaac Dalby140 - Paper, 'Account of the late Reuben Burrow's measurement of a degree of longitude and a degree of latitiude in Bengal in 1790 and 1791' by Isaac Dalby
141 - Paper, 'Method of observing the changes that happen to the fixed stars; remarks on the stability of light of the sun; also a catalogue of comparative brightness for ascertaining the permanancy of the lustre of the stars' by William Herschel
Expand 142 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the inflection, reflection and colours of light' by Henry Brougham142 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the inflection, reflection and colours of light' by Henry Brougham
143 - Paper, 'Of the influence of cold upon the heath of the inhabitants of London' by William Heberden
144 - Paper, 'Analysis of the Cartinthian molybdate of lead, with experiments on molybdate acid; to which are added some experiments on the decomposition of sulphate of ammoniac' by Charles Hatchett
145 - Paper, 'Particulars of the discovery of some singular balls of stone found in the works of the Huddersfield canal' by Benjamin Outram
146 - Letter, 'Observations of the diurnal variation of the magnetic needle at Fort Marlborough, Sumatra' from John MacDonald to John Crisp
147 - Letter, 'Experiments and observations on the dissolution absorption of dead animal matter from cavities of living animals' from Pierce Smith to Joseph Banks
148 - Paper, 'Account of the earthquake felt in various parts of England 18 November 1795' by Edward Whitaker Gray
149 - Letter, 'Newton's binomial theorum legally demonstrated by algebra' from William Swell to Joseph Banks
150 - Paper, 'Description of the anatomy of the sea otter, from a dissection made 15 November 1795' by Everard Home
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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