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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Paper, 'The force of fired gunpowder and the velocities of cannon-balls' by Charles Hutton1 - Paper, 'The force of fired gunpowder and the velocities of cannon-balls' by Charles Hutton
2 - Letter, 'A new case in squinting' by Erasmus Darwin
3 - Letter, 'A cure of muscular contraction by electricity' from Miles Partington to William Henly
4 - Letter, 'On henbane and on the whiteness of teeth' from Samuel Foart Simmons
5 - Letters, 'Of a large stone near Cape Town' from William Anderson and William Hamilton to John Pringle
6 - Letter, 'On Mr Debraw's improvement in bee-culture' from Nathaniel Polhill to John Belchier
7 - Letters, 'An improved method of tanning leather' from David MacBride to John Pringle
8 - Paper, 'Population and diseases of Chester; observations on the Bills of Mortality for 1774' by John Haygarth
9 - Paper, 'Journal of a voyage to the East Indies' by Alexander Dalrymple
10 - Letter, 'Electrical experiments' from William Swift to John Glen King
11 - Paper, 'Of the further use of steam engines and the conversion of reciprocating into circular motion' by John Stewart and John Smeaton
12 - Letter, 'Account of Sumatra [Indonesia]; extracts from letters from Bencoolen [Bengkulu]' from Charles Miller to Edward King
13 - Paper, 'A meteorological diary kept at Fort St George in the East Indies' by William Roxburgh
14 - Paper, 'Experiments upon air and upon the effects of various effluvia on it' by William White
14a - Paper, 'Account of an earthquake at Manchester, 14 July 1777' by T Henry
15 - Letter, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1777' from Thomas Barker to John Pringle
16 - Letter, 'Journal of the weather at Montreal, 1777' from Barr to John Pringle
17 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Hawkhill near Edinburgh in 1777' by John McGouan
18 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Bristol, 1777' by Samuel Farr
19 - Letter, 'On the revivescence of snails' from Patrick George Craufurd to John Pringle
20 - Paper, 'On the artithmetic of impossible quantities' by John Playfair
21 - Paper, 'Of the communication of motion by impact and gravity' by Isaac Milner
22 - Paper, 'Of the limits of algebraical equations' by Isaac Milner
23 - Paper, 'Rain at Holne near Manchester and at Barrowby near Leeds for some years' by George Lloyd
24 - Letter, 'Of the cause of earthquakes' from Christopher Gullett to Samuel Horsley
25 - Paper, 'A singular case of fits' by James Lucas
Expand 26 - Papers, 'An accident by lightning at Purfleet' by Edward Nickson, Benjamin Wilson, William Henly, Edward Nairne, Timothy Lane, John Boddington and Joseph Planta26 - Papers, 'An accident by lightning at Purfleet' by Edward Nickson, Benjamin Wilson, William Henly, Edward Nairne, Timothy Lane, John Boddington and Joseph Planta
27 - Paper, 'New experiments and observations on the nature and uses of conductors' by Benjamin Wilson
28 - Paper, 'Report on the most effective way of preserving the powder magazine at Purfleet from damage by lightning' by the Royal Society Committee
29 - Letter, 'A method of raising kites using wire' from Alexander Wilson to unknown recipient
30 - Paper, 'Fracture of the radius' by Howard
31 - Letter, 'Account of the island of San Miguel' from Francis Masson to William Aiton
32 - Paper, 'Essai sur la pyrometrie et sur les mesures physiques en general [Test on pyrometry and on physical measurements in general]' by Jean Andre De Luc
33 - Letter, 'Of his inability to distinguish certain colours' from J Scott to Whisson
34 - Paper, 'Register of births at Blandford Forum for forty years; with remarks' by Richard Pulteney
35 - Letter, 'Effects of lightning at Tralee' from Thomas Ryves to Watson
36 - Letter, 'Of a pistol fired by electricity' from George Nassau Clavering Cowper to John Pringle
37 - Paper, 'Track of HMS Lion from Davis's Straits to Labrador' by Richard Pickersgill
38 - Paper, 'On the antiseptic regimen of the natives of Russia' by Mathew Guthrie
39 - Letter, 'Firing a pistol charged with inflammable air by electricity' from Edward Nairne to
40 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made in the Austrian Netherlands, 1773-5' by Nathaniel Pigott
41 - Paper, 'Observations sur le scorbut [Observations on the scurvy]' by Charles De Mertans
42 - Letter, 'Measuring heights with the barometer' from George Shuckburgh to William Roy
43 - Letter, 'On electricity' from John Lyon to Daniel Miret
44 - Paper, 'Calculations from the survey and measures taken at Schiehallion in order to ascertain the mean density of the Earth' by Charles Hutton
45 - Letter, 'Of putrefaction hastened by electricity; and observation by Mr Lind' from William Henly to John Pringle
Expand 46 - Paper, 'Of the flying fish' by Thomas Brown46 - Paper, 'Of the flying fish' by Thomas Brown
47 - Letter, 'A surgical case, relating to calculi' from M Gapper to William Benson Earle
48 - Paper, 'The Bakerian Lecture for 1778; experiments to explain how the phenomena of electrophorus can be explained on Dr Franklin's theory' by John Ingenhousz
Expand 49 - Paper, 'An account of the blue shark' by William Watson49 - Paper, 'An account of the blue shark' by William Watson
Expand 50 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments - protection of buildings from lightning' by Edward Nairne50 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments - protection of buildings from lightning' by Edward Nairne
Expand 51 - Paper, 'Reasons for dissenting from the report of the committee appointed to consider Mr Wilson's paper' by Samuel Musgrave51 - Paper, 'Reasons for dissenting from the report of the committee appointed to consider Mr Wilson's paper' by Samuel Musgrave
52 - Letter, 'On the use of an amalgam of zinc for electrical excitation' from Bryan Higgins to Richard Brocklesby
53 - Letter, 'Chemical experiments and experiments on lead ore' from Richard Watson to John Pringle
54 - Paper, 'Method of securing buildings against fire' by Charles Mahon
54a - Paper, 'A new machine for determining the proportion between different movables acting by levers and wheel and pinion' by Le Cerf
55 - Paper, 'On Ingenhousz's theory of the electrophorus' by William Henly
56 - Paper, 'Problems concerning interpolating logarithms by the method of differences' by Edward Waring
57 - Letter, 'A method of extending Cardan's rule to solving the 'irreducible case' from Francis Maseres to Samuel Horsley
58 - Paper, 'A method of finding a near value of a very slowly converging series' by Francis Maseres
Expand 59 - Paper, 'New experiments with the Leyden phial' by Benjamin Wilson59 - Paper, 'New experiments with the Leyden phial' by Benjamin Wilson
60 - Paper, 'Lighting a candle by a very moderate spark' by John Ingenhousz
61 - Paper, 'The solar sclipse of 24 June' by William Wales
62 - Letter, 'A cure of St Vitus Dance by electricity' from Anthony Fothergill to William Henly
63 - Paper, 'De influentia lunae in tempestas [The influence of the moon on the weather]' by Giuseppe Toaldi
64 - Letter, 'A surgical case' by Daniel Orred
65 - Paper, 'The prismative objective micrometer' by Roger Boscovich
66 - Paper, 'Experiments on some crystal substances' by Peter Woulfe
67 - Letter, 'A recent petrification found on the coast of East Lothian' by Edward King to John Pringle
68 - Paper, 'The sclipse of the Sun on 24 June, observed at Leicester' by William Ludlam
69 - Paper, 'Remarques sur les pierres a fusi [Notes on flintstones]' by Angelo Gualandrio
70 - Letter, 'An account of Dr Gowin Knight's method of making artifical loadstones' from Benjamin Wilson to Joseph Banks
71 - Letter, 'Explosion at Mr Grave's house near Tralee, County Kerry' from Thomas Ryves to William Watson
72 - Letter, 'A dropsical case' from John Latham to Joseph Warner
73 - Paper, 'Igneous fluid' by Count d'Arcy
74 - Letter, 'The poisonous quality of the Palmi Christi nut' from Matthew Dobson
75 - Paper, 'The solar eclipse of 24 June' by Antonio d'Ulloa
76 - Paper, 'Disquisitio de tempore cometae anno 1770 observati [Inquiry about a comet observed in 1770]' by J A Loxell
77 - Paper, 'Tentamen continens theoria machinae subkicarum [An unbroken theory of machine subkicarum]' by Thomas Bugge
Expand 78 - Paper, 'Various papers relating to a pile engine' by Thomas Bugge78 - Paper, 'Various papers relating to a pile engine' by Thomas Bugge
79 - Paper, 'Of the effects of lightning on board the Atlas, East Indiaman' by Allen Cooper
80 - Paper, 'Account of an iconantidiptic telescope invented by M Jouriat' by John Hyacinth de Magellan
81 - Paper, 'Postscript to paper on the eclipse, as observed at Leicester' by William Ludlam
82 - Paper, 'Memoire sur la partie meteologique des refractions [Memoir on the meteorological part of the refractions]' by Jean Andre De Luc
83 - Paper, 'On the general resolution of algebraical equations' by Edward Waring
84 - Letter, 'Some new observations by Messier on the Comet' from John Hyacinth de Magellan to Joseph Banks
Expand 85 - Paper, 'On the organs of speech of the Orang Outang' by Peter Camper85 - Paper, 'On the organs of speech of the Orang Outang' by Peter Camper
86 - Paper, 'The latitude of Madras' by William Stephens
87 - Paper, 'Observations de l'eclipse du soleil faites a Dantzic le 24 Juin 1778 [Observations of the eclipse of the sun made at Dantzic on June 24, 1778]' by N M Wolff and Jean Bernoulli
88 - Paper, 'Of the orbit of a comet and of Mr Eric Prosperin's conjectures of 1776' by Nevil Maskelyne
89 - Paper, 'Extracts from letters containing astronomical observations' by John Longfield
Expand 90 - Paper, 'Systeme de petit culture pour les caunes a sucre [Small crop system for sugar cane]' by Charles Casaux90 - Paper, 'Systeme de petit culture pour les caunes a sucre [Small crop system for sugar cane]' by Charles Casaux
91 - Letter, 'Account of an infant musician' from Charles Burney to William Hunter
92 - Paper, 'An account of the free martin' by John Hunter
92a - Addendum, 'An account of the meteorological instruments used at the Royal Society's house' by Henry Cavendish
93 - Letter, 'Of the plan to recover people in Russia apprently deprived of life by the burning of charcoal' from Mathew Guthrie to Joseph Priestley
94 - Letter, 'Discovery of quinquina shrubs at Santa Fe' from Casimire Gomez de Ortega to John Hyacinth de Magellan
Expand 95 - Paper, 'Apparatus applied to quatorial instruments for correcting errors from refraction in altitude' by Peter Dollond95 - Paper, 'Apparatus applied to quatorial instruments for correcting errors from refraction in altitude' by Peter Dollond
96 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the inflammable air breathed by various animals' by Felice Fontana
97 - Appendix, 'Reasons for dissenting from the report of the committee appointed to consider Mr Wilson's paper' by Samuel Musgrave
98 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Bristol' by Samuel Farr
99 - Paper, 'On the variation of the temperature of boiling water' by George Augustus William Shuckburgh
Expand 100 - Paper, 'Of a new kind of inflammable air' by John Ingenhousz100 - Paper, 'Of a new kind of inflammable air' by John Ingenhousz
Expand 101 - Paper, 'Two new micrometers' by Jesse Ramsden101 - Paper, 'Two new micrometers' by Jesse Ramsden
102 - Letter, 'Airs from different kinds of waters' from Felice Fontana to Joseph Priestley
103 - Letter, 'Account of an infant musician' by Charles Burney to William Hunter [Copy]
104 - Letters, 'Of the health of seamen' from John Skiddy and George Conquest to G Collier and Joseph Banks
105 - Paper, 'Improvements in electricity [Bakerian Lecture]' by John Ingenhousz
Expand 106 - Paper, 'Experiments in electricity' by William Swift106 - Paper, 'Experiments in electricity' by William Swift
107 - Paper, 'Sitodium incisum and S. nacrocarpon [Sitodium incision and macrocarpon, and the use of Fruits to be produced]' by Carl Peter Thunberg
108 - Letter, 'Construction of the carronade' from Charles Gascoigne to John Pringle
109 - Letter, 'On impregnating water with fixed air' from Charles Bisset to William Chaloner
109a - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1778' by Thomas Barker
109b - Appendix, 'Of a new kind of inflammable air' by John Ingenhousz
110 - Paper, 'Examination of various ores in the museum of Dr Hunter' by George Fordyce and Stanesby Alchorne
111 - Paper, 'A new nebula' by Nevil Maskelyne
112 - Paper, 'Seconde memoire sur les mesures barometriques dans les mines [Second thesis on barometric measurements in mines]' by Jean Andre De Luc
113 - Letter, 'Of phosphor' from Benjamin Wilson to Leonhard Euler
114 - Paper, 'Experiments on bees' by John Debraw
Expand 115 - Paper, 'On some new methods of suspending magnetical needles' by John Ingenhousz115 - Paper, 'On some new methods of suspending magnetical needles' by John Ingenhousz
116 - Appendix 'A method of extending Cardan's rule' by Francis Maseres
Expand 117 - Paper, 'On the carronade' by Charles Gascoigne117 - Paper, 'On the carronade' by Charles Gascoigne
118 - Paper, 'Improvements to the prismatic miscometer' by Nevil Maskelyne
119 - Paper, 'On the precession of the equinoxes produced by the Sun's attraction' by Isaac Milner
120 - Letter, 'Calculations to determine at what point on the side of a hill its attraction will be greatest' from Charles Hutton to Nevil Maskelyne
121 - Paper, On rivers and canals' by Theodor Augustin Mann
122 - Letter, 'On Thomas Everitt, the big boy' from John Sherwin to unknown recipient
123 - Letter, 'On Thomas Everitt, the big boy' by Richard Gough to Joseph Planta
Expand 124 - Paper, 'On a machine to cure fractures of the extermities' by William Rae124 - Paper, 'On a machine to cure fractures of the extermities' by William Rae
Expand 125 - Paper, 'Some new experiments in electricity' by Tiberius Cavallo125 - Paper, 'Some new experiments in electricity' by Tiberius Cavallo
126 - Paper, 'A new method of assaying copper ores' by George Fordyce
127 - Paper, 'Wounding and recovery of Robert Steele, chief mate of a packet-boat, during an engagement' by Kempthorne
128 - Paper, 'Journal of the weather in Montreal, 1776-7' by Barr
129 - Letter, 'Description of eleven specimens of stones ejected by Vesuvius on 8 August 1779' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks
Expand 130 - Paper, 'Account of the eruption of Vesuvius on 8 August 1779' by William Hamilton130 - Paper, 'Account of the eruption of Vesuvius on 8 August 1779' by William Hamilton
131 - Letter, 'The case of Mr Yapp' from John Whitehurst to John Pringle
132 - Paper, 'A method of safe removal of stranded ships' by William Barnard
133 - Paper, 'Experiments of vegetation' by Archibald Campbell Fraser
134 - Paper, 'Of a new acid' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich Von Crell
135 - Paper, 'Observatio defectus lunaris 23 November 1779 [Observation of eclipse]' by Giuseppe Toaldo
136 - Paper, 'Meteorological journal kept at Fort St George on the Coromandel Coast 1777-8' by William Roxburgh
137 - Paper, 'Of a woman with smallpox conveying the disease to a foetus' by John Hunter
138 - Paper, 'Discovery of the mode of foetal circulation claimed as against his brother, John Hunter and on the placenta' by William Hunter
139 - Paper, 'Resa til Japan [Travels to Japan]' by Carl Peter Thunberg
140 - Letter, 'Relating to the claim by his brother about the discovery of the mode of foetal circulation' from John Hunter to
141 - Paper, 'On the American poison called ticuna' by Felice Fontana
Expand 142 - Paper, 'Extraordinary appearance in a mist' by William Cockin142 - Paper, 'Extraordinary appearance in a mist' by William Cockin
143 - Paper, 'Conjectures as to Cardan's rule having been discovered by Scipio Terreus' by Francis Maseres
144 - Paper, 'A new method of treating the Fistula lacrymalis' by William Blizard
Expand 145 - Paper, 'A new method of relief in the first stage of Fistula lacrymalis' by William Blizard145 - Paper, 'A new method of relief in the first stage of Fistula lacrymalis' by William Blizard
146 - Paper, 'A criticism of papers on electricity by Dr Musgrave and others' by Edward Nairne
147 - Paper, 'Necessary principles for judging of any kind of sugar-cane mill' by Charles Cazaud
148 - Paper, 'A theorum for computing logarithms' by John Hellins
149 - Paper, 'A new and cheap methoid of preparing potash' by Thomas Percival
150 - Paper, 'Of an extraordinary abcess of the arm following venaesection' by Philip Hurlock
151 - Paper, 'On the degree of salubrity of the air at sea' by John Ingenhousz
152 - Letter, 'Of the great frost at Glasgow, January 1780' from Patrick Wilson to Nevil Maskelyne
153 - Letter, 'A correction to 'Of the great frost at Glasgow, January 1780'' from Patrick Wilson to unknown recipient
154 - Letter, 'Of thermometers and their graduation' from Jean Castillon to unknown recipient
155 - Paper, 'Ossification of the thoracic duct' by Richard Brown Cheston
156 - Paper, 'Thermometric observations at Sandwich Bay in Labrador, 1777-8' by Cartwright
157 - Paper, 'Of Sir Isaac Newton's second law of motion and on an engine for turning ovals' by William Ludlam
158 - Paper, 'Of a process of obtaining a very fine kind of vinous spirit from potatos' by James Anderson
Expand 159 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations concerning the mountains of the Moon' by William Herschel159 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations concerning the mountains of the Moon' by William Herschel
160 - Paper, 'Effect of electricity in shortening wires' by Edward Nairne
161 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1779' by Thomas Barker
162 - Letter, 'Journal of the weather at Senegambia' from J F Schotte to Joseph Banks
163 - Paper, 'Heat at various places, 1778' by John Howard
164 - Letter, 'On adfected equations' from Philip Early Stanhope to James Clow
165 - Paper, 'On cubic equations and infinite series' by Charles Hutton
166 - Paper, 'Account of an extraordinary pheasant' by John Hunter
Expand 167 - Paper, 'Account of baths in Russia' by Andrew Halinski167 - Paper, 'Account of baths in Russia' by Andrew Halinski
Collapse 168 - Paper, 'Thermometrical observations and experiments [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo168 - Paper, 'Thermometrical observations and experiments [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo
169 - Letter, 'Of the distemper among horned cattle' from Daniel Peter Layard to Joseph Banks
Expand 170 - Paper, 'An investigation of the principle of progressive and rotatory motion' by Samuel Vince170 - Paper, 'An investigation of the principle of progressive and rotatory motion' by Samuel Vince
171 - Letter, 'Observations on the plica polonica' from Andrew Halinski
171a - Paper, 'The tyger-cat of the Cape of Good Hope' by Forster
172 - Paper, 'Memoir on the 'Nghoo or wild ox' by John Reinhold Forster
Expand 173 - Paper, 'Ossification of the thoracic duct' by Richard Browne Cheston173 - Paper, 'Ossification of the thoracic duct' by Richard Browne Cheston
174 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on specific gravities and on the attractive power of various saline substances' by Richard Kirwan
175 - Letter, 'A piece of wood which had resisted the pernicious action of salt-water worms' from John Senhouse to John Henry Maty
176 - Paper, 'Account of the Harmattan, a singular African wind' by Matthew Dobson
177 - Letter, 'Of the storm at Eastbourne on 17 September 1780' from Owen Salusbury Brereton to Joseph Banks
178 - Paper, 'A method of ascertaining very great degrees of heat' by Josiah Wedgwood
Expand 179 - Paper, 'Essay on a new method of applying the screw' by William Hunter179 - Paper, 'Essay on a new method of applying the screw' by William Hunter
Expand 180 - Paper, 'An account of the turkey' by Thomas Pennant180 - Paper, 'An account of the turkey' by Thomas Pennant
181 - Letter, 'Account of a nebula in Coma Berenices' from Edward Pigott to Nevil Maskelyne
182 - Paper, 'Double stars discovered at Frampton House, Glamorgan' by Nathaniel Pigott
183 - Letter, 'Flagstaff struck by lightning' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks
184 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations on the rotations of planets about their axes, in connection with the diurnal motion of the earth' from William Herschel to William Watson
Expand 185 - Paper, 'Account of the Ganges and Burrampooter' by James Rennell185 - Paper, 'Account of the Ganges and Burrampooter' by James Rennell
Expand 186 - Paper, 'Quadrupeds of the Northern World; the Bison' by Thomas Pennant186 - Paper, 'Quadrupeds of the Northern World; the Bison' by Thomas Pennant
187 - Paper, 'Proposals for a uniform system of weights and measures' by James Anderson
Expand 188 - Paper, 'Some account of termites' by Henry Smeathman188 - Paper, 'Some account of termites' by Henry Smeathman
189 - Letter, 'Of a hurricane at Barbadoes' from Gilbert Blane to John Hunter
190 - Journal, 'Meteorological journal kept at the Society's house in 1780'
Expand 191 - Paper, 'New experiments on gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson191 - Paper, 'New experiments on gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson
Expand 192 - Paper, 'Of a comet [Uranus] seen on 13 March' by William Herschel192 - Paper, 'Of a comet [Uranus] seen on 13 March' by William Herschel
193 - Letter, 'The earthquake at Hafodunos, near Denbigh' from John Lloyd
Expand 194 - Paper, 'Of a luminous appearance in the heavens' by Tiberius Cavallo194 - Paper, 'Of a luminous appearance in the heavens' by Tiberius Cavallo
Expand 195 - Paper, 'Further of the comet and of a micrometer for taking angles of position' by William Herschel195 - Paper, 'Further of the comet and of a micrometer for taking angles of position' by William Herschel
196 - Paper, 'Of the heat of the water in the Gulf Stream' by Charles Blagden
197 - Letter, 'On seeing objects inverted' from William Lloyd to John Pringle
198 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon for 1780' by Thomas Barker
199 - Letter, 'Appearance of the soil in opening a well at Hanby, Lincolnshire' from Henry Charles Englefield to Joseph Banks
200 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations' by Nathaniel Pigott
201 - Letter, 'Meridian and other observations of Mercury' from Nathaniel Pigott to unknown recipient
Expand 202 - Paper, 'Calculations as to the number of accidents or deaths in parturition' by Robert Bland202 - Paper, 'Calculations as to the number of accidents or deaths in parturition' by Robert Bland
203 - Letter, 'A singular case of convulsions' from Adair Hawkins to William Hunter
204 - Letter, 'Two medical cases' from John Harrison and J Andrews to Samuel Horsley
205 - Letter, 'Of a child who had smallpox in the womb' from William Wright to John Hunter
206 - Letter, 'Of the vapour bath in Hydrocephalus infernus' from Alexander Hunter to unknown recipient
207 - Letter, 'Phenomena observed in the island of Sumatra' from William Marsden to Joseph Banks
208 - Letter, 'Description of some experiments on cold' from Patrick Wilson to Nevil Maskelyne
209 - Paper, 'On the coccus lacca' by James Kerr
210 - Paper, 'Further account of the usefulness of washing the stems of trees' by Robert Marsham
Expand 211 - Paper, 'Account of a hurricane at Roehampton, October 1780' by Edward Edwards 211 - Paper, 'Account of a hurricane at Roehampton, October 1780' by Edward Edwards
212 - Paper, 'Hints of the use of tables of natural and logarithmic lines, tangents and in the numerical resolution of adfected equations' by William Wales
213 - Paper, 'Of the power in animals of producing cold' by Adair Crawford
214 - Paper, 'A general theory for the mensuration of the angle subtended by two objects' by George Atwood
Expand 215 - Paper, 'Thermometrical experiments [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo215 - Paper, 'Thermometrical experiments [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo
216 - Letter, 'On the comet' by William Herschel to Paul Henry Maty
Expand 217 - Paper, 'An account of the Ophidium barbatum' by P M A Brussonet217 - Paper, 'An account of the Ophidium barbatum' by P M A Brussonet
218 - Letter, 'Concerning the longitude of Cambridge, Massachusetts' from Joseph Willard to Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 219 - Paper, 'Of dead fish after a thunderstorm' by Michael Lort219 - Paper, 'Of dead fish after a thunderstorm' by Michael Lort
220 - Letter, 'Of the lumen boreale' from A Crocker to Joseph Banks
221 - Paper, 'On a new kind of rain' by Count de Gioeni
222 - Paper, 'On Pozzolanba earth and its use in cement' by unknown author
223 - Paper, 'On a new animal acid' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
224 - Paper, 'Observations on the York bills of mortality for 1780' by William White
Expand 225 - Paper, 'On the parallax of the fixed stars' by William Herschel225 - Paper, 'On the parallax of the fixed stars' by William Herschel
226 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments and the Leyden phial' by Wakelin Welch
227 - Paper, 'Account of the ebbing and flowing well at Newton, Glamorgan' by Edward Pigott
228 - Paper, 'Catalogue of double stars' by William Herschel
229 - Letter, 'Experiments with Chinese hempseed' from Keane Fitzgerald to Joseph Banks
230 - Letter, 'Of scoria from iron-works like spun glass' from Samuel More to Joseph Banks
231 - Paper, 'Extracts from the Parish Register, Holy Cross, Salford' by William Gorsuch
Expand 232 - Paper, 'Of a double child born to a Nair woman' by John Torlese232 - Paper, 'Of a double child born to a Nair woman' by John Torlese
233 - Paper, 'Solar eclipse of 17 October' by Nathaniel Matthew Wolf
Expand 234 - Paper, 'Aberration of the fixed stars' by Patrick Wilson234 - Paper, 'Aberration of the fixed stars' by Patrick Wilson
235 - Letter, 'Correction for paper on solar spots' from Alexander Wilson to Paul Henry Maty
Expand 236 - Paper, 'Description of the lamp-micrometer' by William Herschel236 - Paper, 'Description of the lamp-micrometer' by William Herschel
237 - Paper, 'Postscript to catalogue of double stars' by William Herschel
238 - Paper, 'That Captain Cook sought for Cape Circumcision under the proper meridian' by William Wales
Expand 239 - Paper, 'Of the failure of eight pointed conductors to prevent the poor-house at Heckingham, Norfolk' by Charles Blagden and Edward Nairne239 - Paper, 'Of the failure of eight pointed conductors to prevent the poor-house at Heckingham, Norfolk' by Charles Blagden and Edward Nairne
Expand 240 - Paper, 'Of an improved thermometer' by James Six240 - Paper, 'Of an improved thermometer' by James Six
241 - Paper, 'Rainfall at Barrowby near Leeds 1778-81' by George Lloyd
242 - Paper, 'Of the capacity of conjugate conductors' by unknown author
243 - Paper, 'Of a method of rendering very sendible the weakest natural or artificial electricity' by Alessandro Volta
244 - Paper, 'Essay on cretinism' by F Wille
245 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments' by Wakelin Welch
246 - Register, 'Meteorological register kept at the Society's house, 1781' held by the Royal Society
Expand 247 - Paper, 'New fundamental experiments upon the collision of bodies' by John Smeaton247 - Paper, 'New fundamental experiments upon the collision of bodies' by John Smeaton
248 - Paper, 'Continuation of experiments and observations on specific gravities' by Richard Kirwan
249 - Paper, 'Attempt to make a thermometer for higher degrees of heat' by Josiah Wedgwood
Expand 250 - Paper, 'On the powers of my seven foot Newtonian telescope' by William Herschel250 - Paper, 'On the powers of my seven foot Newtonian telescope' by William Herschel
251 - Letter, 'Analyses of toadstone and Rowley rag' from Joseph Priestley on behalf of William Withering to Joseph Banks
252 - Letter, 'Of William Herschel's lenses' from William Watson to unknown recipient
253 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon' by Thomas Barker
254 - Letter, 'Of lunar irises' from Marmaduke Tunstall to Joseph Banks
Expand 254a - Paper, 'Account of a new electrometer' by Abraham Brook254a - Paper, 'Account of a new electrometer' by Abraham Brook
255 - Paper, 'Microscopical description of the eyes of the King Crab' by William Andre
256 - Letter, 'Education of female nobility in Russia' from Mathew Guthrie to John Howard
257 - Paper, 'New method of investigating the sums of infinite series' by Samuel Vince
258 - Letter, 'Headaches in persons with head-burdens' from Jonathan Watson to Paul Henry Maty
Expand 259 - Paper, 'The influence of the vegetable on the animal kingdom' by John Ingenhousz259 - Paper, 'The influence of the vegetable on the animal kingdom' by John Ingenhousz
260 - Paper, 'Effects of muscles [Croonian Lecture 1779]' by John Hunter
261 - Paper, 'New method of finding the equal roots of an equation by division' by John Hellins
262 - Paper, 'Experiments on the prismatic colours' by Samuel Galton
263 - Paper, 'Common and inflammable airs penetrate the pores of paper [Bakerian Lecture, 1782]' by Tiberius Cavallo
264 - Letter, 'Of some remarkable electrical phenomena' by Joseph Priestley to Paul Henry Maty
265 - Paper, 'Of the system of cultivating sugar-cane on a small scale [English translation]' by Charles Casaux
266 - Paper, 'Of the system of cultivating sugar-cane on a small scale [First copy]' by Charles Casaux
267 - Paper, 'Of the system of cultivating sugar-cane on a small scale [Second copy]' by Charles Casaux
268 - Paper, 'On muscular energy [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter
269 - Paper, 'Of muscular motion [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter
270 - Paper, 'On blood vessels considered in the light of muscles [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter
Expand 271 - Paper, 'On muscular contraction [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter271 - Paper, 'On muscular contraction [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter
272 - Paper, 'On muscular contraction [Croonian Lecture]' by John Hunter
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
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