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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Paper, 'Additional observations on making a thermometer for measuring the higher degrees of heat' by Josiah Wedgwood1 - Paper, 'Additional observations on making a thermometer for measuring the higher degrees of heat' by Josiah Wedgwood
2 - Paper, 'Investigation of the cause of that indistinctness of vision which has been ascribed to the smallness of the optic pencil' by William Herschel
3 - Letter, 'Of the longitude and latitude of York' from Edward Pigott to Nevil Maskelyne
4 - Paper, 'Advertisement of the expected return of the comet of 1532 and 1661 in the year 1788' by Nevil Maskelyne
5 - Paper, 'A new method of finding fluents by continuation' by Samuel Vince
Expand 6 - Paper, 'Conjectures relative to the petrifications found in the Mount of St Peter, near Maestricht' by Petrus Camper 6 - Paper, 'Conjectures relative to the petrifications found in the Mount of St Peter, near Maestricht' by Petrus Camper
7 - Letter, 'Conjectures on some of the phenomena of the barometer' from Robert McCausland to Joseph Planta
Expand 8 - Paper, 'Account of a new comet' by Caroline Herschel8 - Paper, 'Account of a new comet' by Caroline Herschel
9 - Letter, 'Remarks on the new comet' from William Herschel to Charles Blagden
10 - Paper, 'Magnetical experiments and observations [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo
11 - Paper, 'Effects of different kinds of salts applied at stimulants on the muscles [Croonian Lecture, 1786]' by Edward Whitaker Gray
12 - Paper, 'Memoire sur un nouveau principe d'hygrometrie [Memoir on a new principle of hygrometry]' by Theodore Augustine Mann
Expand 13 - Paper, 'Description of a new electrometer' by Abraham Bennet13 - Paper, 'Description of a new electrometer' by Abraham Bennet
14 - Letter, 'Account of the earthquake felt in Northern England 11 August, 1786' from Samuel More to Joseph Banks
15 - Letter, 'Determination of the heliocentric longitude of the descending node of Saturn' from Thomas Bugge to Joseph Banks
Expand 16 - Paper, 'Halos and parhelia of the sun seen in North America in 1771' by Alexander Baxter16 - Paper, 'Halos and parhelia of the sun seen in North America in 1771' by Alexander Baxter
17 - Paper, 'Observations of the transit of Mercury at Dresden, 4 May 1786; by M Kohler
18 - Letter, 'Observations of the transit of Mercury at St Petersburg, 1786' from Stephanus Rumovski to John Hyacinth de Magellan
19 - Letter, 'Appendix to the description of a new electrometer ' from Abraham Bennet to Charles Blagden
20 - Letter, 'An account of the strata observed in sinking for water at Boston in Lincolnshire May 1783' from James Limbird to Joseph Banks
21 - Paper, 'Observations of Miss Herschel's comet in August and September 1786' by Francis Wollaston
22 - Paper, 'Memoire sur l'epoque et le mouvement des monds de Jupiter [On the epocha and the motion of the nodes of Jupiter]' by Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre
23 - Letter, 'On the specific gravity, strength, diameter, cohesion of silk' from Benjamin Thompson to unknown author
24 - Letter, 'Account of a thunderstorm in Scotland with some meteorological observations' from Patrick Brydone to Joseph Banks
25 - Letter, 'On the blue colour of the sky' from John Elliot to Richard Kirwan
26 - Paper, 'Theory of the Georgian planet' by Walter Minto
27 - Paper, 'Developement general du tissu de Saphir-cristal, susceptible de l'etoile a six raisons [General development of the sapphire-crystal fabric, susceptible to the star for six reasons] by Pierre Laporterie
28 - Paper, 'Finding the values of algebaical quantities by converging series and estending propositions given by Pappus' by Edward Waring
Expand 29 - Paper, 'Experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air' by Benjamin Thompson29 - Paper, 'Experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air' by Benjamin Thompson
Expand 30 - Paper, 'An account of the discovery of two satellites revolving around the Georgian planet' by William Herschel30 - Paper, 'An account of the discovery of two satellites revolving around the Georgian planet' by William Herschel
31 - Paper, 'Remarks on Mr Brydone's account of a remarkable thunderstorm' by Charles Stanhope
32 - Paper, 'Memoire sur la jonction de Douvres a Londres [Proposing a measurement for connecting Dover with London]' by Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury
33 - Paper, 'Concerning the latitude and longitude of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; with remarks on the memoire by Cassini de Thury' by Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 34 - Paper, 'An account of the mode proposed to be followed in determining the relative situations of the Royal Observatories at Greenwich and Paris' by William Roy34 - Paper, 'An account of the mode proposed to be followed in determining the relative situations of the Royal Observatories at Greenwich and Paris' by William Roy
35 - Paper, 'An experiment to determine the effect of extirpating one ovarium upon the number of young produced' by John Hunter
36 - Paper, 'Experiments made to determine the positive and relative quantities of moisture absorbed from the atmosphere by various substances under cimilar circumstances' by Benjamin Thompson
37 - Letter, 'Observations on the cuckoo and on the emigration of birds' from Edward Jenner to John Hunter
Expand 38 - Paper, 'The principles and illustration of an advantageous method of arranging the differences of logarithims, on lines graduated for the purpose of computation' by William Nicholson38 - Paper, 'The principles and illustration of an advantageous method of arranging the differences of logarithims, on lines graduated for the purpose of computation' by William Nicholson
39 - Letter, 'Account of the dicovery of a comet' from Pierre Francoise Andre Mechain to Nevil Maskelyne
40 - Letter, 'An account of three volcanoes in the Moon' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks
41 - Paper, 'Observations tending to show that the wolf, jackal and dog are all of the same species' by John Hunter
42 - Letter, 'On a case of hydrocele' from William Norris to unknown recipient
43 - Paper, 'On the ganglions of the nerves' by James Johnstone
44 - Paper, 'Experiments on the congelation of the vitriolic acid' by James Keir
45 - Letter, 'Experiments on the production of artifical cold' from Thomas Beddoes to Joseph Banks
Expand 46 - Paper, 'An account of a doubler of electricity' by Abraham Bennet46 - Paper, 'An account of a doubler of electricity' by Abraham Bennet
47 - Paper, 'Observatio transitus Mercurii, 4 May 1786 [Observations of the Transit of Mercury, 4 May 1786]' by Giuseppe Toaldo
48 - Letter, 'Some particulars relative to the production of Borax' from William Blane to Gilbert Blane
49 - Paper, 'Observations on borax in Tibet' by Giuseppe da Rovato
50 - Paper, 'Sur les das hepatiques [On hepatic gases]' by Jean Henri Hassenfrantz
Expand 51 - Paper, 'Botanical description of the Benjamin tree (Styrax Benzoin) of Sumatra' by Jonas Dryander51 - Paper, 'Botanical description of the Benjamin tree (Styrax Benzoin) of Sumatra' by Jonas Dryander
52 - Letter, 'Narrative of a fall into an abandoned coal-pit near Glasgow' from George Spearing to Charles Blagden
53 - Letter, 'Observations of a Lunar crater' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks
54 - Letter, 'An account of an experiment on heat' from George Fordyce to Joseph Banks
Expand 55 - Paper, 'Account of an observation of the right ascension and declination of Mercury out of the meridian near his greatest elongation, September 1786, with an equatorial micrometer of his own invention and workmanship; with an investigation of a method of allowing for refraction in such observations' by John Smeaton55 - Paper, 'Account of an observation of the right ascension and declination of Mercury out of the meridian near his greatest elongation, September 1786, with an equatorial micrometer of his own invention and workmanship; with an investigation of a method of allowing for refraction in such observations' by John Smeaton
56 - Letter, 'A remarkable case of numerous births, with observations' from Maxwell Garthshore to Joseph Banks
Expand 57 - Paper, 'Plagianthes (chloranthus): a new genus of plants' by Olaf Swartz57 - Paper, 'Plagianthes (chloranthus): a new genus of plants' by Olaf Swartz
Expand 58 - Paper, 'On the precession of the equinoxes' by Samuel Vince58 - Paper, 'On the precession of the equinoxes' by Samuel Vince
59 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1786' by Thomas Barker
60 - Paper, 'Some observations on ancient inks, with the proposal of a new method of recovering the legibility of decayed writings' by Charles Blagden
61 - Paper, 'Supplement to paper on the difference of meridian of Greenwich and Paris' by William Roy
Expand 62 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure and economy of whales' by John Hunter62 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure and economy of whales' by John Hunter
63 - Paper, 'Of the methods of manifesting the presence of electricity' [Bakerian Lecture] by Tiberius Cavallo
64 - Paper, 'On muscular motion [Croonian Lecture]' by George Fordyce
65 - Paper, 'Of a mass of native iron found in South America' by Miguel Rubin-de-Celis
66 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the stability of heat in animals' by Adair Crawford
67 - Paper, 'Frigorific experiments on the mechanical expansion of air' by Erasmus Darwin
68 - Paper, 'Narrative of a journey from the village of Chamouni, Switzerland [Chamonix, France], to the summit of Mount Blanc on the 8th August 1787' by Mark Beaufoy
69 - Paper, 'Some observations on the heat of wells and springs in Jamaica and of the temperature of the earth below the surface in the different climates' by John Hunter
70 - Paper, 'The mean heat of every month for ten years in London, 1763-1772 inclusive' by William Heberden
71 - Paper, 'On centripetal forces' by Edward Waring
72 - Letter, 'Experiments on local heat' from James Six to Francis Wollaston
73 - Letter, 'Account of preparing seeds of the Cedar of Lebanon for germination' from William Speechley to Doctor Kay
Expand 74 - Paper, 'Account of electrical apparatus' by John Lyon74 - Paper, 'Account of electrical apparatus' by John Lyon
75 - Paper, 'Observations on the manner in which glass is charged and discharged with electric fluid' by Edward Whitaker Gray
76 - Paper, 'Experiments on the cooling of water below its freezing point' by Charles Blagden
77 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations relating to the principle of acidity, the composition of water and phlogiston' by Joseph Priestley
78 - Paper, 'Some obervations on the irritability of vegetables' by James Edward Smith
79 - Paper, 'An account of experiments made by Mr J McNab in Hudson's Bay, relative to the freezing of nitrous and vitriolic acids' by Henry Cavendish
Expand 80 - Paper, 'Observations on the natural history of the cuckoo' by Edward Jenner 80 - Paper, 'Observations on the natural history of the cuckoo' by Edward Jenner
81 - Paper, 'On the temperment of those musical instruments in which the tones, keys, or frets are fixed, as in the harpsichord, organ, guitar etc' by Tiberius Cavallo
82 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the human calculus' by Wiliam Higgins
Expand 83 - Paper, 'Description of a new electrical instrument capable of collecting together a diffused or little condensed quantity of electricity' by Tiberius Cavallo 83 - Paper, 'Description of a new electrical instrument capable of collecting together a diffused or little condensed quantity of electricity' by Tiberius Cavallo
84 - Paper, 'On the conversion of a mixture of dephlogistocated and phlogisticated air into nitrous acid, by the electric spark' by Henry Cavendish
85 - Paper, 'Experiments on the effect of various substances in lowering the point of congelation in water' by Charles Blagden
86 - Paper, 'Additional experiments and observations relating to the principle of acidity, the decomposition of water and phlogiston' by Joseph Priestley
87 - Letter, 'Additional experiments and observations relating to the principle of acidity, the decomposition of water and phlogiston' from James Keir to Joseph Priestley
88 - Letter, 'Additional experiments and observations relating to the principle of acidity, the decomposition of water and phlogiston' from William Withering to Joseph Priestley
89 - Paper, 'On the probablities of survivorships between two persons of any given age, and the method of determining the values of reversions depending on those survivorships' by William Morgan
Expand 90 - Paper, 'An account of a remarkable transposition of the viscera' by Matthew Baillie90 - Paper, 'An account of a remarkable transposition of the viscera' by Matthew Baillie
Expand 91 - Paper, 'On the Georgian planet and its satellites' by William Herschel91 - Paper, 'On the Georgian planet and its satellites' by William Herschel
92 - Paper, 'On the proportions of phlogisticated and inflammable air in volatile alkali' by William Austin
93 - Letter, 'Referring to the Georgian planet and its satellites' from William Herschel to Mr Nichols, printer
94 - Paper, 'Experiments on the formation of volatile alkali and on the affinities of the phlogisticated and light inflammable airs' by William Austin
95 - Paper, 'Some properties of the sum of the divisors of numbers' by Edward Waring
96 - Paper, 'On the production of artifical cold' from Richard Walker to Henry Cavendish
Expand 97 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument which produces the two states of electricity without friction or communication with the earth' by William Nicholson97 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument which produces the two states of electricity without friction or communication with the earth' by William Nicholson
98 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1787 and on the growth of trees' by Thomas Barker
99 - Paper, 'On the era of the Mohometans called the Hejerà' by William Marsden
100 - Paper, 'An analytic inquiry into the nature of hepatic air, dephologisticated nitrous air and heavy inflammable air' by William Austin
101 - Register, 'The Meteorological Register of the Royal Society 1787'
Expand 102 - Paper, 'Description and use of an improved blow-pipe apparatus [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo102 - Paper, 'Description and use of an improved blow-pipe apparatus [Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo
103 - Paper, 'Muscular motion [Croonian Lecture]' by Gilbert Blane
Collapse 104 - Paper, 'Description of an improvement in the application of the quadrant of altitude to a celestial globe, for the resolution of problems dependent on azimuth and altitude' by John Smeaton104 - Paper, 'Description of an improvement in the application of the quadrant of altitude to a celestial globe, for the resolution of problems dependent on azimuth and altitude' by John Smeaton
105 - Paper, 'Objections to the experiments and observations on the principle of acidity and the composition of water considered' by Joseph Priestley
106 - Letter, 'Description of three models of improvements in the steam engine' from T D Pearse to Joseph Banks
107 - Paper, 'Observations on the class of animals called by Linnaeus, amphibia; particularly on the means of distinguishing those serpents which are venomous from those which are not so' by Edward Whitaker Gray
108 - Letter, 'A water-spout at Fort William' by John MacDonald to unknown recipient
109 - Paper, 'Account of a parhelion' by H Cooper
110 - Paper, 'A new and easy method of finding the difference of longitude' by John McLean
111 - Paper, 'Inquiry into the nature of the motions of the Mimosa Pudica or sensitive plant' by John Lindsay
112 - Letter, 'On the lack of rain in 1788' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks
113 - Letter, 'Result of calculations of the observations made at various places of the eclipse of the sun which happened 3 June 1788' from Giuseppe Piazzi to Nevil Maskelyne
114 - Letter, 'Account of experiments on the alcaline power of quick-line' from Alexander Copland to unknown recipient
115 - Paper, 'On the method of determining, from the real probabilities of life, the value of a contingent reversion in which three lives are involved in the survivorship' by William Morgan
116 - Paper, 'Account of a bituminous lake or plain in the island of Trinidad' by Alexander Anderson
117 - Paper, 'Nouvelle methode de resoudre les equations du 3me et 4me degre [New method of solving the equations of the 3rd and 4th degree]' by Joseph Broussain
118 - Letter, 'An account of a particular change of structure in the human ovarium' from Matthew Baillie to John Hunter
119 - Paper, 'Some account of the vegetable and mineral productions of Boutan and Thibet' by Robert Saunders
120 - Register, 'Meteorological Register of the Royal Society for 1788'
121 - Paper, 'An attempt towards a general view of the distribution of heat through the different objects of nature, with particular application to the first principles on animal life' by John Sherman Enfield
122 - Paper, 'Description of experiments on the phlogistication of spirit of nitre by heat' by Joseph Priestley
123 - Letter, 'Observations on a comet (Caroline Herschel's of 21 December 1788)' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks
124 - Paper, 'On polishing specula by a machine' by William Herschel
125 - Letter, 'Observations on preventing cattle diseases' from Daniel Peter Layard to Joseph Banks
126 - Paper, 'Table of indications of spring' by Robert Marsham
Expand 127 - Paper, 'Account of a monster 'Gentoo' [sic]  boy' by James Anderson and Thomas Reichel127 - Paper, 'Account of a monster 'Gentoo' [sic] boy' by James Anderson and Thomas Reichel
128 - Paper, 'On thunder storms' by Abraham Brook
129 - Letter, 'On the identity of the species of the dog, wolf and jackal' from John Hunter to Joseph Banks
130 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1788' by Thomas Barker
131 - Paper, 'Account of the late John Dollond's discovery which led to the grand improvement of the refracting telescopes' by Peter Dollond
132 - Paper, 'On the method of correspondent values etc' by Edward Waring
Expand 133 - Paper, 'On the resolution of attractive powers' by Edward Waring133 - Paper, 'On the resolution of attractive powers' by Edward Waring
134 - Letter, 'Experiment on the congelation of quicksilver in England' from Richard Walker to Henry Cavendish
135 - Letter, 'Account of an iron arch bridge made at Messrs Walkers Iron Works at Rotherham' from Thomas Paine to Joseph Banks
136 - Paper, 'Catalogue of a second thousand of new nebulae and cluster of stars; with a few introductory remarks on the construction of the Heavens' by William Herschel
137 - Paper, 'On Newfoundland fogs' by Charles Inglis
138 - Paper, 'Some observations on the invention of achromatic telescopes' by Jesse Ramsden
139 - Letter, 'Concerning the lenses of Chester Moore Hall' from Addison Smith to Jesse Ramsden
140 - Paper, 'An attempt to explain a difficulty in the theory of vision depending on the different refrangibility of light' by Nevil Maskelyne
141 - Letter, 'Concerning the birth of twins, one white, one 'negro' [sic]' from J Bush to Joseph Banks
Expand 142 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on electricity' by William Nicholson142 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on electricity' by William Nicholson
143 - Paper, 'Experiments on the transmisison of the vapour of acids through an hot earthen tube, and further observations relating to phlogiston' by Joseph Priestley
144 - Paper, 'On the production of nitrous acid and nitrous air' by Isaac Milnes
Expand 145 - Paper, 'Account of the discovery of a sixth and seventh satellite of the planet Saturn, with remarks on the construction of its ring, its atmosphere, its rotation on an axis and its spherodical figure' by William Herschel145 - Paper, 'Account of the discovery of a sixth and seventh satellite of the planet Saturn, with remarks on the construction of its ring, its atmosphere, its rotation on an axis and its spherodical figure' by William Herschel
146 - Paper, 'Answer to Jesse Ramsden paper on compound lens in 1729' by Peter Dollond
147 - Paper, 'Magnetical experiments and observations [Bakerian Lecture 1789]' by Tiberius Cavallo
148 - Paper, 'The nature and laws of muscular action [Croonian Lecture 1789]' by William Blizard
149 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations on the planets Venus and Mars' by Thomas Bugge
150 - Letter, 'An account of some luminous arches' from William Hey to Joseph Priestley
151 - Letter, 'Description of an Aurora Borealis' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks
152 - Letter, 'Account of a luminous arch' from J Franklin to Joseph Banks
153 - Letter, 'A letter on the observation of a luminous arch' from Francis John Hyde Wollaston to Francis Wollaston
154 - Letter, 'An account of some luminous arches' from Edward Pigott to Henry Charles Englefield
155 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the cause of heat produced in chemical mixtures' by John Gardiner
156 - Paper, 'Experiments on the analysis of heavy inflammable air' by William Austin
157 - Letter, 'Account of the new comet (in French)' from Pierre Francois Andre Mechain to Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 158 - Paper, 'Some account of the strata and volcanic appearances in the North of Ireland and the Western islands of Scotland' by Abraham Mills158 - Paper, 'Some account of the strata and volcanic appearances in the North of Ireland and the Western islands of Scotland' by Abraham Mills
159 - Paper, 'On the height of the luminous arch which was seen on the 23 February 1784' by Henry Cavendish
160 - Paper, 'Observations on respiration' by Joseph Priestley
161 - Register, 'Meteorological Register of the Royal Society for 1789'
162 - Letter, 'An account of the Tabasheer' from Patrick Russell to Joseph Banks
Expand 163 - Paper, 'An account of the Nardus Indica or spikenard' by Gilbert Blane163 - Paper, 'An account of the Nardus Indica or spikenard' by Gilbert Blane
Expand 164 - Paper, 'An account of some extraordinary effects of lightning' by William Withering164 - Paper, 'An account of some extraordinary effects of lightning' by William Withering
Expand 165 - Paper, 'An account of a child with a double head' by Everard Home165 - Paper, 'An account of a child with a double head' by Everard Home
166 - Paper, 'Remarks on single and double vision with an attempt to explain the true cause of them' by Robert Graves
167 - Letter, 'On the analysis of a mineral substance from New South Wales' from Josiah Wedgwood to Joseph Banks
Expand 168 - Paper, 'An account of the trigonometrical operation, whereby the distances between the meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris has been determined' by William Roy168 - Paper, 'An account of the trigonometrical operation, whereby the distances between the meridians of the Royal Observatories of Greenwich and Paris has been determined' by William Roy
169 - Paper, 'Report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors' by Charles Blagden
170 - Letter, 'Observations on the sugar ants' from John Castles to Melville
171 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the dissolution of metals in acids, and the precipitations; with an account of a new compound acid menstrum' by James Keir
172 - Letter, 'Determination of the longitudes and latitudes of some remarkable places near the Severn' from Edward Pigott to Henry Charles Englefield
173 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the matter of cancer, and on the aerial fluids extricated from snimal sunstances by distillation and putrefaction: together with some remarks on sulphurous hepatic air' by Adair Crawford
Expand 174 - Paper, 'On the satellites of the planet Saturn; and on the rotation of its ring on an axis' by William Herschel174 - Paper, 'On the satellites of the planet Saturn; and on the rotation of its ring on an axis' by William Herschel
175 - Paper, 'On the chronology of the Hindoos' by William Marsden
Expand 176 - Paper, 'On spherical motion' by Charles Wildbore176 - Paper, 'On spherical motion' by Charles Wildbore
177 - Paper, 'Observations and conjectures on the state, motion and phenomena of heat in the earth' by Samuel Williams
178 - Paper, 'Nouvelle decouverte formule generale pour resoudre les equations d'une degre quelconque [New discovery general formula for solving equations of any degree]' by Broussain
179 - Paper, 'Remarks on Maj-Gen Roy's account of the trigonometrical operation' by Isaac Dalby
180 - Letter, 'Description of a new comet' from Caroline Herschel to Joseph Banks
Expand 181 - Paper, 'Description of a new pyrometer and the accounts of some experiments made with it' by Tiberius Cavallo181 - Paper, 'Description of a new pyrometer and the accounts of some experiments made with it' by Tiberius Cavallo
Expand 182 - Paper, 'A second paper on hygrometry' by Jean Andre De Luc182 - Paper, 'A second paper on hygrometry' by Jean Andre De Luc
183 - Paper, 'Experiments on a magnetic sand found in the county of Cornwall' by Wm [William] Gregor
184 - Paper, 'On the production of ambergirs; with covering letter from William Fawkener to Joseph Banks' by the Privy Council for Trade
185 - Paper, 'Observations on the affinity between basaltes and granite' by Thomas Beddoes
186 - Paper, 'On nebulous stars properly so called' by William Herschel
187 - Paper, 'Observations on certain horny excrescences of the human body' by Everard Home
188 - Paper, 'Meteorological register for the year 1789 at Lyndon' by Thomas Barker
Expand 189 - Paper, 'Considerations on the convenience of measuring an arch of the meridian, and of the parallel of attitude, having the Observatory of Geneva for their common intersection' by Marc Auguste Pictet189 - Paper, 'Considerations on the convenience of measuring an arch of the meridian, and of the parallel of attitude, having the Observatory of Geneva for their common intersection' by Marc Auguste Pictet
Expand 190 - Paper, 'Treatise on sea-currents and their effects' by Theodore Augustine Mann190 - Paper, 'Treatise on sea-currents and their effects' by Theodore Augustine Mann
Expand 191 - Paper, 'On the rate of travelling, as performed by camels; and its application as a scale to the purposes of geography' by James Rennell191 - Paper, 'On the rate of travelling, as performed by camels; and its application as a scale to the purposes of geography' by James Rennell
192 - Paper, 'On infinite series' by Edward Waring
193 - Paper, 'On the conversion of cast into malleable iron' by Thomas Beddoes [Lost by printer]
194 - Paper, 'On the decomposition of fixed air' by Smithson Tennant
195 - Paper, 'A meteorological journal, principally relating to atmospheric electricity, 1789-90' by John Read
196 - Letter, 'Experiments on human calculi' from Timothy Lane to William Pitcairn
197 - Paper, 'Journal of the weather in Barbados during Summer and Autumn 1786 and description of the hurricane during that time' by Thomas Pierce and John Crawford
198 - Paper, 'Further experiments on the decomposition of dephlogisticated and inflammable air' by Joseph Priestley
Expand 199 - Paper, 'Inquiry into the nature of the motion of the Mimosa Pudica or sensitive plant' by John Lindsay199 - Paper, 'Inquiry into the nature of the motion of the Mimosa Pudica or sensitive plant' by John Lindsay
Expand 200 - Paper, 'Chermes lacca' by William Roxburgh200 - Paper, 'Chermes lacca' by William Roxburgh
201 - Index, 'Papers in volume eighty nine' by The Royal Society
Expand 202 - Paper, 'Longitude of Dunkirk and Paris from Greenwich, deduced from the triangular measurement in 1787 and 1788, supposing the earth to be an ellipsoid' by Isaac Dalby202 - Paper, 'Longitude of Dunkirk and Paris from Greenwich, deduced from the triangular measurement in 1787 and 1788, supposing the earth to be an ellipsoid' by Isaac Dalby
Expand 203 - Paper, 'Effects of the lightning at Wingham and Deal in Kent of the 23 December 1790' by William Boys203 - Paper, 'Effects of the lightning at Wingham and Deal in Kent of the 23 December 1790' by William Boys
204 - Paper, 'On the method of determining, from the real probabilities of life, the value of a contingent reversion, in which three lives are involved in the surviorship' by William Morgan
205 - Paper, 'A new method of investigating the sums of infinite series' by Samuel Vince
206 - Letter, 'Description of a fire-ball' from Hugh Davies to the Royal Society
207 - Paper, 'Description of a fish in the St Lawrence river' by C Inglis
208 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept in 1790 at Lyndon' by Thomas Barker
Expand 209 - Paper, 'Description of a simple micrometer for measuring small angles with the telescope' by Tiberius Cavallo209 - Paper, 'Description of a simple micrometer for measuring small angles with the telescope' by Tiberius Cavallo
210 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations to investigate the composition of James's powder' by George Pearson
211 - Paper, 'Account of some chemical experiments on tabasheer' by James Louis Macie
Expand 212 - Paper, 'A second paper on hygrometry' by Jean Andre De Luc212 - Paper, 'A second paper on hygrometry' by Jean Andre De Luc
213 - Paper, 'Of the immediate causes of muscular action [Croonian Lecture, November 1791]' by Matthew Baillie
214 - Paper, 'Account of the method of measuring distances by means of telescopes furnished with micrometers [Bakerian Lecture, 1791] by Tiberius Cavallo
Expand 215 - Paper, 'On the ring of Saturn' by William Herschel215 - Paper, 'On the ring of Saturn' by William Herschel
216 - Paper, 'Miscellaneous observations and account of a comet' by William Herschel
217 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations of the production of light from different bodies, by heat and attrition' by Thomas Wedgwood
218 - Letter, 'Experiments on heat' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks
219 - Letter, 'On the occurence of Lac Lunae' from Richard Hill Waring to Owen Salusbury Brereton
Expand 220 - Paper, 'A new suspension of the magnetic needle, intended for the discovery of minute quantities of magnetic attraction; also an air vane of great sensibility, with new experiments on the magentism of iron filings and brass' by Abraham Bennet220 - Paper, 'A new suspension of the magnetic needle, intended for the discovery of minute quantities of magnetic attraction; also an air vane of great sensibility, with new experiments on the magentism of iron filings and brass' by Abraham Bennet
221 - Register, 'Inaccurate list of authors and titles of papers in volume ninety' by The Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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