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Collapse LBO - Letter Book of the Royal Society: 'original' copiesLBO - Letter Book of the Royal Society: 'original' copies
Expand 1 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume I 1 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume I
Expand 2 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume II2 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume II
Expand 3 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume III3 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume III
Expand 4 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IV4 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IV
Expand 5 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume V5 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume V
Expand 6 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VI6 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VI
Expand 7 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume VII7 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VII
Expand 8 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VIII8 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VIII
Expand 9 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IX9 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IX
Expand 10 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume X10 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume X
Expand 11A - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume XI - Part 1 11A - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI - Part 1
Collapse 11B - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI  - Part 211B - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI - Part 2
1 - Copy letter from Edmond Halley to Caspar Neumann
2 - Copy letter from Caspar Neumann to Edmond Halley
Expand 3 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane 3 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane
Expand 4 - Copy letter from  N Witsen, Amsterdam, to Martin Lister4 - Copy letter from N Witsen, Amsterdam, to Martin Lister
5 - Copy letter from Owen Lloyd Secretary to the Philosophical Society at Dublin
6 - Copy letter from Thomas Molineux, Dublin
7 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane
8 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Richard Waller
9 - Copy letter from Dudley Cullum to John Evelin [Evelyn] Esq
10 - Copy extract of a letter from Owen Lloyd at Dublin
11 - Copy extract of a letter from Ar. Rawdon
12 - Copy letter from Thomas Kirke, Cookridge, Yorkshire
13 - Copy second letter from thomas Kirke, Cookridge, Yorkshire
14 - Copy Postscript of a letter from Warrington, Northamptonshire
15 - Copy letter being an Anatomical Observation
16 - Copy letter from Richard Warwick
17 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford
18 - Copy letter from Frederico Slave
19 - Copy letter from Richard Waller Richard Townley of Townley in Lancashire
20 - Copy letter from Richard Waller to Owen Lloyd
21 - Copy letter from Richard Waller to John Wallis
22 - Copy letter from St George Ashe, Dublin, to Sir Robert Southwell
23 - Copy account from C.G., Dublin
24 - Copy letter from Richard Waller to John Davys at Little Leake
25 - Copy letter from A Lickly to George Garden from Aberdeen in Scotland
26 - Copy letter from Richard Waller to John Wallis
27 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Richard Waller
28 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane to Domenico Bottoni
29 - Copy letter from John Wallis
30 - Copy letter from Robert Vanes of Kilkenny in Ireland
31 - Copy letter from Abraham Cyprianus, Amsterdam, to Dr Sylvestre
32 - Copy letter from Silvester Bonfiliolus to Richard Waller
33 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane to Philip Jacobo Hartmann
34 - Copy letter from John Aubry to Sir John Hoskyns
35 - Copy letter from Stephen Gray, Canterbury
36 - Copy letter from the Bishop of Cloynes to Edmond Halley
37 - Copy letter from Martin Martini from Edinburgh to David Gregory Professor of Astronomy
38 - Copy letter from George Lewis from Fort George
39 - Copy letter from Edmond Halley, Chester
40 - Copy letter from Benjamin Bullivant to James Petiver
41 - Copy letter from Philippus Jacobus Hartmanus
42 - Copy letter from Hans Sloane to Dr Hartmann
43 - Copy letter from Antoni van Leuwenhock
44 - Copy letter from Sir Robert Sibbald to Martin Lister
45 - Copy letter from Mr Lock
46 - Copy letter from Edmond Halley, Chester
47 - Copy letter from Stephen Gray
48 - Copy letter from Mr Molineux to Hans Sloane
49 - Copy letter from Nicolaus Witsen
50 - Copy letter written in the Molucco Islands to Nicolaus Witsen
51 - Copy letter from one other person from Banda to the same Burgomaster [Nicolaus Witsen]
52 - Copy letter from another person in Banda to the Burgomaster [ Nicolaus Witsen]
53 - Copy letter from the molucco Islands to the Burgomaster [Nicolaus Witsen]
54 - Copy letter from John Wallis
55 - Copy letter from Edward Lindi, Oxford, to Christopher Hommer
56 - Copy letter from George Garden, Aberdeen
57 - Copy letter from Mr Lloyd, Dublin
58 - Copy letter from John Aubry to Edmond Halley
59 - Copy of letter from Robert St Clair
60 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford
61 - Copy letter from Thomas Smith to Robert Hook
62 - Copy letter from Dominus Gulielmus MD to the Royal Society
63 - Copy letter from Mr Coles, Bristol, to Sir Robert Southwell
64 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Edmond Halley
65 - Copy letter from John Wallis to Edmond Halley
66 - Copy letter from Mr Wolton, Albury, to Dr Robinson
67 - Copy letter from Hippolitus Abbas Fornazarius to the Royal Society
68 - Copy letter from C. Morley, St Ives, to Bernard Connor
69 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford
70 - Copy letter from R. P. Vicar of Kildwick Yorkshire to a friend of his in those parts
71 - Copy letter from Richard Waller, London, to Sylvestro Bonfiliolo
72 - Copy letter from Jean Cassini, Paris, to the Royal Society
73 - Copy letter from John Ray FRS to Hans Sloane
74 - Copy letter from Nathaniel Bartlett of Wareham in Dorset to the Royal Society
75 - Copy letter from John Walllis, Oxford, to Hans Sloane
76 - Copy letter from Dr Richardson
77 - Copy of part of a letter to the Royal Society
78 - Copy of part of a letter from Herefordshire to t he Royal Society
79 - Copy of part of a letter from Ralph Thoresby, Leeds, to Martin Lister
80 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Hans Sloane
81 - Copy letter from Mr Haxthausen, Berlin
82 - Copy letter from Mr Anthoni Van Leeuwenhoeck
83 - Copy letter from Philippus Jacobus Hartman to Hans Sloane
84 - Copy letter from Edmond Halley, Chester, to Hans Sloane
85 - Copy letter from RalphThoresby, Leeds, to Martin Lister
86 - Copy letter from Ralph Thoresby, Leeds, to Thomas Gale Dean of York
87 - Copy letter from Sir Robert Sibbald to Martin Lister
88 - Copy of an [anonymous] letter to Thomas Gale
89 - Copy letter from Robert Clark to Martin Lister
90 - Copy letter from George Dampier to William Dampier his brother
91 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Hans Sloane
92 - Copy letter from William Derham Rector of Upminster to Hans Sloan
93 - Copy letter from Monsieur De Tournay, Bern, to the Royal Society
94 - Copy letter from Mr Stephen Gray, Canterbury
95 - Copy letter from Govard Bidloe [Bidloo] to Edward Southwell
96 - Copy letter from Jean Cassini to the Royal Society
97 - Copy letter communicated by Mr Martin to the Royal Society
98 - Copy letter from Robert Thompson, Port Royal, to Nehemiah Grew
99 - Copy letter from Dr Molineux, Dublin
100 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Hans Sloane
101 - Copy letter from Edmond Halley
102 - Copy letter from William Derham to Hans Sloane
103 - Copyletter from the Hugh Jones, Maryland, to Benjamin Woodruff
104 - Copy of a letter from Stephanus de Playtus to Dr Sloan [Sloane]
105 - Copy letter from Mr Dale from Braintree, Essex, to Martin Lister
106 - Copy letter from Ferdinand du Santinellus, Venice, to the Royal Society
107 - Copy letter from Stephen Gray, Canterbury
108 - Copy letter from William Musgrave to Hans Sloan [Sloane]
109 - Copy letter from Dominicus Bottonus, Messana, to Hans Sloane
110 - Copy etter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Sir John Blencow
111 - Copy letter from Eilliam Musgrave, Exeter, to Hans Sloane
112 - Copy letter from Raymundus Vieusiens, Montpelier, to Hans Sloane
113 - Copy letter from Raymundus Vieussens, Montpelier, to the Royal Society
114 - Copy letter from Antoni van Lewenhoek, London
115 - Copy letter from Raymundus Vieussens, Montpelier
116 - Copy letter from Raymundus Vieussens, Montpelier, to the Royal Society
117 - Copy etter from Nicolaus Witsen, Amsterdam
118 - Copy letter from Christopher Pitt
119 - Copy letter from Dr Cay, Newcastle, to Martin Lister
120 - Copy etter from Raymundus Vieussens, Montpelier, to the Royal Society
121 - Copy letter from Jean Cassini, Paris, to Hans Sloane
122 - Copy letter from Franciscus Spoletus to Hans Sloane
123 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Hans Sloane
124 - Copy letter from Mr Stepny, Berlin, to Hans Sloane
125 - Copy part of a letter from Mr Tounerfeild to Martin Lister
126 - Copyletter from John Wallis Oxford, to Hans Sloane
127 - Copy letter from Consul Hugh Broughton, Venice, to Hans Hans Sloan [Sloane]
128 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Thomas Beverly
129 - Copy letter from Charles Preston, Edinburgh, to Hans Sloan [Sloane]
130 - Copy letter from Nicolaus Witsen, Amsterdam, to Martin Lister
131 - Copy letter from Georgius Baglinus, Rome, to the Royal Society
132 - Copy letter from Dr Gay, Newcastle, to Hans Sloan [Sloane]
Expand 12 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XII12 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XII
Expand 13 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIII13 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIII
Expand 14 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIV14 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIV
Expand 15 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XV15 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XV
Expand 16 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVI16 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVI
17 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVII
Expand 18 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVIII18 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVIII
Expand 19 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIX19 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIX
Expand 20 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XX20 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XX
Expand 21 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXI21 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXI
Expand 22 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXII22 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXII
Expand 23 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIII23 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIII
Expand 24 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIV24 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIV
Expand 25 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXV25 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXV
Expand 26 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXVI26 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXVI
Expand 27 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 1 - Letters A - B27 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 1 - Letters A - B
Expand 28 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 2 - Letters B - C28 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 2 - Letters B - C
Expand 29 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 3 - Letters D - G29 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 3 - Letters D - G
Expand 30 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 4 - Letters G - H30 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 4 - Letters G - H
Expand 31 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 5 - Letters H - S31 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 5 - Letters H - S

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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