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Collapse MDA - Modern Domestic ArchivesMDA - Modern Domestic Archives
Collapse A - Correspondence of Presidents and Officers of the Royal SocietyA - Correspondence of Presidents and Officers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale A-J1 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale A-J
Expand 2 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale - K-R2 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale - K-R
Expand 3 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale S-Z3 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale S-Z
Expand 4 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale during his term as President of the Royal Society4 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale during his term as President of the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale, miscellaneous5 - Correspondence of Sir Henry Dale, miscellaneous
Expand 6 - Copy of Frederick William Lanchester's paper, 'Relativity and radiation' and two associated letters6 - Copy of Frederick William Lanchester's paper, 'Relativity and radiation' and two associated letters
Expand 7 - Correspondence of Henry George Lyons, regarding the history of the Royal Society7 - Correspondence of Henry George Lyons, regarding the history of the Royal Society
Expand 8 - General correspondence8 - General correspondence
Expand 9 - Correspondence of William Henry Bragg9 - Correspondence of William Henry Bragg
Expand 10 - Correspondence of William Henry Bragg10 - Correspondence of William Henry Bragg
Expand 11 - Correspondence relating to the death and memorial service of William Henry Bragg11 - Correspondence relating to the death and memorial service of William Henry Bragg
Expand 12 - Correspondence of Robert Robinson12 - Correspondence of Robert Robinson
Expand 13 - Correspondence of Robert Robinson13 - Correspondence of Robert Robinson
Expand 14 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton14 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton
Expand 15 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton15 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton
Expand 16 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton16 - Correspondence of Thomas Ralph Merton
Expand 17 - Correspondence of Alfred Charles Egerton17 - Correspondence of Alfred Charles Egerton
18 - Correspondence of A C G Egerton
19 - Correspondence of A C G Egerton
Expand 20 - Correspondence between Alfred Charles Glynn Egerton and H L Penfold concerning a universal system of weights and measures20 - Correspondence between Alfred Charles Glynn Egerton and H L Penfold concerning a universal system of weights and measures
Expand 21 - Correspondence of Henry George Lyons21 - Correspondence of Henry George Lyons
Expand 22 - Correspondence of Albert Charles Seward, Foreign Secretary22 - Correspondence of Albert Charles Seward, Foreign Secretary
Expand 23 - Correspondence of Henry Thomas Tizard23 - Correspondence of Henry Thomas Tizard
Expand 24 - Correspondence of A V Hill, A-C [by name of correspondent]24 - Correspondence of A V Hill, A-C [by name of correspondent]
Collapse 25 - Correspondence of A V Hill, D-H25 - Correspondence of A V Hill, D-H
Collapse 1 - Correspondence, Henry Dale - 'Demobilisation'1 - Correspondence, Henry Dale - 'Demobilisation'
1 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
2 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
3 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
4 - Note from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
5 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
6 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
7 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
8 - Note from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
9 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
10 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
11 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Henry Dale
12 - Letter from Captain G C C Damant, United Services Club, Pall Mall W1, to A V Hill
13 - Letter from A V Hill to Captain G C C Damant, United Services Club, Pall Mall SW1
14 - Letter from A V Hill to Count Reventlow, Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street SW1
15 - Letter from Count Reventlow, Danish Legation, 29 Pont Street SW1, to A V Hill
16 - Letter from J F Danielli, Society for Experimental Biology, to A V Hill
17 - Letter from A V Hill to J F Danielli [of the Society for Experimental Biology], Dept of Zoology, Cambridge
18 - Note from the secretary for A V Hill to J F Danielli [of the Society for Experimental Biology]
19 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Charles Darwin of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington Middlesex
20 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Charles Darwin of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington Middlesex
21 - Letter from C G Darwin, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, to A V Hill
22 - Letter from A V Hill to B Davison, 25 Victoria Street, SW1
23 - Letter from B Davison, of Davison Whitehead consulting engineers, 25 Victoria Street, Westminster, to A V Hill, 16 Bishopswood Road, London N6
24 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
25 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
26 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
27 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
28 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
29 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
30 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
31 - Note from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
32 - Note from A V Hill to [various members of Council]
33 - Letter from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
34 - Letter from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
35 - Letter from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
36 - Letter from A V Hill to Griffith Davies
37 - Letter from J D Griffith Davies to A V Hill
38 - Letter from Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, to members of the Scientific Relief Fund Committee
39 - Letter from A V Hill to J D Griffith Davies
40 - Statement of the case of Charles Chamberlain Hurst
41 - Letter from A V Hill to Sir Daniel Hall
42 - Note from A V Hill to D R Pye, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Thames House, Millibank, SW1
43 - Letter from E R Davies, Kodak Limited, the works, Harrow, Middlesex, to A V Hill, Secretary of the Royal Society
44 - Letter from E R Davies, Kodak Limited, to the editors of Nature, St Martin's Court, WC2
45 - Letter from A V Hill to E R Davies, Kodak Limited
46 - Letter from A V Hill to E V Appleton, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex
47 - Letter from E V Appleton, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, to A V Hill
48 - Letter from A V Hill to H R Dean, Dept of Pathology, University of Cambridge
49 - Letter from A V Hill to Delafield, London School of Hygiene, Keppel Street WC1
50 - Letter from A V Hill to R Delafons, 15 Woodford Road, E11
51 - Letter from R Delafons, 15 Woodford Road, E11, to A V Hill
52 - Letter from A V Hill to J H G Lebon, Woodlands, Helsby, Cheshire
53 - Letter from M Cecily Lebon to A V Hill
54 - Letter from M Cecily Lebon to A V Hill
2 - Correspondence, 'Denmark'
3 - Correspondence, Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research
4 - Correspondence of A V Hill, C H Desch - S N Duth
5 - Correspondence of A V Hill, A L Easterman - 'Endeavour'
6 - Correspondence and reports, 'Enemy periodicals project'
7 - Correspondence of A V Hill, 'Engineering' - R F Ewer
Expand 8 - Correspondence of A V Hill about A C Faberge8 - Correspondence of A V Hill about A C Faberge
9 - Correspondence of A V Hill, Viscount Falmouth - Francis Freemantle
10 - Correspondence of A V Hill, 'French Scientific Office' - J F Fulton
Expand 11 - Correspondence of A V Hill, J H Gaddum - Arthur Geddes11 - Correspondence of A V Hill, J H Gaddum - Arthur Geddes
12 - Correspondence of A V Hill and Jnan Chandra Ghosh
13 - Correspondence of A V Hill, 'Globe Agency' - Gusev
14 - Correspondence of A V Hill and H L Guy
15 - Correspondence of A V Hill, O V Guy - W E Gye
Expand 16 - Correspondence of A V Hill, L Haden-Guest to J H Hildebrand16 - Correspondence of A V Hill, L Haden-Guest to J H Hildebrand
17 - Poem [written by A V Hill], entitiled 'Backroom boys,' about scientists involved in war research
Expand 18 - Correspondence of A V Hill, Arthur Hill - G Horner18 - Correspondence of A V Hill, Arthur Hill - G Horner
19 - Correspondence with the Hosa Research Laboratories
20 - Housing production correspondence
21 - Correspondence of A V Hill, B A Houssay - Akbar Hydari
Expand 26 - Correspondence of A V Hill, H-M26 - Correspondence of A V Hill, H-M
Expand 27 - Correspondence of A V Hill, N-S27 - Correspondence of A V Hill, N-S
Expand 28 - Correspondence of A V Hill, S-Z28 - Correspondence of A V Hill, S-Z
Expand B - Council documents of the Royal SocietyB - Council documents of the Royal Society
Expand C - Papers relating to funds, trusts and grants of the Royal SocietyC - Papers relating to funds, trusts and grants of the Royal Society
Expand D - Papers relating to administration of Royal Society medalsD - Papers relating to administration of Royal Society medals
E - Papers relating to Royal Society lectures
Expand F - Correspondence and papers relating to the British Empire Exhibition F - Correspondence and papers relating to the British Empire Exhibition
Expand G - Papers relating to the Royal Society's Library and its collectionsG - Papers relating to the Royal Society's Library and its collections
Expand H - Correspondence relating to histories and objects of the Royal SocietyH - Correspondence relating to histories and objects of the Royal Society
Expand J - Correspondence regarding buildings and estates associated with the Royal SocietyJ - Correspondence regarding buildings and estates associated with the Royal Society
Expand K - Correspondence and minutes of the Central RegisterK - Correspondence and minutes of the Central Register
Expand L - Personnel files on Royal Society staffL - Personnel files on Royal Society staff
Expand M - Correspondence and papers on Royal Family matters M - Correspondence and papers on Royal Family matters

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
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