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Collapse WF - The Wolfson Foundation archiveWF - The Wolfson Foundation archive
1 - Grant application from Norwood Home for Jewish Children to the Wolfson Foundation
2 - Grant application from the New Bridge (Association of Friends of the Discharged Prisoner) to the Wolfson Foundation
3 - Grant application from the Oxford Historic Building Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
4 - Grant application from Oxford Playhouse Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation
5 - Grant application from The Old Vic Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation
6 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation for Chair in Metallurgy
7 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation for Metallurgy research fellow
8 - Grant application from The Paraplegic Sports Endowment Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
9 - Grant application from the Hugh Gaitskell Memorial Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
10 - Grant application from the Hospital for Jewish Incurables to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11 - Grant applications from I CAN to the Wolfson Foundation 11 - Grant applications from I CAN to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 12 - Grant applications from Italian Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation 12 - Grant applications from Italian Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
13 - Grant application from Jewish Association to Aid Backward Children to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 14 - Grant applications from the Jewish Board of Guardians to the Wolfson Foundation  14 - Grant applications from the Jewish Board of Guardians to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 15 - Grant applications from Donisthorpe Hall to the Wolfson Foundation 15 - Grant applications from Donisthorpe Hall to the Wolfson Foundation
16 - Grant application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 17 - Grant applications from Jewish Deaf Association to the Wolfson Foundation 17 - Grant applications from Jewish Deaf Association to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 18 - Grant applications from Jewish Lads & Girls Brigade to the Wolfson Foundation 18 - Grant applications from Jewish Lads & Girls Brigade to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 19 - Grant applications from the Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation19 - Grant applications from the Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 20 - Grant applications from neurosurgeon Mr A M Hastin Bennett to the Wolfson Foundation20 - Grant applications from neurosurgeon Mr A M Hastin Bennett to the Wolfson Foundation
21 - Grant applications from the Justice Educational and Research Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
22 - Grant application from the Royal National Institute for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
23 - Grant application from The Royal Institution of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 24 - Grant applications from The Royal Geographical Society to the Wolfson Foundation24 - Grant applications from The Royal Geographical Society to the Wolfson Foundation
25 - Grant application from the The Essex Association for the Welfare of the Physically Handicapped to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 26 - Grant applications from Brady Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation26 - Grant applications from Brady Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
27 - Grant application from The Bridge to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 28 - Grant applications from The Caldecott Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation28 - Grant applications from The Caldecott Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
29 - Grant application from The Dickens Fellowship to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 30 - Grant applications from Jew's Temporary Shelter to the Wolfson Foundation30 - Grant applications from Jew's Temporary Shelter to the Wolfson Foundation
31 - Grant application from JFS Secondary School to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 32 - Grant applications from The Royal College of Surgeons of England to the Wolfson Foundation32 - Grant applications from The Royal College of Surgeons of England to the Wolfson Foundation
33 - Grant application from Cheshire Homes to the Wolfson Foundation
34 - Grant application from the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association to the Wolfson Foundation
35 - Grant application from Cambridge Arts Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation
36 - Grant application from to the Wolfson Foundation Barts and the London
Expand 37 - Grant applications from the Union of Maccabi Associations to the Wolfson Foundation37 - Grant applications from the Union of Maccabi Associations to the Wolfson Foundation
38 - Grant application from United Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 40 - Grant applications from The British Institute of International and Comparative Law to the Wolfson Foundation40 - Grant applications from The British Institute of International and Comparative Law to the Wolfson Foundation
41 - Grant application from the Institute of Criminology to the Wolfson Foundation
42 - Grant application from University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 43 - Grant applications from Mr Wylie McKissock to the Wolfson Foundation43 - Grant applications from Mr Wylie McKissock to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 44 - Grant applications from the Variety Club of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation44 - Grant applications from the Variety Club of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 45 - Grant applications from Waterford Kamhlaba School to the Wolfson Foundation45 - Grant applications from Waterford Kamhlaba School to the Wolfson Foundation
46 - Grant application from St John's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
47 - Grant application from the Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
48 - Grant application from Victoria Settlement Everton to the Wolfson Foundation
49 - Grant application from Council of the Order of St John to the Wolfson Foundation
50 - Grant application from West Ham Boys' Club to the Wolfson Foundation
51 - Grant application from Women's Farm & Garden Association to the Wolfson Foundation
52 - Grant application from Atlantic College to the Wolfson Foundation
53 - Grant application from Bevis Marks Synagogue, London, to the Wolfson Foundation
54 - Grant application from St Mary-Le-Bow church to the Wolfson Foundation
55 - Grant application from Langdale Mountain Rescue Team to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 56 - Grant applications from London Jewish Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation56 - Grant applications from London Jewish Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
57 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
58 - Grant application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
59 - Grant application from Guy's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
60 - Grant application from The Royal Ballet School to the Wolfson Foundation
61A - Grant application from the Tubby Clayton Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
61B - Grant application from Old Talbot House to the Wolfson Foundation
62 - Grant application from British Council for the Welfare of Spastics to the Wolfson Foundation
63 - Grant application from the Queen's Park Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
64 - Grant application from the Government of Sarawak to the Wolfson Foundation
65 - Grant application from The Stanton Guildhouse Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
66 - Grant application from Kudat Youth Club, Malaysia to the Wolfson Foundation
67 - Grant application from Army Cadet Force Association to the Wolfson Foundation
68 - Grant application from Brigade of Gurkhas to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 69 - Grant applications from The Crofters Commission to the Wolfson Foundation69 - Grant applications from The Crofters Commission to the Wolfson Foundation
70 - Grant application from Jairus Jiri to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 71 - Grant applications from The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust to the Wolfson Foundation71 - Grant applications from The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
72 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
73 - Grant application from British Dental Association to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 74 - Grant applications from The National Playing Fields Association to the Wolfson Foundation74 - Grant applications from The National Playing Fields Association to the Wolfson Foundation
75 - Grant application from Westminster Hospital School of Nursing to the Wolfson Foundation
76 - Grant application from Cumberland Lodge (St Catherine's Foundation) to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 77 - Grant applications from Carmel College to the Wolfson Foundation 77 - Grant applications from Carmel College to the Wolfson Foundation
78A - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
78B - Grant application from Central Council for District Nursing to the Wolfson Foundation
79 - Grant application from the Jewish Marriage Education Council to the Wolfson Foundation
80 - Grant application from Michael Wallace, Leprosy Mission to the Wolfson Foundation
81 - Grant application from The British Institute of Persian Studies to the Wolfson Foundation
82 - Grant application from National Playing Fields Association to the Wolfson Foundation
83 - Grant application from Manor Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 84 - Grant applications from the University of Birmingham (United Birmingham Hospitals) to the Wolfson Foundation for Travelling Fellowships in psychiatry84 - Grant applications from the University of Birmingham (United Birmingham Hospitals) to the Wolfson Foundation for Travelling Fellowships in psychiatry
85 - Grant application from the Ballet Minerva to the Wolfson Foundation
86 - Grant application from Buckets & Spades Jewish Home for Mentally Handicapped Children to the Wolfson Foundation
87 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
88 - Grant application from The Association of Jewish Youth to the Wolfson Foundation
89 - Grant application from the B'nai B'rith Housing Society to the Wolfson Foundation
90 - Grant application from the Adeline Genee Theatre Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
91 - Grant application from Alder Hey Children's Hospital Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 92 - Grant applications from Society of Friends of Jewish Refugees to the Wolfson Foundation92 - Grant applications from Society of Friends of Jewish Refugees to the Wolfson Foundation
93 - Grant application from New Hall, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
94 - Grant application from the British Commonwealth Ex-Services League to the Wolfson Foundation
95 - Grant application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
96 - Grant application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
97 - Grant application from The Harlequin Ballet Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
98 - Grant application from Belfast Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 99 - Grant applications from The Camphill Village Trust to the Wolfson Foundation 99 - Grant applications from The Camphill Village Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
100 - Grant application from Canterbury Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
101 - Grant application from City of London Festival 1964 to the Wolfson Foundation
102 - Commonwealth Society for the Deaf
Expand 103 - Commonwealth Society for the Deaf103 - Commonwealth Society for the Deaf
104 - Grant application from Commonwealth Society for the Deaf to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 105 - Grant applications from Reali School, Haifa, to the Wolfson Foundation 105 - Grant applications from Reali School, Haifa, to the Wolfson Foundation
106 - Grant application from St Andrew's Hospital, Dollis Hill to the Wolfson Foundation
107 - Grant application from the Convalescent Police Seaside Home to the Wolfson Foundation
108 - Grant application from Cottage Homes to the Wolfson Foundation
109 - Grant application from the Crofters Commission to the Wolfson Foundation
110 - Grant application from the Deptford Central Methodist Mission to the Wolfson Foundation
111 - Grant application from the Dockland Settlement Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
112 - Grant application from the Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria to the Wolfson Foundation
113 - Grant application from the Audubon House Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
114 - Grant application from Clifton College Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
115 - Grant application from the Anglo-Israeli Underwater Archaeological Expedition to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 116 - Grant applications from Association of Sea and Air Port Health to the Wolfson Foundation 116 - Grant applications from Association of Sea and Air Port Health to the Wolfson Foundation
117 - Grant application from Atkinson Morley's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
118 - Grant application from Elvina de Rothschild School, Jerusalem, to the Wolfson Foundation
119 - Grant application from Esrath Nashim Mental Hospital, Jerusalem, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 120 - Grant applications from Australian Postgraduate Foundation in Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation 120 - Grant applications from Australian Postgraduate Foundation in Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
121 - Grant application from University of Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho to the Wolfson Foundation
122 - Grant application from Boy Scouts Association to the Wolfson Foundation
123 - Grant application from British Association for the Advancement of Science to the Wolfson Foundation
124 - Grant application from Jewish Home and Hospital,Tottenham to the Wolfson Foundation
125 - Grant application from Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets to the Wolfson Foundation
126 - Grant application from Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Foundation
127 - Grant application from The Gladstone Diaries to the Wolfson Foundation
128 - Grant application from Homer Lane Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
129 - Grant application from Captain Liddell Hart to the Wolfson Foundation
130 - Grant application from Glasgow Jewish Day School to the Wolfson Foundation
131 - Grant application from University of Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
132 - Grant application from the Invalid Children's Aid Association to the Wolfson Foundation
133 - Grant application from Ilford Youth Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
134 - Grant application from Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 135 - Grant applications from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation135 - Grant applications from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
136 - Grant application from The Horder Centres for Arthritics to the Wolfson Foundation
137 - Grant application from Guy's Hospital, Medical and Dental Schools to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 138 - Grant applications from King George's Fund for Sailors to the Wolfson Foundation138 - Grant applications from King George's Fund for Sailors to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 139 - Grant applications from the Army Benevolent Fund to the Wolfson Foundation139 - Grant applications from the Army Benevolent Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 140 - Grant applications from the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation140 - Grant applications from the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 141 - Grant applications from Inverliever Lodge Trust to the Wolfson Foundation141 - Grant applications from Inverliever Lodge Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 142 - Grant applications from the Institute of Psychiatry to the Wolfson Foundation142 - Grant applications from the Institute of Psychiatry to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 143 - Grant applications from the Institute of Diseases of the Chest to the Wolfson Foundation143 - Grant applications from the Institute of Diseases of the Chest to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 144 - Grant applications from Jewish Care to the Wolfson Foundation144 - Grant applications from Jewish Care to the Wolfson Foundation
145A - Grant application from the National Deaf Children's Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 145B - Grant applications from the Jewish Blind Society to the Wolfson Foundation145B - Grant applications from the Jewish Blind Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 146 - Grant application from Kosher Meals on Wheels to the Wolfson Foundation146 - Grant application from Kosher Meals on Wheels to the Wolfson Foundation
147 - Grant application from Lagos University Teaching Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 148 - Grant applications from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation148 - Grant applications from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 149 - Grant applications from the Liverpool Medical Institution to the Wolfson Foundation149 - Grant applications from the Liverpool Medical Institution to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 150 - Grant applications from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation150 - Grant applications from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
151 - Grant application from Evelyn B Franks to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 152 - Grant applications from the Blond McIndoe Centre to the Wolfson Foundation152 - Grant applications from the Blond McIndoe Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 153 - Grant applications from Le Court Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation153 - Grant applications from Le Court Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
154 - Grant application from the British Council of the European Movement to the Wolfson Foundation
155 - Grant application from The London Symphony Orchestra to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 156 - Grant applications from the Masada Archaeological Project to the Wolfson Foundation156 - Grant applications from the Masada Archaeological Project to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 157 - Grant applications from the National Army Museum to the Wolfson Foundation157 - Grant applications from the National Army Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
158 - Grant application from the National Association for Friends of Ravenswood to the Wolfson Foundation
159 - Grant application from the National Electronics Research Council to the Wolfson Foundation
160 - Grant application from the Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 161 - Grant applications from Organisation Rehabilitation Training to the Wolfson Foundation161 - Grant applications from Organisation Rehabilitation Training to the Wolfson Foundation
162 - Grant application from the Research Laboratory for Archaeology, University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 163 - Grant applications from St Catherine's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation163 - Grant applications from St Catherine's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 164 - Grant applications from St Anne's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation164 - Grant applications from St Anne's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
165 - Grant application from St Hilda's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 166 - Grant applications from Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for The Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation166 - Grant applications from Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for The Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
167 - Grant application from the Rambam Medical Center, Haifa to the Wolfson Foundation
168 - Grant application from the British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
169 - Grant application from the Royal Air Forces Association to the Wolfson Foundation
170 - Grant application from the Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 171 - Grant applications from the Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation171 - Grant applications from the Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 172 - Grant applications from The Royal Geographical Society to the Wolfson Foundation172 - Grant applications from The Royal Geographical Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 173 - Grant applications from Royal Life-Saving Society to the Wolfson Foundation 173 - Grant applications from Royal Life-Saving Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 174 - Grant applications from Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) to the Wolfson Foundation 174 - Grant applications from Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) to the Wolfson Foundation
176 - Grant application from St John's Smith Square to the Wolfson Foundation
177 - Grant application from St Loyes Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
178 - Grant application from the Royal National Institute of the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
179 - Grant application from the National Council of Women to the Wolfson Foundation
180 - Grant application from the National Institute for the Deaf to the Wolfson Foundation
181 - Grant application from the School for Physically Handicapped Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
182 - Grant application from Port Elizabeth Sports Stadium to the Wolfson Foundation
183 - Grant application from the Israel Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
184a - Grant application from the Scottish Epilepsy Association to the Wolfson Foundation
184b - Grant applications from the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Charitable Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
185 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
186 - Grant application from the Central Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
187 - Grant application from Balliol College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
188 - Grant application from Jewish Homes for the Aged to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 189 - Grant applications from The New Zealand Postgraduate Medical Federation to the Wolfson Foundation189 - Grant applications from The New Zealand Postgraduate Medical Federation to the Wolfson Foundation
190 - Grant application from St Anne's Boys' Club, Nottingham, to the Wolfson Foundation
191 - Grant application from the Order of Charity to the Wolfson Foundation
192 - Grant application from the Liverpool Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 193 - Grant applications from University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation193 - Grant applications from University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
194 - Grant application from Theatre Group 20 to the Wolfson Foundation
195 - Grant application from British Tay Sachs Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
196 - Grant application from the Hand Craft Advisory Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
197 - Grant application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
198 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 199 - Grant applications from the Scottish National Institute for the War Blinded to the Wolfson Foundation 199 - Grant applications from the Scottish National Institute for the War Blinded to the Wolfson Foundation
200 - Grant application from Shakespeare Exhibition, 1964, to the Wolfson Foundation
201 - Grant application from Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, Jerusalem, to the Wolfson Foundation
202 - Grant application from Spastic Children's Association of Singapore to the Wolfson Foundation
203 - Grant application from University College Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to the Wolfson Foundation
204 - Grant application from The Shaftesbury Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 205 - Grant applications from University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation205 - Grant applications from University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
206 - Grant application from The Star and Garter Home to the Wolfson Foundation
207 - Grant application from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, to the Wolfson Foundation
208 - Grant application from Voluntary Service Overseas to the Wolfson Foundation
209 - Grant application from Tibooburra Bush Children's Hostel to the Wolfson Foundation
210 - Grant application from Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
211 - Grant application from University of the West Indies to the Wolfson Foundation
212 - Grant application from University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
213 - Grant application from Westminster Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
214 - Grant application from The University of Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
215 - Grant application from University College Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
216 - Grant application from Westminster Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
217 - Grant application from The Charles Hastings Education Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
218 - Grant application from Welsh Nursing College Cardiff to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 219 - Grant applications from Institute of Child Health to the Wolfson Foundation 219 - Grant applications from Institute of Child Health to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 220 - Grant applications from Duke of Edinburgh's Award to the Wolfson Foundation220 - Grant applications from Duke of Edinburgh's Award to the Wolfson Foundation
221 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
222 - Grant application from British Empire Cancer Research Campaign to the Wolfson Foundation
223 - Grant application from Jewish Youth Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
224 - Grant application from the National Society for Mentally Handicapped to the Wolfson Foundation
225 - Grant application from St Edmund Hall, Oxford, to the Wolfson Foundation
226 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
227 - Grant application from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 228 - Grant applications from Somerville College, Oxford, to the Wolfson Foundation228 - Grant applications from Somerville College, Oxford, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 229 - Grant applications from the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability to the Wolfson Foundation229 - Grant applications from the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability to the Wolfson Foundation
230 - Grant application from South Manchester Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
231 - Grant application from World Jewish Congress to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 232 - Grant applications from Youth Aliyah to the Wolfson Foundation232 - Grant applications from Youth Aliyah to the Wolfson Foundation
233 - Grant application from Glasgow Royal Infirmary to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 234 - Grant applications from Institute of Economic Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation234 - Grant applications from Institute of Economic Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 235 - Grant applications from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation 235 - Grant applications from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 236 - Grant applications from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation236 - Grant applications from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 237 - Grant applications from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation237 - Grant applications from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 238 - Grant applications from King Edward VII's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation238 - Grant applications from King Edward VII's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 239 - Grant applications from Wiener Library to the Wolfson Foundation 239 - Grant applications from Wiener Library to the Wolfson Foundation
240 - Grant application from Wilberforce Home for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 241 - Grant applications from Yehudi Menuhin School to the Wolfson Foundation241 - Grant applications from Yehudi Menuhin School to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 242 - Grant applications from Institute of Strategic Studies to the Wolfson Foundation 242 - Grant applications from Institute of Strategic Studies to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 243 - Grant applications from Political and Economic Planning to the Wolfson Foundation243 - Grant applications from Political and Economic Planning to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 244 - Grant applications from Scottish Association of Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation244 - Grant applications from Scottish Association of Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
245 - Grant application from Latin Department, Birmingham University, to the Wolfson Foundation
246 - Grant application from Professor Michaelson to the Wolfson Foundation
247 - Grant application from Queen Mary's Hospital for Children to the Wolfson Foundation
248 - Grant application from University of Keele to the Wolfson Foundation
249 - Grant application from St George's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
250 - Grant application from Bromley Council of Social Services to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 251 - Grant applications from Newnham College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation251 - Grant applications from Newnham College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
252 - Grant application from St Hugh's College, Oxford, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 253 - Grant applications from Rothamsted Experimental Station to the Wolfson Foundation 253 - Grant applications from Rothamsted Experimental Station to the Wolfson Foundation
254 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
255 - Grant application from Seven Springs Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 256 - Grant applications from Stoke Mandeville Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation256 - Grant applications from Stoke Mandeville Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 257 - Grant applications from York Minster to the Wolfson Foundation 257 - Grant applications from York Minster to the Wolfson Foundation
258 - Grant application from Hechal Shlomo, Jerusalem, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 259 - Grant application from Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation259 - Grant application from Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 260 - Grant applications from Victoria League to the Wolfson Foundation 260 - Grant applications from Victoria League to the Wolfson Foundation
261 - Grant application from Drake's Island Adventure Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
262 - Grant application from Royal National College for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
263 - Grant application from Jewish Home for the Aged to the Wolfson Foundation
264 - Grant application from Police Dependants Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
265 - Grant application from Stoke Lyne Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
266 - Grant application from Czechoslovak Student Scholarship Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 267 - Grant applications from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation 267 - Grant applications from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
268 - Grant application from University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
269 - Grant application from University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
270 - Grant application from Churchill College, Cambridge, to the Wolfson Foundation
271 - Grant application from St Antony's College, Oxford, to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 272 - Grant applications from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Foundation272 - Grant applications from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Foundation
274 - Grant application from Institute of Dermatology to the Wolfson Foundation
275 - Grant application from University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 276 - Grant applications from Civic Trust to the Wolfson Foundation 276 - Grant applications from Civic Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
277 - Grant application from Midland Arts Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 278 - Grant applications from Assaf Harofeh Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation 278 - Grant applications from Assaf Harofeh Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
279 - Grant application from University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
280 - Grant application from Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
281 - Grant application from Grenville College to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 282 - Grant applications from Hampstead Child-Therapy Course & Clinic to the Wolfson Foundation 282 - Grant applications from Hampstead Child-Therapy Course & Clinic to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 283 - Grant applications from Royal Opera House to the Wolfson Foundation283 - Grant applications from Royal Opera House to the Wolfson Foundation
284 - Grant application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 285 - Grant applications from Minority Rights Group to the Wolfson Foundation285 - Grant applications from Minority Rights Group to the Wolfson Foundation
286 - Grant application from Walton Leigh Special Training School for Mentally Handicapped Children to the Wolfson Foundation
287 - Grant application from Institute of Jewish Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation
288 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
289 - Grant application from Girton College, Cambridge, to the Wolfson Foundation
290 - Grant application from Brigade Housing Association to the Wolfson Foundation
291 - Grant application from Brunswick Boys Club to the Wolfson Foundation
292 - Grant application from Moor House School to the Wolfson Foundation
293 - Grant application from University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
294 - Grant application from University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
295 - Grant application from University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 296 - Grant applications from Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation296 - Grant applications from Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation
297 - Grant application from World Wild Life Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
298 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
299 - Grant application St Luke's Nursing Home from to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 300 - Grant applications from The Zoological Society of London to the Wolfson Foundation300 - Grant applications from The Zoological Society of London to the Wolfson Foundation
301 - Grant application from University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
303 - Grant application from Project Spark to the Wolfson Foundation
304 - Grant application from University of Lancaster to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 305 - Grant applications from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Foundation305 - Grant applications from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Foundation
306 - Grant application from Oxford University Institute of Experimental Psychology to the Wolfson Foundation
307 - Grant application from Marlborough College 'A' Level Business Studies Project to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 308 - Grant applications from the Institute of Neurology to the Wolfson Foundation308 - Grant applications from the Institute of Neurology to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 309 - Grant applications from Worcester College to the Wolfson Foundation309 - Grant applications from Worcester College to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 310 - Grant applications from Samaritans to the Wolfson Foundation310 - Grant applications from Samaritans to the Wolfson Foundation
311 - Grant application from St Paul's Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
312 - Grant application from Grimsby Postgraduate Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
313 - Grant application from Redhill Postgraduate Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
314 - Grant application from American Dental Society of London to the Wolfson Foundation
315 - Grant application from Basildon Postgraduate Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
316 - Grant application from Nursing and Hospital Careers Information to the Wolfson Foundation
318 - Grant application from Burton Graduate Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 319 - Grant applications from Jerusalem Mental Health Centre to the Wolfson Foundation319 - Grant applications from Jerusalem Mental Health Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
320 - Grant application from St Antony's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 321 - Grant applications from The Royal Blind Asylum and School, Edimburgh to the Wolfson Foundation321 - Grant applications from The Royal Blind Asylum and School, Edimburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 322 - The Jerusalem Foundation322 - The Jerusalem Foundation
323 - Grant application from the Worcester County & City Homes for Disabled Servicemen to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 324 - Grant applications from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation324 - Grant applications from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
325 - Grant application from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Public Administration to the Wolfson Foundation
326 - Grant application from the PAR House Limited to the Wolfson Foundation
327 - Grant application from the Jewish Philanthropic Association for Israel and the Middle East to the Wolfson Foundation
328 - Grant application from St Christopher's Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
329 - Grant application from Jewish Old Age Home for Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
330 - Grant application from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to the Wolfson Foundation
331 - Grant application from the Oxford Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
332 - Grant application from Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for the Deaf to the Wolfson Foundation
333 - Grant application from St Antony's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
334 - Grant application from Barts and the London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 335 - Grant applications from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation335 - Grant applications from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 336 - Grant applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation336 - Grant applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
337 - Grant application from the Gillerthwaite Field Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
338 - Grant application from Salisbury Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
339 - Grant applications from Wolfson College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
340 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Foundation
341 - Grant application from Westfield College, London University to the Wolfson Foundation
342 - Grant application from the Institute of Psychiatry, Denmark Hill to the Wolfson Foundation
343 - Grant application from The Royal Agricultural Society to the Wolfson Foundation
344 - Grant application from The University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
345 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
346 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
347 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
348 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
349 - Grant application from the Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation
350 - Grant application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
351 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
352 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
353 - Grant application from St Martin-in-the-Fields Youth Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
354 - Grant application from The Mathematical Association to the Wolfson Foundation
355 - Grant application from Wolfson College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
356 - Grant application from King's School, Worcester to the Wolfson Foundation
357 - Grant application from Ben Zvi Memorial to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 358 - Grant applications from the Lister Institute to the Wolfson Foundation358 - Grant applications from the Lister Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
359 - Grant application from the University of Ulster, Coleraine to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 360 - Grant applications from the University of Wales, Lampeter to the Wolfson Foundation360 - Grant applications from the University of Wales, Lampeter to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 361 - Grant applications from the University of Durham to the Wolfson Foundation361 - Grant applications from the University of Durham to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 362 - Grant applications from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation362 - Grant applications from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
364 - Grant application from Chelsea College of Science & Technology to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 365 - Grant applications from Writers and Scholars International to the Wolfson Foundation365 - Grant applications from Writers and Scholars International to the Wolfson Foundation
366 - Grant application from Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation
367 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 368 - Grant applications from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation368 - Grant applications from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
369 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
370 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
371 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
373 - Grant application from the Jewish Philanthropic Association for Israel to the Wolfson Foundation
374 - Grant application from the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
375 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
376 - Grant application from the Manchester Salford and District Jewish Housing Association to the Wolfson Foundation
377 - Grant application from the American Council of Learned Societies to the Wolfson Foundation
378 - Grant application from Grants for Scholars to the Wolfson Foundation
379 - Grant application from the Royal Marines Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
380 - Grant application from The Lamp of Lothian Collegiate Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
381 - Grant application from the Anglo-Israel Archaeology Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 382 - Grant applications from the National Association for Gifted Children to the Wolfson Foundation382 - Grant applications from the National Association for Gifted Children to the Wolfson Foundation
383 - Grant application from the Royal Shakespeare Company to the Wolfson Foundation
384 - Grant application from the Westminster Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 385 - Grant applications from the Royal College of General Practitioners to the Wolfson Foundation385 - Grant applications from the Royal College of General Practitioners to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 386 - Grant applications from the Westminster Charitable Trust Soviet Jewry to the Wolfson Foundation386 - Grant applications from the Westminster Charitable Trust Soviet Jewry to the Wolfson Foundation
387 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
388 - Grant application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
389 - Grant application from Dyslexia Action to the Wolfson Foundation
390 - Grant application from St Thomas's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
391 - Grant application from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 392 - Grant applications from University College, London to the Wolfson Foundation392 - Grant applications from University College, London to the Wolfson Foundation
393 - Grant application from Charing Cross Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
394 - Grant application from the Royal Dental Hospital of London to the Wolfson Foundation
395 - Grant application from the University of Aston in Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
396 - Grant application from University College Cardiff to the Wolfson Foundation
397 - Grant application from Exeter University to the Wolfson Foundation
398 - Grant application from Tel-Aviv University, Department of English to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 399 - Grant applications from the Reali School, Haifa to the Wolfson Foundation399 - Grant applications from the Reali School, Haifa to the Wolfson Foundation
400 - Grant application from the Central British Fund for Jewish relief and rehabilitation to the Wolfson Foundation
401 - Grant application from the National Book League to the Wolfson Foundation
402 - Grant application from the Torbay Arthritis Project to the Wolfson Foundation
403 - Grant application from Scottish Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
404 - Grant application from Mount Vernon Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 405 - Grant applications from the Board of Deputies of British Jews to the Wolfson Foundation405 - Grant applications from the Board of Deputies of British Jews to the Wolfson Foundation
406 - Grant application from the Royal Commission on Historical Documents to the Wolfson Foundation
407 - Grant application from University College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 408 - Grant applications from the Royal Institute of International Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation408 - Grant applications from the Royal Institute of International Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation
409 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
410 - Grant application from Bath University, School of Engineering to the Wolfso Foundation
411 - Grant application from City University to the Wolfson Foundation
412 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
413 - Grant application from The University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
414 - Grant application from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
415 - Grant application from the National College of Agricultural Engineering to the Wolfson Foundation
416 - Grant application from the International Solar Energy Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 417 - Grant applications from Guy's Hospital, Medical & Dental Schools to the Wolfson Foundation417 - Grant applications from Guy's Hospital, Medical & Dental Schools to the Wolfson Foundation
418 - Grant application from Anti-Poverty to the Wolfson Foundation
419 - Grant application from The London Library to the Wolfson Foundation
420 - Grant application from Bath University to the Wolfson Foundation
421 - Grant application from Salford University to the Wolfson Foundation
422 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
423 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
424 - Grant application from the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research (Glasgow) to the Wolfson Foundation
425 - Grant application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
426 - Grant application from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
427 - Grant application from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
428 - Grant application from the Redbridge Jewish Youth Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
429 - Grant application from the Institute for Fiscal Studies to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 430 - Grant applications from the Council for a Beautiful Israel to the Wolfson Foundation430 - Grant applications from the Council for a Beautiful Israel to the Wolfson Foundation
431 - Grant application from the Canterbury Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
432 - Grant application from Burwood Park Deaf School to the Wolfson Foundation
433 - Grant application from Manchester Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
434 - Grant application from the Little Sisters of Jesus to the Wolfson Foundation
435 - Grant application from St George's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
436 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
437 - Grant application from the Council for the Protection of Rural England to the Wolfson Foundation
438 - Grant application from the Peper Harow Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
439 - Grant application from the Liverpool University Settlement to the Wolfson Foundation
440 - Grant application from the Star and Garter Home for Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
441 - Grant application from The Askrigg Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 442 - Grant applications from the Cambridge College of Arts & Technology to the Wolfson Foundation442 - Grant applications from the Cambridge College of Arts & Technology to the Wolfson Foundation
443 - Grant application from the London School of Economics to the Wolfson Foundation
444 - Grant application from the Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
445 - Grant application from Glasgow Maccabi Youth Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
446 - Brunel University
447 - Grant application from Lincoln College, Oxford University to the Wolfson Foundation
448 - Grant application from Kingsbury - North West Jewish Youth to the Wolfson Foundation
449 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
450 - Grant application from Cranfield University to the Wolfson Foundation
451 - Grant application from Heriot-Watt University to the Wolfson Foundation
452 - Grant application from the British Institute of Human Rights to the Wolfson Foundation
453 - Grant application from the Elgar Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
454 - Grant application from the European Architectural Heritage Year to the Wolfson Foundation
455 - Grant application from the Kent Association for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 456 - Grant applications from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation456 - Grant applications from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
457 - Grant application from the Australian Music Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
458 - Grant application from The Scottish Council for Spastics to the Wolfson Foundation
459 - Grant application from the Army Mountaineering Association to the Wolfson Foundation
460 - Grant application from the National Listening Library to the Wolfson Foundation
461 - Grant application from Westminster Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
462 - Grant application from the Salvation Army Hostel for Homeless Men to the Wolfson Foundation
463 - Grant application from Down House to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 464 - Grant applications from Nightingale to the Wolfson Foundation464 - Grant applications from Nightingale to the Wolfson Foundation
465 - Grant application from Pembroke College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
466 - Grant application from the Scottish Civic Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 467 - Grant applications from Middlesex Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation467 - Grant applications from Middlesex Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
468 - Grant application from York Medical Society to the Wolfson Foundation
469 - Grant application from St Margaret's School, Hampstead to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 470 - Grant applications from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Foundation470 - Grant applications from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Foundation
471 - Grant application from Portsmouth Group Hospitals to the Wolfson Foundation
472 - Grant application from REFRESH to the Wolfson Foundation
473 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
474 - Grant application from the International Standards Accounting to the Wolfson Foundation
475 - Grant application from the Royal College of Psychiatrists to the Wolfson Foundation
476 - Grant application from lnter-Action Trust Ltd to the Wolfson Foundation
477 - Grant application from Bexley Women's Aid to the Wolfson Foundation
478 - Grant application from the Western Orchestral Society Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
479 - Grant application from Elizabeth FitzRoy Support to the Wolfson Foundation
480 - Grant application from The Scout Association to the Wolfson Foundation
481 - Grant application from the Westminster Abbey Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
482 - Grant application from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association to the Wolfson Foundation
483 - Grant application from the Beverley Minster Restoration Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
484 - Grant application from the Inter-University History Film Consortium to the Wolfson Foundation
485 - Grant application from The Godolphin and Latymer School to the Wolfson Foundation
486 - Grant application from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 487 - Grant applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation487 - Grant applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
488 - Grant application from Merseyside Kidney Research to the Wolfson Foundation
489 - Grant application from Speech Therapy to the Wolfson Foundation
490 - Grant application from the Cornwall Arthritis Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
491 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
492 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
493 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
494 - Grant application from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
495 - Grant application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
496 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
497 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
498 - Grant application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
499 - Grant application from Heriot-Watt University to the Wolfson Foundation
500 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
501 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
502 - Grant application from Queen Mary College, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
503 - Grant application form the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 504 - Grant application from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Foundation504 - Grant application from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Foundation
505 - Grant application from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth to the Wolfson Foundation
506 - Grant application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
507 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
508 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
509 - Grant application from The University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
510 - Grant application from the Winged Fellowship Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
511 - Grant application from Queen Mary College, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
512 - Grant application from the University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 513 - Grant applications from The British Academy to the Wolfson Foundation513 - Grant applications from The British Academy to the Wolfson Foundation
514 - Grant application from the University of Hull to the Wolfson Foundation
515 - Grant application from the Royal Historical Society to the Wolfson Foundation
516 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
517 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Foundation
518 - Grant application from the Kiriat Wolfson Project to the Wolfson Foundation
519 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Foundation
520 - Grant application from The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home to the Wolfson Foundation
521 - Grant application from St Michael's Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
522 - Grant application from the Zionist Federation Educational Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
523 - Grant application from the English Speaking Union to the Royal Society
524 - Grant application from The British Library to the Wolfson Foundation
525 - Grant application from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth to the Wolfson Foundation
526 - Grant application from Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
527 - Grant application from the Emanuel School to the Wolfson Foundation
528 - Grant application from the Dame Allan's Boys' School to the Wolfson Foundation
529 - Grant application from Latymer Upper School to the Wolfson Foundation
530 - Grant application from the Talbot Heath School to the Wolfson Foundation
531 - Grant application from the Scottish National Orchestra to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 532 - Grant application from Tate Gallery Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation532 - Grant application from Tate Gallery Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
533 - Grant application from Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 534 - Grant applications from the The National Art Collections Fund to the Wolfson Foundation534 - Grant applications from the The National Art Collections Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
535 - Grant application from the Aldeburgh Festival - Snape Maltings Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
536 - Grant application from Barts and the London to the Wolfson Foundation
537 - Grant application from Sherborne Abbey (St Mary), Salisbury, Dorset to the Wolfson Foundation
538 - Grant application from Thorney Abbey Restoration Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
539 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
540 - Grant application from the Dorothy Hodgkin Portrait Fund, University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
541 - Grant application from Exeter University Synagogue to the Wolfson Foundation
542 - Grant application from St Anne's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
543 - Grant application from the Sheriff and Recorder's Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
544 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
545 - Grant application from the University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
546 - Grant application from Lord Wandsworth School to the Wolfson Foundation
547 - Grant application from New High School Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
548 - Grant application from The Perse School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
549 - Grant application from Manchester High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
550 - Grant application from the Life for the World Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
551 - Grant application from The Queen's Silver Jubilee Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
552 - Grant application from Sue Ryder Care to the Wolfson Foundation
553 - Grant application from Oxford House Development Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 554 - Grant applications from Venturers Search and Rescue to the Wolfson Foundation554 - Grant applications from Venturers Search and Rescue to the Wolfson Foundation
555 - Grant application from the Alpach European College to the Wolfson Foundation
556 - Grant application from the University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
557 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
558 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
559 - Grant application from Wye College, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
560 - Grant application from the Charing Cross Medical School, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
561 - Grant application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
562 - Grant application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 563 - Grant applications from Wolfson College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation563 - Grant applications from Wolfson College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
564 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
565 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
566 - Grant application from The University of Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
567 - Grant application from the Abingdon School to the Wolfson Foundation
568 - Grant application from Walthamstow Hall to the Wolfson Foundation
569 - Grant application from Batley Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
570 - Grant application from the Colfe's School to the Wolfson Foundation
571 - Grant application from the North London Collegiate School to the Wolfson Foundation
572 - Grant application from Wychwood School to the Wolfson Foundation
573 - Grant application from Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield to the Wolfson Foundation
574 - Grant application from The Queen's School to the Wolfson Foundation
575 - Grant application from George Watson's School, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
576 - Grant application from University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 577 - Grant application from the London School of Economics to the Wolfson Foundation577 - Grant application from the London School of Economics to the Wolfson Foundation
578 - Grant application from St. Mary's Hosptial to the Wolfson Foundation
579 - Grant application from Shrubberies School Parent/Teacher Association to the Wolfson Foundation
580 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
581 - Grant application from Haddo House Choral and Operatic Society to the Wolfson Foundation
582 - Grant application from the Victoria Cross & George Cross Association to the Wolfson Foundation
583 - Grant application from Wells Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
584 - Grant application from the Southwell Minster Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
585 - Grant application from The Pier Arts Centre Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
586 - Grant application from Operation Drake to the Wolfson Foundation
587 - Grant application from British Wizo to the Wolfson Foundation
588 - Grant application from the University of Buckingham to the Wolfson Foundation
589 - Grant application from Central Middlesex Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
590 - Grant application from the University of Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
591 - Grant application from Esmond Wright to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 592 - Grant applications from English National Opera to the Wolfson Foundation592 - Grant applications from English National Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
593 - Grant application from the Stourbridge Residential Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
594 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
595 - Grant application from the University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation
596 - Grant application from Youth and Music to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 597 - Grant applications from Young Enterprise to the Wolfson Foundation597 - Grant applications from Young Enterprise to the Wolfson Foundation
598 - Grant application from the London University, Warburg Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
599 - Grant application from the Crosby Hall Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
600 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
601 - Queen Mary College, University of London
602 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
603 - Grant application from the Institution of Chemical Engineers to the Wolfson Foundation
604 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
605 - Grant application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
606 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
607 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
608 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
609 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
610 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
611 - Grant application from the Institute of Orthopaedics to the Wolfson Foundation
612 - Grant application from the University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
613 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 614 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation614 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
615 - Grant application from the University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
616 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
617 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
618 - Grant application from the Winchester Research Unit to the Wolfson Foundation
619 - Grant application from the Submarine Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
620 - Grant application from The London Symphony Orchestra to the Wolfson Foundation
621 - Grant application from Turners Court to the Wolfson Foundation
622 - Grant application from Hillel to the Wolfson Foundation
623 - Grant application from Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephallus to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 624 - Grant applications from Barnardo's to the Wolfson Foundation624 - Grant applications from Barnardo's to the Wolfson Foundation
625 - Grant application from St Giles' Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
626 - Grant application from Chipstead Lake Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
627 - Grant application from St Albans Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
628 - Grant application from Lincoln Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
629 - Grant application from The Tree Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
630 - Grant application from The Perse School (Boys), Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
631 - Grant application from Truro High School to the Wolfson Foundation
632 - Grant application from Robert Gordon's College to the Wolfson Foundation
633 - Grant application from King Edward VI School, Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
634 - Grant application from Wolverhampton Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
635 - Grant application from Warwick School to the Wolfson Foundation
636 - Grant application from The Royal Wolverhampton School to the Wolfson Foundation
637 - Grant application from the Birkenhead School to the Wolfson Foundation
638 - Grant application from The Belvedere School to the Wolfson Foundation
639 - Grant application from The London Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Foundation
640 - Grant application from the Society of Clinical Psychiatrists Research Fund
641 - Grant application from The University of Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
642 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
643 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
644 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
645 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
646 - Grant application from The Royal Institution of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
647 - Grant application from the British Epilepsy Association to the Wolfson Foundation
648 - Grant application from The Tank Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
649 - Grant application from North East Thames Burns Unit to the Wolfson Foundation
650 - Grant application from The University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
651 - Grant application from the Jacqueline du Pres Research Project to the Wolfson Foundation
652 - Grant application from the Young Musician Symphony Orchestra Society to the Wolfson Foundation
653 - Grant application from the Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Foundation
654 - Grant application from King's High School, Girls, Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
655 - Grant application from Wimbledon High School to the Wolfson Foundation
656 - Grant application from Read School, Selby to the Wolfson Foundation
657 - Grant application from Reigate Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
658 - Grant application from Sir William Perkins's School to the Wolfson Foundation
659 - Grant application from City of London School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
660 - Grant application from City of London School for Boys to the Wolfson Foundation
661 - Grant application from the Girls High School, Birkenhead to the Wolfson Foundation
662 - Grant application from the North Western Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation
663 - Grant application from the National Association for Voluntary Hostels to the Wolfson Foundation
664 - Grant application from the Sea Cadet Development Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
665 - Grant application from The League of Remembrance to the Wolfson Foundation
666 - Grant application from the Northern Police Convalescent Home to the Wolfson Foundation
667 - Grant application from Henshaws Society for Blind People to the Wolfson Foundation
668 - Grant application from Motability to the Wolfson Foundation
669 - Grant application from Waverley Manor to the Wolfson Foundation
670 - Grant application from the Israeli Oriental Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
671 - Grant application from RAF Manston to the Wolfson Foundation
672 - Grant application from The Philharmonia Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
673 - Grant application from Brasenose College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
674 - Grant application from the Institute of Directors to the Wolfson Foundation
675 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen/University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
676 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
677 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
678 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
679 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 680 - Grant applications from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation680 - Grant applications from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
681 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
682 - Grant application from Loan Fund for Musical Instruments to the Wolfson Foundation
683 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
684 - Grant application from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem to the Wolfson Foundation
685 - Grant application from the London Association for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
686 - Grant application from Project Fullemploy to the Wolfson Foundation
687 - Grant application from The Balfour Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
688 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
689 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
690 - Grant application from University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
691 - Grant application from the Duke of Edinburgh Royal Regiment to the Wolfson Foundation
692 - Grant application from Merseyside Children's Holidays to the Wolfson Foundation
693 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
694 - Grant application from the Child Resettlement Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
695 - Grant application from the Finchley Kosher Lunch Service to the Wolfson Foundation
696 - Grant application from the Central Newcastle High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
697 - Grant application from Churcher's College, Petersfield to the Wolfson Foundation
698 - Grant application from Kingston Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
699 - Grant application from the Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby to the Wolfson Foundation
700 - Grant application Stockport Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
701 - Grant application from Sutton High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
702 - Grant application from the Israel Institute of Petroleum & Energy to the Wolfson Foundation
703 - Grant application from the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
704 - Grant application from the Amazon Trust, University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 705 - Grant applications from the Solomon Wolfson School to the Wolfson Foundation705 - Grant applications from the Solomon Wolfson School to the Wolfson Foundation
706 - Grant application from the Church of St Peter Mancroft to the Wolfson Foundation
707 - Grant application from the Kisharon Day School to the Wolfson Foundation
708 - Grant application from the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
709 - Grant application from the Durham Cathedral Bells Appeal Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
710 - Grant application from The Spiro Institute for the Study of Jewish History and Culture to the Wolfson Foundation
711 - Grant application from The St John Ambulance Association and Brigade to the Wolfson Foundation
712 - Grant application from the Airey Neave Memorial Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
713 - Grant application from the Middlesex Regimental Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
715 - Grant applications from the Friends of the Israel Cancer Association to the Wolfson Foundation
716 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
717 - Grant application from Trinity College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
718 - Grant application from St Vincents Orthopaedic Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
719 - Grant application from the Evelyn Nursing Home to the Wolfson Foundation
720 - Grant application from the Guildford and District Jewish Community to the Wolfson Foundation
721 - Grant application from The Jewish Home and Hospital at Tottenham to the Wolfson Foundation
722 - Grant application from Enham Village Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
723 - Grant application from the Patrick Hutber Memorial Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
724 - Grant application from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
725 - Grant application from Cranfield University to the Wolfson Foundation
726 - Grant application from the University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation
727 - Grant application from the Sydenham High School to the Wolfson Foundation
728 - Grant application from the Hampton School to the Wolfson Foundation
729 - Grant application from Streatham and Clapham High School to the Wolfson Foundation
730 - Grant application from the Arnold School, Blackpool to the Wolfson Foundation
731 - Grant application from Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
732 - Grant application from Hymers College, Hull to the Wolfson Foundation
733 - Grant application from the University of Wales, Bangor to the Wolfson Foundation
734 - Grant application from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
735 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
736 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
737 - Grant application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
738 - Grant application from the University College of North Wales to the Wolfson Foundation
739 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
740 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
741 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
742 - Grant application from the Barts and the London to the Wolfson Foundation
746 - Grant application from the Chaim Sheba Medical Center to the Wolfson Foundation
747 - Grant application from Bradford Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
748 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
750 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
751 - Grant application from the National Society for Cancer Relief (Macmillan) to the Wolfson Foundation
752 - Grant application from the Thames Help Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
756 - Scientific Research Foundation
759 - Grant application from the University of Ulster to the Wolfson Foundation
760 - Grant application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
765 - Grant application from Bedford College to the Wolfson Foundation
772 - Grant application from the Liverpool University to the Wolfson Foundation
774 - Grant application from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
775 - Norfolk Girl Guides
776 - Wellington Museum Charitable Trust
777 - Earl Haig Fund (Scotland)
Expand 779 - Grant applications from University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation779 - Grant applications from University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation
780 - Action Research for the Crippled Child
781 - Crohn's in Childhood Research Appeal
782 - St Marylebone Parish Church
783 - Marriage Guidance Council
784 - Grant application from the British Paraplegic Sports Society to the Wolfson Foundation
785 - Grant application from the Council for Applied Science in Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
786 - Grant application from the Royal College of Radiologists to the Wolfson Foundation
787 - Grant application from Bar-Ilan University to the Wolfson Foundation
788 - Grant application from the Royal Institute of International Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation
789 - Earl Mountbatten of Burma Statue Appeal
794 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
795 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson
796 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
811 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
812 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
813 - Grant application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
814 - Grant application from the University of Ulster to the Wolfson Foundation
815 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
816 - Grant application from the University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
817 - Grant application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
818 - University of Bath
819 - Grant application from Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation
820 - Grant application from the University of Kent to the Wolfson Foundation
821 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
824 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
829 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
830 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
836 - Grant application from London Business School to the Wolfson Foundation
842 - Grant application from Reading University to the Wolfson Foundation
845 - Grant application from the Lewis Fellowship Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
850 - Grant application from World of Property Housing Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
869 - Grant application from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
870 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
874 - Literary Awards 1972-1975
875 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
895 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
896 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
918 - Grant application from the University of Hull to the Wolfson Foundation
923 - Grant application from The Balfour Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
986 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
987 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
988 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
990 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1004 - Grant application from the Royal College of Art to the Wolfson Foundation
1024 - Grant application from Edith Wolfson Medical Centre, Holon to the Wolfson Foundation
1132 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 1210 - Grant applications from the Weizmann Institute to the Wolfson Foundation1210 - Grant applications from the Weizmann Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
1223 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
1263a - Institute of Child Health
1340 - Grant application from St Peter's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1363 - Grant application from University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1364 - Grant application from London College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
1365 - Grant application from Mansfield College Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1366 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1367 - Grant application from University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1368 - Grant application from Huddersfield Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1369 - Grant application from The Ellenor Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
1370 - Grant application from Riding for the Disabled Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1372 - Grant application from Great Yarmouth and Waveney Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1373 - Grant application from North West Herefordshire Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1374 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
1375 - Grant application from St Marylebone Healing and Conselling Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1376 - Grant application from Worcester and District Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1377 - Grant application from Northern Ireland Association of Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
1378 - Grant application from YMCA Ireland to the Wolfson Foundation
1379 - Grant application from Battle of Britain Fighter Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1380 - Grant application from Rugby Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1381 - Grant application from Somerset Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1382 - Grant application from St Anne's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1383 - Grant application from Israel Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1384 - Grant application from University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
1385 - Grant application from Royal Academy of Dancing to the Wolfson Foundation
1386 - Grant application from Dunham (Durham University) to the Wolfson Foundation
1387 - Grant application from Manchester University to the Wolfson Foundation
1388 - Grant application from St Mary's Organ Appeal, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1389 - Grant application from St George's Music Trust, Bristol, to the Wolfson Foundation
1390 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1391 - Grant application from Royal School for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
1392 - Grant application from TS Eliot Centenary Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
1393 - Grant application from St Peter's Church, Eton Square to the Wolfson Foundation
1394 - Grant application from British Red Cross Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1395 - Grant application from Abbeyfield Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1396 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1397 - Grant application from Fairfield opportunity farm (Dilton) Ltd to the Wolfson Foundation
1398 - Grant application from All Souls Church, Langham Place to the Wolfson Foundation
1399 - Grant application from Mental After Care Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1400 - Grant application from The Winged Fellowship to the Wolfson Foundation
1401 - Grant application from The Northern Refugee Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1402 - Grant application from The Armistice Festival to the Wolfson Foundation
1403 - Grant application from The Caroline Lawson Trust for Children's Cancer Research to the Wolfson Foundation
1404 - Grant application from Woburn Heritage Centre Trust, Milton Keynes to the Wolfson Foundation
1405 - Grant application from Hendon Unit Sea Code Corps to the Wolfson Foundation
1406 - Grant application from King Edward VII's Hospital for Officers, London to the Wolfson Foundation
1407 - Grant application from Ealing Health Authority, Middlesex to the Wolfson Foundation
1408 - Grant application from Methodist Homes for the Aged, London to the Wolfson Foundation
1409 - Grant application from University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
1410 - Grant application from Cambridge University Library to the Wolfson Foundation
1411 - Grant application from Cambridge Women's Resource Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1412 - Grant application from Childline to the Wolfson Foundation
1413 - Grant application from Peterborough Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
1414 - Grant application from The Guards Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1415 - Grant application from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
1416 - Grant application from Royal London Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
1417 - Grant application from Borders, Peel Hospital, Selkirkshire to the Wolfson Foundation
1418 - Grant application from Museum of Richmond to the Wolfson Foundation
1419 - Grant application from The West of Scotland College to the Wolfson Foundation
1420 - Grant application from Gingerbread, Northern Ireland to the Wolfson Foundation
1421 - Grant application from Quarrier's Village, Renfrewshire to the Wolfson Foundation
1422 - Grant application from Worcestershire Association for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
1423 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
1424 - Grant application from East Herefordshire Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1425 - Grant application from St Buigid's House, Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
1426 - Grant application from Worcester Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
1427 - Grant application from University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
1428 - Grant application from St Barnabas Macmillan Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
1429 - Grant application from Queen's University of Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
1430 - Grant application from Action Research for the Crippled Child to the Wolfson Foundation
1431 - Grant application from St James's Piccadilly to the Wolfson Foundation
1432 - Grant application from I CAN to the Wolfson Foundation
1433 - Grant application from Bodleian Library to the Wolfson Foundation
1434 - Grant application from Leonard Cheshire Disability to the Wolfson Foundation
1435 - Grant application from National Children's Home to the Wolfson Foundation
1436 - Grant application from Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1437 - Grant application from Royal Institute of British Architects to the Wolfson Foundation
1438 - Grant application from Thrombosis Research Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1439 - Grant application from Care for Mentally Handicapped People, Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
1440 - Grant application from John Grooms Association for the Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
1441 - Grant application from Walthamstow Hall Sevenoaks to the Wolfson Foundation
1442 - Grant application from University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
1443 - Grant application from University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
1444 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1445 - Grant application from Worcester and District Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1446 - Grant application from The City of Guilds and London Art School to the Wolfson Foundation
1447 - Grant application from Royal Air Force Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1448 - Grant application from The Exploratory: Hands-On Science Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1449 - Grant application from Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Society for the Deaf to the Wolfson Foundation
1450 - Grant application from The Cromarty Arts Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1451 - Grant application from Polytechnic of Central London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 1452 - Grant applications from the British Library to the Wolfson Foundation1452 - Grant applications from the British Library to the Wolfson Foundation
1453 - Grant application from The Old Pheasantry to the Wolfson Foundation
1454 - Grant application from Holy Trinity to the Wolfson Foundation
1455 - Grant application from South East Thames Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1456 - Grant application from Pascual Flores to the Wolfson Foundation
1457 - Grant application from Royal Green Jackets Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1458 - Grant application from The Development Trust for the Young Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
1459 - Grant application from Northern Ireland Chest Heart Stroke Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1460 - Grant application from The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home, Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1461 - Grant application from East Devon Cheshire Home for Independent Living, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
1462 - Grant application from St Cuthbert's Hospice, Durham to the Wolfson Foundation
1463 - Grant application from Working Men's College, London to the Wolfson Foundation
1464 - Grant application from Elgin Museum, Elgin to the Wolfson Foundation
1465 - Grant application from WRAC Museum, Guildford to the Wolfson Foundation
1466 - Grant application from Pensthorpe Waterfowl Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1467 - Grant application from Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1468 - Grant application from Holy Trinity Church to the Wolfson Foundation
1469 - Grant application from The Friends of Copford Church to the Wolfson Foundation
1470 - Grant application from Finton House Educational Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1471 - Grant application from Waterside Council of Community Service to the Wolfson Foundation
1472 - Grant application from ASPIRE to the Wolfson Foundation
1473 - Grant application from University of Nottingham and Trent Polytechnic to the Wolfson Foundation
1474 - Grant application from Royal Military College of Science to the Wolfson Foundation
1475 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1476 - Grant application from Mental Health Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
1477 - Grant application from The University of Buckingham to the Wolfson Foundation
1478 - Grant application from Laurel Bank School, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
1479 - Grant application from Jewish Home and Hospital at Tottenham to the Wolfson Foundation
1480 - Grant application from Project Phoenix Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1481 - Grant application from Llanfihangel Restoration Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1482 - Grant application from The Theatre Royal Bath Limited to the Wolfson Foundation
1483 - Grant application from Newnham College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1484 - Grant application from University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
1485 - Grant application from Ulster Institute for the Deaf to the Wolfson Foundation
1486 - Grant application from Hartlepool Hospice, Cleveland to the Wolfson Foundation
1487 - Grant application from Pocklington School, York to the Wolfson Foundation
1488 - Grant application from The Royal Surgical Aid Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1489 - Grant application from Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus to the Wolfson Foundation
1490 - Grant application from Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1491 - Grant application from Heritage House, Norfolk to the Wolfson Foundation
1492 - Grant application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1493 - Grant application from Special Gymnastics Association, Cheshire to the Wolfson Foundation
1494 - Grant application from SEQUAL, Langollen to the Wolfson Foundation
1495 - Grant application from St Peter's District General Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
1496 - Grant application from Wadham College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1497 - Grant application from Dauntsey's School, Wiltshire to the Wolfson Foundation
1498 - Grant application from Brunel University to the Wolfson Foundation
1499 - Grant application from Ezrath Nashim Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
1500 - Grant application from Society for the Protection of Science and Learning to the Wolfson Foundation
1502 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1503 - Grant application from Regent's Park College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1504 - Grant application from The Royal College of Surgeons to the Wolfson Foundation
1505 - Grant application from Wye College, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
1506 - Grant application from University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
1507 - Grant application from Institute of Psychiatry to the Wolfson Foundation
1508 - Grant application from Farlington School, West Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1509 - Grant application from Arts Educational School, Tring to the Wolfson Foundation
1510 - Grant application from Guildford Adventure Playcentre to the Wolfson Foundation
1511 - Grant application from International Musicians Seminar to the Wolfson Foundation
1512 - Grant application from King Edward's School, Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
1513 - Grant application from St Mary's House Appeal, Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1514 - Grant application from St Issey Church, Cornwall to the Wolfson Foundation
1515 - Grant application from The Friends of St Margaret Pattens, Eastcheap to the Wolfson Foundation
1516 - Grant application from Whalley Abbey, Blackburn to the Wolfson Foundation
1517 - Grant application from Northampshire Association of Youth Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
1518 - Grant application from Humbledon Outdoor Activities Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1519 - Grant application from University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
1520 - Grant application from University College, Cardiff to the Wolfson Foundation
1521 - Grant application from Cancer Relief Macmillan Trust / University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
1522 - Grant application from Chest, Heart and Stroke Association - Frenchay Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
1523 - Grant application from The Royal College of Surgeons to the Wolfson Foundation
1524 - Grant application from St John's College, Durham to the Wolfson Foundation
1525 - Grant application from Guildford High School to the Wolfson Foundation
1526 - Grant application from King William's College, Isle of Man to the Wolfson Foundation
1527 - Grant application from St Dunstan's Abbey School to the Wolfson Foundation
1528 - Grant application from St James' School, South Humberside to the Wolfson Foundation
1529 - Grant application from Scottish Veteran's Residences to the Wolfson Foundation
1530 - Grant application from Royal National College for the Blind, Hereford to the Wolfson Foundation
1531 - Grant application from PRUPA Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
1532 - Grant application from Hethersett Old Hall School, Norwich to the Wolfson Foundation
1533 - Grant application from Wakefield Grammar School Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
1534 - Grant application from Wellington School, Somerset to the Wolfson Foundation
1535 - Grant application from West Buckland School, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
1536 - Grant application from Hungarian Music and Culture Festival to the Wolfson Foundation
1537 - Grant application from Wellcome Institute for History of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
1538 - Grant application from Douglas Bader Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
1539 - Grant application from The National Deaf Children's Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1540 - Grant application from Heulwen Trust, Haslemere to the Wolfson Foundation
1541 - Grant application from St Mary's Convent and Nursing Home to the Wolfson Foundation
1542 - Grant application from City University, Kings College, Queen Mary College to the Wolfson Foundation
1543 - Grant application from Institute of Child Health, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
1544 - Grant application from North London Collegiate School to the Wolfson Foundation
1545 - Grant application from Royal Midland Counties Home to the Wolfson Foundation
1546 - Grant application from Birkbeck College, London to the Wolfson Foundation
1547 - Grant application from National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to the Wolfson Foundation
1548 - Grant application from St Elizabeth's Hospital and Home to the Wolfson Foundation
1549 - Grant application from Friends of Enfield Work Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1550 - Grant application from Black Country Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1551 - Grant application from Katherine House Hospice Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1552 - Grant application from Institute of Dental Surgery to the Wolfson Foundation
1553 - Grant application from St Bartholomew's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
1554 - Grant application from Scalpay Community Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1555 - Grant application from Celebrities Guild of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
1556 - Grant application from Leeds Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
1557 - Grant application from St Christopher's Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
1558 - Grant application from St Hilda's College to the Wolfson Foundation
1559 - Grant application from Oxfordshire Association for Boys' Clubs to the Wolfson Foundation
1560 - Grant application from ADAPT to the Wolfson Foundation
1561 - Grant application from Victoria Cross and George Cross Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1562 - Grant application from Cambridge House and Talbot to the Wolfson Foundation
1563 - Grant application from Westminster Children's Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1564 - Grant application from Gloucester Regiment to the Wolfson Foundation
1565 - Grant application from Yorkshire Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1566 - Grant application from Godolphin and Latymer School to the Wolfson Foundation
1567 - Grant application from North Herts Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
1568 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1569 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
1570 - Grant application from University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
1571 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1572 - Grant application from Wye College to the Wolfson Foundation
1573 - Grant application from University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
1574 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
1575 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1576 - Grant application from The University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
1577 - Grant application from University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1578 - Grant application from Cardiff University to the Wolfson Foundation
1580 - Grant application from University of East Anglia to the Wolfson Foundation
1581 - Grant application from Royal Watercolour Society to the Wolfson Foundation
1582 - Grant application from University of Greenwich to the Wolfson Foundation
1583 - Grant application from London School of Economics to the Wolfson Foundation
1584 - Grant application from Little Sisters of the Poor, Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
1585 - Grant application from The Royal Ballet School to the Wolfson Foundation
1586 - Grant application from King's School, Worcester to the Wolfson Foundation
1587 - Grant application from Quarry Bank Mill Museum, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
1588 - Grant application from University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
1589 - Grant application from Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability to the Wolfson Foundation
1590 - Grant application from West Dorset Children's Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1591 - Grant application from Bedford Modern School to the Wolfson Foundation
1592 - Grant application from New Lanark Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1593 - Grant application from Ely Cathedral Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1594 - Grant application from St John's Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
1595 - Grant application from Royal Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
1596 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
1597 - Grant application from University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
1598 - Grant application from University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
1599 - Grant application from University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
1600 - Grant application from Salford Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
1601 - Grant application from Mid-Downs Health Authority, West Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
1602 - Grant application from St Pancras Hospital Elderly Citizens to the Wolfson Foundation
1603 - Grant application from Abbot Hall Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
1604 - Grant application from Thomas Bewick Birthplace Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1605 - Grant application from Winchester Cathedral Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1606 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
1607 - Grant application from National Museums of Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
1608 - Grant application from Whixley Church to the Wolfson Foundation
1609 - Grant application from Church of St Martin-within-Ludgate to the Wolfson Foundation
1610 - Grant application from The ACE Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1611 - Grant application from West London Committee for Protection of Children to the Wolfson Foundation
1612 - Grant application from University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
1613 - Grant application from Birkbeck, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
1614 - Grant application from Hadassah Medical Center to the Wolfson Foundation
1615 - Grant application from King's School,Tynemouth to the Wolfson Foundation
1616 - Grant application from York Minster Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
1617 - Grant application from Royal Veterinary College to the Wolfson Foundation
1618 - Grant application from Simon Community to the Wolfson Foundation
1619 - Grant application from St Peter's Church, Melverley, Shropshire to the Wolfson Foundation
1620 - Grant application from Healthaid to the Wolfson Foundation
1621 - Grant application from Queen Mary, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
1622 - Grant application from Macintyre, Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
1623 - Grant application from Frame (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) to the Wolfson Foundation
1624 - Grant application from Martha Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1625 - Grant application from St Hilda's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1626 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1627 - Grant application from Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity to the Wolfson Foundation
1628 - Grant application from University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
1629 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
1630 - Grant application from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
1631 - Grant application from University of Durham to the Wolfson Foundation
1632 - Grant application from Guy's & St Thomas' Foundation NHS Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1633 - Grant application from Hatfield Polytechnic to the Wolfson Foundation
1634 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1635 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
1636 - Grant application from University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
1637 - Grant application from Queen Mary, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
1638 - Grant application from The University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
1639 - Grant application from Bangor University to the Wolfson Foundation
1640 - Grant application from University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
1641 - Grant application from Swansea University to the Wolfson Foundation
1642 - Grant application from The Chindits Old Comrades Association to the Wolfson Foundation
1643 - Grant application from Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation
1644 - Grant application from St Nicholas Church, Abbots Bromley, Staf to the Wolfson Foundation
1645 - Grant application from Spaldwick Church to the Wolfson Foundation
1646 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
1647 - Grant application from Battle of Normandy Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1648 - Grant application from Trinity School to the Wolfson Foundation
1649 - Grant application from University of Wales, Lampeter to the Wolfson Foundation
1650 - Grant application from National Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation
1651 - Grant application from Sutton Hoo Research Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1652 - Grant application from Demand to the Wolfson Foundation
1653 - Grant application from Queenscourt Hospice, Southport to the Wolfson Foundation
1654 - Grant application from Hollybank Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1655 - Grant application from The Wimbledon Guild of Social Welfare to the Wolfson Foundation
1656 - Grant application from Strode Park Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
1657 - Grant application from Bridge Care to the Wolfson Foundation
1658 - Grant application from FitzRoy to the Wolfson Foundation
1659 - Grant application from Crosby Hall Educational Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1660 - Grant application from Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
1661 - Grant application from National Star College to the Wolfson Foundation
1662 - Grant application from Aldenham School to the Wolfson Foundation
1663 - Grant application from KIDS to the Wolfson Foundation
1664 - Grant application from University of Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
1665 - Grant application from Norton Medical Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
1666 - Grant application from The Institute of Economic Affairs to the Wolfson Foundation
1667 - Grant application from Ellen Badger Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
1668 - Grant application from United World College of the Atlantic to the Wolfson Foundation
1669 - Grant application from Fulneck Boys' School to the Wolfson Foundation
1670 - Grant application from Portsmouth High School to the Wolfson Foundation
1671 - Grant application from Sunderland Church High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
1672 - Grant application from St Maur's Convent School to the Wolfson Foundation
1673 - Grant application from Queen Elizabeth's Hospital School to the Wolfson Foundation
1674 - Grant application from Emanuel School to the Wolfson Foundation
1675 - Grant application from Music Students' Hostel Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1676 - Grant application from Gloucester Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
1677 - Grant application from Beck Isle Museum of Rural Life to the Wolfson Foundation
1678 - Grant application from Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1679 - Grant application from Westminster Charitable Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
1680 - Grant application from Enham Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6001 - Grant application from Hayward House Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
6003 - Grant application from Wolfson College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6004 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6005 - Grant application from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
6006 - Grant application from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
6007 - Grant application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6008 - Grant application from The Art Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
6009 - Grant application from University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6010 - Grant application from Kingston and Esher Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
6011 - Grant application from The British Academy to the Wolfson Foundation
6012 - Grant application from Wolfson College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6013 - Grant application from Courtauld Institute of Art to the Wolfson Foundation
6014 - Grant application from The Royal Fine Arts Commission to the Wolfson Foundation
6015 - Grant application from Council for Science and Society to the Wolfson Foundation
6017 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6018 - Grant application from Wolfson College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6019 - Grant application from The Historical Association to the Wolfson Foundation
6020 - Grant application from Israel Cancer Association (Beilinson) to the Wolfson Foundation
6021 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6022 - Grant application from The Prince's Youth Business Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6023 - Grant application from National Portrait Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
6024 - Grant application from Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
6025 - Grant application from National Children's Bureau, London to the Wolfson Foundation
6026 - Grant application from The London Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
6027 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6028 - Grant application from University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6032 - Charities Aid Foundation
6034 - Grant application from Spinal Injuries Association to the Wolfson Foundation
6035 - Grant application from Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation
6036 - Grant application from Open University to the Wolfson Foundation
6037 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
6038 - Grant application from Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6039 - Grant application from University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
6040 - Grant application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
6041 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
6042 - Grant application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
6043 - Grant application from University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6044 - Grant application from University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6045 - Grant application from University of Bradford to the Wolfson Foundation
6046 - Grant application from University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6048 - Grant application from University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6049 - Grant application from Brunel University to the Wolfson Foundation
6050 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6051 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6052 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6053 - Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6054 - Grant application from Durham University to the Wolfson Foundation
6055 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
6056 - Grant application from University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
6057 - Grant application from University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
6058 - Grant application from University of Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
6059 - Grant application from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
6060 - Grant application from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
6061 - Grant application from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
6062 - Grant application from Lancaster University to the Wolfson Foundation
6063 - Grant application from University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
6064 - Grant application from University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6065 - Grant application from University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6066 - Grant application from Birkbeck, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
6067 - Grant application from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
6068 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6069 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6070 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6071 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6072 - Grant application from London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
6073 - Grant application from Queen Mary, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
6074 - Grant application from Royal Holloway to the Wolfson Foundation
6075 - Grant application from Royal Veterinary College to the Wolfson Foundation
6076 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
6077 - Grant application from UCL School of Pharmacy to the Wolfson Foundation
6078 - Grant application from Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Foundation
6079 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6080 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6081 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6082 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6083 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6084 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6085 - Grant Application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6086 - Grant Application from Open University to the Wolfson Foundation
6087 - Grant Application from Open University to the Wolfson Foundation
6088 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6089 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6090 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6091 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6092 - Grant Application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
6093 - Grant Application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6094 - Grant Application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6096 - Grant Application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6097 - Grant Application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6098 - Grant Application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
6099 - Grant Application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
6100 - Grant Application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
6101 - Grant Application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
6102 - Grant Application from Aberystwyth University to the Wolfson Foundation
6103 - Grant Application from Bangor University to the Wolfson Foundation
6104 - Grant Application from Swansea University to the Wolfson Foundation
6105 - Grant Application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
6106 - Grant Application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
6107 - Grant Application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
6108 - Grant Application from Toynbee Hall to the Wolfson Foundation
6109 - Grant Application from Basingstoke District Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
6110 - Grant Application from Ackworth School to the Wolfson Foundation
6111 - Grant Application from Lagan College to the Wolfson Foundation
6112 - Grant Application from St Benedict's School to the Wolfson Foundation
6113 - Grant Application from Wellingborough School to the Wolfson Foundation
6114 - Grant Application from Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6115 - Grant Application from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6116 - Grant Application from Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
6117 - Grant Application from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance to the Wolfson Foundation
6118 - Grant Application from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6119 - Grant Application from Yehudi Menuhin School to the Wolfson Foundation
6120 - Grant Application from New Parent Infant Network (NEWPIN), London to the Wolfson Foundation
6121 - Grant Application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
6122 - Grant Application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
6123 - Grant Application from St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Foundation
6124 - Grant Application from Institute of Child Health to the Wolfson Foundation
6125 - Grant Application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
6126 - Grant Application from Oxfordshire Health Authority to the Wolfson Foundation
6127 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6128 - Grant Application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6129 - Grant Application from Homerton College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6130 - Grant Application from Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
6131 - Grant Application from The Art Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
6132 - Grant Application from The Scout Association to the Wolfson Foundation
6133 - Grant Application from The British Library to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6134 - Grant Application from Scottish Civic Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6135 - Grant Application from Pembroke College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6136 - Grant Application from Academia Europaea to the Wolfson Foundation
6137 - Grant Application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
6138 - Grant Application from The Royal Institution of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
6141 - Grant Application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
6142 - Grant Application from Hospice UK to the Wolfson Foundation
6143 - Grant Application from North London Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
6144 - Grant Application from Princess Alice Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
6145 - Grant Application from The Royal Marsden Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6146 - Grant Application from Age Concern to the Wolfson Foundation
6147 - Grant Application from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6148 - Grant Application from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6149 - Grant Application from Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6150 - Grant Application from Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
6151 - Grant Application from British-Israel Arts Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
6152 - Grant Application from The Royal Institution of Great Britain to the Wolfson Foundation
6153 - Grant Application from Monkton House Educational Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6155 - Grant Application from St Dominic's Independent School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
6156 - Grant Application from St Mary's School, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6157 - Grant Application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6158 - Grant Application from Churchill College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6159 - Grant Application from Merton College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6160 - Grant Application from Salisbury Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
6161 - Grant Application from Ripon Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
6162 - Grant Application from Jacqueline du Pre Memorial Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
6163 - Grant Application from Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
6164 - Grant Application from Brasenose College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6165 - Grant Application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
6166 - Grant Application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
6167 - Grant Application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
6168 - Grant Application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6169 - Grant Application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
6170 - Grant Application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
6171 - Grant Application from Brunel University to the Wolfson Foundation
6172 - Grant Application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6173 - Grant Application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6174 - Grant Application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6175 - Grant Application from City, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
6176 - Grant Application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
6177 - Grant Application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
6178 - Grant Application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
6179 - Grant Application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
6180 - Grant Application from the University of Hull to the Wolfson Foundation
6181 - Grant Application from Keele University to the Wolfson Foundation
6182 - Grant Application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
6183 - Grant Application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
6184 - Grant Application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
6185 - Grant Application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
6186 - Grant Application from Birkbeck, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
6187 - Grant Application from Institute of Psychiatry (BPMF), London to the Wolfson Foundation
6188 - Grant Application from Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
6189 - Grant Application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6190 - Grant Application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6191 - Grant Application from Queen Mary, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
6192 - Grant Application from Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Foundation
6193 - Grant Application from Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
6194 - Grant Application from UMDS Guy's & Thomas's to the Wolfson Foundation
6195 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6196 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6197 - Grant Application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
6198 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6199 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6200 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6201 - Grant Application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
6202 - Grant Application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
6203 - Grant Application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6204 - Grant Application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6205 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6206 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6207 - Grant Application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
6208 - Grant Application from The University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
6209 - Grant Application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6210 - Grant Application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
6211 - Grant Application from the University of Stirling to the Wolfson Foundation
6212 - Grant Application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
6213 - Grant Application from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
6214 - Grant Application from Bangor University to the Wolfson Foundation
6215 - Grant Application from Swansea University to the Wolfson Foundation
6216 - Grant Application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
6217 - Grant Application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
6219 - Grant Application from The Stroke Association to the Wolfson Foundation
6220 - Grant Application from Thrombosis Research Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
6221 - Grant Application from Middlesex University to the Wolfson Foundation
6222 - Grant Application from Northern Ireland Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
6223 - Grant Application from St Michael's Hospice, East Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
6224 - Grant Application from St Richard's Hospice Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
6225 - Grant Application from Treetops Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
6226 - Grant Application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
6227 - Grant Application from The Guinness Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
6228 - Grant Application from The Multiple Sclerosis Society to the Wolfson Foundation
6229 - Grant Application from Muscular Dystrophy UK to the Wolfson Foundation
6230 - Grant Application from Save the Children to the Wolfson Foundation
6231 - Grant Application from Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
6232 - Grant Application from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6233 - Grant Application from Kent College Canterbury to the Wolfson Foundation
6236 - Grant Application from Haberdashers' Aske's School to the Wolfson Foundation
6237 - Grant Application from IPSET, Warlingham Park School to the Wolfson Foundation
6238 - Grant Application from Trinity Hospice, Blackpool to the Wolfson Foundation
6239 - Grant Application from Downham School to the Wolfson Foundation
6240 - Grant Application from Mill Hall School for Deaf Children to the Wolfson Foundation
6241 - Grant Application from Bristol Royal Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
6242 - Grant Application from Barrowmore Village Settlement, Chester to the Wolfson Foundation
6243 - Grant Application from Yoker Resource Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
6244 - Grant Application from Institute of Orthopaedics to the Wolfson Foundation
6245 - Grant Application from Royal Veterinary College to the Wolfson Foundation
6246 - Grant Application from Institute of Zoology to the Wolfson Foundation
6247 - Grant Application from St Hilda's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6248 - Grant Application from Canada Memorial Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
6249 - Grant Application from Canada Memorial Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
6250 - Grant Application from The Denning Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
6251 - Grant Application from Wolfson College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6253 - Grant Application from Haddo House Hall, Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
6254 - Grant Application from Balnain Trust, Inverness to the Wolfson Foundation
6255 - Grant Application from Lincoln Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
6256 - Grant Application from British Youth Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
6257 - Grant Application from Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
6258 - Grant Applications from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6259 - Grant Application from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
6261 - Grant Application from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
6262 - Grant Application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
6263 - Grant Application from The Queen's University Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
6264 - Grant Application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
6265 - Grant Application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
6266 - Grant Application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
6267 - Grant Application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
6268 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
6269 - Grant Application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
6270 - Grant Application from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
6271 - Grant Application from Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
6272 - Grant Application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6273 - Grant Application from London Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Foundation
6274 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
6275 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
6276 - Grant Application from South Bucks Association for the Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
6277 - Grant Application from St John Ambulance, Aylesbury to the Wolfson Foundation
6297 - Grant Application from World Union of Jewish Students to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6298 - Grant Application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6299 - Grant Application from National Council for Soviet Jewry to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6300 - Grant Application from The Pegasus Scholarship Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6301 - Grant Application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6302 - Grant Application from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6303 - Grant Application from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6304 - Grant Application from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6306 - Grant Application from Hadassah Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6311 - Grant Application from Shaare Zedek Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6312 - Grant Application from Bar-Ilan University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6313 - Grant Application from Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6315 - Grant Application from Jewish Care to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6316 - Grant Application from Norwood to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6319 - Grant Application from Volcani Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6320 - Grant Application from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
6321 - Grant Application from Joseftal Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6325 - Grant Application from Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6326 - Grant Application from Youth Aliyah to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6330 - Grant Application from Israel Museum, Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6336 - Grant Application from the University College Hospital to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6337 - Grant Application from Birmingham Jewish Welfare Board to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6338 - Grant Application from Lewis Hammerson Memorial Home, London N2 to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6339 - Grant Application from Cambridge St Raphael Club to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6340 - Grant Application from AKIM to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6341 - Grant Application from AMIT, Jerusalem Volunteer Association for Elderly to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6342 - Grant Application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6343 - Grant Application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6344 - Grant Application from Institute of Psychiatry (BPMF), London to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6345 - Grant Application from Institute of Psychiatry (BPMF), London to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6346 - Grant Application from London Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6347 - Grant Application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6348 - Grant Application from Jewish Care to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6349 - Grant Application from St George's, University of London to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6350 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6351 - Grant Application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
6352 - Grant Application from Hadassah Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 6353 - Grant Applications from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation6353 - Grant Applications from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 6360 - Grant Applications from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation6360 - Grant Applications from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 6365 - Grant Applications from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation6365 - Grant Applications from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
6373 - Grant Application from Tel Aviv Museum of Art to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6374 - Grant Application from The Israel Sinfonietta, Beer Sheva to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6375 - Grant Application from Tel Aviv Museum of Art to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
6376 - Grant Application from Young Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10002 - Grant Application from St Oswald's Church, Ribblesdale to the Wolfson Foundation
10004 - Grant Application from The Adventure Farm Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
10006 - Grant Application from Childhood First to the Wolfson Foundation
10007 - Grant Application from Birmingham Repertory Theatre Ltd to the Wolfson Foundation
10008 - Grant Application from Blackburn Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
10009 - Grant Application from Birmingham Royal Institution for the Blind & Focus to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10010 - Grant Application from St Anne's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10011 - Grant Application from Bolton Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10013 - Grant Application from Broughton House to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10015 - Grant Application from The Chelmsford Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10033 - Grant Application from Oriel College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10034 - Grant Application from Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10036 - Grant Application from Seend Church Restoration Fund, Somerset to the Wolfson Foundation
10037 - Grant Application from Keele University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10038 - Grant Application from Southwark Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
10039 - Grant Application from Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10040 - Grant Application from St Issey Parish Church, Cornwall to the Wolfson Foundation
10041 - Grant Application from St Matthew's Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10042 - Grant Application from St Michael & All Angels Church, Brighton to the Wolfson Foundation
10043 - Grant Application from Talacre Centre Limited to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10045 - Grant Application from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
10047 - Grant Application from Wallsall Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10048 - Grant Application from Westminster Abbey Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10049 - Grant Application from Worcester Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
10050 - Grant Application from The West of England School to the Wolfson Foundation
10051 - Grant Application from Whizz Kids to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10053 - Grant Application from Dawlish Repertory Company, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
10054 - Grant Application from Durham High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
10055 - Grant Application from Edgbaston High School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
10056 - Grant Application from Farnborough Hill School to the Wolfson Foundation
10057 - Grant Application from Tettenhall College to the Wolfson Foundation
10091 - Grant Application from The Nordoff-Robbins Music Centre to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10092 - Grant Application from Nightingale Hammerson to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10093 - Grant Application from Kol Nidre Appeal to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10094 - Grant Application from the University Strathclyde Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
10095 - Grant Application from National Cataloguing Unit, Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
10096 - Grant Application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
10100 - Grant Application from Birtenshaw Hall to the Wolfson Foundation
10102 - Grant Application from Childline to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10103 - Grant Application from Sue Ryder to the Wolfson Foundation
10108 - Grant Application from Dorset Spastics Society to the Wolfson Foundation
10113 - Grant Application from St Columba's Hospice, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
10117 - Grant Application from Fair Haven Housing, Isle of Wight (Mencap) to the Wolfson Foundation
10120 - Grant Application from Royal National Institute for Deaf People to the Wolfson Foundation
10129 - Grant Application from The Anna Freud Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10131 - Grant Applications from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation10131 - Grant Applications from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10135 - Grant Applications from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation10135 - Grant Applications from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10137 - Grant Applications from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation10137 - Grant Applications from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10139 - Grant Applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation10139 - Grant Applications from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
10141 - Grant Application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
10148 - Grant Application from Chichester Cathedral Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10149 - Grant Application from Painswick Rococo Garden Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10150 - Grant Application from All Saints Restoration Appeal, Bucks to the Wolfson Foundation
10152 - Grant Application from The Community College, Shropshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10156 - Grant Application from Whitefield Development Trust, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10157 - Grant Application from St Tysilio's Parish Church, Brynegl to the Wolfson Foundation
10160 - Grant Application from British Kidney Patient Association to the Wolfson Foundation
10163 - Grant Application from Hereford Cathedral School to the Wolfson Foundation
10165 - Grant Application from The King's School, Gloucester to the Wolfson Foundation
10166 - Grant Application from The Queen's School, to the Wolfson Foundation
10167 - Grant Application from Ryde School, Isle of Wight to the Wolfson Foundation
10169 - Grant Application from St Anselm's College, Birkenhead to the Wolfson Foundation
10170 - Grant Application from Westholme School, Blackburn to the Wolfson Foundation
10171 - Grant Application from Wisbech Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
10172 - Grant Application from Wolverhampton Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
10173 - Grant Application from The Historical Association to the Wolfson Foundation
10182 - Grant Application from Lincoln Toy Library to the Wolfson Foundation
10188 - Grant Application from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
10195 - Grant Application from Birkbeck, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
10196 - Grant Application from Birmingham Cathedral In Need to the Wolfson Foundation
10197 - Grant Application from St Margaret's Institute, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10198 - Grant Application from British Institute for Brain Injured Children to the Wolfson Foundation
10202 - Grant Application from The Ian Gow Memorial Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
10203 - Grant Application from Rowcroft Hospice, South Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
10204 - Grant Application from Guideposts Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10207 - Grant Application from Edward's Trust, West Midlands to the Wolfson Foundation
10211 - Grant Application from The Aidis Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10213 - Grant Application from Women's Joint Israel Appeal to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10214 - Grant Application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
10215 - Grant Application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
10216 - Grant Application from Institute of Child Health to the Wolfson Foundation
10217 - Grant Application from Atkinson Morley's Hospital, Wimbledon to the Wolfson Foundation
10218 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
10219 - Grant Application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10220 - Grant Application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
10221 - Grant Application from Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
10222 - Grant Application from Hatfield Polytechnic to the Wolfson Foundation
10223 - Grant Application from Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic to the Wolfson Foundation
10224 - Grant Application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
10225 - Grant Application from London South Bank University to the Wolfson Foundation
10226 - Grant Application from the University of York to the Wolfson Foundation
10227 - Grant Application from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
10228 - Grant Application from Aberystwyth University to the Wolfson Foundation
10229 - Grant Application from Teeside Polytechnic to the Wolfson Foundation
10230 - Grant Application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
10231 - Grant Application from The Polytechnic of Huddersfield to the Wolfson Foundation
10232 - Grant Application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
10233 - Grant Application from the University of North London to the Wolfson Foundation
10234 - Grant Application from Royal Holloway to the Wolfson Foundation
10235 - Grant Application from Salford College of Technology to the Wolfson Foundation
10236 - Grant Application from the University of Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
10237 - Grant Application from RADA to the Wolfson Foundation
10248 - Grant Application from Prior Pursglove College, Cleveland to the Wolfson Foundation
10249 - Grant Application from Project Spark to the Wolfson Foundation
10253 - Grant Application from The John Lyon School, Harrow to the Wolfson Foundation
10254 - Grant Application from King Edward VII School, Lytham to the Wolfson Foundation
10255 - Grant Application from Queen Mary School, Lytham to the Wolfson Foundation
10259 - Grant Application from St Andrew's Hospice, Grimsby to the Wolfson Foundation
10260 - Grant Application from Hancock Museum, University of Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10262 - Grant Application from Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10264 - Grant Application from Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10266 - Grant Application from Ashmolean Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10268 - Grant Application from Christchurch Picture Gallery, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10269 - Grant Application from Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle Upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10271 - Grant Application from Abbot Hall Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10273 - Grant Application from Fleetwood Museum, Lancashire to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10275 - Grant Application from Tolson Museum, Huddersfield to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10277 - Grant Application from Cliffe Castle Museum, Keighley to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10279 - Grant Application from Scunthorpe Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10281 - Grant Application from Worcester City Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10284 - Grant Application from Pembroke College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10285 - Grant Application from Royal Society of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
10287 - Grant Application from Corpus Christi College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10288 - Grant Application from St Peter's College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10289 - Grant Application from Mitcham Parish Church, Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
10301 - Grant Application from Russell-Cotes Art Gallery, Bournemouth to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10303 - Grant Application from Hastings Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10305 - Grant Application from Royal Engineers Museum, Chatham, Kent to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10307 - Grant Application from Towner Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
10308 - Grant Application from Farnham Museum, Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10310 - Grant Application from Colchester and Ipswich Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10312 - Grant Application from Gainsborough's House, Suffolk to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10314 - Grant Application from The Gilbert White Museum, Selbourne to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10316 - Grant Application from Valence House Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10317 - Grant Application from Passmore Edwards Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10319 - Grant Application from Horniman Museum and Gardens to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10321 - Grant Application from Gunnersbury Park Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10323 - Grant Application from The Royal Scots Regimental Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10330 - Grant Application from Saint Thomas The Martyr Trust, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation
10332 - Grant Application from The National Trust for Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
10333 - Grant Application from The High School of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
10338 - Grant Application from the University of The West Indies to the Wolfson Foundation
10340 - Grant Application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10342 - Grant Application from Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10344 - Grant Application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10346 - Grant Application from National Museums Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10348 - Grant Application from The Science Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10350 - Grant Application from Sir John Soane's Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10352 - Grant Application from National Museums Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10354 - Grant Application from Royal Academy of Arts to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10356 - Grant Application from Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10358 - Grant Application from Somerville College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10359 - Grant Application from Mobility Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10360 - Grant Application from British Youth Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
10363 - Grant Application from Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
10364 - Grant Application from Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
10365 - Grant Application from Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
10368 - Grant Application from Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
10369 - Grant Application from Royal Conservatoire of Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
10371 - Grant Application from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
10374 - Grant Application from Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation
10380 - Grant Application from The James Allen's Girls' School, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10381 - Grant Application from Eureka! The National Children's Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
10382 - Grant Application from The Royal Philharmonic Society to the Wolfson Foundation
10388 - Grant Application from Darlington & District Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
10392 - Letter relating to Grant Application from Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10396 - Grant Application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and the Wolfson Foundation
10399 - Grant Application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10400 - Grant Application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10403 - Grant Application from The Whitechapel Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
10406 - Grant Application from the University of Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
10407 - Grant Application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
10410 - Grant Application from Macintyre, Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
10411 - Grant Application from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
10412 - Grant Application from The Questors Theatre, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10414 - Grant Application from The National Playing Fields Association to the Wolfson Foundation
10415 - Grant Application from Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10416 - Grant Application from Kaplan Hospital to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10417 - Grant application from Hadassah Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10418 - Grant application from Chaim Sheba Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10419 - Grant application from Edith Wolfson Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10420 - Grant application from Shaare Zedek Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10421 - Grant application from Carmel Hospital to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10422 - Grant application from The Jaffa Institute to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10424 - Grant application from Ravenswood to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10426 - Grant application from Keren Kilta to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10435 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10435 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10440 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10440 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10443 - Grant application from Sports Centre for the Disabled, Ramat-Gan to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10444 - Grant application from The Europaeum Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10446 - Grant application from Orchard Vale Trust, Wiltshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10448 - Grant application from Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10449 - Grant application from The Israel Chamber Orchestra to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10450 - Grant application from The Rishon Le Zion Symphony Orchestra, Israel to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10451 - Grant application from University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
10452 - Grant application from University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
10453 - Grant application from University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
10454 - Grant application from University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
10455 - Grant application from University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
10456 - Grant application from University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
10457 - Grant application from Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
10458 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
10459 - Grant application from UMDS Guy's & Thomas's to the Wolfson Foundation
10460 - Grant application from UCL Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
10461 - Grant application from University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10462 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10462 - Grant applications from Universities to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10472 - Grant application from Disabled Young Adults Centre, Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
10486 - Grant application from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10487 - Grant application from Sapir Medical Center-Meir to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10488 - Grant application from Golda Meir Medical Center, Hasharon to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10489 - Grant application from Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Beer Yaakov to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10490 - Grant application from Loewenstein Hospital to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10491 - Grant application from Rabin Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10492 - Grant application from Tel Aviv Museum of Art to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10495 - Grant application from St Tyrnog's Church, Llandyrnog, North Wales to the Wolfson Foundation
10497 - Grant application from Ironbridge Gorge Museum Development Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10503 - Grant application from Winchester Cathedral Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10505 - Grant application from National Association of Widows to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10506 - Grant application from Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied, Croydon to the Wolfson Foundation
10507 - Grant application from Kirkby Carers Association, Merseyside to the Wolfson Foundation
10508 - Grant application from Boxgrove Priory Trust, West Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
10509 - Grant application from the Caring and Sharing Trust, Northamptonshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10541 - Grant application from St Illtud's Church, South Glamorgan to the Wolfson Foundation
10544 - Grant application from Caring for Children in the NHS to the Wolfson Foundation
10545 - Grant application from the Wizo Charitable Foundation to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10547 - Grant applications for the 1991 British Medical Association Wolfson Awards10547 - Grant applications for the 1991 British Medical Association Wolfson Awards
10582 - Grant application from the New Lanark Trust to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10584 - Grant application from Sense Scotland to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
Expand 10587 - Grant applications from Scottish Universities to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust, for British Medical Association Wolfson Awards10587 - Grant applications from Scottish Universities to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust, for British Medical Association Wolfson Awards
10596 - Grant application from York Archaeological Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10597 - Grant application from Salisbury & District Spastics Association to the Wolfson Foundation
10598 - Grant application from The Abbeyfield North Mersey Society to the Wolfson Foundation
10600 - Grant application from the United Synagogue to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10601 - Grant application from the Hamilton Volunteer Group to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10602 - Grant application from the Society for the Protection of Science & Learning to the Wolfson Foundation
10603 - Grant application from Kisharon Charitable Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10605 - Grant application from the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals to the Wolfson Foundation
10607 - Grant application from the Keep Able Foundation, Middlesex to the Wolfson Foundation
10609 - Grant application from Oxfordshire Cheshire Home to the Wolfson Foundation
10610 - Grant application from The Oxford Literary and Debating Union Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10613 - Grant application from Thornton Steward Church, North Yorkshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10614 - Grant application from the Meningitis Research Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
10615 - Grant application from The Blackheath Conservatoire of Music and the Arts to the Wolfson Foundation
10616 - Grant application from the Kirk of Calder to the Wolfson Foundation
10620 - Grant application from the Parish Church of St Andrew, Chinnor to the Wolfson Foundation
10621 - Grant application from Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution to the Wolfson Foundation
10623 - Grant application from St John's Smith Square to the Wolfson Foundation
10624 - Grant application from Scunthorpe & District Hospice Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
10625 - Grant application from The Dorset Respite and Hospice Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10627 - Grant application from University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
10628 - Grant application from University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
10633 - Grant application from The Camphill Village Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10639 - Grant application from Hayle Day Care Centre Trust, Cornwall to the Wolfson Foundation
10643 - Grant application from The Yard to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10644 - Grant application from Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
10647 - Grant application from Music For Living to the Wolfson Foundation
10650 - Grant application from the Liverpool Spastics Fellowship to the Wolfson Foundation
10652 - Grant application from the Disabled Housing Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10653 - Grant application from the Harrowlands Trust, Dorking to the Wolfson Foundation
10659 - Grant application from the British Postgraduate Medical Federation's Institute of Psychiatry, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
10660 - Grant application from the Industrial Therapy Organisation to the Wolfson Foundation
10662 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
10663 - Grant application from the Boissard Medical Research Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
10671 - Grant application from St John Ambulance, Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
10677 - Grant application from the Royal National Institute of Blind People to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10680 - Grant application from the Israel Antiquities Authority to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10684 - Grant application from Lamp of Lothian Collegiate Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10687 - Grant application from St Margaret's Church, Westminster to the Wolfson Foundation
10693 - Grant application from the Disability Aid Fund to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10697 - Grant application from the Jewish Association for Mentally Handicapped (Scotland) to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10698 - Grant application from Newark Lodge to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10700 - Grant application from Mathematics in Education & Industry to the Wolfson Foundation
10701 - Grant application from Burgess Hill School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
10702 - Grant application from Haberdashers' Monmouth School for Girls to the Wolfson Foundation
10703 - Grant application from King's School, Rochester, Kent to the Wolfson Foundation
10704 - Grant application from Kingswood School, Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
10705 - Grant application from Nottingham High School to the Wolfson Foundation
10706 - Grant application from Scarborough College to the Wolfson Foundation
10707 - Grant application from Warwick School to the Wolfson Foundation
10708 - Grant application from Ashford School, Kent to the Wolfson Foundation
10709 - Grant application from Brentwood School, Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
10710 - Grant application from St Margaret's School, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
10711 - Grant application from The Abbey School, Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
10712 - Grant application from Derby High School to the Wolfson Foundation
10713 - Grant application from Plymouth College, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
10722 - Grant application from The National Art Collections Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10724 - Grant applications from the Tate to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10724 - Grant applications from the Tate to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10726 - Grant application from the National Museum Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10726 - Grant application from the National Museum Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10728 - Grant application from the Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10728 - Grant application from the Victoria and Albert Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10730 - Grant application from Royal Museums Greenwich to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10730 - Grant application from Royal Museums Greenwich to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10732 - Grant application from the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10732 - Grant application from the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10734 - Grant application from National Museums Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10734 - Grant application from National Museums Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10737 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10737 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10739 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10739 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10741 - Grant application from National Museums Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10741 - Grant application from National Museums Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10743 - Grant application from National Museums Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10743 - Grant application from National Museums Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10745 - Grant application from the Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10745 - Grant application from the Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10747 - Grant application from The Manchester Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10747 - Grant application from The Manchester Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10749 - Grant application from the People's Palace Museum, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10749 - Grant application from the People's Palace Museum, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10752 - Grant application from The Tank Museum, Dorset to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10752 - Grant application from The Tank Museum, Dorset to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10754 - Grant application from Leamington Art Gallery, Warwickshire to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10755 - Grant application from the Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10755 - Grant application from the Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10757 - Grant application from the Museum of Dartmoor Life, Okehampton to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10758 - Grant application from Reading Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10758 - Grant application from Reading Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10760 - Grant application from Bristol City Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10760 - Grant application from Bristol City Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10762 - Grant application from Huddersfield Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10762 - Grant application from Huddersfield Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10764 - Grant application from Dewsbury Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10764 - Grant application from Dewsbury Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10766 - Grant application from Wakefield Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10766 - Grant application from Wakefield Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10768 - Grant application from Temple Newsam House, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10768 - Grant application from Temple Newsam House, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10770 - Grant application from Bolling Hall, Bradford to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10770 - Grant application from Bolling Hall, Bradford to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10772 - Grant application from the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10772 - Grant application from the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10774 - Grant application from Grosvenor Museum, Chester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10774 - Grant application from Grosvenor Museum, Chester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10776 - Grant application from the Manchester City Galleries to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10776 - Grant application from the Manchester City Galleries to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10778 - Grant application from Gladstone Pottery Museum, Stoke on Trent to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10778 - Grant application from Gladstone Pottery Museum, Stoke on Trent to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10780 - Grant application from Priest's House, Wimbourne to the Wolfson Foundation
10781 - Grant application from Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10782 - Grant application from the William Morris Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10782 - Grant application from the William Morris Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10784 - Grant application from the Museum of St Albans to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10784 - Grant application from the Museum of St Albans to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10786 - Grant application from South Shields Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10787 - Grant application from Sunderland Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10787 - Grant application from Sunderland Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10789 - Grant application from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10789 - Grant application from Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10791 - Grant application from the Aerospace Museum, Cosford, Shropshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10792 - Grant application from the Allen Gallery, Alton to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10793 - Grant application from The Royal Navy Submarine Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10793 - Grant application from The Royal Navy Submarine Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10795 - Grant application from Gilbert White and the Oates Collections to the Wolfson Foundation
10796 - Grant application from Gunnersbury Park Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10797 - Grant application from Orleans House, London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10798 - Grant application from the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10798 - Grant application from the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10800 - Grant application from Brighton Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10800 - Grant application from Brighton Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10802 - Grant application from the Dales Countryside Museum, Yorkshire to the Wolfson Foundation
10840 - Grant application from The Mary Stevens Hospice, West Midlands to the Wolfson Foundation
10841 - Grant application from Springboard Opportunity Group, Avon to the Wolfson Foundation
10842 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
10844 - Grant application from William Henry Smith School, Yorks to the Wolfson Foundation
10846 - Grant application from Westminster Charitable Trust for Soviet Jewry to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10856 - Grant application from The Natural History Museum to the Wolfson Foundation the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10856 - Grant application from The Natural History Museum to the Wolfson Foundation the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10858 - Grant application from the National Railway Museum, York to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10858 - Grant application from the National Railway Museum, York to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10860 - Grant application from the Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10860 - Grant application from the Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10862 - Grant application from Bangor Museum, University of Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10862 - Grant application from Bangor Museum, University of Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10864 - Grant application from the Marischal Museum, University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10864 - Grant application from the Marischal Museum, University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10866 - Grant application from Kettle's Yard Art Gallery, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10866 - Grant application from Kettle's Yard Art Gallery, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10868 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10869 - Grant application from the Ashmolean Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10869 - Grant application from the Ashmolean Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10871 - Grant application from the Hancock Museum, University of Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10871 - Grant application from the Hancock Museum, University of Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10873 - Grant application from the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10873 - Grant application from the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10875 - Grant application from the City Arts Centre, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10875 - Grant application from the City Arts Centre, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10877 - Grant application from Plas Newydd, Llangollen to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10877 - Grant application from Plas Newydd, Llangollen to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10879 - Grant application from Cyfarthfa Castle Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10879 - Grant application from Cyfarthfa Castle Museum & Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10881 - Grant application from Down County Museum, Downpatrick to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10881 - Grant application from Down County Museum, Downpatrick to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10883 - Grant application from Lisburn Museum, Northern Ireland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10883 - Grant application from Lisburn Museum, Northern Ireland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10885 - Grant application from Lancaster City Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10885 - Grant application from Lancaster City Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10887 - Grant application from Birmingham Museums Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10887 - Grant application from Birmingham Museums Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 10889 - Grant application from Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10889 - Grant application from Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10892 - Grant application from Burton Art Gallery, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 10893 - Grant application from the Williamson Art Gallery & Wirral Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust10893 - Grant application from the Williamson Art Gallery & Wirral Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10895 - Grant application from The Jewish Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation
10898 - Grant application from The Royal London Society for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
10906 - Grant application from Action for Children to the Wolfson Foundation
10909 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10910 - Grant application from Bar-Ilan University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10911 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10912 - Grant application from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10913 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10914 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10915 - Grant application from the University of Haifa to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10917 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10918 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10919 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10920 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10921 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
10922 - Grant application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson (Scotland) Trust
Expand 10929 - Grant applications from The Royal Society to the Wolfson Foundation10929 - Grant applications from The Royal Society to the Wolfson Foundation
10931 - Grant application from Rivenhall Church, Witham, Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
10932 - Grant application from I CAN to the Wolfson Foundation
10933 - Grant application from Age Concern to the Wolfson Foundation
10934 - Grant application from St Luke's Cheshire Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
10937 - Grant application from the CARE Fund to the Wolfson Foundation
10939 - Grant application from Keble College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
10942 - Grant application from the Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10944 - Grant application from the Myton Hamlet Hospice, Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
10946 - Grant application from the Scottish Council for Spastics to the Wolfson Foundation
10947 - Grant application from the Central Synagogue to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10948 - Grant application from Mansfield College to the Wolfson Foundation
10950 - Grant application from The Kerland Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
10952 - Grant application from Westminster Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
10954 - Grant application from Finchale Training College to the Wolfson Foundation
10955 - Grant application from Gosport & Fareham Inshore Rescue Service to the Wolfson Foundation
10958 - Grant application from St Nicholas' Hospice, Suffolk to the Wolfson Foundation
10961 - Grant application from Abbeyfield Romsey Society, Hants to the Wolfson Foundation
10969 - Grant application from Cue and Review, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
10970 - Grant application from Stanbridge Earls School, Hampshire to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10974 - Grant application from Penylan House, Cardiff to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
10975 - Grant application from Motor Neurone Disease Association to the Wolfson Foundation
10976 - Grant application from The Devon and Exeter Institution to the Wolfson Foundation
10979 - Grant application from Macmillan Cancer Support to the Wolfson Foundation
10981 - Grant application from the Bendrigg Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
10983 - Grant application from Barrowmore Village Settlement, Chester to the Wolfson Foundation
10987 - Grant application from MIND (Northamptonshire Branch) to the Wolfson Foundation
10988 - Grant application from Katharine House Hospice, Stafford to the Wolfson Foundation
10991 - Grant application from Willen Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
10994 - Grant application from The Sea Cadet Corps, Derby to the Wolfson Foundation
10996 - Grant application from Barnardos to the Wolfson Foundation
10997 - Grant application from Barnardos to the Wolfson Foundation
10999 - Grant application from The London Library to the Wolfson Foundation
11000 - Grant application from Menphys 2, Leicestershire to the Wolfson Foundation
11002 - Grant application from the University of Essex to the Wolfson Foundation
11004 - Grant application from the British Empire & Commonwealth Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
11005 - Grant application from St Cross College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11008 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11011 - Grant application from The Cromarty Arts Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11019 - Grant application from Beth Hatefutsoth, the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11020 - Grant application from Jewish Care to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11023 - Grant application from The British Academy to the Wolfson Foundation
11026 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11027 - Grant application from Bolton School to the Wolfson Foundation
11028 - Grant application from Bruton School for Girls, Somerset to the Wolfson Foundation
11029 - Grant application from Christ College, Brecon to the Wolfson Foundation
11030 - Grant application from Cheadle Hulme High School to the Wolfson Foundation
11031 - Grant application from Warminster School, Wiltshire to the Wolfson Foundation
11032 - Grant application from Howell's School, Llandaff, Wales to the Wolfson Foundation
11033 - Grant application from Hutchenson's Grammar School, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11034 - Grant application from King Edward's School, Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
11035 - Grant application from School of Saint Helen and Saint Katharine, Oxfordshire to the Wolfson Foundation
11036 - Grant application from Taunton School, Somerset to the Wolfson Foundation
11037 - Grant application from The Atherley School, Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11038 - Grant application from Holy Child School, Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11039 - Grant application from Manchester Grammar School, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11040 - Grant application from Norwich School to the Wolfson Foundation
11041 - Grant application from Penrhos College, North Wales to the Wolfson Foundation
11042 - Grant application from St Margaret's School, Exeter to the Wolfson Foundation
11043 - Grant application from The How Hill Trust, Norfolk to the Wolfson Foundation
11044 - Grant application from Northamptonshire Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
11046 - Grant application from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11047 - Grant application from the British Youth Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
11048 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11049 - Grant application from the Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11050 - Grant application from Trinity College of Music and Dance to the Wolfson Foundation
11051 - Grant application from the Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11052 - Grant application from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11057 - Grant application from the Disability Aid Fund to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11058 - Grant application from Beit Issie Shapiro to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11061 - Grant application from the Calvert Trust, Exmoor to the Wolfson Foundation
11066 - Grant application from Promoting Christian Care and Action (PCCA) Child Care Association, Kent to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11067 - Grant application from The Thistle Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
11070 - Grant application from the Coventry Centre for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
11073 - Grant application from Chelmsford Cathedral to the Wolfson Foundation
11077 - Grant application from the Huntingdon Mencap Society to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11079 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11079 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11080 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11080 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11081 - Grant application from University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11081 - Grant application from University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11082 - Grant application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11082 - Grant application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11083 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11084 - Grant application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
11085 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11086 - Grant application from Wolfson College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11087 - Grant application from the Sir Isaac and Lady Edith Wolfson Museum, Israel to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11092 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11093 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
11094 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11095 - Grant application from King's College London to the Wolfson Foundation
11096 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11097 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11098 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11099 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11100 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
11101 - Grant application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
11102 - Grant application from The Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital to the Wolfson Foundation
11103 - Grant application from St George's, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
11104 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11105 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11106 - Grant application from University College London Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11107 - Grant application from the United Medical and Dental School of Guy's & Thomas's to the Wolfson Foundation
11108 - Grant application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
11109 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11110 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11111 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11112 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11113 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11114 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11115 - Grant application from Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11116 - Grant application from University College London Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11117 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11118 - Grant application from St George's, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
11119 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11120 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11121 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11122 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11123 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11124 - Grant application from Sense to the Wolfson Foundation
11125 - Grant application from The London Oratory to the Wolfson Foundation
11126 - Grant application from The Queen's University of Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
11127 - Grant application from The Queen's University of Belfast to the Wolfson Foundation
11128 - Grant application from the University of Brighton to the Wolfson Foundation
11129 - Grant application from the University of Hertfordshire to the Wolfson Foundation
11130 - Grant application from The University of Huddersfield to the Wolfson Foundation
11131 - Grant application from De Montfort University to the Wolfson Foundation
11132 - Grant application from The University of Westminster to the Wolfson Foundation
11133 - Grant application from Middlesex University to the Wolfson Foundation
11134 - Grant application from Oxford Brookes University to the Wolfson Foundation
11135 - Grant application from London South Bank University to the Wolfson Foundation
11136 - Grant application from Staffordshire University to the Wolfson Foundation
11137 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
11138 - Grant application from the University of Aberdeen to the Wolfson Foundation
11139 - Grant application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
11140 - Grant application from the University of Bath to the Wolfson Foundation
11141 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11142 - Grant application from the University of Bradford to the Wolfson Foundation
11143 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11144 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11145 - Grant application from the University of Dundee to the Wolfson Foundation
11146 - Grant application from Durham University to the Wolfson Foundation
11147 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11148 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11149 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11150 - Grant application from Keele University to the Wolfson Foundation
11151 - Grant application from the University of Hull to the Wolfson Foundation
11152 - Grant application from Lancaster University to the Wolfson Foundation
11153 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11154 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11155 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11156 - Grant application from the the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11157 - Grant application from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
11158 - Grant application from the Cranfield Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Foundation
11159 - Grant application from the Institute of Dental Surgery to the Wolfson Foundation
11160 - Grant application from the Institute of Ophthalmology to the Wolfson Foundation
11161 - Grant application from the Institute of Psychiatry (BPMF), London to the Wolfson Foundation
11162 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
11163 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation
11164 - Grant application from the London Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Foundation
11165 - Grant application from the Royal Postgraduate Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11166 - Grant application from St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College to the Wolfson Foundation
11167 - Grant application from St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
11168 - Grant application from University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
11169 - Grant application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
11170 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11171 - Grant application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11172 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11173 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11174 - Grant application from the University of St Andrews to the Wolfson Foundation
11175 - Grant application from The University of Salford to the Wolfson Foundation
11176 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11177 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11178 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11179 - Grant application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
11180 - Grant application from Aberystwyth University to the Wolfson Foundation
11181 - Grant application from Bangor University to the Wolfson Foundation
11182 - Grant application from Swansea University to the Wolfson Foundation
11183 - Grant application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
11184 - Grant application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
11185 - Grant application from the University of Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
11186 - Grant application from Wye College to the Wolfson Foundation
11187 - Grant application from the Institute of Zoology to the Wolfson Foundation
11188 - Grant application from Napier University, Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11189 - Grant application from the Tel Aviv Foundation to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11190 - Grant application from the Young Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11191 - Grant application from Aston University to the Wolfson Foundation
11192 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11193 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11194 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11195 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11196 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11197 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11198 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11199 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
11200 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
11201 - Grant application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11202 - Grant application from the University of Nottingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11203 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11204 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11205 - Grant application from Swansea University to the Wolfson Foundation
11206 - Grant application from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11207 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11208 - Grant application from the Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11209 - Grant application from the Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11210 - Grant application from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11211 - Grant application from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance to the Wolfson Foundation
11214 - Grant application from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11215 - Grant application from the Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow, to the Wolfson Foundation and the Woflson Family Charitable Trust11215 - Grant application from the Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow, to the Wolfson Foundation and the Woflson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11217 - Grant application from The University Gallery, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11217 - Grant application from The University Gallery, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11219 - Grant application from The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11219 - Grant application from The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11221 - Grant application from Dulwich Picture Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11222 - Grant application from London Transport Museum, Covent Garden to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11222 - Grant application from London Transport Museum, Covent Garden to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11224 - Grant application from Buckinghamshire County Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11224 - Grant application from Buckinghamshire County Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11226 - Grant application from Temple Newsam House, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11226 - Grant application from Temple Newsam House, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11228 - Grant application from Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11228 - Grant application from Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11230 - Grant application from The Boat Museum, Ellesmere Port to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11230 - Grant application from The Boat Museum, Ellesmere Port to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11232 - Grant application from Quarry Bank Mill Museum, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11232 - Grant application from Quarry Bank Mill Museum, Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11234 - Grant application from the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Whitby to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11234 - Grant application from the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Whitby to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11236 - Grant application from The Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11237 - Grant application from the Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11237 - Grant application from the Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11239 - Grant application from The Stewartry Museum, Kirkcudbright to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11240 - Grant application from the Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock, Wiltshire to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11240 - Grant application from the Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock, Wiltshire to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11242 - Grant application from the People's Palace Museum, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11242 - Grant application from the People's Palace Museum, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11244 - Grant application from the Scottish Fisheries Museum, Fife to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11244 - Grant application from the Scottish Fisheries Museum, Fife to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11246 - Grant application from Swansea Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11246 - Grant application from Swansea Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11248 - Grant application from the Geffrye Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11248 - Grant application from the Geffrye Museum, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11250 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11250 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11252 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11252 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11254 - Grant application from National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11254 - Grant application from National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11256 - Grant application from the National Museum of Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11256 - Grant application from the National Museum of Wales to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11258 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Arts to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11258 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Arts to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11260 - Grant application from The Science Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11260 - Grant application from The Science Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11262 - Grant application from Sir John Soane's Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11262 - Grant application from Sir John Soane's Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11264 - Grant application from the  Horniman Museum and Gardens to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11264 - Grant application from the Horniman Museum and Gardens to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11266 - Grant application from Oriental Museum, Durham University to the Wolfson Foundation
11267 - Grant application from Louth Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
11268 - Grant application from the Aldeburgh Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
11270 - Grant application from St Mary's Church, Wiveton, Norfolk to the Wolfson Foundation
11272 - Grant application from the Royal Commonwealth Society Library for the Nation Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
11273 - Grant application from St Mary's Church, Old Basing to the Wolfson Foundation
11275 - Grant application from the Royal College of Anaesthetists to the Wolfson Foundation
11277 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11278 - Grant application from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11279 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11280 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11281 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11286 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11287 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11288 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11289 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11290 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11291 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11292 - Grant application from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11293 - Grant application from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11294 - Grant application from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11295 - Grant application from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11296 - Grant application from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11297 - Grant application from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11298 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11299 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11300 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11301 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11302 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11303 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11304 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11305 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11306 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11307 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11308 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11309 - Grant application from the Weizmann Institute of Science to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11310 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11311 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11312 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11313 - Grant application from Ben-Gurion University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11314 - Grant application from Bar-Ilan University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11315 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11316 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11317 - Grant application from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11318 - Grant application from the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, Chester to the Wolfson Foundation
11319 - Grant application from Sue Ryder to the Wolfson Foundation
11320 - Grant application from St Andrew's Church, Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11321 - Grant application from The Fifth Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11323 - Grant application from Bar-Ilan University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11325 - Grant application from the London Philharmonic Trust to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11327 - Grant application from St Mellon's Church, Cardiff to the Wolfson Foundation
11328 - Grant application from St Michael's Church, Cardiff to the Wolfson Foundation
11329 - Grant application from the University of Strathclyde to the Wolfson Foundation
11330 - Grant application from British Red Cross to the Wolfson Foundation
11331 - Grant application from Rothamsted Experimental Station, Herts to the Wolfson Foundation
11336 - Grant application from Sinclair House, Essex to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11337 - Grant application from Chailey Heritage Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
11338 - Grant application from Anchor Housing Trust, Suffolk to the Wolfson Foundation
11339 - Grant application from St Mary's Church, Spittal, Pembrokeshire to the Wolfson Foundation
11340 - Grant application from the Royal National Institute of Blind People to the Wolfson Foundation
11341 - Grant application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
11345 - Grant application from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11346 - Grant application from Girton College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11347 - Grant application from Lincoln College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11348 - Grant application from Colyton Lantern Tower Appeal, Devon to the Wolfson Foundation
11349 - Grant application from St George's Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11350 - Grant application from All Saints Church, Worcester to the Wolfson Foundation
11351 - Grant application from Bield Housing and Care to the Wolfson Foundation
11352 - Grant application from Linn Moor Residental School to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11353 - Grant application from Ezrath Nashim Herzog Hospital to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11354 - Grant application from The King David Foundation to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11355 - Grant application from the National Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation
11357 - Grant application from St John's College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation and Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11364 - Grant application from The Hebrew University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11378 - Grant application from Bevis Marks Synagogue, London to the Wolfson Foundation
11379 - Grant application from the House of Commons Heritage Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11380 - Grant application from Tel Aviv University to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11392 - Grant application from the Theatre Royal Bath to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11392 - Grant application from the Theatre Royal Bath to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11394 - Grant application from the Grand Theatre, Blackpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11394 - Grant application from the Grand Theatre, Blackpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11396 - Grant application from Bristol Old Vic to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11396 - Grant application from Bristol Old Vic to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11398 - Grant application from Cambridge Arts Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11398 - Grant application from Cambridge Arts Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11400 - Grant application from the Edinburgh Festival Theatre Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11400 - Grant application from the Edinburgh Festival Theatre Trust to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11402 - Grant application from City Varieties Music Hall, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11402 - Grant application from City Varieties Music Hall, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11404 - Grant application from Hackney Empire to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11404 - Grant application from Hackney Empire to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11406 - Grant application from the Criterion Theatre, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11406 - Grant application from the Criterion Theatre, London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11408 - Grant application from the Royal Theatre, Northampton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11408 - Grant application from the Royal Theatre, Northampton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11410 - Grant application from Oldham Coliseum Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11410 - Grant application from Oldham Coliseum Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11412 - Grant application from the Oxford Playhouse to the Wolfson Foundation the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11412 - Grant application from the Oxford Playhouse to the Wolfson Foundation the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11414 - Grant application from the Sunderland Empire Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11414 - Grant application from the Sunderland Empire Theatre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11416 - Grant application from the Central Synagogue to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11417 - Grant application from Birkdale School, Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11418 - Grant application from Colston's Girls School, Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11419 - Grant application from The Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11420 - Grant application from King's School, Macclesfield to the Wolfson Foundation
11421 - Grant application from Kingston Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
11422 - Grant application from Mount St Mary's College, Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11423 - Grant application from St Antony's Leweston School, Dorset to the Wolfson Foundation
11424 - Grant application from Westfield School, Newcastle Upon Tyne to the Wolfson Foundation
11425 - Grant application from St Ambrose College to the Wolfson Foundation
11426 - Grant application from Rydal School, N Wales to the Wolfson Foundation
11427 - Grant application from Forest School, London to the Wolfson Foundation
11428 - Grant application from Giggleswick School to the Wolfson Foundation
11429 - Grant application from Milton Abbey School, Dorset to the Wolfson Foundation
11431 - Grant application from the Loan Fund for Musical Instruments to the Wolfson Foundation
11432 - Grant application from The Rowan Foundation Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11433 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11433 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11435 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11435 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11437 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11437 - Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11439 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11439 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11442 - Grant application from Coventry 2000 to the Wolfson Foundation
11443 - Grant application from The Royal College of Surgeons of England to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11447 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11447 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11449 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11449 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11451 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11451 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Industry to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11453 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11453 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11455 - Grant application from National Museums Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11455 - Grant application from National Museums Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11457 - Grant application from the National Museum of Photography, Film and TV to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11457 - Grant application from the National Museum of Photography, Film and TV to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11461 - Grant application from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11461 - Grant application from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11463 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Engineering, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11463 - Grant application from the Museum of Science and Engineering, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11465 - Grant application from the Regimental Association, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11465 - Grant application from the Regimental Association, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11467 - Grant application from Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11468 - Grant application from Oldham Local Interest Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11468 - Grant application from Oldham Local Interest Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11472 - Grant application from Kew Bridge Steam Museum to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11474 - Grant application from Hackney Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11474 - Grant application from Hackney Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11476 - Grant application from Gilbert White and the Oates Collections to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11477 - Grant application from Lotherton Hall, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and  the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11477 - Grant application from Lotherton Hall, Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11479 - Grant application from Bagshaw Museum, Batley to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11479 - Grant application from Bagshaw Museum, Batley to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11481 - Grant application from Cartwright Hall, Bradford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11481 - Grant application from Cartwright Hall, Bradford to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11483 - Grant application from Hull Museum Quarter, Kingston upon Hull to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11483 - Grant application from Hull Museum Quarter, Kingston upon Hull to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11485 - Grant application from Kidderminster Railway Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11485 - Grant application from Kidderminster Railway Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11487 - Grant application from the Lyme Regis Philpot Museum Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11488 - Grant application from the Penzance and District Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11489 - Grant application from the Leicestershire Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11489 - Grant application from the Leicestershire Museum and Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11491 - Grant application from Abington Museum, Northampton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11491 - Grant application from Abington Museum, Northampton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11493 - Grant application from the Military Museum, Plas Newydd to the Wolfson Foundation
Collapse 11494 - Grant application from Kingston Museum and Heritage Centre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11494 - Grant application from Kingston Museum and Heritage Centre to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11496 - Grant application from the the Towner Art Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation
11497 - Grant application from Calderdale Council to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11498 - Grant application from Penzance Geological Society Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11498 - Grant application from Penzance Geological Society Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11500 - Grant application from the Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11501 - Grant application from the Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11502 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11503 - Grant application from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11505 - Grant application from the Wardour Chapel Appeal to the Wolfson Foundation
11516 - Grant application from the Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11517 - Grant application from the Darlington Day Care Centre to the Wolfson Foundation
11519 - Grant application from St Milburga's Church, Stoke to the Wolfson Foundation
11521 - Grant application from Teesside Hospice Care Foundation to the Wolfson Foundation
11522 - Grant application from The Camphill Village Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11523 - Grant application from Independence at Home to the Wolfson Foundation
11524 - Grant application from ECHO International Health Services Ltd to the Wolfson Foundation
11525 - Grant application from Dove House Hospice to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11526 - Grant application from Norwood to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11529 - Grant application from Hasmonean High School, London to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11530 - Grant application from the Special Air Service Regimental Association to the Wolfson Foundation
11534 - Grant application from Newent Association for the Disabled to the Wolfson Foundation
11535 - Grant application from Prospect Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
11537 - Grant application from the Abbeyfield Camden Society to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11546 - Grant application from The Langdon Foundation to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11547 - Grant application from Linacre College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11549 - Grant application from the Church in the Field Charitable Association to the Wolfson Foundation
11552 - Grant application from Primrose Hospice to the Wolfson Foundation
11553 - Grant application from The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11555 - Grant application from Autism Together to the Wolfson Foundation
11557 - Grant application from the Jerusalem Shelter for Battered Women to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11558 - Grant application from The Christian Home for the Physically Handicapped to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11559 - Grant application from Trinity College, Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11561 - Grant application from St John the Divine, Kennington to the Wolfson Foundation
11566 - Grant application from the Winged Fellowship Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11567 - Grant application from Loughborough University to the Wolfson Foundation
11568 - Grant application from Fairfield Opportunity Farm to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11569 - Grant application from the Kent Association for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
11570 - Grant application from Jesus College, Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11572 - Grant application from Lanlivery Parish Church of St Brevita to the Wolfson Foundation
11573 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11575 - Grant application from St Peter's Church, Duxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11576 - Grant application from Seaford Boys Club to the Wolfson Foundation
11577 - Grant application from The Royal National College for the Blind to the Wolfson Foundation
11581 - Grant application from the Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11585 - Grant application from St Swithin's Parish Church, Wellow to the Wolfson Foundation
11588 - Grant application from Family In Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11592 - Grant application from the Royal College of Physicians to the Wolfson Foundation
11595 - Grant application from the House of Commons Heritage Trust to the Wolfson Foundation
11597 - Grant application from the Royal College of Pathologists to the Wolfson Foundation
11599 - Grant application from the British Film Institute to the Wolfson Foundation
11601 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11602 - Grant application from the Association for the Blind, Israel to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11603 - Grant application from Help the Aged to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11604 - Grant application from the University College London to the Wolfson Foundation
11605 - Grant application from the Scottish Field Studies Association to the Wolfson Foundation
11607 - Grant application from Ringmer Community College, Sussex to the Wolfson Foundation
11609 - Grant application from Sir Raymond Hoffenberg to the Wolfson Foundation
11619 - Grant application from British Youth Opera to the Wolfson Foundation
11620 - Grant application from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11621 - Grant application from the Royal Academy of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11622 - Grant application from the Royal College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11623 - Grant application from the Royal Northern College of Music to the Wolfson Foundation
11624 - Grant application from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation
11625 - Grant application from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance to the Wolfson Foundation
11626 - Grant application from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to the Wolfson Foundation
11630 - Grant application from The Mary Hare Foundation to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11631 - Grant application from Hadassah Medical Center to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11632 - Grant application from Calderwood Lodge Primary School, Glasgow to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11634 - Grant application from Prior Pursglove College, Cleveland to the Wolfson Foundation
11635 - Grant application from Loretto School, East Lothian to the Wolfson Foundation
11636 - Grant application from St Dunstans College, London to the Wolfson Foundation
11637 - Grant application from Greenacre School, Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
11638 - Grant application from Hampton School to the Wolfson Foundation
11639 - Grant application from Ipswich School, Suffolk to the Wolfson Foundation
11640 - Grant application from The Great Synagogue, Jerusalem to the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
11641 - Grant application from Old Palace School, Croydon to the Wolfson Foundation
11642 - Grant application from Pangbourne College, Reading to the Wolfson Foundation
11643 - Grant application from Peterborough School to the Wolfson Foundation
11644 - Grant application from the Royal Naval School, Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation
11647 - Grant application from St Leonards-Mayfield School to the Wolfson Foundation
11648 - Grant application from Central Newcastle School, Newcastle to the Wolfson Foundation
11649 - Grant application from the University College School, Hampstead to the Wolfson Foundation
11650 - Grant application from Ellesmere College to the Wolfson Foundation
11651 - Grant application from Kings High School for Girls, Warwick to the Wolfson Foundation
11652 - Grant application from Mount School, York to the Wolfson Foundation
11653 - Grant application from William Hulme's Grammar School to the Wolfson Foundation
11655 - Grant application from the University of Bristol to the Wolfson Foundation
11656 - Grant application from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11657 - Grant application from the University of Glasgow to the Wolfson Foundation
11658 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11659 - Grant application from the University of Leicester to the Wolfson Foundation
11660 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11661 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
11662 - Grant application from the Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Foundation
11663 - Grant application from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry to the Wolfson Foundation
11664 - Grant application from St George's, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
11665 - Grant application from St Mary's Hospital Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11666 - Grant application from the University of Southampton to the Wolfson Foundation
11667 - Grant application from University College London Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11668 - Grant application from the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals to the Wolfson Foundation
11669 - Grant application from the University of Wales College of Medicine to the Wolfson Foundation
11674 - Grant application from the University of Leeds to the Wolfson Foundation
11675 - Grant application from University College London Medical School to the Wolfson Foundation
11676 - Grant application from the University of Manchester to the Wolfson Foundation
11677 - Grant application from the University of Liverpool to the Wolfson Foundation
11678 - Grant application from the University of Birmingham to the Wolfson Foundation
11679 - Grant application from St George's, University of London to the Wolfson Foundation
11680 - Grant application from the University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation
11681 - Grant application from the University of Oxford to the Wolfson Foundation
11682 - Grant application from the University of Edinburgh to the Wolfson Foundation
11683 - Grant application from the University of Sheffield to the Wolfson Foundation
11684 - Grant application from the Royal Free and University College Medical School (UCL Campus) to the Wolfson Foundation
11685 - Grant application from Newcastle University to the Wolfson Foundation
11686 - Grant application from the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals to the Wolfson Foundation
Expand 11687 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11687 - Grant application from The British Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11689 - Grant application from Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11689 - Grant application from Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11691 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11691 - Grant application from the Imperial War Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11693 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11693 - Grant application from The National Gallery to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11695 - Grant application from National Galleries of Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11695 - Grant application from National Galleries of Scotland to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11697 - Grant application from the Ashmolean Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11697 - Grant application from the Ashmolean Museum to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
Expand 11699 - Grant application from The Bodleian Library to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust11699 - Grant application from The Bodleian Library to the Wolfson Foundation and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
12099 - Charities Aid Foundation
12539 - Charities Aid Foundation
12755 - Charities Aid Foundation
13022 - Charities Aid Foundation
13393 - Charities Aid Foundation
13700 - Charities Aid Foundation
13892 - Charities Aid Foundation
14192 - Charities Aid Foundation
14524 - Charities Aid Foundation
14845 - Charities Aid Foundation
15212 - Charities Aid Foundation
15616 - Charities Aid Foundation
16004 - Charities Aid Foundation
16717 - Charities Aid Foundation
A - The Wolfson Foundation - administrative records

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

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the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
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