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Collapse MOB - Museum objectsMOB - Museum objects
001 - Royal Society Mace
002 - Royal Society chest
003 - Nuremberg chest
004 - Twin-hulled ship after William Petty
005 - Reflecting telescope by Isaac Newton
006 - Sundial by Isaac Newton
007 - Fragments of wood from Woolsthorpe Manor
008 - Wooden rulers from Woolsthorpe Manor
009 - Death mask of Isaac Newton
010 - Lock of Isaac Newton's hair
011 - Cast of Isaac Newton with hair lock
012 - Microscope after Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
013 - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's specimens
014 - Unknown terrellae
015 - Shoe buckle set with imitation diamonds
016 - Aerial telescope parts by Christiaan Huygens
017 - English oak wainscot chair
018 - Dividers attributed to Christopher Wren
019 - Double-barrelled air pump by Francis Hauksbee
020 - Glass lens by John Flamsteed
021 - Pocket watch by William Webster
022 - Speculum by John Hadley
023 - President's chair
024 - Master's chair
025 - Magnet by John Canton
026 - Heliometer by John Dollond
027 - Reflecting telescope by James Short
028 - Longcase clock by Thomas Tompion
029 - Regulator clock by John Shelton
030 - Longcase clock by John Shelton
031 - George III longcase clock
032 - Orrery by Benjamin Cole
033 - Astronomical quadrant by John Bird
034 - Electrical machine by Joseph Priestley
035 - Joseph Priestley's spectacles
036 - Chronometers by John Arnold
037 - Theodolite by Jesse Ramsden
038 - Protractor by Jesse Ramsden
039 - Ink wells and tray by Wakelin & Garrard
040 - Spectra apparatus by Joseph von Fraunhofer
041 - Terrestrial globe by W & TM Bardin
042 - Compound microscope by William Cary
043 - George III memorial cup
044 - Compound microscope
045 - Galvanic battery by William Hyde Wollaston
046 - Safety lamp by Humphry Davy
047 - Henry Kater's telescope
048 - Quadrature of the circle
049 - Azimuth circle by Edward Troughton
050 - Portable mountain barometer
051 - Hydrometer by Robert Bate
052 - Saccharometer by Robert Bate
053 - Emdroidered presentation cover
054 - Silver salver
055 - Pocket watch by E J Dent and Company
056 - Apothecaries' scales
057 - Compound microscope by Powell & Lealand
058 - Magnetic surface model by Ferdinand Engel
059 - Troy pound and fork
060 - Intaglio seals
061 - Matrix and printing plates
062 - British Standard Yard
063 - British Standard Pound
064 - Henry James's Model of Arthur's seat
065 - Spectroscope by Troughton and Simms
066 - Radiometers by William Crookes
067 - Otheoscope by William Crookes
068 - Electric lamp by Joseph Wilson Swan
069 - Electric bulbs by Edison and Swan Electric Light Company Ltd
070 - Potato masher by Ernest Rutherford
071 - Binocular microscope by Erntz Leitz Gmbh
072 - Regency memorial clock
073 - Barograph by Short & Mason
074 - Reflecting prism
075 - Polythene specimen by the Imperial Chemical Industry
076 - Unknown chemical tool
077 - Glassware for a Dale-Schuster pump
078 - Thermocouple by Hilger & Watts Limited
079 - Carlton House Terrace gilted moulding
080 - Royal Society ballot box
081 - Unknown telescope
082 - Chemical balance
083 - Unknown telescope
084 - Taxidermy Emperor penguin from Halley Bay
085 - 'Visitor's board' from Halley Bay
086 - Model of Sputnik 1 satellite by the Soviet Space Agency
087 - Luna 2 pennants by the Soviet Space Agency
088 - Royal Society table bell
089 - Royal Society anniversary vase
090 - Flight model of Ariel 1 satellite by NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre
091 - Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin's Order of Merit
092 - Kirin meteorite specimen
094 - Pine Refectory Table
095 - Mahogany armchair
097 - Royal Society Club Ballot box
098 - Emperor penguin egg
099 - Seals of The Royal Society
100 - Swiss jewelled gold presentation snuff box
101 - The Priestly Gravel
102 - Plaque bearing the Royal Society coat of arms
103 - Silver Royal Society seal
104 - Anti-glare lenses by William Crookes
105 - Niobium compound samples
106 - Speculum mirrors
107 - Mace stand
108 - Mounted wooden hemisphere
109 - Wooden prism
110 - Minerals from the former USSR in a wooden presentation box
111 - Speculum mirror for a reflecting telescope
112 - Barometer by Jesse Ramsden

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
Registered charity number 207043

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