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Collapse CLP - Classified papers of the Royal SocietyCLP - Classified papers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'
Expand 2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'
Expand 3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Expand 3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'
Expand 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks' 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'
Expand 6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'
Expand 7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'
Expand 7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'
Collapse 8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'
1 - Paper, 'Concerning the observations of the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter' by Mr Rook [Lawrence Rooke]
2 - Paper, 'The description of a celestiall globe, artifically made, showing the apparent motions, from east to west, and from west to east, of the Sun, Moon, and fixed stars' by Didier L'Alleman
3 - Paper, 'Description of the new comet, seen in 1661, first about the midle of January, and continued till the 11 of February, when it appeard last at and about Augsburg, Nuremburg [Bavaria, Germany] and Strasburg [France]' by unknown author
4 - Paper, 'Direction for the observations of the eclipse of the Moone' by Mr Rook [Lawrence Rooke]
Expand 5 - Paper, 'Observations in his in voyage to Portugal' by the Earl of Sandwich [Edward Montagu]5 - Paper, 'Observations in his in voyage to Portugal' by the Earl of Sandwich [Edward Montagu]
6 - Paper, regarding the solar eclipse on 28 January 1663 by [John] Pell
Expand 7 - Paper, regarding a comet witnessed in Croatia in January 1663 by Sir Robert Moray7 - Paper, regarding a comet witnessed in Croatia in January 1663 by Sir Robert Moray
8 - Plate, Saturn and Jupiter by Joseph Campani
Expand 9 - Paper, regarding eclipses of the Moon, Jupiter and comet on 6 August 1684 in Rome from J [Jean Dominique] Cassini9 - Paper, regarding eclipses of the Moon, Jupiter and comet on 6 August 1684 in Rome from J [Jean Dominique] Cassini
10 - Paper, 'Cingulum Andromedae occi' [Observations of a comet at Rome in 1665] by Honoratus Fabri
11 - Paper, 'A demonstration, that God hath been [pledg'd] to reveale unto Thomas de Asousera, of the certainty of time, that the year hath, and the exact longitude, and also the motions of the waters ebbings and flowings' by Thomas de Asousera
12 - Paper, 'Dichiaratione d'illostromento' [Description of instrument] by Burattini
Expand 12a - Translated paper, 'Explication of the astronomical instrument, contrived by Signore Burattini in Poland' by Burattini12a - Translated paper, 'Explication of the astronomical instrument, contrived by Signore Burattini in Poland' by Burattini
13 - Copy paper, 'The eclipse was observ'd by Francis Willoughby [Willughby], [Walter] Pope, [Henry] Phillips and myself in Gresham College, London, 22 June 1666' by Robert Hooke
Expand 13a - Paper, 'The eclipse of the Sun' by Francis Willughby, [Walter] Pope, [Henry] Phillips and Robert Hooke13a - Paper, 'The eclipse of the Sun' by Francis Willughby, [Walter] Pope, [Henry] Phillips and Robert Hooke
14 - Paper, 'Extract of a letter containing Mr Payen's observation of the late eclipse of the Sun of 22 June 1666' by Payen
Expand 15 - Paper, 'Eclipsis solaris observata 1666 die 2 July' [Observations of the solar eclipse on 2 July 1666] by Johannes Hevelius15 - Paper, 'Eclipsis solaris observata 1666 die 2 July' [Observations of the solar eclipse on 2 July 1666] by Johannes Hevelius
Expand 16 - Paper, 'On calculating longitudes' by Henry Oldenburg16 - Paper, 'On calculating longitudes' by Henry Oldenburg
17 - Paper, 'Ismaelis Bullialdi observationes factae anno 1667 circa nebulosam in cingulo andromedae, et stellam mirabilem in collo ceti' [Observations of nebula in the constellation Andromeda and stars in the neck of the constellation Cetus seen in 1667] by Ismael Bulialdus
Expand 18 - Paper, 'The late observations of Saturn' by Robert Hooke18 - Paper, 'The late observations of Saturn' by Robert Hooke
Expand 19 - Paper, 'Calculatio eclipsis lunae quae contigit anno 1664 6 Augusti' [Calculating the eclipse of the moon of 6 August 1664] by Sir Peter Wyche19 - Paper, 'Calculatio eclipsis lunae quae contigit anno 1664 6 Augusti' [Calculating the eclipse of the moon of 6 August 1664] by Sir Peter Wyche
20 - Paper, calculations to show 'several angles of the vertical circle with the Ecliplick at the suns center' at certain times by T S
Expand 20a - Paper, regarding the orbits of the planets by Nicolas Mercator20a - Paper, regarding the orbits of the planets by Nicolas Mercator
Expand 21 - Paper, 'Hypothesis astronomica nova' [New astronomical hypothesis] by Nicolas Mercator21 - Paper, 'Hypothesis astronomica nova' [New astronomical hypothesis] by Nicolas Mercator
22 - Paper, regarding observations of Jupiter by unknown author
23 - Paper, observations of the comet in 1668 seen at Bologna [Italy] by unknown author
23a - Copy paper, observations of the comet in 1668 seen at Bologna by unknown author
24 - Figure, nubecula or cloudy stars near the constellation Hydra produced by Mr [John] Aubrey
Expand 25 - Paper, 'An account of the instrument for measuring refractions used at Paris' by Monsieur Thevenet25 - Paper, 'An account of the instrument for measuring refractions used at Paris' by Monsieur Thevenet
Expand 26 - Letter, 'Description of a fiery meteor seen at Danzig' from Johannes Hevelius to to Henry Oldenburg26 - Letter, 'Description of a fiery meteor seen at Danzig' from Johannes Hevelius to to Henry Oldenburg
Expand 27 - Paper, computation of the Sun and Moon from the Philolaick tables by Ismael Bullialdus27 - Paper, computation of the Sun and Moon from the Philolaick tables by Ismael Bullialdus
Expand 28 - Paper, regarding an eclipse of the Moon by [John Palmer]28 - Paper, regarding an eclipse of the Moon by [John Palmer]
29 - Paper, 'How to make an instrument, to know the height of the pole the longitude, the declination of the sun, the amplitude and the variation of the needle at any houre of the day' by unknown author
30 - Paper, 'A new theory for the Moon' by J D [Jean Dominique] Cassini
31 - Paper, regarding astronomy and time by I M
Expand 32 - Paper, observations of Saturn with figures of sunspots and division in ring of Saturn by [Jean Dominique] Cassini32 - Paper, observations of Saturn with figures of sunspots and division in ring of Saturn by [Jean Dominique] Cassini
33 - Paper, 'Observations of a comett made at Boston in New England [USA]' by unknown author
34 - Paper, 'Account of the observations of a comet lately seen and published' by John Henry Wight
35 - Paper, 'An account of three relations concerning the nature, effects and theory of comets' communicated by Mr Ashmole
36 - Paper, regarding a lunar eclipse witnessed on 19 November 1686 at Dublin by William Molyneux
Expand 37 - Paper, 'Helio-cometes et seleno-cometes' [The Sun-comet and the Moon-comet] by Johann Christoph Sturm37 - Paper, 'Helio-cometes et seleno-cometes' [The Sun-comet and the Moon-comet] by Johann Christoph Sturm
Expand 38 - Paper, observations of the total lunar eclipse at Nuremberg [Germany] on 25 March 1689 by G C Eimmart38 - Paper, observations of the total lunar eclipse at Nuremberg [Germany] on 25 March 1689 by G C Eimmart
Expand 39 - Paper, observations of the solar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 3 September 1689 by G Eimmart39 - Paper, observations of the solar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 3 September 1689 by G Eimmart
Expand 40 - Paper, observations of a total lunar eclipse witnessed on 18 September 1689 at Nuremberg [Germany] by George Christopher Eimmart40 - Paper, observations of a total lunar eclipse witnessed on 18 September 1689 at Nuremberg [Germany] by George Christopher Eimmart
Expand 41 - Paper, observations of lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 14 March 1690 by G C Eimmart41 - Paper, observations of lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 14 March 1690 by G C Eimmart
Expand 42 - Paper, observations of the lunar eclipse witnessed on 25 March 1689 at Nuremberg [Germany] by J P Wurzelbaur42 - Paper, observations of the lunar eclipse witnessed on 25 March 1689 at Nuremberg [Germany] by J P Wurzelbaur
Collapse 43 - Paper, observations of the solar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 3 September 1689 by J P Wurzelbaur43 - Paper, observations of the solar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 3 September 1689 by J P Wurzelbaur
Expand 44 - Paper, observations of the total lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 19 September 1689 by J P Wurzelbaur44 - Paper, observations of the total lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 19 September 1689 by J P Wurzelbaur
Expand 45 - Paper, observations of the partial lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 14 March 1690 by J P Wurzelbaur45 - Paper, observations of the partial lunar eclipse witnessed at Nuremberg [Germany] on 14 March 1690 by J P Wurzelbaur
Expand 46 - Paper, observation of the transit of mercury across the sun witnessed in Nuremberg [Germany] in 1690 by J P Wurzelbaur46 - Paper, observation of the transit of mercury across the sun witnessed in Nuremberg [Germany] in 1690 by J P Wurzelbaur
Expand 47 - Paper, regarding observations of Mercury and Venus in 1690 by J P [Johann Philipp von] Wurzelbau47 - Paper, regarding observations of Mercury and Venus in 1690 by J P [Johann Philipp von] Wurzelbau
48 - Paper, 'Objectiones autori ab amico faeta' [Objections to the author from a friend] by unknown author
49 - Paper, 'Concerning the distance of the fixt stars' by Francis Robartes
50 - Paper, 'Demonstration for finding the true meridian distance of places' by Jonathan Mand
Expand 51 - Paper, 'A remark on a passage in Dr Burnet's Telluris Theoria Sacra' by unknown author51 - Paper, 'A remark on a passage in Dr Burnet's Telluris Theoria Sacra' by unknown author
52 - Paper, observations of Jupiter from Peking [Beijing] by unknown author
53 - Letter, regarding a theory for calculating certain places of the planets from unknown author to Hans Sloane
54 - Letter, regarding a theory to improve astronomy from unknown author to Hans Sloane
Expand 55 - Paper, 'Eclipsis lunaris observatio, facta Roterodami [Netherlands] die 29 Octobris anni 1697' [bservations of the lunar eclipse witnessed in Rotterdam on 29 October 1697] by J [Jean Dominique] Cassini55 - Paper, 'Eclipsis lunaris observatio, facta Roterodami [Netherlands] die 29 Octobris anni 1697' [bservations of the lunar eclipse witnessed in Rotterdam on 29 October 1697] by J [Jean Dominique] Cassini
56 - Paper, regarding observations of the transit of Mercury across the Sun witnessed at Rotterdam [Netherlands] on 3 November 1697 by J [Jean Dominique] Cassini
57 - Paper, 'Altitudines poli traecipuaram Flandria et Hollandiae einitatum' [Altitude of the pole at Flanders and Holland] by J [Jean Dominique] Cassini
58 - Paper, regarding an astronomical instrument by J M
Expand 59 - Paper, 'The appearance of the spots on the Sun in June and July 1703' by William Derham59 - Paper, 'The appearance of the spots on the Sun in June and July 1703' by William Derham
60 - Paper, 'An instrument for seeing the Sun, Moon and stars pass the meridian of any place usefull for setting watches in all parts of the world with the greatest exactness; to correct sun-dials; to assist in the discovery of the longitudes of places etc' by William Derham
61 - Paper, 'Observatis eclipsis lunaris peracto Bostoniis' [Observations of the lunar eclipse observated at Boston, New England [USA] on 5 April 1707] by Thomas Brattle
62 - Paper, regarding a lunar eclipse witnessed on 17 April 1707 by John Jacob Scheuchzer and John Gaspar Scheuchzer
63 - Drawing, sunspots observed in November and December 1706 by Mr Cleark
64 - Paper, regarding a solution to the Kepler problem by John Keill
65 - Paper, 'An observation of the satellites of Jupiter communicated by [James] Pound' by Edmond Halley
66 - Paper, 'An eclipse of the Moon observed at Wanstead [London] on 30 October 1715' by James Pound
67 - Paper, regarding observations of Jupiter's satellites and Saturn's rings with reflecting telescope by John Hadley
68 - Paper, regarding Christfried Kirch's observations of the comet witnessed at Berlin on 18 January 1718 by Sprengell
69 - Paper, regarding the solar eclipse on 27 November 1722 by Edmond Halley
70 - Paper, 'The same eclipse observed in Fleet Street, London' by George Graham
71 - Paper, 'The transit of Mercury observed in Fleetstreet [London]' by George Graham
72 - Paper, 'Observations made in Italy of a lunar eclipse which happened on 8 September 1718. Extracted from the "Giornale di Literati"' by various authors
73 - Paper, 'Observations upon the comet, that appear'd in the months of October, November and December 1723' by [James] Bradley
74 - Paper, regarding F Bianchini's observations of the comet of November 1723 by J [Joanne] Baptista Carbone
75 - Paper, 'Observatio lunaris eclipsis' [Observations of the lunar eclipse] by Joanne Baptista Carbone and Dominico Capasso
76 - Paper, 'Four observations of the eclipses of the first satellite of Jupiter made in the fort of New York for determining the longitude of that place. Its latitude was formerly determin'd to be 40°40'' by W [William] Burnet, C [Cadwallader] Colden and J [James] Alexander
77 - Paper, 'An account of the appearance of Mercury, peeking over the Sun's diskon 29 October 1723' by Edmond Halley
Expand 8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'
Expand 11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'
Expand 14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'
Expand 14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'
Expand 15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'
Expand 17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'
Expand 18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
Expand 18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'
Expand 19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers
Expand 20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers
Expand 21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers
Expand 22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books
Expand 22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books
Expand 23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations
Expand 23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations
Expand 24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of  John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics
Expand 25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades

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